# -*- Tcl -*- package req nx ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection false package require nx::test # # Test info superclass with closure and patterns (with and without # wildcards, prefixed or not, success or not). # nx::test case info-superclass { nx::Class create C nx::Class create D -superclass C # no patterns ? {D info superclass} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure} "::C ::nx::Object" # fully qualified pattern, no wild-card characters, success ? {D info superclass ::C} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure ::C} "::C" # unprefixed pattern, no wild-card characters, success ? {D info superclass C} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure C} "::C" # fully qualified pattern, no wild-card characters, no success ? {D info superclass ::D} "" ? {D info superclass -closure ::D} "" ? {D info superclass ::Dx} "" ? {D info superclass -closure ::Dx} "" # unprefixed pattern, no wild-card characters, no success ? {D info superclass D} "" ? {D info superclass -closure D} "" ? {D info superclass Dx} "" ? {D info superclass -closure Dx} "" # fully qualified pattern, wild-card characters, success ? {D info superclass ::*} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure ::C*} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure ::*} "::C ::nx::Object" ? {D info superclass -closure ::nx*} "::nx::Object" # unprefixed pattern, wild-card characters, success ? {D info superclass C*} "::C" ? {D info superclass -closure *} "::C ::nx::Object" ? {D info superclass -closure nx*} "::nx::Object" # fully qualified pattern, wild-card characters, no success ? {D info superclass ::*D} "" ? {D info superclass -closure ::*D} "" # unprefixed pattern, wild-card characters, no success ? {D info superclass C*x} "" ? {D info superclass -closure C*x} "" } # # Test "info method", base cases # nx::test case info-method-base { nx::Object create o { :object alias set ::set } nx::Class create C { :method m {x} {return proc-[self proc]} :object method mpo {} {return instproc-[self proc]} # :method m-with-assertions {} {return proc-[self proc]} -precondition 1 -postcondition 2 :forward addOne expr 1 + :object forward add1 expr 1 + :object forward fpo ::o :property -accessor public s :object property -accessor public spo :alias a ::set :object alias apo ::puts } C create c1 ? {lsort [C info methods -callprotection all]} "a addOne m s" #? {lsort [C info methods]} "a addOne s" foreach m [lsort [C info methods -callprotection all]] { ? [subst -nocommands {lsort [c1 info lookup methods $m]}] $m } ? {C info method definition a} "::C public alias a ::set" ? {c1 info lookup method a} "::nsf::classes::C::a" ? {c1 info lookup method addOne} "::nsf::classes::C::addOne" ? {c1 info lookup method m} "::nsf::classes::C::m" ? {c1 info lookup method s} "::nsf::classes::C::s" c1 object method foo {} {puts foo} ? {c1 info object method definition foo} "::c1 public object method foo {} {puts foo}" ? {c1 info lookup method foo} "::c1::foo" ? {C info method registrationhandle m} "::nsf::classes::C::m" ? {C info object method registrationhandle mpo} "::C::mpo" ? {C info method definition m} {::C public method m x {return proc-[self proc]}} ? {C info object method definition mpo} {::C public object method mpo {} {return instproc-[self proc]}} # if {$::nsf::config(assertions)} { # ? {C info method definition m-with-assertions} \ # {::C public method m-with-assertions {} {return proc-[self proc]} -precondition 1 -postcondition 2} # } else { # ? {C info method definition m-with-assertions} \ # {::C public method m-with-assertions {} {return proc-[self proc]}} # } ? {C info method parameters m} {x} ? {nx::Class info method parameters method} \ {name arguments:parameter,0..* -checkalways:switch -returns body} ? {nx::Class info method parameters alias} \ {methodName -returns {-frame default} cmd} # raises currently an error ? {catch {C info method parameters a}} 1 ? {C info method definition addOne} "::C public forward addOne expr 1 +" ? {C info object method definition add1} "::C public object forward add1 expr 1 +" ? {C info object method definition fpo} "::C public object forward fpo ::o" ? {C info method definition s} "::C public forward s -prefix value= ::C::slot::s %1 %self s" ? {C info object method definition spo} "::C public object forward spo -prefix value= ::C::per-object-slot::spo %1 %self spo" ? {C info method definition a} "::C public alias a ::set" ? {C info object method definition apo} "::C public object alias apo ::puts" ? {::nx::Object info lookup methods -source application} "" ? {::nx::Class info lookup methods -source application} "" set object_methods "cget configure contains copy delete destroy eval info move object private protected public require" set class_methods "alias cget configure contains copy create delete destroy eval filter forward info method mixin move new object private property protected public require variable" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info lookup methods -source system]} $class_methods ? {lsort [::nx::Class info lookup methods -source system]} $class_methods ? {lsort [::nx::Object info lookup methods -source all]} $class_methods ? {lsort [::nx::Class info lookup methods -source all]} $class_methods ? {lsort [::nx::Object info lookup methods]} $class_methods ? {lsort [::nx::Class info lookup methods]} $class_methods ? {lsort [C info lookup methods -source application]} "add1 apo fpo mpo spo" ? {lsort [c1 info lookup methods -source application]} "a addOne