Index: openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/process-purchase-course.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/process-purchase-course.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.17 -r1.18
--- openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/process-purchase-course.tcl 18 Aug 2005 19:34:53 -0000 1.17
+++ openacs-4/packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/www/admin/process-purchase-course.tcl 22 Aug 2005 17:43:39 -0000 1.18
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
{section ""}
{section_id "-1"}
- purchaser_id:integer,optional,notnull
{page 1}
{__refreshing_p 0}
@@ -32,9 +30,29 @@
} -errors {
-if { [info exists purchaser_id] } {
- set participant_id $user_id
- set user_id $purchaser_id
+# Proc to be used in form validation
+proc already_registered_p { section_id purchaser_id participant_id } {
+ if { [empty_string_p $section_id] } {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if { [db_0or1row community {
+ select community_id
+ from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
+ where section_id = :section_id
+ }] } {
+ set user_id [ad_decode $participant_id 0 $purchaser_id $participant_id]
+ return [db_string registered {
+ select count(*)
+ from dotlrn_member_rels_full
+ where community_id = :community_id
+ and user_id = :user_id
+ }]
+ }
+ return 0
if { $related_user > 0 } {
@@ -261,136 +279,57 @@
lappend tree_options [list [lindex $tree 1] [lindex $tree 0]]
-if { ! $participant_id } {
- set locale [ad_conn locale]
- set related_user_options [linsert [db_list_of_lists related_users {
- select *
- from (
- select u.first_names||' '||u.last_name||' (participant is '||(select
- from category_object_map m, category_translations c
- where m.category_id = c.category_id
- and m.object_id = r.rel_id
- and c.locale = :locale
- limit 1)||')' as ruser, u.user_id
- from acs_rels r, dotlrn_users u
- where r.object_id_two = u.user_id
- and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
- and r.object_id_one = :user_id
+set locale [ad_conn locale]
+set related_user_options [linsert [db_list_of_lists related_users {
+ select *
+ from (
+ select u.first_names||' '||u.last_name||' (participant is '||(select
+ from category_object_map m, category_translations c
+ where m.category_id = c.category_id
+ and m.object_id = r.rel_id
+ and c.locale = :locale
+ limit 1)||')' as ruser, u.user_id
+ from acs_rels r, dotlrn_users u
+ where r.object_id_two = u.user_id
+ and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and r.object_id_one = :user_id
- union
+ union
- select u.first_names||' '||u.last_name||' (purchaser is '||(select
- from category_object_map m, category_translations c
- where m.category_id = c.category_id
- and m.object_id = r.rel_id
- and c.locale = :locale
- limit 1)||')' as ruser, u.user_id
- from acs_rels r, dotlrn_users u
- where r.object_id_one = u.user_id
- and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
- and r.object_id_two = :user_id
- and not r.object_id_one in (select object_id_two
- from acs_rels r
- where rel_type = 'patron_rel'
- and object_id_one = :user_id)
- ) r
- where not ruser is null
- }] 0 [list "$user_info(first_names) $user_info(last_name) is both purchasing and attending the course" "0"]]
- lappend related_user_options [list "Purchase for GROUP of participants" -1]
- lappend related_user_options [list "Another Participant" -2]
+ select u.first_names||' '||u.last_name||' (purchaser is '||(select
+ from category_object_map m, category_translations c
+ where m.category_id = c.category_id
+ and m.object_id = r.rel_id
+ and c.locale = :locale
+ limit 1)||')' as ruser, u.user_id
+ from acs_rels r, dotlrn_users u
+ where r.object_id_one = u.user_id
+ and r.rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and r.object_id_two = :user_id
+ and not r.object_id_one in (select object_id_two
+ from acs_rels r
+ where rel_type = 'patron_rel'
+ and object_id_one = :user_id)
+ ) r
+ where not ruser is null
+}] 0 [list "$user_info(first_names) $user_info(last_name) is both purchasing and attending the course" "0"]]
+lappend related_user_options [list "Purchase for GROUP of participants" -1]
+lappend related_user_options [list "Another Participant" -2]
- ad_form -extend -name "participant" -export { {participant_id 0} } -form {
- {-section "Choose Participant"}
- {related_user:integer(radio),optional {label "Related Users"} {options {$related_user_options}}}
- {isubmit:text(submit) {label "[_ dotlrn-ecommerce.Continue]"}}
- }
+ad_form -extend -name "participant" -export { {participant_id 0} } -form {
+ {-section "Choose Participant"}
+ {related_user:integer(radio),optional {label "Related Users"} {options {$related_user_options}}}
+ {isubmit:text(submit) {label "[_ dotlrn-ecommerce.Continue]"}}
-# lappend validate {participant
-# { ! [empty_string_p $participant] || [template::element::get_value participant related_user] != -1 ||
-# (![empty_string_p [template::element::get_value participant name]] &&
-# ![empty_string_p [template::element::get_value participant num_members]]) }
-# "Please enter a search string"
-# }
-# lappend validate {participant
-# { [llength $participant_list] > 1 || [template::element::get_value participant participant_pays_p] == "t" ||
-# (![empty_string_p [template::element::get_value participant name]] &&
-# ![empty_string_p [template::element::get_value participant num_members]]) }
-# "No users found. Please try again"
-# }
-# elseif { $participant_id } {
-# acs_user::get -user_id $participant_id -array participant_user
-# set search_url [export_vars -base process-purchase-course { user_id {participant ""} {participant_id 0} section section_id { related_user 0 } new_user_p }]
-# # {participant_pays_p:boolean(checkbox),optional {label ""} {options {{"Check here if $user_info(first_names) $user_info(last_name) is both purchasing and attending the course" t}}}}
-# ad_form -extend -name "participant" -export { participant participant_id { related_user $participant_id } } -form {
-# {-section "Individual Purchase"}
-# {participant_name:text(inform) {label "Participant"} {value "$participant_user(first_names) $participant_user(last_name) ($participant_user(email))"}
-# {after_html {Search Participant}}
-# }
-# {relationship:text(select),optional {label "Relationship"}
-# {help_text "How is the purchaser related to the participant?"}
-# {options {$tree_options}}
-# }
-# {isubmit:text(submit) {label "[_ dotlrn-ecommerce.Continue]"}}
-# }
-# }
-# else {
-# set search_url [export_vars -base process-purchase-course { user_id {participant ""} {participant_id 0} section section_id }]
-# ad_form -extend -name "participant" -export { participant } -form {
-# {-section "Individual Purchase"}
-# {participant_pays_p:boolean(checkbox),optional {label ""} {options {{"Check here if $user_info(first_names) $user_info(last_name) is both purchasing and attending the course" t}}}}
-# {participant_id:integer(select),optional {label "Select Participant"} {options {$participant_list}}
-# {help_text "Select a participant from the list. Can't find the participant?
