-- -- -- -- @author Dave Bauer (dave@thedesignexperience.org) -- @creation-date 2004-12-22 -- @arch-tag: f76ec7ce-6834-4bff-b134-ad1953aad38e -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.1.4d2-5.1.4d3.sql,v 2004/12/22 16:13:15 daveb Exp $ -- -- add pacakge_id. for some reason content_folder__new did not support setting -- cr_folders.pacakge_id create or replace function content_folder__new (varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,integer,timestamptz,integer,varchar, boolean) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__label alias for $2; new__description alias for $3; -- default null new__parent_id alias for $4; -- default null new__context_id alias for $5; -- default null new__folder_id alias for $6; -- default null new__creation_date alias for $7; -- default now() new__creation_user alias for $8; -- default null new__creation_ip alias for $9; -- default null new__security_inherit_p alias for $10; -- default true v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin perform content_folder__new ( new__name, new__label, new__description, new__parent_id, new__context_id, new__folder_id, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, new__security_inherit_p, null ); return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select define_function_args('content_folder__new','name,label,description,parent_id,context_id,folder_id,creation_date;now,creation_user,creation_ip,security_inherit_p;t,package_id'); create or replace function content_folder__new (varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,integer,timestamptz,integer,varchar, boolean,integer) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__label alias for $2; new__description alias for $3; -- default null new__parent_id alias for $4; -- default null new__context_id alias for $5; -- default null new__folder_id alias for $6; -- default null new__creation_date alias for $7; -- default now() new__creation_user alias for $8; -- default null new__creation_ip alias for $9; -- default null new__security_inherit_p alias for $10; -- default true new__package_id alias for $11; -- default null v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin -- set the context_id if new__context_id is null then v_context_id := new__parent_id; else v_context_id := new__context_id; end if; -- parent_id = 0 means that this is a mount point if new__parent_id != 0 and content_folder__is_registered(new__parent_id,''content_folder'',''f'') = ''f'' then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: This folder does not allow subfolders to be created''; return null; else v_folder_id := content_item__new( new__folder_id, new__name, new__parent_id, null, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__context_id, new__creation_ip, ''f'', ''text/plain'', null, ''text'', new__security_inherit_p, ''CR_FILES'', ''content_folder'', ''content_folder''); insert into cr_folders ( folder_id, label, description, package_id ) values ( v_folder_id, new__label, new__description, new__package_id ); -- inherit the attributes of the parent folder if new__parent_id is not null then insert into cr_folder_type_map select v_folder_id as folder_id, content_type from cr_folder_type_map where folder_id = new__parent_id; end if; -- update the child flag on the parent update cr_folders set has_child_folders = ''t'' where folder_id = new__parent_id; return v_folder_id; end if; return null; end;' language 'plpgsql';