foo m s" ? {lsort [C info lookup methods -source system]} $class_methods ? {lsort [c1 info lookup methods -source system]} $object_methods ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection true # # the subsequent tests assume defaultMethodCallProtection == true # ? {::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection} true ::nx::Class create MC -superclass ::nx::Class { :protected method bar1 args {;} :method bar2 args {;} :public method foo args {;} :public object method foo args {;} } ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection public]} "foo" ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection protected]} "bar1 bar2" ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection all]} "bar1 bar2 foo" ::nsf::method::property ::MC foo call-protected true ::nsf::method::property ::MC bar2 call-protected false ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection public]} "bar2" ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection protected]} "bar1 foo" ? {lsort [MC info methods -type scripted -callprotection all]} "bar1 bar2 foo" ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection false } # # Test visability of obj-objects # nx::test case visability-sub-objects { ::nx::Object create o { ::nx::Object create [::nx::self]::sub { :object method foo {} {;} } :public object alias soAlias ::o::sub } # # per default, we see the alias and the subobject # ? {o info object methods} "soAlias sub" ? {o info object method type soAlias} "alias" # the subobject can be hidden via private (see protection.test) } # # Test visability of aliased Objects # nx::test case visability-aliased-object { ::nx::Object create ::I ::nx::Class create C { :public alias i ::I :create c1 } # # We see always the alias to the object # ? {C info methods i} "i" ? {c1 info lookup methods i} "i" ? {C info methods *i} "i" ? {c1 info lookup methods *i} "i" } #package require nx::test # # Introspect the returns method property throught the "info method" # API chunk ... # set checkFlag [::nsf::configure checkresults] set dmcFlag [::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection] # # Make sure that return-value checking is active for the current # interp ... # ::nsf::configure checkresults true # # Neutralize the defaultMethodCallProtection for the scope of these tests # ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection false nx::test case method-returns { # # A test object covering basic cases, adopted from returns.test # nx::Class create C { # scripted method without paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-ok1 {a b} -returns integer {return 1} # scripted method with paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-nok {a b:integer} -returns integer {return a} # alias to tcl-cmd (no param defs for in-parameters) :alias incr -returns integer -frame object ::incr :forward ++ -returns integer ::expr 1 + :public object method instances {} -returns object,1..n {:info instances} :create c1 { :public object method foo {} -returns integer {;} :public object method "bar baz" {} -returns integer {;} :public object method "bar boo" {} -returns integer {;} } } ? {C info method returns bar-ok1} "integer" ? {C info method returns bar-nok} "integer" ? {C info method returns incr} "integer" ? {C info method returns ++} "integer" ? {C info object method returns instances} "object,1..n" ? {c1 info object method returns foo} "integer" ? {c1 info object method returns "bar baz"} "integer" ? {c1 info object method returns "bar boo"} "integer" # # Ensemble object ... # ? {c1 info object method returns bar} "" # # Non-existing method ... # ? {c1 info object method returns baf} "" # # Non-existing submethod ... # ? {c1 info object method returns "bar baf"} "" } nx::test case method-definition-with-returns { # # A test object covering basic cases, adopted from returns.test # nx::Class create C { # scripted method without paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-ok1 {a b} -returns integer {;} # scripted method with paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-nok {a b:integer} -returns integer {;} # alias to tcl-cmd (no param defs for in-parameters) :alias incr -returns integer -frame object ::incr :forward ++ -returns integer ::expr 1 + :public object method instances {} -returns object,1..n {;} :create c1 { :public object method foo {} -returns integer {;} :object method "bar baz" {} -returns integer {;} } } ? {C info method definition bar-ok1} "::C public method bar-ok1 {a b} -returns integer {;}" ? {C info method definition bar-nok} \ "::C public method bar-nok {a b:integer} -returns integer {;}" ? {C info method definition incr} "::C public alias incr -frame object -returns integer ::incr" ? {C info method definition ++} "::C public forward ++ -returns integer ::expr 1 +" ? {C info object method definition instances} \ "::C public object method instances {} -returns object,1..n {;}" ? {c1 info object method definition foo} "::c1 public object method foo {} -returns integer {;}" ? {c1 info object method definition "bar baz"} "::c1 public object method {bar baz} {} -returns integer {;}" } nx::test case copy-with-returns { nx::Class create C { # scripted method without paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-ok1 {a b} -returns integer {;} # scripted method with paramdefs for in-parameters :method bar-nok {a b:integer} -returns integer {;} # alias to tcl-cmd (no param defs for in-parameters) :alias incr -returns integer -frame object ::incr :forward ++ -returns integer ::expr 1 + :public object method instances {} -returns object,1..n {;} :create c1 { :public object method foo {} -returns integer {;} :object method "bar baz" {} -returns integer {;} } } c1 copy c2 ? {c2 info object method returns foo} [c1 info object method returns foo] ? {c2 info object method definition foo} [lreplace [c1 info object method definition foo] 0 0 ::c2] ? {c2 info object method returns "bar baz"} [c1 info object method returns "bar baz"] ? {c2 info object method definition "bar baz"} [lreplace [c1 info object method definition "bar baz"] 0 0 ::c2] ? {c2 info object method returns "bar boo"} [c1 info object method returns "bar boo"] C copy CC ? {CC info method returns bar-ok1} [C info method returns bar-ok1] ? {CC info method definition bar-ok1} [lreplace [C info method definition bar-ok1] 0 0 ::CC] ? {CC info method returns bar-nok} [C info method returns bar-nok] ? {CC info method definition bar-nok} [lreplace [C info method definition bar-nok] 0 0 ::CC] # # TODO: Add/re-activate tests for copying aliases and forwards once # handled by NsfNSCopyCmdsCmd properly! # # ? {CC info method returns incr} [C info method returns incr] # ? {CC info method returns ++} [C info method returns ++] ? {CC info object method returns instances} [C info object method returns instances] ? {CC info object method definition instances} [lreplace [C info object method definition instances] 0 0 ::CC] } # # TODO: Add tests for about returns + setter / returns + nsf::proc, if applicable ... # ::nsf::configure checkresults $checkFlag ::nx::configure defaultMethodCallProtection $dmcFlag # -- nx::test case callable { # define the same method for Object and Class ::nx::Object method bar {} {return Object.bar} ::nx::Class method bar {} {return Class.bar} ::nx::Object create o ? {o info lookup method bar} "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::bar" ? {o info lookup methods bar} bar ? {o bar} Object.bar o object mixin set ::nx::Class ? {o info precedence} "::nx::Class ::nx::Object" ? {o info lookup method bar} "::nsf::classes::nx::Class::bar" ? {o info lookup methods bar} bar ? {o info lookup methods create} "" ? {o info lookup method create} "" ? {o bar} Class.bar ? {o object method foo {} {return o.foo}} "::o::foo" ? {o object alias is ::nsf::is} "::o::is" #? {o object property x} {variable definition for 'x' (without value and accessor) is useless} ? {o object property x} "" ? {o object property -accessor public x} "::o::x" ? {lsort [o info object methods]} "foo is x" #? {o object property A} {variable definition for 'A' (without value and accessor) is useless} ? {o object property A} "" ? {o object property -accessor public A} ::o::A ? {o object forward fwd ::set} ::o::fwd ? {lsort [o info object methods]} "A foo fwd is x" o object method f args ::nx::next ? {o info lookup methods create} "" ? {o info lookup methods configure} configure ? {o info lookup method configure} "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::configure" ? {o object filter set f} "f" ? {o object filter guard f { 1 == 1 }} "" ? {o info object filter guard f} " 1 == 1 " ? {o object filter guard f} " 1 == 1 " o object filter set "" nx::Class create Foo ? {Foo method f args ::nx::next} "::nsf::classes::Foo::f" ? {Foo method f2 args ::nx::next} "::nsf::classes::Foo::f2" ? {Foo filter set {f f2}} "f f2" ? {Foo info filter methods} "f f2" ? {Foo filter guard f {2 == 2}} "" ? {Foo info filter guard f} "2 == 2" ? {Foo info filter methods -guards f} "{f -guard {2 == 2}}" ? {Foo info filter methods -guards f2} "f2" ? {Foo info filter methods -guards} "{f -guard {2 == 2}} f2" ? {Foo filter set {}} "" ? {Foo object method f args ::nx::next} "::Foo::f" ? {Foo object method f2 args ::nx::next} "::Foo::f2" ? {Foo object filter set {f f2}} "f f2" ? {Foo info object filter methods} "f f2" ? {Foo object filter guard f {2 == 2}} "" ? {Foo info object filter guard f} "2 == 2" ? {Foo info object filter methods -guards f} "{f -guard {2 == 2}}" ? {Foo info object filter methods -guards f2} "f2" ? {Foo info object filter methods -guards} "{f -guard {2 == 2}} f2" ? {Foo object filter set {}} "" Foo destroy nx::Class create Fly o object mixin add Fly ? {o info object mixin classes} "::Fly ::nx::Class" ? {o object mixin guard ::Fly {1}} "" ? {o info object mixin classes -guards} "{::Fly -guard 1} ::nx::Class" ? {o info object mixin classes -guards Fly} "{::Fly -guard 1}" o object mixin delete ::Fly ? {o info object mixin classes} "::nx::Class" nx::Class create Foo Foo mixin add ::nx::Class Foo mixin add Fly ? {Foo info mixin classes} "::Fly ::nx::Class" ? {Foo mixin guard ::Fly {1}} "" ? {Foo info mixin classes -guards} "{::Fly -guard 1} ::nx::Class" ? {Foo info mixin classes -guards Fly} "{::Fly -guard 1}" Foo mixin delete ::Fly ? {Foo info mixin classes} "::nx::Class" Foo object mixin add ::nx::Class Foo object mixin add Fly ? {Foo info object mixin classes} "::Fly ::nx::Class" ? {Foo object mixin guard ::Fly {1}} "" ? {Foo info object mixin classes -guards} "{::Fly -guard 1} ::nx::Class" ? {Foo info object mixin classes -guards Fly} "{::Fly -guard 1}" Foo object mixin delete ::Fly ? {Foo info object mixin classes} "::nx::Class" ? {Foo info lookup methods create} "create" ? {Foo info lookup method create} "::nsf::classes::nx::Class::create" ? {o object mixin set ""} "" } # # test info slot objects / info lookup slots # nx::test case info-slots { nx::Class create C { :property a :property {b 1} } nx::Class create D -superclass C { :property {b 2} :property