select first_names, last_name, email, to_char(creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as registration_date, to_char(last_visit, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_visit from cc_users where user_id = :oneUser select f.community_key as key, f.community_id as id, f.pretty_name as pretty_name, to_char(o.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as creation_date from dotlrn_communities_full f, acs_objects o where f.community_id= :oneCom and o.object_id= f.community_id select count(distinct ans.entry_id) from faq_q_and_as ans, faqs f, dotlrn_communities com, acs_objects o where o.object_id = f.faq_id and ans.faq_id=f.faq_id and o.creation_user= :oneUser and com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(o.context_id) = com.package_id select count (distinct fm.message_id) from forums_forums_enabled ff, acs_objects o, forums_messages fm, dotlrn_communities com where o.object_id = fm.message_id and fm.forum_id=ff.forum_id and apm_package.parent_id(ff.package_id) = com.package_id and com.community_id= :oneCom and o.creation_user = :oneUser select count(*) from acs_objects a where a.creation_user = :oneUser and a.object_type = :object_type connect by prior a.context_id = a.object_id start with a.object_id = :oneCom select count(distinct forums.forum_id) from forums_forums_enabled forums, dotlrn_communities com, acs_objects o where com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(forums.package_id) = com.package_id and forums.forum_id = o.object_id and o.creation_user = :oneUser select count(s.survey_id) from surveys s, dotlrn_communities com, acs_objects o where com.community_id=:oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(s.package_id) = com.package_id and o.object_id=s.survey_id and o.creation_user = :oneUser select count(n.item_id) from news_items_approved n, dotlrn_communities com where com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(n.package_id) = com.package_id and n.creation_user= :oneUser select count(distinct forums.forum_id) from forums_forums_enabled forums select count(distinct f.faq_id) from faqs f select count(distinct n.item_id) from news_items_approved n select count(distinct s.survey_id) from surveys s select distinct package_key from apm_packages where package_key= :package_key select count(*) from acs_objects where object_type= :object_type select count(*) from acs_objects where creation_user = :oneUser and object_type= :object_type select count(ans.question) from faq_q_and_as ans, faqs f, acs_objects o where o.object_id=ans.entry_id and ans.faq_id=f.faq_id and o.creation_user= :oneUser select count(news_items_approved.publish_title) from news_items_approved where news_items_approved.creation_user= :oneUser select count(distinct forums.forum_id) from forums_forums_enabled forums, dotlrn_communities com where com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(forums.package_id) = com.package_id select count (distinct forums_messages.message_id) from forums_forums_enabled forums, acs_objects, forums_messages, dotlrn_communities com where acs_objects.object_id = forums_messages.message_id and forums_messages.forum_id=forums.forum_id and apm_package.parent_id(forums.package_id) = com.package_id and com.community_id= :oneCom select count(distinct f.faq_id) from faqs f, dotlrn_communities com, acs_objects o where com.community_id= :oneCom and o.object_id=f.faq_id and apm_package.parent_id(o.context_id) = com.package_id select count(n.item_id) from news_items_approved n, dotlrn_communities com where com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(n.package_id) = com.package_id select count(s.survey_id) from surveys s, dotlrn_communities com where com.community_id= :oneCom and apm_package.parent_id(s.package_id) = com.package_id select count(*) from acs_objects a where a.object_type = :object_type connect by prior a.context_id = a.object_id start with a.object_id = :oneCom