select er.event_id, er.user_id, person__name(er.user_id) as user_name, as user_email, er.reg_state, to_char(ao.creation_date, :date_format) || ' ' || to_char(ao.creation_date, :time_format) as creation_date, to_char(er.approval_date, :date_format) || ' ' || to_char(er.approval_date, :time_format) as approval_date, er.comments, :url || site_node__url(sn.node_id) as package_url from events_registrations er, parties pa, acs_objects ao, site_nodes sn where er.reg_id = :reg_id and sn.object_id = :package_id and er.reg_id = ao.object_id and er.user_id = pa.party_id declare begin events_registration.del(:reg_id); end; select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'events_registration', :attribute_name, :datatype, :pretty_name, :pretty_plural, null, null, null, 1, 1, :sort_order 'generic', 'f' ); select acs_attribute__drop_attribute('events_registration', :attribute_name)