c :object property -accessor public {a2 ""} :method "sub foo" args {;} :create d1 { :object property -accessor public {a3 ""} } } ? {C info slots} "::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b" ? {D info slots} "::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c" ? {D info slots -closure -source application} "::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c ::C::slot::a" ? {d1 info lookup slots -source application} "::d1::per-object-slot::a3 ::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c ::C::slot::a" ? {D info object slots} "::D::per-object-slot::a2" ? {d1 info object slots} "::d1::per-object-slot::a3" ? {C info object slots} "" } # # test info slot objects / info lookup slots # nx::test case slots { nx::Class create C { :property a :property {b 1} :property -accessor private {x 100} :object property -accessor private {y 100} } nx::Class create D -superclass C { :property {b 2} :property c :object property -accessor public a2 :method "sub foo" args {;} :create d1 } ? {lsort [D info lookup slots]} "::D::per-object-slot::a2 ::nx::Class::slot::filter ::nx::Class::slot::mixin ::nx::Class::slot::superclass ::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::class ::nx::Object::slot::object-filter ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" ? {D info lookup slots superclass} "::nx::Class::slot::superclass" ? {D info lookup slots ::nx::Class::slot::superclass} "::nx::Class::slot::superclass" ? {D info lookup slots a2} "::D::per-object-slot::a2" ? {D info lookup slots ::D::per-object-slot::a2} "::D::per-object-slot::a2" ? {d1 info lookup slots b} "::D::slot::b" ? {d1 info lookup slots ::D::slot::b} "::D::slot::b" C create c1 ? {c1 info precedence} "::C ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {C info slots -closure -source application} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b" ? {lsort [C info slots -closure]} \ "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b ::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::class ::nx::Object::slot::object-filter ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" ? {C info slots} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b" ? {C info slots x} "::C::slot::____C.x" ? {C info slots ::C::slot::____C.x} "::C::slot::____C.x" ? {C info lookup slots y} "::C::per-object-slot::____C.y" ? {C info lookup slots ::C::per-object-slot::____C.y} "::C::per-object-slot::____C.y" # Test patterns for "info slots" # Partial name, no metachars ? {C info slots -closure object-mixin} "::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Partial name with metachars ? {C info slots -closure *in*} \ "::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Fully qualified name, no metachars ? {C info slots -closure ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin} "::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Fully qualified name, with metachars # The following command returns the same as "C info slots" ? {C info slots -closure ::C::*} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b" # The following command returns the slots of D inherited from # C. Slot "b" is shadowed by D. ? {D info slots -closure ::C::*} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a" # Test patterns for "info lookup slots" # Partial name, no metachars ? {c1 info lookup slots object-mixin} "::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Partial name with metachars ? {c1 info lookup slots *in*} \ "::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Fully qualified name, no metachars ? {c1 info lookup slots ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin} "::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Fully qualified name, with metachars ? {c1 info lookup slots ::C::*} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b" D create d1 ? {D info slots} "::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c" ? {D info slots -closure -source application} "::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c ::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a" ? {::nx::Object info method parameters info} "" ? {d1 info precedence} "::D ::C ::nx::Object" ? {lsort [d1 info lookup slots]} \ "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a ::D::slot::b ::D::slot::c ::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::class ::nx::Object::slot::object-filter ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" # Fully qualified name, with metachars # The following command returns the slots of D inherited from # C. Slot "b" is shadowed by D. ? {d1 info lookup slots ::C::*} "::C::slot::____C.x ::C::slot::a" } # # test info submethod and method handles for submethods # nx::test case info-submethod { nx::Object create o { :object method "foo a" {} {return a} :object method "foo b" {x:int y:upper} {return b} } nx::Object create o2 nx::Class create C { :method "bar a" {} {return a} :method "bar b" {x:int y:upper} {return b} :method "bar baz x" {x:int y:upper} {return x} :method "bar baz y" {x:int y:upper} {return y} :object method "foo x" {z:int} {return z} :object method "foo y" {z:int} {return z} } # query definition on submethod ? {o info object method definition "foo b"} {::o public object method {foo b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on submethod with handle ? {o info object method definition "::o::foo b"} {::o public object method {foo b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on submethod with handle ? {o info object method definition "::o::foo b"} {::o public object method {foo b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on submethod with handle called on different object ? {o2 info object method definition "::o::foo b"} {::o public object method {foo b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on handle of ensemble object called on different object ? {o2 info object method definition "::o::foo::b"} {::o::foo public object method b {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on submethod with handle called on class ? {o2 info object method definition "::o::foo b"} {::o public object method {foo b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on handle of ensemble object called on class ? {o2 info object method definition "::o::foo::b"} {::o::foo public object method b {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # query definition on submethod of class ? {::nx::Object info method definition "info lookup methods"} \ {::nx::Object public alias {info lookup methods} ::nsf::methods::object::info::lookupmethods} # query definition on submethod of class with handle ? {o info object method definition "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::info lookup methods"} \ {::nx::Object public alias {info lookup methods} ::nsf::methods::object::info::lookupmethods} # query definition on handle of ensemble object of class ? {o info object method definition "::nx::Object::slot::__info::lookup::methods"} \ {::nx::Object::slot::__info::lookup public object alias methods ::nsf::methods::object::info::lookupmethods} ? {lsort [o info object method submethods dummy]} "" ? {lsort [o info object method submethods foo]} "a b" ? {lsort [o info object method submethods "foo a"]} "" ? {lsort [C info method submethods "bar"]} "a b baz" ? {lsort [C info method submethods "bar a"]} "" ? {lsort [C info method submethods "bar baz"]} "x y" ? {lsort [C info method submethods "bar baz y"]} "" ? {lsort [C info object method submethods "foo"]} "x y" ? {lsort [C info object method submethods "foo x"]} "" # # method handles for ensemble methods # ? {C info method registrationhandle "bar"} {::nsf::classes::C::bar} ? {C info method registrationhandle "bar a"} {::nsf::classes::C::bar a} ? {C info method registrationhandle "bar baz y"} {::nsf::classes::C::bar baz y} # # test whether the handles for ensemble methods work # ? {C info method parameters [C info method registrationhandle "bar"]} "" ? {C info method parameters [C info method registrationhandle "bar b"]} "x:int y:upper" ? {C info method parameters [C info method registrationhandle "bar baz y"]} "x:int y:upper" # # check methods paths as method specifications # ? {C info method definition "bar b"} {::C public method {bar b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} ? {C info method definition "::nsf::classes::C::bar b"} {::C public method {bar b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} ? {o2 info object method definition "::nsf::classes::C::bar b"} {::C public method {bar b} {x:int y:upper} {return b}} # # test class modifier on handles # ? {C info object method registrationhandle "foo"} {::C::foo} ? {C info object method registrationhandle "foo x"} {::C::foo x} # # info method definition with method paths # ? {C info object method definition "::C::foo x"} {::C public object method {foo x} z:int {return z}} ? {C info method definition "::C::foo x"} {::C public object method {foo x} z:int {return z}} ? {o2 info object method definition "::C::foo x"} {::C public object method {foo x} z:int {return z}} ? {C info method definition "bar baz y"} \ {::C public method {bar baz y} {x:int y:upper} {return y}} ? {C info method definition "::nsf::classes::C::bar baz y"} \ {::C public method {bar baz y} {x:int y:upper} {return y}} # # test "info method parameters" # ? {nx::Object info method parameters "info lookup methods"} \ "-callprotection -incontext:switch -type -nomixins:switch -path:switch -source pattern:optional" ? {nx::Object info method syntax "info lookup methods"} \ "/cls/ info lookup methods ?-callprotection all|public|protected|private? ?-incontext? ?-type all|scripted|builtin|alias|forwarder|object|setter|nsfproc? ?-nomixins? ?-path? ?-source all|application|system? ?/pattern/?" ? {o info object method parameters "foo b"} "x:int y:upper" ? {nx::Object info method parameters ::nx::Object::slot::__info::lookup::methods} \ "-callprotection -incontext:switch -type -nomixins:switch -path:switch -source pattern:optional" ? {o info object method parameters "::o::foo::b"} "x:int y:upper" ? {nx::Object info method registrationhandle "info"} "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::info" ? {nx::Object info method registrationhandle "info lookup methods"} \ "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::info lookup methods" ? {nx::Object info method registrationhandle "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::info lookup methods"} \ "::nsf::classes::nx::Object::info lookup methods" ? {o info object method registrationhandle "foo b"} "::o::foo b" } # # test info slot parameter|parametersyntax # nx::test case info-slot-parametersyntax { nx::Class create C { :property a :property {b 1} } nx::Class create D -superclass C { :property {b 2} :property c :object property -accessor public a2 :method "sub foo" args {;} } C new ? {C info lookup syntax create} "/objectName/ ?-a /value/? ?-b /value/? ?-object-mixin /mixinreg .../? ?-class /class/? ?-object-filter /filterreg .../? ?/__initblock/?" ? {C info lookup syntax create a} "?