Index: appveyor.yml =================================================================== diff -u -rce0feaa33aadc9950c9636a700378bc5e19629aa -r6af065c4868d8dbfc7c1ea5bd78526c2cbd113a6 --- appveyor.yml (.../appveyor.yml) (revision ce0feaa33aadc9950c9636a700378bc5e19629aa) +++ appveyor.yml (.../appveyor.yml) (revision 6af065c4868d8dbfc7c1ea5bd78526c2cbd113a6) @@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ build_script: - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set CHERE_INVOKING=1 # - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\msys64\usr\bin;%PATH% - - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=%MINGW_DIR%\bin;%PATH% + - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set PATH=%CD%\%MINGW_DIR%\bin;%PATH% # Needed to align MSYS and Windows HOME dirs - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" set HOME=C:\Users\appveyor # - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "cd && echo \"export PATH=/c/msys64/mingw64/bin:/c/msys64/usr/bin:\$PATH; export MSYSTEM=MINGW64; export MINGW_PREFIX=/c/msys64/mingw64; \" >> .profile" - - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "cd && echo \"export PATH=/c/Users/appveyor/mingw64/bin:\$PATH; export MSYSTEM=MINGW64; export MINGW_PREFIX=/c/Users/appveyor/mingw64; \" >> .profile" + - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "autoconf-tea" bash -lc "cd && echo \"export PATH=/c/projects/nsf-2ylk0/mingw64/bin:\$PATH; export MSYSTEM=MINGW64; export MINGW_PREFIX=/c/Users/appveyor/mingw64; \" >> .profile" - if "%TOOLCHAIN%" == "nmake-tea" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" - tclkit.exe apps/build.tcl %CD% %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% %TCLTAG% %TOOLCHAIN%