-- attributes-package-create.sql -- -- @author Matthew Geddert openacs@geddert.com -- @creation-date 2004-07-28 -- @cvs-id $Id: attributes-package-create.sql,v 2004/08/19 01:21:40 matthewg Exp $ -- -- create function inline_1 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''contact_attribute'', ''Contact Attribute'', ''Contact Attributes'', ''acs_object'', ''contact_attributes'', ''attribute_id'', null, ''f'', null, ''contact__attribute_name'' ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_1 (); drop function inline_1 (); create or replace function contact__widget_create (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,boolean,varchar,varchar,boolean,boolean) returns integer as ' declare p_storage_column alias for $1; p_description alias for $2; p_widget alias for $3; p_datatype alias for $4; p_help_p alias for $5; p_html alias for $6; p_format alias for $7; p_multiple_p alias for $8; p_nospell_p alias for $9; v_widget_id integer; begin v_widget_id := nextval(''contact_widget_id_seq''); insert into contact_widgets (widget_id,storage_column,description,widget,datatype,help_p,html,format,multiple_p,nospell_p) values (v_widget_id,p_storage_column,p_description,p_widget,p_datatype,p_help_p,p_html,p_format,p_multiple_p,p_nospell_p); return v_widget_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_create (integer,varchar,integer,boolean,timestamptz,integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_attribute_id alias for $1; p_attribute alias for $2; p_widget_id alias for $3; p_depreciated_p alias for $4; p_creation_date alias for $5; p_creation_user alias for $6; p_creation_ip alias for $7; p_context_id alias for $8; v_attribute_id integer; begin v_attribute_id := acs_object__new ( p_attribute_id, ''contact_attribute'', p_creation_date, p_creation_user, P_creation_ip, p_context_id ); insert into contact_attributes (attribute_id,attribute,widget_id,depreciated_p) values (v_attribute_id,p_attribute,p_widget_id,p_depreciated_p); return v_attribute_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_name_save(integer,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_attribute_id alias for $1; p_locale alias for $2; p_name alias for $3; p_help_text alias for $4; begin delete from contact_attribute_names where attribute_id = p_attribute_id and locale = p_locale; insert into contact_attribute_names (attribute_id,locale,name,help_text) values (p_attribute_id,p_locale,p_name,p_help_text); return ''1''; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_object_map_save(integer,integer,integer,boolean,varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_object_id alias for $1; p_attribute_id alias for $2; p_sort_order alias for $3; p_required_p alias for $4; p_heading alias for $5; begin delete from contact_attribute_object_map where attribute_id = p_attribute_id and object_id = p_object_id; insert into contact_attribute_object_map (object_id,attribute_id,sort_order,required_p,heading) values (p_object_id,p_attribute_id,p_sort_order,p_required_p,p_heading); return ''1''; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_name (integer) returns varchar as ' declare p_attribute_id alias for $1; v_name varchar; begin v_name := attribute from contact_attributes where attribute_id = p_attribute_id; return v_name; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_attribute_id alias for $1; begin update contact_attributes set deleted_p = ''t'' where attribute_id = p_attribute_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- raise NOTICE ''v_count: %'', v_count; create or replace function contact__attribute_value_save (integer,integer,integer,integer,integer,timestamptz,text,boolean,timestamptz,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_party_id alias for $1; p_attribute_id alias for $2; p_option_map_id alias for $3; p_address_id alias for $4; p_number_id alias for $5; p_time alias for $6; p_value alias for $7; p_deleted_p alias for $8; p_creation_date alias for $9; p_creation_user alias for $10; p_creation_ip alias for $11; v_count integer; v_option_map_id integer; v_address_id integer; v_number_id integer; v_time timestamptz; v_value text; v_edit_p boolean; begin v_count := count(*) from contact_attribute_values where party_id = p_party_id and attribute_id = p_attribute_id and not deleted_p; if v_count = ''0'' then if p_option_map_id is not null or p_address_id is not null or p_number_id is not null or p_time is not null or p_value is not null then insert into contact_attribute_values (party_id,attribute_id,option_map_id,address_id,number_id,time,value,deleted_p,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip) values (p_party_id,p_attribute_id,p_option_map_id,p_address_id,p_number_id,p_time,p_value,p_deleted_p,p_creation_date,p_creation_user,p_creation_ip); end if; else select option_map_id, address_id, number_id, time, value into v_option_map_id, v_address_id, v_number_id, v_time, v_value from contact_attribute_values where party_id = p_party_id and attribute_id = p_attribute_id and not deleted_p; if p_option_map_id is null and p_address_id is null and p_number_id is null and p_time is null and p_value is null then update contact_attribute_values set deleted_p = ''t'' where attribute_id = p_attribute_id and party_id = p_party_id; end if; if v_option_map_id != p_option_map_id or v_address_id != p_address_id or v_number_id != p_number_id or v_time != p_time or v_value != p_value then update contact_attribute_values set deleted_p = ''t'' where attribute_id = p_attribute_id and party_id = p_party_id; if p_option_map_id is not null or p_address_id is not null or p_number_id is not null or p_time is not null or p_value is not null then insert into contact_attribute_values (party_id,attribute_id,option_map_id,address_id,number_id,time,value,deleted_p,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip) values (p_party_id,p_attribute_id,p_option_map_id,p_address_id,p_number_id,p_time,p_value,p_deleted_p,p_creation_date,p_creation_user,p_creation_ip); end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_option_create (integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_attribute_id alias for $1; p_option alias for $2; p_sort_order alias for $3; v_option_id integer; begin select nextval(''contact_attribute_options_id_seq'') into v_option_id; insert into contact_attribute_options (option_id,attribute_id,option,sort_order) values (v_option_id,p_attribute_id,p_option,p_sort_order); return v_option_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create or replace function contact__attribute_option_delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_option_id alias for $1; begin update contact_attribute_options set deleted_p = ''t'' where option_id = p_option_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';