oracle8.1.6 with group_types(object_type,pretty_plural,mylevel) as ( select object_type, pretty_plural, 0 as mylevel from acs_object_types where object_type = 'group' union all select t.object_type, t.pretty_plural, s.mylevel + 1 as mylevel from acs_object_types t, group_types s where t.supertype = s.object_type ) select t.object_type as group_type, t.pretty_plural, coalesce(num.number_groups,0) as number_groups, t.mylevel * 4 as indent from group_types t left outer join (select object_type, count(group_id) as number_groups from (select distinct o.object_type, g.group_id from groups g, acs_objects o, application_group_element_map app_group where acs_permission.permission_p(g.group_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't' and o.object_id = g.group_id and ((app_group.package_id = :package_id and app_group.element_id = g.group_id) -- the or-clause below is just needed for "Registered Users" (-2) -- which is an application group for e.g. a subsite, -- but not mapped to it via application_group_element_map or (o.object_id = :registered_users) )) counts group by object_type) num on (num.object_type = t.object_type) order by indent asc