#!/usr/local/bin/perl ########################################################## # ArsDigita Context Server # mbryzek@arsdigita.com # 1/20/2000 ########################################################## # Revision History: # # 04/24/2000 mbryzek Revised documentation ########################################################## # MOTIVATION: # Updating Intermedia indexes sucks. Intermedia # Context server is deprecated according to some people # at Intermedia. And aolserver with keepalive can restart # itself making it very difficult to ensure that two alter # index statements are not running at the same time. ### # FUNCTION: # This script is intended to run as a cron job on # each machine that is running Intermedia. We # recommend running it no more frequently than once # an hour. This script generates a list of intermedia # indexes that are awaiting updates, and updates them. # # This scripts connects to the database as the ctxsys user, # generates a list of indexes to updates, and then issues # alter index statements on all of those indexes. All sql # queries run and the total run time are logged in # /tmp/ad-context-server.log # # Note that this script does NOT need to be run as # root, but it doesn't hurt. ### # SETUP # 1. Install the perl DBI and Oracle DBD # # 2. Put the username for your service in @services # # 3. Set variables in USER CONFIGURATION # a. Make sure $username = ctxsys and $password is # the current password for the ctxsys user. # b. Make sure $ps_path points to ps on your box # c. Make sure the environment variables are correct # # 4. Put script in crontab: # # # ad-context-server monitors all Intermedia indexes # # on the system, updating those that need it. # # DO NOT RUN ad-context-server.pl IN PARALLEL # # WITH INTERMEDIA CONTEXT SERVER (ctxsrv) AND DO # # NOT EVER ISSUE AN ALTER INDEX STATEMENT ON AN # # INTERMEDIA INDEX WHILE THIS IS RUNNING. # # Currently runs every hour on the hour # 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ad-context-server.pl > /dev/null 2>&1 # ########################################################## # USER CONFIGURATION # You have to list every service's username for which you want to update # the intermedia indexes. The oracle username must be in uppercase my @services = qw(YOURSERVICENAME); # connect to oracle with the context user - we need to access to the # view ctx_pending. You probably don't want to change $username, but # make sure $password is the ctxsys user's password. my $username = 'ctxsys'; my $password = 'ctxsucks'; # We need to run ps -p PID... where is ps? my $ps_path = '/bin/ps'; # ORACLE ENVIRONMENT CONFIGURATION $ENV{ORACLE_HOME} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5"; $ENV{ORACLE_BASE} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle"; $ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/lib:$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/ctx/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/ucblib"; $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin:$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/ctx/lib:/usr/ccs/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; $ENV{ORACLE_SID} = 'ora8'; $ENV{ORACLE_TERM} = 'vt100'; $ENV{ORAENV_ASK} = 'NO'; # END USER CONFIGURATION # Make this local so ad_context_server_exit # can see the filename to clean it up local $pid_file = '/tmp/ad-context-server.pid'; # Exit if there are no services to update ad_context_server_exit(0) if @services == 0; # Let's see if there is already an ad-context-server running. # If there is, we want to bail out since InterMedia is not too good # at concurrency (e.g. 2 concurrent updates lead to deadlock which # may corrupt the index, causing a rebuild) if ( -e $pid_file ) { # The file exists... let's see if the process is still running open PID, $pid_file; my $pid = <PID>; close PID; chomp($pid); my $ps = `$ps_path -p $pid`; # Now let's see if the pid is in the output of ps ad_context_server_exit(0) if $ps =~ /$pid/; } # Print the current process id to $pid_file open PID, ">$pid_file" || ad_context_server_exit(0); print PID $$; close PID; # Let's create the sql portion of the query for service names my $service_sql = "'"; $service_sql .= join "','", @services; $service_sql .= "'"; # Connect to oracle use DBI; my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:', $username, $password) || die "Couldn't connect to oracle\n"; # Grab all index owners and names that need update. Create a temporary # file to source that contains the alter index statements my $sql_query = << "eof"; select distinct pnd_index_owner||'.'||pnd_index_name from ctx_pending where pnd_index_owner in ($service_sql) eof my $tmp_file = '/tmp/ad-context-server.log'; open TMP, ">$tmp_file" || ad_context_server_exit(0); print TMP "-- SQL QUERY USED TO GET INDEXES (AS USER $username):\n$sql_query\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_query) || die $dbh->errstr; $sth->execute; my $cnt = 0; while ($index = $sth->fetchrow) { $cnt++; print TMP "alter index $index rebuild online parameters('sync memory 45M');\n"; } # log the start time my $time = localtime(); print TMP "-- $time: Starting intermedia updates\n"; close TMP; # Disconnect $sth->finish || die($dbh->errstr); $dbh->disconnect || die $dbh->errstr; # do the updates `$ENV{ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus $username/$password < $tmp_file`; # Write the status to the temp _file - more for logging purposes :) $time = localtime(); open TMP, ">>$tmp_file" || ad_context_server_exit(0); if ( $cnt > 0 ) { print TMP "-- $time: Finished executing the above alter statements\n"; } else { print TMP "-- $time: Nothing to update!\n"; } close TMP; ad_context_server_exit(0); # Cleans up the pid file and exits with status 0 # References $pid_file sub ad_context_server_exit { unlink $pid_file if -e $pid_file; exit(0); }