-a /value/?" ? {C info lookup parameters create } "objectName -a {-b 1} -object-mixin:mixinreg,slot=::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin,slotset,0..n -class:class,alias,method=::nsf::methods::object::class -object-filter:filterreg,slot=::nx::Object::slot::object-filter,slotset,0..n __initblock:cmd,optional,noleadingdash" #? {C info parameter list} "-a -b -noinit -object-mixin -class -object-filter __initblock" #? {C info lookup args create} "methodName a b noinit object-mixin class object-filter __initblock" ? {lsort [C info slots -closure]} "::C::slot::a ::C::slot::b ::nx::Object::slot::__initblock ::nx::Object::slot::class ::nx::Object::slot::object-filter ::nx::Object::slot::object-mixin" ? {C info lookup parameters create b} "{-b 1}" ? {D info lookup parameters create b} "{-b 2}" ? {D info slots -closure b} "::D::slot::b" ? {D info slots -closure a} "::C::slot::a" ? {D info slots -closure class} "::nx::Object::slot::class" # ? {D info parameter list} "-b -c -a -noinit -object-mixin -class -object-filter __initblock" # ? {D info parameter names} "b c a noinit object-mixin class object-filter __initblock" } # # test "info methods -path" # nx::test case info-methods-path { # # test case on base class # ? {::nx::Object info methods "info"} "info" ? {::nx::Object info methods -path "info"} "" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods -path "info lookup *"]} \ "{info lookup filter} {info lookup filters} {info lookup method} {info lookup methods} {info lookup mixins} {info lookup parameters} {info lookup slots} {info lookup syntax} {info lookup variables}" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods -path "info *parameter*"]} \ "{info lookup parameters} {info object method parameters} {info variable parameter}" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods "slots"]} "" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods "*slots*"]} "" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods -path "*slot*"]} \ "{info lookup slots} {info object slots}" ? {lsort [::nx::Object info methods -path "*filter*"]} \ "{info lookup filter} {info lookup filters} {info object filter guard} {info object filter methods} {object filter}" ::nx::Class create C { :public method "string length" {s} {puts length} :public method "string reverse" {s} {puts reverse} :public method foo {} {puts foo} :protected method "a b c" {} {puts "a b c"} :protected method "a b d" {} {puts "a b d"} :public method "a c" {d c} {puts "a c"} :create c1 } nx::Class create D -superclass C { :public method "string length" {s} {puts length} :public method "string compress" {s} {puts compress} :create d1 } ? {lsort [C info methods -path -callprotection all]} \ "{a b c} {a b d} {a c} foo {string length} {string reverse}" ? {lsort [C info methods -path]} \ "{a c} foo {string length} {string reverse}" # # lookup ensemble methods # ? {lsort [c1 info lookup methods -path "string *"]} \ "{string length} {string reverse}" # # lookup ensemble methods combined from multiple classes # ? {lsort [d1 info lookup methods -path "string *"]} \ "{string compress} {string length} {string reverse}" # # search for ensemble method # ? {lsort [d1 info lookup method "string length"]} "::nsf::classes::D::string length" ? {lsort [d1 info lookup method "string reverse"]} "::nsf::classes::C::string reverse" } # # Test parameter syntax for a methods and cmds # nx::test case parametersyntax { # a true method ? {::nx::Class info method syntax method} \ "/cls/ method /name/ /arguments/ ?-checkalways? ?-returns /value/? /body/" # a forwarder to ::nsf::relation; definition comes via array ::nsf::parametersyntax ? {::nx::Class info method syntax mixin} "/cls/ mixin ?/class .../?|?add /class/?|?delete /class/?" ? {::nx::Class info method syntax ::nx::next} "/cls/ next ?/arguments/?" ? {::nx::Class info method syntax ::nsf::xotclnext} "/cls/ xotclnext ?--noArgs? ?/arg .../?" } # # Test info heritage, base cases # nx::test case info-heritage { Class create A Class create B -superclass A Class create BB -superclass B Class create C -superclass A Class create CC -superclass C Class create D -superclass A Class create M1 Class create M2 -superclass A ? {A info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::nx::Object" ? {M1 info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {M2 info heritage} "::A ::nx::Object" B mixin add M1 ? {A info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::M1 ::A ::nx::Object" ? {B info mixin classes -closure} "::M1" B mixin set M2 ? {A info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::M2 ::A ::nx::Object" ? {B info mixin classes -closure} "::M2" B mixin set A ? {A info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::nx::Object" B mixin set C ? {A info heritage} "::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::C ::A ::nx::Object" B mixin set "" ? {BB info heritage} "::B ::A ::nx::Object" BB mixin set CC ? {BB info heritage} "::CC ::C ::B ::A ::nx::Object" BB mixin set "" ? {BB info heritage} "::B ::A ::nx::Object" } # # Test transitive per-class mixins # nx::test case info-heritage-transitive { Class create O Class create A -superclass O Class create B -superclass A Class create C -superclass A Class create D -superclass A # transitive case C mixin set D B mixin set C ? {C info heritage} "::D ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::D ::C ::A ::O ::nx::Object" # reset C mixin set "" B mixin set "" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" # transitve different order B mixin set C C mixin set