-- packages/static-pages/sql/static-pages-create.sql -- -- /** -- * Data model creation script for static-pages. -- * -- * Copyright (C) 2001 ArsDigita Corporation -- * Author: Brandoch Calef (bcalef@arsdigita.com) -- * Creation: 2001-02-02 -- * -- * $Id: static-pages-create.sql,v 2001/04/20 20:51:22 donb Exp $ -- * -- * This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- * License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- **/ set def off create table sp_folders ( folder_id constraint sp_folders_folder_id_pk primary key constraint sp_folders_folder_id_fk references cr_folders, parent_id constraint sp_folders_parent_id_fk references sp_folders(folder_id), package_id constraint sp_folders_package_id_fk references apm_packages ); comment on table sp_folders is ' Holds the folder hierarchy, mirroring the structure of the folders in the content repository. Used for navigating through the static pages in a hierarchical manner. '; comment on column sp_folders.folder_id is ' ID of folder. '; comment on column sp_folders.parent_id is ' ID of parent folder; null if this is the root folder. '; comment on column sp_folders.package_id is ' Keep track of the package that owns the folder. This is used to avoid conflicts if more than one package is using Static Pages functions. '; -- These indices are needed because the columns have foreign key constraints. -- create index sp_folders_parent_id_idx on sp_folders(parent_id); create index sp_folders_package_id_idx on sp_folders(package_id); -- The title and content of each page will go into cr_revisions. Here -- we record the filename. -- create table static_pages ( static_page_id constraint static_pgs_static_pg_id_fk references cr_items constraint static_pgs_static_pg_pk primary key, filename varchar2(500), folder_id constraint static_pgs_folder_id_fk references sp_folders, show_comments_p char(1) default 't' constraint static_pgs_show_cmnts_nn not null constraint static_pgs_show_cmnts_chk check (show_comments_p in ('t','f')) ); comment on table static_pages is ' Extends the cr_items table to hold information on static pages. '; comment on column static_pages.filename is ' The full path of the file (e.g. /web/my_site/www/books/index.html). '; comment on column static_pages.folder_id is ' ID of folder containing page. '; comment on column static_pages.show_comments_p is ' Are comments shown on the page, or is the user simply offered a link to view the comments? '; -- Another foreign key column: -- create index static_pages_folder_id_idx on static_pages(folder_id); -- We need an index on the filename column since the page handler -- queries against it to get page information. -- create index static_pages_filename_idx on static_pages(filename); -- These holds the ids of files and folders that are actually in the -- filesystem. Once it is updated, we can delete all static_pages -- and sp_folders that don't have rows in sp_extant_*. -- create table sp_extant_files ( session_id integer not null, static_page_id not null constraint sp_extant_files_file_id_fk references static_pages on delete cascade ); comment on table sp_extant_files is ' Holds the ids of files that are actually in the filesystem. Once it is updated, we can delete all static_pages that don''t have a row in sp_extant_files. '; comment on column sp_extant_files.session_id is ' Each syncing session has an identifier in order to avoid conflicts that would arise if two admins sync simultaneously. '; comment on column sp_extant_files.static_page_id is ' The static_page_id for a file in the filesystem. '; create table sp_extant_folders ( session_id integer not null, folder_id not null constraint sp_extant_folders_file_id_fk references sp_folders on delete cascade ); comment on table sp_extant_folders is ' Holds the ids of folders that are actually in the filesystem. Once it is updated, we can delete all sp_folders that don''t have a row in sp_extant_folders. '; comment on column sp_extant_folders.session_id is ' Each syncing session has an identifier in order to avoid conflicts that would arise if two admins sync simultaneously. '; comment on column sp_extant_folders.folder_id is ' The folder_id for a folder in the filesystem. '; -- Here's where we get our session_ids: create sequence sp_session_id_seq; declare attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; begin -- this also creates the acs_object type content_type.create_type ( content_type => 'static_page', pretty_name => 'Static Page', pretty_plural => 'Static Pages', table_name => 'static_pages', id_column => 'static_page_id' ); attr_id := content_type.create_attribute ( content_type => 'static_page', attribute_name => 'filename', datatype => 'text', pretty_name => 'Filename', pretty_plural => 'Filenames', column_spec => 'varchar2(500)' ); end; / create or replace package static_page as function new ( -- /** -- * Creates a new content_item and content_revision for a -- * static page. