Actions Add Blog Entry Add category Add comment Add entry Add Link Add new blog entry Add new category Add Ping URL Administer Administration Archive Author %blog_name% Blogroll Blogroll Bookmarklet Bookmarklet Link by Categories Categories Migration Category Category Short Name Change permissions Configure Trackback Confirm Delete Content Date Delete Delete category Delete entry [Deprecated] Down Draft Draft Entries Draft entries E-mail subscribers Edit Edit Blog Entry Edit category Edit entry Entry date in links , will crawl your weblog shortly after it has been updated. You can , use this information to compile lists of recently updated weblogs. Other services, such as Add a link to your blogroll Add another ping-compatible site Are you sure that you want to delete this link? Are you sure that you want to delete this ping URL? Before you can start using your web log, you must setup a screen name at %pvt_home_name%. %blog_name%: Add Ping URL %blog_name%: Bookmarklet %blog_name;noquote% Blogroll %blog_name;noquote% Ping URLs by %blog.poster_first_names% %blog.poster_last_name% Categories are not supported. Modify the package parameters to add support. Category doesn't exist Category migration finished. $count objects recategorized. Comments (%blog.num_comments%) Drag the bookmarklet link to your Bookmarks/Favorites toolbar. You can then quickly blog about any page you visit by selecting some text that will be quoted and clicking on your bookmarklet. For example $default_ping_url Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS I put this hack in because category_url is not valid. If this entry is about a web page you can \ put the full URL here, e.g. ${valid_url_example}. The \ title of your entry will then become a hyperlink to \ that web page. $instance_name Categories It might be a good idea to take a look at your log file. Some useful information about the progress of migration will be written there. Manage your ping URLs Manage your RSS feeds Migrating categories ... Migrating categories, please wait ... Migration Script Source Code ...more Name must be less than 100 characters. Old style Weblogger-only Categories on %comments.pretty_date% Ping URL must be a valid URL Ping URL \"$ping_url\" has been added. Ping URL \"$ping_url\" has been removed. Proceed only if you are sure you know what you are doing. read more about the ping API Setup instance RSS feed Show E-Mail subscribers Suggested Ping Services The specified category wasn't valid. These are standard ping services which you might want to add. This category tree is a result of migration of old \ Weblogger-specific categories performed on [ns_fmttime [ns_time]] This is used to provide a pretty URL for viewing postings in this category This short name is already used by another category This utility script will migrate all the Blogger-specific categories to Site-wide categories. Depending on the specific need of your site you may want to customize the script. The script source code is included below for your convenience. URL must be less than 500 characters. View instance feed XML Visit %pvt_home_name% to set up your screen name Whenever you update your weblog this server will automatically contact the listed sites and notify them that your weblog has changed. Some services, such as Your input \"$title_url\" doesn't look like a valid URL. \ Example of a valid URL: $valid_url_example Manage Categories Migrate Categories Name No bloggers here. No category support No subscribers. Notifications One Link or Order Permalink Ping URL Ping URLs Post Status Preview entry Publish Publish entry Recent Comments Remove Screen Name Service Set parameters Site-Wide Categories Start your weblog Syndication Feed Technorati Blogs Title Title URL Trackback from Up URL URLs View draft entries what's trackback?