Action Actions Add Add subproject Add myself as Add subproject Assignees "Assignees" Average Cancel, do not delete Categories Code Comment: Comments Complete: Customer Date Dates Deadline: Default roles Delete dependencies Dependency: Dependency types Description Description: Done. Earliest finish Earliest start Edit assignees Edit assignees Edit categories Error Goal hours hrs Key Latest finish Latest start Log entry: Logger Logger integration . Project manager requires you to install and mount at least one instance of logger, because it uses logger to log time and other variables against projects and tasks. However, you can have varying levels of integration with logger. This section sets up which logger instances you want to be fully integrated with project-manager, so that new project-manager projects appear in the logger instance. . Project manager requires you to install and mount at least one instance of logger, because it uses logger to log time and other variables against projects and tasks. However, you can have varying levels of integration with logger. This section sets up which logger instances you want to be fully integrated with project-manager, so that new project-manager projects appear in the logger instance. After they have done this, you can go back to the previous page, refresh it, and then add and edit logged hours. Are you ready to sync with these URLs? Are you sure you want to delete this process: %one_line% Are you sure you'd like to delete these %task_term_lower%s? (be patient, this takes a long time, you can read the log files to see what's happening if you like.) Begin synchronization Click on one of the following items to set it up: Complete: %task_info.percent_complete%% Date: %entries.time_stamp_pretty% depends on another %task_term_lower% Enter 100% to close the %task_term_lower%, or less to open it. Hours remaining: %task_info.hours_remaining% @import "%package_url%style-logger.css"; @import "%package_url%style.css"; Logger is a package that lets you log time, expenses, and other Logger is a package that lets you log time, expenses, and other  %num.rownum%   (not current, select live version from the Once you have chosen logger instances to be integrated with project-manager, you may have a lot of older project-manager projects that are not synchronized with logger. This page lets you synchronize older project-manager projects with logger, so that they are all linked in correctly with that instance. This does not add in logger projects to project-manager (although someone can certainly add that functionality if they wish). Project: %entries.project_name% %project.actual_hours_completed% of %project.estimated_hours_total% Projects can be categorized according to multiple 'trees' of categories. What this means is you can have multiple ways of categorizing your projects. This section sets up your categories and allows you to link them to projects. Currently, there is a bug in the categories package that prevents the context bar at the top of the screen from returning you to the project-manager pages. Send a process reminder Send email to assignees? set according to task assignments set up integration with logger skip adding dependencies Slack: %task_info.slack_time% Slack time: %task_info.slack_time% %task_info.estimated_hours_work_min% - %task_info.estimated_hours_work_max% hrs estimated %task_info.percent_complete%% complete %task_term%s depending on this %task_term% %task_term%(s) depending on this %task_term% %task_term%s this depends on. %task_term%(s) this depends on. The administrator needs to (not current, select live version from the task change page) The data model has a facility for default roles, although it is not currently used at all. This shows what is in the database for default roles. Currently unimplemented. The parameters allow you to do things such as set up daily reminder emails, change what fields are shown in the project view and edit pages, and so on. Highly recommended if you're setting up project-manager. The roles people can take on projects and tasks, such as manager, sales contact, tech support person, etc.. Currently, can only be edited directly in the database. There are no matching log entries There is a data model for workgroups, but it is not a part of the UI. Shows what is in the database (currently, nothing!) There is currently a bug in this page where it will not allow you to remove values. You will have to do that through the parameters section. This page allows you to update the deadlines of all the projects in your installation. It will take a while. This page will eventually allow you to log hours against multiple tasks at once. to these process %task_term_lower%s. Dependencies describe the order in which items must be completed. For example, "the boards must be delivered before construction can begin". Entering dependencies is important because it allows the system to automatically compute schedules. However, you can Unknown group by column %group_by% Use this process: %use_link;noquote% User: %entries.user_chunk;noquote% Valid status codes, for example, 'Open' and 'Closed' Week: %entries.time_stamp_week% When implemented, this page will allow you to view and edit the descriptions given to various dependency types (such as finish before start, etc..) Currently, the only dependency used is finish before start, so it's not exposed in the UI You can optionally log time worked here. You may enter a %task_term_lower% that needs to be completed before this %task_term_lower% You may optionally enter a hard deadline You must choose a logger instance to be the primary logger linked in with project-manager. This is closely linked in with project-manager, so you can view reports of a project, etc. You must enter a number here (make your best guess) Max: Min: Name   %project_term% No UI Now One process Ongoing Order page) Parameters Process tasks: process tasks Processes Project: Project categories Project information Project Search: %project_term;noquote%s %project_term%s Projection Projects Related %task_term%s myself Remove myself Role Roles Search: Search: Section Select process: Set up Skip this task? Slack: Slack: n/a Start Status types Subject: Subprojects Subtotal Subtotal Average Sync Task task change Task hours completed %task_term%s TASKS Tasks Time: Total Total work required: Update all User Users to view variables View View options View project changes View task changes Who Work Work required: Workgroups You may now add