Workflow Coordination Central
By Lars Pind on August 17, 2000.
ACS Documentation : Workflow :
Coordination Central
Mini-Tasks and Work Plan
This list will be updated as we go along
- 60. Email notifications from the engine. Stas has written a simple
notification package: packages/notification (depends on
packages/acs-util). Talk to Stas
about how to use it.
- 200. A pilot application package to build on top of the workflow
package. We can't really get everything right until that happens.
- 240. Integrate with permissions. Permissions applicable to
workflows are: (a) administer a workflow definition, (b) view a
workflow definition and summary, (c) administer cases for a workflow,
(d) view cases for the workflow.
- 320. We must have a UI for setting the static (context-based)
assignments, so a manager can install a workflow definition and then
fit it with his own user-base.
- 350. We currently have a problem with unassigned tasks and manual
task assignments. Manual task assignments used to use attributes, but
this was changed, because attributes can only hold one value each. And
there's currently no way to assign users to unassigned tasks.
- 360. Implement a function to check for soundness of the
workflow-net: here's
- 260. Allow users to add random single tasks to their work
list. That would help adoption, and it would help users by keeping
everything in one place.
- 290. Add the usual callback mechanisms for setting
estimated_minutes for a specific task (including adding the column to
wf_user_tasks), so the estimate can depend on conditions in the
- 300. The act of setting attributes should be separate from the
act of finishing the task. The user should be able to set the
attributes incrementally, have the value stored for her, and the
finish the task when she's ready.
- 310. We need to be able to generate better UI for setting
outputs. Currently we only really know what to do with short strings
and booleans. This borders to the problem of automatically generating
forms from metadata.
- 330. In order to make distribution of workflow definitions easier,
we should probably have the callbacks stored in the workflow
definition and not in the context info, or perhaps in both
places. This is a trivial change and one of the things that we
probably won't finally decide on until we have a pilot application.
Bigger Tasks
This list will be updated as we go along
- 800. Maintainer's Guide.
- 900. Advanced Workflow Builder's Guide.
[ email all ]
Stuff that's done
- 50. Test all callbacks (guards, assignments, enable, fire, etc.). Use
and modify the
sample workflow as
needed. (they seem to work pretty well)
- 70. Modify workflow-package to use Michael Yoon's PL/SQL
conventions, i.e. arguments shouldn't be named "v_foo", but just foo.
- 80. Modify workflow-create and workflow-package, so workflow_key,
transition_key, place_key, context_key, etc., are called just that
(and not workflow, transition, place, context) throughout the model
- 90. Currently, the
view doesn't
actually traverse the parties hierarchy. It should, using
in some way, but I'm not sure how. Talk to
Rafi ( about this. group_distinct_member_map
seems to be the trick.
- 100. Neither UI nor engine currently enforces that only the
assigned users are allowed to perform actions on tasks. This check
should be added, and it sounds reasonable to involve permissions to do
this in one way or another (doesn't it?). (Depends on 90)
- 110. Add workflow attributes to the task page and actually set the values.
- 120. Figure out how to use the metadata capabilities of the core
for workflow attributes.
- 130. Integrate workflow with acs-kernel. We want every row in
wf_workflows to be an acs_object_type, and every row in wf_cases to be
an acs_object of that type. Should we discard the varchar primary
keys, then? The point of varchar primary keys was to make it easy to
move a workflow definition from one ACS-installation to another, and
to make it easy to write a SQL-script that'll create your workflow,
without having to store all the generated primary keys in SQL*Plus
- 140. Move the journal stuff into acs-kernel. Journals make sense
for all objects. The journal is about keeping track of actions on the
- 150. Modify workflow-create and workflow-package to work with the
journal table that's been moved into the core.
- 160. Modify callbacks to take one varchar2 parameter that can be
set in the context or wherever you specify the name of the callback
proc/func. How? The signature for guard_callback will be
(case_id, workflow_key, transition_key, place_key, direction,
, where custom_arg
is a
. In wf_arcs
where you specify the
function name, you also specify the
value passed to the custom_arg
parameter. That
way, the same callback function can be reused for similar purposes,
and we can provide a small library of standard supplied callbacks to
perform standard things, e.g., a guard-callback
, which takes the name of an attribute as
the custom_arg
, or a sysdate_plus_x
timeout-callback that takes a value to add to sysdate as the
- 170. Manual task assignments: there should be a way to say "this
task involves naming the party that should be responsible for this
task and that task". The way I propose to do it is to kill the
wf_case_assignments table and make them attributes with a certain name
that is set as usual. Same goes for manual case deadlines.
- 180. Make task.tcl actually look like the mock-up in the requirements doc.
- 190. Suspend/resume/cancel workflow.
- 210. Work deadlines into the UI somehow.
- 220. Tie case attribute values to journal id's again, so we can
see what values were the output of each task.
- 230. Add comments to a case.
- 280. Remove start_place_key and end_place_key and make it
'reserved words', so we just look for a place named 'start' and a
place named 'end'. That would get rid of the annoying cyclical
dependencies. The worst thing about them is that it makes it harder to
create workflows, because you have to (1) insert into wf_workflows,
(2) insert into wf_places, and then (3) update wf_workflows.
- 270. Add a column to hold estimated execution time for a task, to
aid the user in planning his work.
- 340. Clean up, remove hacks, restructure pages under www.
- 600. workflow-definition UI (see below)
- 700. workflow process overview UI (see below) - this work has already
been started, see www/admin.tcl and related pages.
- 250. Starting and managing the DBMS_JOBS that are supposed to be
run. This is fairly trivial, but since no-body are using the features
right now, we figured we wouldn't start jobs in the database.
Last Modified: $Date: 2001/03/13 22:59:27 $ |