Create an account and return to this form"}
-# {after_html {Search Participant}}
-# }
-# {relationship:text(select),optional {label "Relationship"}
-# {help_text "How is the purchaser related to the participant?"}
-# {options {$tree_options}}
-# }
-# {-section "Group Purchase"}
-# {name:text,optional {label "Group Name"} {html {size 30}}}
-# {num_members:integer(text),optional {label "Number of attendees"} {html {size 30}}}
-# }
-# lappend validate {participant_id
-# { $participant_id || [template::element::get_value participant participant_pays_p] == "t" }
-# "Please select a participant from the list"
-# }
-# }
-#set maxparticipants [dotlrn_ecommerce::section::maxparticipants $section_id]
-#set available_slots [dotlrn_ecommerce::section::available_slots $section_id]
-# if { ! [empty_string_p $maxparticipants] } {
-# # it is now allowed to register users even if the course is full,
-# # they just go to the waiting list
-# # for groups, just inform the user that the group members will go
-# # to the waiting list
-# # DISABLED FOR NOW - groups can't go to the waiting list
-# # if { ! $waiting_list_p } {
-# lappend validate \
-# {num_members
-# { $num_members > 1 || [template::element::get_value participant related_user] != -1 }
-# "[_ dotlrn-ecommerce.lt_Please_enter_a_value_]"
-# } {num_members
-# { $num_members <= $available_slots || [empty_string_p $num_members] || [template::element::get_value participant related_user] != -1}
-# "[subst [_ dotlrn-ecommerce.lt_The_course_only_has_a]]"
-# }
-# # if { [template::element::get_value participant related_user] == -1 && [string is integer [template::element::get_value participant num_members]] && [template::element::get_value participant num_members] > 1 && [template::element::get_value participant num_members] > $available_slots } {
-# # template::element::set_value participant waiting_list_p 1
-# # } else {
-# # template::element::set_value participant waiting_list_p 0
-# # }
-# # } elseif { [template::element::get_value participant related_user] != -1 } {
-# # template::element::set_value participant waiting_list_p 0
-# # }
-# }
set return_url [ad_return_url]
+# Don't allow duplicate registration
+lappend validate {related_user
+ { ! [already_registered_p [template::element::get_value participant section_id] $user_id $related_user] || $related_user < 0 }
+ "<#_ User is already registered to this section or has a pending application.#>"
ad_form -extend -name "participant" -export { user_id return_url new_user_p } -validate $validate -form {
} -on_request {
set related_user 0
@@ -399,27 +338,6 @@
set participant_id $related_user
-# if { ! [empty_string_p $relationship] && $related_user != 0 } {
-# set rel_id [relation::get_id -object_id_one $user_id -object_id_two $participant_id -rel_type "patron_rel"]
-# if { [empty_string_p $rel_id] } {
-# # Create patron relationship
-# # Roel 06/15: Reversed users since we select purchasers
-# # first now
-# set rel_id [db_exec_plsql relate_patron {
-# select acs_rel__new (null,
-# 'patron_rel',
-# :user_id,
-# :participant_id,
-# null,
-# null,
-# null)
-# }]
-# }
-# category::map_object -remove_old -object_id $rel_id [list $relationship]
-# }
db_1row product {
select product_id
from dotlrn_ecommerce_section
@@ -445,24 +363,3 @@
-if { ! [empty_string_p $participant] } {
- template::element::set_value participant related_user -1
-# Set relationship if appropriate
-if { [exists_and_not_null rel_id] } {
- # This can be a bit tricky since we handle reverse relationships
- # poorly, for now, assume that the admin chooses the proper
- # relationships for both participant and purchaser, e.g. When A is
- # purchaser and B is participant, admin chooses 'Mother'; when B
- # is purchaser and A is participant, admin chooses 'Daughter'
- set relationship [db_string relationship {
- select category_id
- from category_object_map
- where object_id = :rel_id
- limit 1
- } -default 0]
- template::element::set_value participant relationship $relationship