D ? {B info heritage} "::D ::C ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::D ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" # reset C mixin set "" B mixin set "" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" } # # Test circular mixins # nx::test case info-heritage-circular { Class create O Class create A -superclass O Class create B -superclass A Class create BB -superclass B Class create C -superclass A Class create CC -superclass C Class create D -superclass A Class create M3 Class create M2 -superclass A Class create M # circular case ? {B mixin set C} "::C" ? {C mixin get} "" #? {C mixin set B} "classes dependent on ::C contain a cycle" #? {C mixin get} "" ;# make sure, the mixin list of C was reset ? {C mixin set B} "::B" ? {C mixin get} "::B" ? {B info heritage} "::C ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::B ::A ::O ::nx::Object" #? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" # reset C mixin set "" B mixin set "" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" # indirect circular case B mixin set C ? {C mixin get} "" ? {C mixin set BB} "::BB" #? {C mixin set BB} "classes dependent on ::C contain a cycle" #? {C mixin get} "" ? {B info heritage} "::BB ::C ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::BB ::B ::A ::O ::nx::Object" #? {B info heritage} "::C ::A ::O ::nx::Object" #? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" # reset C mixin set "" B mixin set "" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {C info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {D info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {M3 mixin set B} ::B ? {A info heritage} "::O ::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {M3 info heritage} "::B ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {A mixin set M3} "::M3" ? {A info heritage} "::B ::M3 ::O ::nx::Object" ? {B info heritage} "::M3 ::A ::O ::nx::Object" #? {A mixin set M3} "classes dependent on ::A contain a cycle" #? {A info heritage} "::O ::nx::Object" #? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {M3 create m1} ::m1 ? {m1 info precedence} "::B ::A ::O ::M3 ::nx::Object" ? {M3 info heritage} "::B ::A ::O ::nx::Object" ? {B mixin set M3} ::M3 ? {B info heritage} "::M3 ::A ::O ::nx::Object" #? {B mixin set M3} {classes dependent on ::B contain a cycle} #? {B info heritage} "::A ::O ::nx::Object" } # # Mixin the same class twice, once per-class and one per-object. # nx::test case info-heritage-simple-multimix { Class create Agent Class create MovementTest Class create MovementLog Agent mixin set MovementTest Agent create a1 ? {Agent info heritage} "::MovementTest ::nx::Object" ? {a1 info precedence} "::MovementTest ::Agent ::nx::Object" a1 object mixin set {MovementTest MovementLog} ? {Agent info heritage} "::MovementTest ::nx::Object" ? {a1 info precedence} "::MovementTest ::MovementLog ::Agent ::nx::Object" } # # Mixin several classes at several class levels and on the object # level # nx::test case info-heritage-multimix { Class create A Class create B -superclass A Class create M1 Class create M2 Class create M3 Class create M4 B create b1 ? {B info heritage} "::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info precedence} "::B ::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info precedence ::M*} "" A mixin set {M1 M2} ? {B info heritage} "::M1 ::M2 ::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info precedence} "::M1 ::M2 ::B ::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info precedence ::M*} "::M1 ::M2" ? {b1 info precedence ::X*} "" b1 object mixin set {M1 M1 M4} ? {b1 info precedence} "::M1 ::M4 ::M2 ::B ::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info object mixin classes} "::M1 ::M4" B mixin set {M3 M1 M1 M4} ? {B info heritage} "::M3 ::M1 ::M4 ::M2 ::A ::nx::Object" ? {b1 info precedence} "::M1 ::M4 ::M3 ::M2 ::B ::A ::nx::Object" } # # per-object mixin with implied classes # nx::test case info-heritage-multimix { Class create A Class create B -superclass A Class create C Class create PCM -superclass A C create c1 ? {c1 info precedence} "::C ::nx::Object" # ::A is an implied class c1 object mixin set B ? {c1 info precedence} "::B ::A ::C ::nx::Object" ? {c1 info lookup mixins} "::B ::A" # ::A is as well implied by ::PCM C mixin set PCM ? {C info heritage} "::PCM ::A ::nx::Object" ? {C info mixin classes} "::PCM" ? {C info mixin classes -order} "" ;# ???? why no warning ? {C info mixin classes -heritage} "::PCM ::A" ? {C info mixin classes -closure} "::PCM" # ::A is not ordered after ::B but after ::PCM ? {c1 info precedence} "::B ::PCM ::A ::C ::nx::Object" ? {c1 info lookup mixins} "::B ::PCM ::A" } # # transitive per-class mixins with implied classes # nx::test case info-heritage-transitive-pcm { Class create A Class create B -superclass A Class create C -superclass B Class create PCMA -superclass A Class create PCMB -superclass PCMA Class create PCMC -superclass PCMB Class create TPCMA Class create TPCMB -superclass TPCMA C create c1 ? {C info heritage} "::B ::A ::nx::Object" ? {c1 info precedence} "::C ::B ::A ::nx::Object" B mixin set PCMB # heritage includes implied classes ? {C info heritage} "::PCMB ::PCMA ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # precedence includes implied classes from mixins or intrinsic # classes ? {c1 info precedence} "::PCMB ::PCMA ::C ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # just the classes mixed explicitly into this class ? {B info mixin classes} "::PCMB" ? {C