<%= [ticket_header "Remove Custom Field"] %>

Remove Custom Field

<%= [ad_context_bar_ws_or_index [list "[ticket_url_stub]/index.tcl" "Ticket Tracker"] [list "[ticket_url_stub]/project-top.tcl?[export_url_vars project_id]" "One Project"] [list project-fields.tcl?[export_url_vars project_id] "Custom Fields"] "remove"] %>

Are you sure you want to remove the field <%= $field_pretty_name %> from this project's issues? There are already some issues that have entries for this field. Deleting the field will cause all the values for this field to be removed permanently (although the issues will otherwise remain in the system).

<%= [export_form_vars project_id field_id] %>

<%= [ticket_footer] %>