doc @context;literal@


This site has @numPublicReadableSiteNodes@ publicly accessible packages of the following types.

This site has @numSiteNodesEntries@ mounted packages of the following types. Packages which are mounted only once, are only listed, when the package is publicly readable. Check per package-key for publicly accessible instances.
Count Type URL Status Permission Info Diagnosis
@per_package_key.count@ @per_package_key.package_key@ @per_package_key.url@ @per_package_key.status@ @per_package_key.permission_info@ @per_package_key.diagnosis@ @per_package_key.package_key@

This site has @numPublicReadableSiteNodes@ publicly accessible packages, where @count@ of these are of type @package_key@.

This site has @count@ mounted packages of type @package_key@ from which the following are publicly readable.
Back to Overview of Publicly Accessible Packages
Package Key URL
@public_urls.package_key@ @public_urls.url@