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-02 -- **/ static_page_id in static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE default null, folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE, filename in static_pages.filename%TYPE default null, title in cr_revisions.title%TYPE default null, content in cr_revisions.content%TYPE default null, show_comments_p in static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE default 't', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( -- /** -- * Delete a static page, including the associated content_item. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-02 -- **/ static_page_id in static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE ); function get_root_folder ( -- /** -- * Returns the id of the root folder belonging to this package. -- * If none exists, one is created. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-22 -- **/ package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE; function new_folder ( -- /** -- * Create a folder in the content_repository to hold files in -- * a particular directory. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-02 -- **/ folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE default null, name in cr_items.name%TYPE, label in cr_folders.label%TYPE, description in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null, parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE default null, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE; procedure delete_folder ( -- /** -- * Delete a folder and all the folders and files it contains. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-02 -- **/ folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE ); procedure delete_stale_items ( -- /** -- * Delete items that are in the content repository but not in -- * extant_files/extant_folders with the given session_id. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-02 -- **/ session_id in sp_extant_files.session_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ); procedure grant_permission ( -- /** -- * Grant a privilege on a file or folder, perhaps recursively. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-21 -- **/ item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id in acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege in acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE, recursive_p in char ); procedure revoke_permission ( -- /** -- * Revoke a privilege on a file or folder, perhaps recursively. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-21 -- **/ item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id in acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege in acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE, recursive_p in char ); function five_n_spaces ( -- /** -- * Return 5n nonbreaking spaces. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-27 -- **/ n in integer ) return varchar2; procedure set_show_comments_p ( -- /** -- * Establish whether the contents of a comment are displayed -- * on a particular page. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-23 -- **/ item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, show_comments_p in static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE ); function get_show_comments_p ( -- /** -- * Retrieve the comment display policy. -- * -- * @author Brandoch Calef -- * @creation-date 2001-02-23 -- **/ item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE ) return static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE; end static_page; / create or replace package body static_page as function new ( static_page_id in static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE default null, folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE, filename in static_pages.filename%TYPE default null, title in cr_revisions.title%TYPE default null, content in cr_revisions.content%TYPE default null, show_comments_p in static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE default 't', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE is v_item_id static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE; begin -- Create content item; this also makes the content revision. -- One might be tempted to set the content_type to static_page, -- But this would confuse site-wide-search, which expects to -- see a content_type of content_revision. v_item_id := content_item.new( item_id => static_page.new.static_page_id, parent_id => static_page.new.folder_id, name => static_page.new.filename, title => static_page.new.title, mime_type => 'text/html', creation_date => static_page.new.creation_date, creation_user => static_page.new.creation_user, creation_ip => static_page.new.creation_ip, context_id => static_page.new.context_id, is_live => 't', data => static_page.new.content ); -- We want to be able to have non-commentable folders below -- commentable folders. We can't do this if we leave security -- inheritance enabled. -- update acs_objects set security_inherit_p = 'f' where object_id = v_item_id; -- Copy permissions from the parent: for permission_row in ( select grantee_id,privilege from acs_permissions where object_id = folder_id ) loop acs_permission.grant_permission( object_id => v_item_id, grantee_id => permission_row.grantee_id, privilege => permission_row.privilege ); end loop; -- Insert row into static_pages: insert into static_pages (static_page_id, filename, folder_id, show_comments_p) values ( v_item_id, static_page.new.filename, static_page.new.folder_id, static_page.new.show_comments_p ); return v_item_id; end; procedure delete ( static_page_id in static_pages.static_page_id%TYPE ) is begin -- Delete all permissions on this page: delete from acs_permissions where object_id = static_page_id; -- Drop all comments on this page. general-comments doesn't have -- a comment.delete() function, so I just do this (see the -- general-comments drop script): for comment_row in ( select comment_id from general_comments where object_id = static_page_id ) loop delete from images where image_id in ( select latest_revision from cr_items where parent_id = comment_row.comment_id ); acs_message.delete(comment_row.comment_id); end loop; -- Delete the page. -- WE SHOULDN'T NEED TO DO THIS: CONTENT_ITEM.DELETE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF -- DELETING FROM STATIC PAGES. delete from static_pages where static_page_id = static_page.delete.static_page_id; content_item.delete(static_page_id); end; function get_root_folder ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE is folder_exists_p integer; folder_id sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE; begin -- If there isn't a root folder for this package, create one. -- Otherwise, just return its id. select count(*) into folder_exists_p from dual where exists ( select 1 from sp_folders where package_id = static_page.get_root_folder.package_id and parent_id is null ); if folder_exists_p = 0 then folder_id := static_page.new_folder ( name => 'sp_root', label => 'sp_root' ); update sp_folders set package_id = static_page.get_root_folder.package_id where folder_id = static_page.get_root_folder.folder_id; acs_permission.grant_permission ( object_id => folder_id, grantee_id => acs.magic_object_id('the_public'), privilege => 'general_comments_create' ); -- The comments will inherit read permission from the pages, -- so the public should be able to read the static pages. acs_permission.grant_permission ( object_id => folder_id, grantee_id => acs.magic_object_id('the_public'), privilege => 'read' ); else select folder_id into folder_id from sp_folders where package_id = static_page.get_root_folder.package_id and parent_id is null; end if; return folder_id; end get_root_folder; function new_folder ( folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE default null, name in cr_items.name%TYPE, label in cr_folders.label%TYPE, description in cr_folders.description%TYPE default null, parent_id in cr_items.parent_id%TYPE default null, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE is v_folder_id sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin if parent_id is null then v_parent_id := 0; else v_parent_id := parent_id; end if; v_folder_id := content_folder.new ( name => static_page.new_folder.name, label => static_page.new_folder.label, folder_id => static_page.new_folder.folder_id, parent_id => v_parent_id, description => static_page.new_folder.description, creation_date => static_page.new_folder.creation_date, creation_user => static_page.new_folder.creation_user, creation_ip => static_page.new_folder.creation_ip, context_id => static_page.new_folder.context_id ); if parent_id is not null then -- Get the package_id from the parent: select package_id into v_package_id from sp_folders where folder_id = static_page.new_folder.parent_id; insert into sp_folders (folder_id, parent_id, package_id) values (v_folder_id, parent_id, v_package_id); update acs_objects set security_inherit_p = 'f' where object_id = v_folder_id; -- Copy permissions from the parent: for permission_row in ( select grantee_id,privilege from acs_permissions where object_id = parent_id ) loop acs_permission.grant_permission( object_id => v_folder_id, grantee_id => permission_row.grantee_id, privilege => permission_row.privilege ); end loop; else insert into sp_folders (folder_id, parent_id) values (v_folder_id, parent_id); -- if it's a root folder, allow it to contain static pages and -- other folders (subfolders will inherit these properties) content_folder.register_content_type ( folder_id => v_folder_id, content_type => 'static_page' ); content_folder.register_content_type ( folder_id => v_folder_id, content_type => 'content_revision' ); content_folder.register_content_type ( folder_id => v_folder_id, content_type => 'content_folder' ); end if; return v_folder_id; end; procedure delete_folder ( folder_id in sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE ) is begin for folder_row in ( select folder_id from ( select folder_id,level as path_depth from sp_folders start with folder_id = static_page.delete_folder.folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) order by path_depth desc ) loop for page_row in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id = folder_row.folder_id ) loop static_page.delete(page_row.static_page_id); end loop; delete from sp_folders where folder_id = folder_row.folder_id; content_folder.delete(folder_row.folder_id); end loop; end; procedure delete_stale_items ( session_id in sp_extant_files.session_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) is root_folder_id sp_folders.folder_id%TYPE; begin root_folder_id := static_page.get_root_folder(package_id); -- First delete all files that are descendants of the root folder -- but aren't in sp_extant_files: -- for stale_file_row in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = root_folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) and static_page_id not in ( select static_page_id from sp_extant_files where session_id = static_page.delete_stale_items.session_id ) ) loop static_page.delete(stale_file_row.static_page_id); end loop; -- Now delete all folders that aren't in sp_extant_folders. There are two -- views created on the fly here: dead (all descendants of the root -- folder not in sp_extant_folders) and path (each folder and its depth). -- They are joined together to get the depth of all the folders that -- need to be deleted. The root folder is excluded because it won't -- show up in the filesystem search, so it will be missing from -- sp_extant_folders. -- for stale_folder_row in ( select dead.folder_id from (select folder_id from sp_folders where (folder_id) not in ( select folder_id from sp_extant_folders where session_id = static_page.delete_stale_items.session_id ) ) dead, (select folder_id,level as depth from sp_folders start with folder_id = root_folder_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) path where dead.folder_id = path.folder_id and dead.folder_id <> root_folder_id order by path.depth desc ) loop delete from sp_folders where folder_id = stale_folder_row.folder_id; content_folder.delete(stale_folder_row.folder_id); end loop; end delete_stale_items; procedure grant_permission ( item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id in acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege in acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE, recursive_p in char ) is begin if recursive_p = 't' then -- For each folder that is a descendant of item_id, grant. for folder_row in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = item_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) loop acs_permission.grant_permission( object_id => folder_row.folder_id, grantee_id => static_page.grant_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.grant_permission.privilege ); end loop; -- For each file that is a descendant of item_id, grant. for file_row in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = item_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) ) loop acs_permission.grant_permission( object_id => file_row.static_page_id, grantee_id => static_page.grant_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.grant_permission.privilege ); end loop; else acs_permission.grant_permission( object_id => item_id, grantee_id => static_page.grant_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.grant_permission.privilege ); end if; end grant_permission; procedure revoke_permission ( item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, grantee_id in acs_permissions.grantee_id%TYPE, privilege in acs_permissions.privilege%TYPE, recursive_p in char ) is begin if recursive_p = 't' then -- For each folder that is a descendant of item_id, revoke. for folder_row in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = item_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) loop acs_permission.revoke_permission( object_id => folder_row.folder_id, grantee_id => static_page.revoke_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.revoke_permission.privilege ); end loop; -- For each file that is a descendant of item_id, revoke. for file_row in ( select static_page_id from static_pages where folder_id in ( select folder_id from sp_folders start with folder_id = item_id connect by parent_id = prior folder_id ) ) loop acs_permission.revoke_permission( object_id => file_row.static_page_id, grantee_id => static_page.revoke_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.revoke_permission.privilege ); end loop; else acs_permission.revoke_permission( object_id => item_id, grantee_id => static_page.revoke_permission.grantee_id, privilege => static_page.revoke_permission.privilege ); end if; end revoke_permission; function five_n_spaces ( n in integer ) return varchar2 is space_string varchar2(400); begin space_string := ''; for i in 1..n loop space_string := space_string || '     '; end loop; return space_string; end five_n_spaces; procedure set_show_comments_p ( item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE, show_comments_p in static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE ) is begin update static_pages set show_comments_p = static_page.set_show_comments_p.show_comments_p where static_page_id = static_page.set_show_comments_p.item_id; end; function get_show_comments_p ( item_id in acs_permissions.object_id%TYPE ) return static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE is v_show_comments_p static_pages.show_comments_p%TYPE; begin select show_comments_p into v_show_comments_p from static_pages where static_page_id = static_page.get_show_comments_p.item_id; return v_show_comments_p; end; end static_page; /