#!/usr/local/bin/perl # by Jin Choi <jsc@arsdigita.com>, 2000-03-20 # Utility script to check differences between two Oracle data dictionaries. # Can be run in one of three modes. # "Connect" is given two connect strings and does the diff then and there. # "Write" is given a connect string and a file, and writes the results # out to the file. You can do this twice on different data dictionaries, # then use "Read" mode to compare the two. # $Id: data-dictionary-diff.pl,v 2002/07/09 17:34:56 rmello Exp $ use strict; use DBI; my $usage_string = <<EOF; Usage: $0 -connect connect-string-1 connect-string-2 or $0 -write connect-string output-file or $0 -read input-file-1 input-file-2 EOF # Get the arguments. my ($operation, $connstr1, $connstr2, $outfile, $file1, $file2); if (scalar(@ARGV) == 3) { $operation = shift @ARGV; if ($operation eq "-connect") { ($connstr1, $connstr2) = @ARGV; } elsif ($operation eq "-write") { ($connstr1, $outfile) = @ARGV; } elsif ($operation eq "-read") { ($file1, $file2) = @ARGV; } else { die $usage_string; } } else { die $usage_string; } # Get information from the database or files; handle write case. my ($table1_info, $table2_info); if ($operation eq "-connect") { $table1_info = get_table_info($connstr1); $table2_info = get_table_info($connstr2); } elsif ($operation eq "-read") { $table1_info = get_table_info_from_file($file1); $table2_info = get_table_info_from_file($file2); } elsif ($operation eq "-write") { write_table_info_to_file(get_table_info($connstr1), $outfile); exit 0; } # Figure out which tables were added and deleted. Report, # and remove from our data structures so we don't get a lot of # reports about added and deleted columns. my %tablename_hash1; my %tablename_hash2; foreach my $table_name (keys %$table1_info) { $tablename_hash1{$table_name}++; } foreach my $table_name (keys %$table2_info) { $tablename_hash2{$table_name}++; } my %union = union_hashes(\%tablename_hash1, \%tablename_hash2); my @new_tables; my @deleted_tables; foreach my $table_name (sort keys %union) { if (!defined($tablename_hash1{$table_name})) { push @new_tables, $table_name; delete $table2_info->{$table_name}; } elsif (!defined($tablename_hash2{$table_name})) { push @deleted_tables, $table_name; delete $table1_info->{$table_name}; } } print "New tables:\n", join("\n", @new_tables), "\n\n"; print "Deleted tables:\n", join("\n", @deleted_tables), "\n\n"; # Figure out which columns in the remaining tables have been added or deleted. my %column_hash1; my %column_hash2; foreach my $table (keys %$table1_info) { foreach my $column (keys %{$table1_info->{$table}}) { $column_hash1{"$table:$column"} = $table1_info->{$table}{$column}; } } foreach my $table (keys %$table2_info) { foreach my $column (keys %{$table2_info->{$table}}) { $column_hash2{"$table:$column"} = $table2_info->{$table}{$column}; } } %union = union_hashes(\%column_hash1, \%column_hash2); my @new_columns; my @deleted_columns; foreach my $key (sort keys %union) { if (!defined($column_hash1{$key})) { push @new_columns, $key; delete $column_hash2{$key}; } elsif (!defined($column_hash2{$key})) { push @deleted_columns, $key; delete $column_hash1{$key}; } } print "New columns:\n", join("\n", @new_columns), "\n\n"; print "Deleted columns:\n", join("\n", @deleted_columns), "\n\n"; # Report columns which are different. column_hashes 1 and 2 should # both contain the same columns now. print "Modified columns:\n"; foreach my $key (sort keys %column_hash1) { if ($column_hash1{$key} ne $column_hash2{$key}) { print "$key\n $column_hash1{$key}\n $column_hash2{$key}\n"; } } exit; # Get information on tables. Returns a multi-dimensional hashref where # the keys are the table name and the column name, and the value is # the type and constraint information. sub get_table_info { my $connstr = shift; my $table_info = {}; print "Fetching data from Oracle data dictionary for $connstr.\n"; my $db = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:", $connstr) || die $!; $db->{AutoCommit} = 0; $db->{RaiseError} = 1; $db->{LongReadLen} = 2048; $db->{LongTruncOk} = 1; print "Connected to Oracle.\n"; my $sth = $db->prepare("select lower(table_name), lower(column_name), lower(data_type), data_length, data_precision, data_scale, nullable from user_tab_columns"); $sth->execute; while (my $rowref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my ($table_name, $column_name, $data_type, $data_length, $data_precision, $data_scale, $nullable) = @$rowref; $table_info->{$table_name}{$column_name} = format_type_info($data_type, $data_length, $data_precision, $data_scale, $nullable); } # Figure out the constraints. $sth = $db->prepare("select uc.constraint_type, uc.search_condition, uc.r_constraint_name, lower(ucc.table_name), lower(ucc.column_name) from user_constraints uc, user_cons_columns ucc where uc.constraint_name = ucc.constraint_name order by constraint_type"); my $sth2 = $db->prepare("select lower(table_name), lower(column_name) from user_cons_columns where constraint_name = ?"); my %cached_reference_columns; $sth->execute; while (my $rowref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { my ($constraint_type, $search_condition, $r_constraint_name, $table_name, $column_name) = @$rowref; if ($constraint_type eq "P") { $table_info->{$table_name}{$column_name} .= " primary key"; } elsif ($constraint_type eq "U") { $table_info->{$table_name}{$column_name} .= " unique"; } elsif ($constraint_type eq "C") { if ($search_condition !~ /IS NOT NULL/) { $table_info->{$table_name}{$column_name} .= " check ($search_condition)"; } } elsif ($constraint_type eq "R") { my $ref_clause; if ($cached_reference_columns{$r_constraint_name}) { $ref_clause = $cached_reference_columns{$r_constraint_name}; } else { $sth2->execute($r_constraint_name); my ($ref_table_name, $ref_column_name) = $sth2->fetchrow_array; $ref_clause = " references $ref_table_name($ref_column_name)"; $cached_reference_columns{$r_constraint_name} = $ref_clause; } $table_info->{$table_name}{$column_name} .= $ref_clause; } } $sth->finish; $sth2->finish; $db->disconnect; return $table_info; } sub format_type_info { my ($type, $length, $precision, $scale, $nullable) = @_; my $formatted_info; $formatted_info = $type; if ($type eq "char" || $type eq "varchar2") { $formatted_info .= "($length)"; } elsif ($type eq "number") { if ($scale > 0) { $formatted_info .= "($precision,$scale)"; } elsif ($precision) { $formatted_info .= "($precision)"; } else { $formatted_info = "integer"; } } if ($nullable eq "N") { $formatted_info .= " not null"; } return $formatted_info; } # Returns a union of the keys of the two argument hashes. # The values are unimportant. sub union_hashes { my %union; my $h1_ref = shift; my $h2_ref = shift; foreach my $key (keys(%$h1_ref), keys(%$h2_ref)) { $union{$key} = 1; } return %union; } # Reports keys in first hash argument which are not in the second. sub report_difference { my $h1_ref = shift; my $h2_ref = shift; foreach my $key (sort keys %$h1_ref) { if (!defined($$h2_ref{$key})) { print "* $key\n"; } } } sub write_table_info_to_file { my ($table_info, $outfile) = @_; open(F, ">$outfile") || die $!; print "Outputting data to file $outfile.\n"; foreach my $table (keys %$table_info) { foreach my $column (keys %{$table_info->{$table}}) { print F "$table:$column:", $table_info->{$table}{$column}, "\n"; } } close F; } sub get_table_info_from_file { my $filename = shift; my $table_info = {}; open(F, "<$filename") || die $!; while (<F>) { chop; my ($table, $column, $info) = split /:/; $table_info->{$table}{$column} = $info; } close F; return $table_info; }