-- -- acs-events/sql/test/acs-events-test.sql -- -- PL/SQL regression tests for ACS Events -- -- Note: These tests use the utPLSQL regression package available at: -- ftp://ftp.oreilly.com/published/oreilly/oracle/utplsql/utInstall.zip -- -- @author W. Scott Meeks (smeeks@arsdigita.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-11-29 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: acs-events-test.sql,v 2001/06/12 03:56:20 nsadmin Exp $ -- In order for utPLSQL to work, you need to grant -- specific permissions to your user: --- -- grant create public synonym to servicename; -- grant drop public synonym to servicename; -- grant execute on dbms_pipe to servicename; -- grant drop any table to servicename; -- grant create any table to servicename; -- -- In order to execute the test, you need to set things up -- in your SQL*PLUS session. First type: -- -- set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped -- -- Now, if you have the UTL_FILE PL/SQL package installed, type: -- -- exec utplsql.setdir('/web/servicename/packages/acs-events/sql/test'); -- -- Otherwise, you'll have to disable autocompilation and manually -- compile: -- -- exec utplsql.autocompile (false); -- @acs-events-test -- -- To actually execute the test, type: -- -- exec utplsql.test('acs_event'); set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped exec utplsql.autocompile (false); exec utplsql.setdir('/web/servicename/packages/acs-events/sql/test'); -- we need these here or else the PL/SQL won't compile. drop table ut_acs_events; create table ut_acs_events as select * from acs_events; drop table ut_acs_event_party_map; create table ut_acs_event_party_map as select * from acs_event_party_map; -- Template created with exec utGen.testpkg('acs_event'); CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ut_acs_event IS PROCEDURE ut_setup; PROCEDURE ut_teardown; -- For each program to test... -- PROCEDURE ut_ACTIVITY_SET; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE_ALL; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE_ALL_RECURRENCES; -- PROCEDURE ut_GET_DESCRIPTION; -- PROCEDURE ut_GET_NAME; PROCEDURE ut_INSERT_INSTANCES; -- PROCEDURE ut_INSTANCES_EXIST_P; -- PROCEDURE ut_NEW; -- PROCEDURE ut_PARTY_MAP; -- PROCEDURE ut_PARTY_UNMAP; -- PROCEDURE ut_RECURS_P; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT_ALL1; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT_ALL2; -- PROCEDURE ut_TIMESPAN_SET; END ut_acs_event; / CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ut_acs_event IS date1 date; date2 date; PROCEDURE ut_setup IS BEGIN ut_teardown; dbms_output.put_line('Setting up...'); -- create copies of the tables execute immediate 'create table ut_acs_events as select * from acs_events'; execute immediate 'create table ut_acs_event_party_map as select * from acs_event_party_map'; END ut_setup; PROCEDURE ut_teardown IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Tearing down...'); -- clean out the test tables begin execute immediate 'drop table ut_acs_events cascade constraints'; execute immediate 'drop table ut_acs_event_party_map cascade constraints'; exception when others then null; end; END; -- For each program to test... -- PROCEDURE ut_ACTIVITY_SET IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.ACTIVITY_SET ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- ACTIVITY_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of ACTIVITY_SET', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_ACTIVITY_SET; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.DELETE ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of DELETE', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_DELETE; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE_ALL IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.DELETE_ALL ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of DELETE_ALL', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_DELETE_ALL; -- PROCEDURE ut_DELETE_ALL_RECURRENCES IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.DELETE_ALL_RECURRENCES ( -- RECURRENCE_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of DELETE_ALL_RECURRENCES', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_DELETE_ALL_RECURRENCES; -- PROCEDURE ut_GET_DESCRIPTION IS -- BEGIN -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of GET_DESCRIPTION', -- ACS_EVENT.GET_DESCRIPTION( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- ) -- ); -- END ut_GET_DESCRIPTION; -- PROCEDURE ut_GET_NAME IS -- BEGIN -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of GET_NAME', -- ACS_EVENT.GET_NAME( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- ) -- ); -- END ut_GET_NAME; -- The test of insert_instances has been augmented to test -- other routines. Specifically new, delete, delete_all, -- timespan_set, activity_set, get_name, get_description, -- party_map, party_unmap, recurs_p, instances_exist_p PROCEDURE ut_INSERT_INSTANCES IS timespan_id acs_events.timespan_id%TYPE; activity_id acs_events.activity_id%TYPE; recurrence_id acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE; event_id acs_events.event_id%TYPE; instance_count integer; cursor event_cursor is select * from acs_events_dates where recurrence_id = ut_INSERT_INSTANCES.recurrence_id; events event_cursor%ROWTYPE; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Testing INSERT_INSTANCES...'); -- Create event components timespan_id := timespan.new(date1, date2); activity_id := acs_activity.new( name => 'Testing', description => 'Making sure the code works' ); -- Recurrence recurrence_id := recurrence.new( interval_type => 'week', every_nth_interval => 1, days_of_week => '1 3', recur_until => to_date('2000-02-01') ); -- Create event event_id := acs_event.new(); -- Do some testing while we're here utAssert.eq ( 'Test of INSTANCES_EXIST_P f within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.instances_exist_p(recurrence_id), 'f' ); insert into ut_acs_events (event_id) values (event_id); utAssert.eqtable ( 'Test of NEW within INSERT_INSTANCES', 'ut_acs_events', 'acs_events' ); utAssert.isnull ( 'Test of GET_NAME null within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_name(event_id) ); utAssert.isnull ( 'Test of GET_DESCRIPTION null within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_description(event_id) ); utAssert.eq ( 'Test of RECURS_P f within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.recurs_p(event_id), 'f' ); acs_event.timespan_set(event_id, timespan_id); acs_event.activity_set(event_id, activity_id); update acs_events set recurrence_id = ut_insert_instances.recurrence_id where event_id = ut_insert_instances.event_id; update ut_acs_events set timespan_id = ut_insert_instances.timespan_id, activity_id = ut_insert_instances.activity_id, recurrence_id = ut_insert_instances.recurrence_id where event_id = ut_insert_instances.event_id; utAssert.eqtable ( 'Test of SET procedures within INSERT_INSTANCES', 'ut_acs_events', 'acs_events' ); utAssert.eq ( 'Test of GET_NAME from activity within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_name(event_id), 'Testing' ); utAssert.eq ( 'Test of GET_DESCRIPTION from activity within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_description(event_id), 'Making sure the code works' ); update acs_events set name = 'Further Testing', description = 'Making sure the code works correctly.' where event_id = ut_insert_instances.event_id; utAssert.eq ( 'Test of GET_NAME from event within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_name(event_id), 'Further Testing' ); utAssert.eq ( 'Test of GET_DESCRIPTION from event within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.get_description(event_id), 'Making sure the code works correctly.' ); -- Insert instances acs_event.insert_instances ( event_id => event_id , cutoff_date => to_date('2000-02-02') ); -- Test for instances utAssert.eq ( 'Test of RECURS_P t within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.recurs_p(event_id), 't' ); utAssert.eq ( 'Test of INSTANCES_EXIST_P t within INSERT_INSTANCES', acs_event.instances_exist_p(recurrence_id), 't' ); -- Count instances select count(*) into instance_count from acs_events where recurrence_id = ut_insert_instances.recurrence_id; dbms_output.put_line('Instances: ' || instance_count); utAssert.eqquery ( 'Test count of instances in INSERT_INSTANCES', 'select count(*) from acs_events where recurrence_id = ' || recurrence_id, 'select 9 from dual' ); -- Check that instances match except for dates utAssert.eqquery ( 'Test instances in INSERT_INSTANCES', 'select count(*) from (select name, description, activity_id from acs_events where recurrence_id = ' || recurrence_id || 'group by name, description, activity_id)', 'select 1 from dual' ); -- Check dates -- Just print 'em out and eyeball 'em for now. for events in event_cursor loop dbms_output.put_line(events.name || ' - ' || to_char(events.start_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')); end loop; -- Clean up acs_event.delete_all(event_id); recurrence.delete(recurrence_id); acs_activity.delete(activity_id); timespan.delete(timespan_id); END ut_INSERT_INSTANCES; -- PROCEDURE ut_INSTANCES_EXIST_P IS -- BEGIN -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of INSTANCES_EXIST_P', -- ACS_EVENT.INSTANCES_EXIST_P( -- RECURRENCE_ID => '' -- ) -- ); -- END ut_INSTANCES_EXIST_P; -- PROCEDURE ut_NEW IS -- BEGIN -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of NEW', -- ACS_EVENT.NEW( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- NAME => '' -- , -- DESCRIPTION => '' -- , -- TIMESPAN_ID => '' -- , -- ACTIVITY_ID => '' -- , -- RECURRENCE_ID => '' -- , -- OBJECT_TYPE => '' -- , -- CREATION_DATE => '' -- , -- CREATION_USER => '' -- , -- CREATION_IP => '' -- , -- CONTEXT_ID => '' -- ) -- ); -- END ut_NEW; -- PROCEDURE ut_PARTY_MAP IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.PARTY_MAP ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- PARTY_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of PARTY_MAP', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_PARTY_MAP; -- PROCEDURE ut_PARTY_UNMAP IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.PARTY_UNMAP ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- PARTY_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of PARTY_UNMAP', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_PARTY_UNMAP; -- PROCEDURE ut_RECURS_P IS -- BEGIN -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of RECURS_P', -- ACS_EVENT.RECURS_P( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- ) -- ); -- END ut_RECURS_P; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.SHIFT ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- START_OFFSET => '' -- , -- END_OFFSET => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of SHIFT', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_SHIFT; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT_ALL1 IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.SHIFT_ALL ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- START_OFFSET => '' -- , -- END_OFFSET => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of SHIFT_ALL', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_SHIFT_ALL1; -- PROCEDURE ut_SHIFT_ALL2 IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.SHIFT_ALL ( -- RECURRENCE_ID => '' -- , -- START_OFFSET => '' -- , -- END_OFFSET => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of SHIFT_ALL', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_SHIFT_ALL2; -- PROCEDURE ut_TIMESPAN_SET IS -- BEGIN -- ACS_EVENT.TIMESPAN_SET ( -- EVENT_ID => '' -- , -- TIMESPAN_ID => '' -- ); -- utAssert.this ( -- 'Test of TIMESPAN_SET', -- '<boolean expression>' -- ); -- END ut_TIMESPAN_SET; begin date1 := to_date('2000-01-03 13:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'); date2 := to_date('2000-01-03 14:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI'); END ut_acs_event; / show errors