-- -- Fixes PG 7.3 issue, which was fixed in April 2003, but an upgrade script was never provided -- -- adds explicit ::varchar typecast in call to content_item__new -- -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-1.3d2-1.3d3.sql,v 2004/02/04 20:46:14 lars Exp $ -- create or replace function bt_bug__new( integer, -- bug_id integer, -- bug_number integer, -- package_id integer, -- component_id integer, -- found_in_version varchar, -- summary varchar, -- user_agent text, -- comment_content varchar, -- comment_format timestamptz, -- creation_date integer, -- creation_user varchar, -- creation_ip varchar, -- item_subtype varchar -- content_type ) returns int as ' declare p_bug_id alias for $1; p_bug_number alias for $2; p_package_id alias for $3; p_component_id alias for $4; p_found_in_version alias for $5; p_summary alias for $6; p_user_agent alias for $7; p_comment_content alias for $8; p_comment_format alias for $9; p_creation_date alias for $10; p_creation_user alias for $11; p_creation_ip alias for $12; p_item_subtype alias for $13; p_content_type alias for $14; v_bug_id integer; v_revision_id integer; v_bug_number integer; v_folder_id integer; begin -- get the content folder for this instance select folder_id into v_folder_id from bt_projects where project_id = p_package_id; -- get bug_number if p_bug_number is null then select coalesce(max(bug_number),0) + 1 into v_bug_number from bt_bugs where parent_id = v_folder_id; else v_bug_number := p_bug_number; end if; -- create the content item v_bug_id := content_item__new( v_bug_number::varchar, -- name v_folder_id, -- parent_id p_bug_id, -- item_id null, -- locale p_creation_date, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user v_folder_id, -- context_id p_creation_ip, -- creation_ip p_item_subtype, -- item_subtype p_content_type, -- content_type null, -- title null, -- description null, -- mime_type null, -- nls_language null -- data ); -- create the item type row insert into bt_bugs (bug_id, bug_number, comment_content, comment_format, parent_id, project_id, creation_date, creation_user) values (v_bug_id, v_bug_number, p_comment_content, p_comment_format, v_folder_id, p_package_id, p_creation_date, p_creation_user); -- create the initial revision v_revision_id := bt_bug_revision__new( null, -- bug_revision_id v_bug_id, -- bug_id p_component_id, -- component_id p_found_in_version, -- found_in_version null, -- fix_for_version null, -- fixed_in_version null, -- resolution p_user_agent, -- user_agent p_summary, -- summary p_creation_date, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_creation_ip -- creation_ip ); return v_bug_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql';