Jabber @context@

Who's online?

The IM System is not avaiable, please try it again later!

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This page displays users, who are currently online. It differentiate between three user groups. Internal, registered Jabber users, who are on your buddy list including their other Instant Messaging contacts. Then external friends, who are not registered in @system_name@, but you want to have on your buddy list. At last other internal, registered Jabber users, who are online. This provides you information, who is online, if you want to begin a chat. Furthermore you do not have to search internal users to add them to your buddy list, you have to click only on the link to add them to your friend list.

Your Messenger Status
Log in to and out off the @system_name@ Jabber by clicking on the icon

Note: The moment you log into the @system_name@ Jabber, you will automatically be logged into other services that you have authorised the Jabber to connect with. At this point, the Jabber be your default messenger for all services. Other instant messaging clients on your desktop will not work when you are logged in through the Jabber.

Jabber Applet Active
The screen name you typed in is already in use! Please fill in the form to register with Jabber!
Edit your contact information View your external contacts Add a new external contact Search for users
Your Friends online
@friend_status.first_names@ @friend_status.last_name@ Remove from list
External Friends Online
@external_status.first_names@ @external_status.last_name@ Contact from IM-Addressbook
Click on Icon

If you want to see all community users online, who are not on your buddy list, follow this link: Current Community users online

On a public Internet service, the number of casual surfers (unregistered) will outnumber the registered users by at least 10 to 1. Thus there could be many more people using this service than it would appear.