-- -- /packages/acs-kernel/sql/rel-constraints-create.sql -- -- Add support for relational constraints based on relational segmentation. -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 2000-11-22 -- @cvs-id $Id: rel-constraints-body-create.sql,v 2002/07/09 17:34:58 rmello Exp $ -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- create or replace package body rel_constraint create function rel_constraint__new(varchar,integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare nam alias for $1; sid1 alias for $2; side alias for $3; sid2 alias for $4; begin return rel_constraint__new(null, ''rel_constraint'', nam, sid1, side, sid2, null, null, null ); end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function new create function rel_constraint__new (integer,varchar,varchar,integer,char,integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare new__constraint_id alias for $1; -- default null new__constraint_type alias for $2; -- default ''rel_constraint'' new__constraint_name alias for $3; new__rel_segment alias for $4; new__rel_side alias for $5; -- default ''two'' new__required_rel_segment alias for $6; new__context_id alias for $7; -- default null new__creation_user alias for $8; -- default null new__creation_ip alias for $9; -- default null v_constraint_id rel_constraints.constraint_id%TYPE; begin v_constraint_id := acs_object__new ( new__constraint_id, new__constraint_type, now(), new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, new__context_id ); insert into rel_constraints (constraint_id, constraint_name, rel_segment, rel_side, required_rel_segment) values (v_constraint_id, new__constraint_name, new__rel_segment, new__rel_side, new__required_rel_segment); return v_constraint_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure delete create function rel_constraint__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare constraint_id alias for $1; begin PERFORM acs_object__delete(constraint_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_constraint_id create function rel_constraint__get_constraint_id (integer,char,integer) returns integer as ' declare get_constraint_id__rel_segment alias for $1; get_constraint_id__rel_side alias for $2; get_constraint_id__required_rel_segment alias for $3; v_constraint_id rel_constraints.constraint_id%TYPE; begin select constraint_id into v_constraint_id from rel_constraints where rel_segment = get_constraint_id__rel_segment and rel_side = get_constraint_id__rel_side and required_rel_segment = get_constraint_id__required_rel_segment; return v_constraint_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function violation create function rel_constraint__violation (integer) returns varchar as ' declare violation__rel_id alias for $1; v_error text; constraint_violated record; begin v_error := null; for constraint_violated in select constraint_id, constraint_name from rel_constraints_violated_one where rel_id = violation__rel_id LIMIT 1 LOOP v_error := coalesce(v_error,'''') || ''Relational Constraint Violation: '' || constraint_violated.constraint_name || '' (constraint_id='' || constraint_violated.constraint_id || ''). ''; return v_error; end loop; for constraint_violated in select constraint_id, constraint_name from rel_constraints_violated_two where rel_id = violation__rel_id LIMIT 1 LOOP v_error := coalesce(v_error,'''') || ''Relational Constraint Violation: '' || constraint_violated.constraint_name || '' (constraint_id='' || constraint_violated.constraint_id || ''). ''; return v_error; end loop; return v_error; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function violation_if_removed create function rel_constraint__violation_if_removed (integer) returns varchar as ' declare violation_if_removed__rel_id alias for $1; v_count integer; v_error text; constraint_violated record; begin v_error := null; select count(*) into v_count from dual where exists (select 1 from rc_violations_by_removing_rel r where r.rel_id = violation_if_removed__rel_id); if v_count > 0 then -- some other relation depends on this one. Lets build up a string -- of the constraints we are violating for constraint_violated in select constraint_id, constraint_name from rc_violations_by_removing_rel r where r.rel_id = violation_if_removed__rel_id LOOP v_error := v_error || ''Relational Constraint Violation: '' || constraint_violated.constraint_name || '' (constraint_id='' || constraint_violated.constraint_id || ''). ''; end loop; end if; return v_error; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- show errors