info mixin classes} "" # the classes mixed transitive into this class; This answer the # question, what classes were mixed in explicitly into the mixin # hierarchy by the application program ? {B info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMB" # since C is a specialization of B, it includes transitively B's closure ? {C info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMB" # the explicit and implicit mixin classes ? {B info mixin classes -heritage} "::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" # since C is a specialization of B, it inherits the classes from B ? {C info mixin classes -heritage} "::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" PCMB mixin set TPCMB # heritage includes implied classes ? {C info heritage} "::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # precedence includes implied classes from mixins or intrinsic # classes ? {c1 info precedence} "::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::C ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # just the classes mixed explicitly into this class ? {B info mixin classes} "::PCMB" ? {C info mixin classes} "" # the classes mixed transitive into this class ? {B info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMB ::TPCMB" # since C is a specialization of B, it includes transitively B's closure ? {C info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMB ::TPCMB" # the explicit and implicit mixin classes ? {B info mixin classes -heritage} "::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" # since C is a specialization of B, it inherits the classes from B ? {C info mixin classes -heritage} "::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" C mixin set PCMC # heritage includes implied classes ? {C info heritage} "::PCMC ::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # precedence includes implied classes from mixins or intrinsic # classes ? {c1 info precedence} "::PCMC ::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::C ::B ::A ::nx::Object" # just the classes mixed explicitly into this class ? {B info mixin classes} "::PCMB" ? {C info mixin classes} "::PCMC" # the classes mixed transitive into this class ? {B info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMB ::TPCMB" ? {C info mixin classes -closure} "::PCMC ::TPCMB ::PCMB" # the explicit and implicit mixin classes ? {B info mixin classes -heritage} "::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" ? {C info mixin classes -heritage} "::PCMC ::TPCMB ::TPCMA ::PCMB ::PCMA ::A" } # # ::nsf::method::ishandle # nx::test case method-isregistered { ? {::nsf::method::registered c} "" ? {::nsf::method::registered info} "" ? {::nsf::method::registered ::info} "" Class create C { :method bar {} {return bar} set h1 [:info method registrationhandle bar] ? [list set _ $h1] "::nsf::classes::C::bar" ? [list [self] info method registrationhandle bar] "::nsf::classes::C::bar" ? [list ::nsf::method::registered $h1] ::C :object method bar {} {return bar} set h2 [:info object method registrationhandle bar] ? [list [self] info object method registrationhandle bar] "::C::bar" ? [list ::nsf::method::registered $h2] ::C } Object create o { :object method bar {} {return bar} set h1 [:info object method registrationhandle bar] ? [list set _ $h1] "::o::bar" ? [list [self] info object method registrationhandle bar] "::o::bar" ? [list ::nsf::method::registered $h1] ::o } } # # Testing "... info method orgin ..." (in contrast to "... info method # handle ..."). "origin" always points to the definintion handle, # "handle" alone is the registration handle. # nx::test case method-origin { nx::Class create C ? {set implHandle [C public method "foo bar" {x} {;}]} "::C::slot::__foo::bar" ? {set regHandle [C info method registrationhandle "foo bar"]} "::nsf::classes::C::foo bar" ? {set origin [C info method definitionhandle "foo bar"]} "::C::slot::__foo::bar" ? {set implHandle [C public object method "foo bar" {x} {;}]} "::C::foo::bar" ? {set regHandle [C info object method registrationhandle "foo bar"]} "::C::foo bar" ? {set origin [C info object method definitionhandle "foo bar"]} "::C::foo::bar" Object create o ? {set implHandle [o public object method "foo bar" {x} {;}]} "::o::foo::bar" ? {set regHandle [o info object method registrationhandle "foo bar"]} "::o::foo bar" ? {set origin [o info object method definitionhandle "foo bar"]} "::o::foo::bar" } # # test "info methods -closure" # nx::test case info-methods-closure { nx::Class create C { :public method c1 {} {...} :method c2 {} {...} } nx::Class create D -superclass C { :public method c1 {} {...} :public method d1 {} {...} :method d2 {} {...} } nx::Class create M { :public method m1 {} {...} :method m2 {} {...} } ? {D info methods} "c1 d1 d2" # # info methods -closure lists instance methods # ? {D info methods -closure *2} "d2 c2" ? {D info methods -closure -source application} "c1 d1 d2 c2" D mixin set M # # Check as well methods inherited from per-class mixins # ? {D info methods} "c1 d1 d2" ? {D info methods -closure *2} "m2 d2 c2" ? {D info methods -closure -source application} "m1 m2 c1 d1 d2 c2" } # # Test error messages within an ensemble call # nx::test case error-in-ensemble { ? {nx::Object info method definition foo 1} {wrong # args: should be "definition name"} ? {nx::Object info subclass I R G H} {invalid argument 'R', maybe too many arguments; should be "::nx::Object info subclass ?-closure? ?-dependent? ?/pattern/?"} } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: