-- -- The Events Package -- -- @author Michael Steigman (michael@steigman.net) -- @version $Id: events-registrations-create.sql,v 1.1 2003/03/09 12:07:30 lars Exp $ -- -- This package was orinally written by Bryan Che and Philip Greenspun -- -- GNU GPL v2 -- -- -- Registration Object Type -- create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''events_registration'', -- object_type ''Registration'', -- pretty_name ''Registrations'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''events_registrations'', -- table_name ''reg_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extensions_table null -- name_method ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- create function inline_1 () -- returns integer as ' -- begin -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''reg_state'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Registration State'', -- pretty_name -- ''Registration States'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- null, -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''shipped_date'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Shipped Date'', -- pretty_name -- ''Shipped Dates'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- null, -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- -- -- -- create built-in user-visible registration attributes -- -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''org'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Organization'', -- pretty_name -- ''Organizations'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''1'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''title_at_org'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Title'', -- pretty_name -- ''Titles'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''2'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''attending_reason'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Reason for attending'', -- pretty_name -- ''Reasons for attending'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''3'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''where_hear'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Where did you hear about this activity?'', -- pretty_name -- ''Where did you hear about these activities'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''4'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''need_hotel_p'', -- attribute_name -- ''boolean'', -- datatype -- ''Do you need a hotel?'', -- pretty_name -- ''Do you need a hotel?'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''5'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''need_car_p'', -- attribute_name -- ''boolean'', -- datatype -- ''Do you need a car?'', -- pretty_name -- ''Do you need a car?'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''6'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''need_plane_p'', -- attribute_name -- ''boolean'', -- datatype -- ''Do you need a plane ticket?'', -- pretty_name -- ''Do you need a plane ticket?'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- ''7'', -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- -- -- no sort order - comments will always be last -- -- PERFORM acs_attribute__create_attribute ( -- ''events_registration'', -- object_type -- ''comments'', -- attribute_name -- ''string'', -- datatype -- ''Comments'', -- pretty_name -- ''Comments'', -- pretty_plural -- null, -- table_name -- null, -- column_name -- null, -- default_value -- 1, -- min_n_values -- 1, -- max_n_values -- null, -- sort_order -- ''type_specific'', -- storage -- ''f'' -- static_p -- ); -- -- return 0; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- -- select inline_1 (); -- -- drop function inline_1 (); -- -- -- create table events_registrations( reg_id integer not null primary key, event_id integer not null references events_events, -- order_id integer not null references events_orders, -- price_id integer not null references events_prices, -- the person registered for this reg_id (may not be the person who made the order - we haven't implemented this) user_id integer not null references users, -- reg_states: pending, approved, canceled, waiting --pending: waiting for approval --approved: registration all set --canceled: registration canceled --waiting: registration is wait-listed reg_state varchar(50) not null check (reg_state in ('pending', 'approved', 'canceled', 'waiting')), -- when the registration was made -- reg_date date, -- when the registration was approved approval_date timestamp, -- org varchar(500), -- title_at_org varchar(500), -- attending_reason text, -- where_heard varchar(4000), -- does this person need a hotel? -- need_hotel_p boolean default 'f', -- does this person need a rental car? -- need_car_p boolean default 'f', -- does this person need airfare? -- need_plane_p boolean default 'f', comments text ); -- -- Indexes -- -- removed price_id from index - 7/19/02 -- mgeddert - removed org and title at org from index - we will use survey service contracts for this create index evnt_reg_idx on events_registrations(reg_id, user_id,reg_state); -- need this index for speeding up /events/admin/order-history-one.tcl --create index users_last_name_idx on users(lower(last_name), last_name, first_names, email, user_id); -- -- Triggers -- -- trigger for recording when a registration is approved ??????????? -- CREATE FUNCTION event_ship_date_trigger_proc () RETURNS OPAQUE AS ' BEGIN IF NEW.reg_state = ''approved'' THEN NEW.approval_date := now(); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; create trigger event_ship_date_trigger before insert or update on events_registrations for each row execute procedure event_ship_date_trigger_proc(); -- Views -- -- mgeddert: THESE VIEWS SEEM COMPELTELY UNNECESSARY -- --create view events_reg_not_canceled as --select * from events_registrations --where reg_state <> 'canceled'; -- --create view events_reg_canceled as --select * from events_registrations --where reg_state = 'canceled'; -- --create view events_reg_approved as --select * from events_registrations --where reg_state = 'approved'; -- -- create a view that shows order states based upon each order's -- registrations. The order states are: -- void: All registrations canceled -- incomplete: This order is not completely fulfilled--some registrations -- are either canceled, waiting, or pending -- fulfilled: This order is completely fulfilled -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --create view events_orders_states as --select o.*, o_states.order_state --from events_orders o, ( -- SELECT order_id, CASE (floor(avg( -- CASE reg_state -- WHEN 'canceled' THEN 0 -- WHEN 'waiting' THEN 1 -- WHEN 'pending' THEN 2 -- WHEN 'approved' THEN 3 -- ELSE 0 -- END ))) -- WHEN 0 THEN 'canceled' -- WHEN 1 THEN 'incomplete' -- WHEN 2 THEN 'incomplete' -- WHEN 3 THEN 'fulfilled' -- ELSE 'void' -- END -- as order_state -- FROM events_registrations -- GROUP BY order_id ) o_states --WHERE o_states.order_id = o.order_id; -- -- -- --