Index: openacs-4/packages/calendar-portlet/tcl/calendar-portlet-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/calendar-portlet/tcl/calendar-portlet-procs.tcl,v
diff -u -r1.17 -r1.18
--- openacs-4/packages/calendar-portlet/tcl/calendar-portlet-procs.tcl 10 Dec 2001 02:48:38 -0000 1.17
+++ openacs-4/packages/calendar-portlet/tcl/calendar-portlet-procs.tcl 17 Jan 2002 22:14:27 -0000 1.18
@@ -15,14 +15,21 @@
namespace eval calendar_portlet {
+ ad_proc -private my_package_key {
+ } {
+ return "calendar-portlet"
+ }
ad_proc -private my_name {
} {
- return "calendar_portlet"
+ return "calendar_portlet"
ad_proc -public get_pretty_name {
} {
- return "Calendar"
+ return [ad_parameter \
+ -package_id [apm_package_id_from_key [my_package_key]] \
+ "pretty_name"]
ad_proc -public link {
@@ -31,355 +38,113 @@
ad_proc -public add_self_to_page {
- page_id
+ portal_id
} {
Adds a calendar PE to the given page with the community_id.
@return element_id The new element's id
- @param page_id The page to add self to
- @param community_id The community with the folder
+ @param portal_id The page to add self to
+ @param calendar_id The new calendar_id to add
@creation-date Sept 2001
} {
- # Find out if this calendar already exists
- set element_id_list [portal::get_element_ids_by_ds $page_id [my_name]]
- if {[llength $element_id_list] == 0} {
- set element_id [portal::add_element $page_id [my_name]]
- # Set the single calendar_id as a param
- portal::set_element_param $element_id "calendar_id" $calendar_id
- } else {
- set element_id [lindex $element_id_list 0]
- # There are existing calendar_id's which should NOT be overwritten
- portal::add_element_param_value \
- -element_id $element_id -key calendar_id -value $calendar_id
- }
- return $element_id
+ return [portal::add_element_or_append_id -portal_id $portal_id \
+ -portlet_name [my_name] \
+ -value_id $calendar_id \
+ -key calendar_id]
- ad_proc -public show {
- cf
+ ad_proc -public remove_self_from_page {
+ portal_id
+ community_id
} {
- Display the PE
+ Removes a calendar PE from the given page
- @return HTML string
- @param cf A config array
- @author
- @creation-date Sept 2001
+ @param portal_id The page to remove self from
+ @param community_id
+ @author
+ @creation-date Sept 2001
} {
+ # it's more simple not to use portal::remove_element_or_remove_id here
- # carries "calendar_id"
- array set config $cf
- set calendar_id $config(calendar_id)
+ # get the element IDs (could be more than one!)
+ set element_ids [portal::get_element_ids_by_ds $portal_id \
+ [my_name]]
- set date [dt_sysdate]
- set current_date $date
- set date_format "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI"
- set num_hour_rows 24
- set i 0
- set bgcolor_html "border=1 color=blue"
- set view day
+ # remove all elements
+ db_transaction {
+ foreach element_id $element_ids {
- set mlist ""
- set set_id [ns_set new day_items]
- # otherwise, get the calendar_name for the give_id
- set view $config(default_view)
- set list_of_calendar_ids $config(calendar_id)
- if { $view == "day" } {
- foreach calendar_id $list_of_calendar_ids {
- set calendar_name ""
- # [calendar_get_name $calendar_id]
- ns_log notice "aks11: the current calendar_id os $calendar_id, $calendar_name list is $list_of_calendar_ids, cf $cf"
+ set calendar_id \
+ [portal::get_element_param $element_id "calendar_id"]
- # big non-ported query, i'm bad
- db_foreach get_day_items "
- select to_char(start_date, 'HH24') as start_hour,
- to_char(start_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_start_date,
- to_char(end_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_end_date,
- nvl(, as name,
- e.event_id as item_id
- from acs_activities a,
- acs_events e,
- timespans s,
- time_intervals t
- where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id
- and s.interval_id = t.interval_id
- and e.activity_id = a.activity_id
- and start_date between
- to_date(:current_date,:date_format) and
- to_date(:current_date,:date_format) + (24 - 1/3600)/24
- and e.event_id
- in (
- select cal_item_id
- from cal_items
- where on_which_calendar = :calendar_id
- )" {
- ns_set put $set_id $start_hour \
- "
- $pretty_start_date - $pretty_end_date $name ($calendar_name)
- }
+ set g_cal_id \
+ [portal::get_element_param $element_id "group_calendar_id"]
- }
- # shaded_p support version 1
- set row_html "
- $calendar_name
- Time | Title |
- while {$i < $num_hour_rows} {
- set filled_cell_count 0
- # making hours before 10 looks prettier
- if {$i < 10} { set cal_hour "0$i" } else { set cal_hour "$i" }
- # am or pm determination logic
- if {$i < 12} {
- if {$i == 0} {
- set time "12:00 am"
- } else {
- set time "$cal_hour:00 am"
- }
- } else {
- if {$i == 12} {
- set time "12:00 pm"
- } else {
- set fm_hour [expr $i - 12]
- if {$fm_hour < 10} {
- set fm_hour "0$fm_hour"
- }
- set time "$fm_hour:00 pm"
- }
- }
- set cal_item_index [ns_set find $set_id $cal_hour]
- append row_html "
- $time
- |
- "
- if {$cal_item_index == -1} {
- append row_html " "
- }
- while {$cal_item_index > -1} {
- append row_html "[ns_set value $set_id $cal_item_index]"
- ns_set delete $set_id $cal_item_index
- set cal_item_index [ns_set find $set_id $cal_hour]
- }
- append row_html " |
- incr i
- }
- append row_html "
- # aks - week support
- } elseif { $view == "week" } {
- db_1row get_weekday_info "
- select to_char(to_date(:current_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'D')
- as day_of_the_week,
- to_char(next_day(to_date(:current_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')-7, 'SUNDAY'))
- as sunday_of_the_week,
- to_char(next_day(to_date(:current_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Saturday'))
- as saturday_of_the_week
- from dual
- "
- set mlist ""
- set set_id [ns_set new week_items]
- db_foreach get_day_items {
- select to_char(start_date, 'J') as start_date,
- to_char(start_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_start_date,
- to_char(end_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_end_date,
- nvl(, as name,
- e.event_id as item_id
- from acs_activities a,
- acs_events e,
- timespans s,
- time_intervals t
- where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id
- and s.interval_id = t.interval_id
- and e.activity_id = a.activity_id
- and start_date between
- to_date(:sunday_of_the_week,'YYYY-MM-DD') and
- to_date(:saturday_of_the_week,'YYYY-MM-DD')
- and e.event_id
- in (
- select cal_item_id
- from cal_items
- where on_which_calendar = :calendar_id
- )
- } {
- ns_set put $set_id $start_date \
- "
- $pretty_start_date - $pretty_end_date $name ($calendar_name)
- "
- append items "
- $pretty_start_date - $pretty_end_date $name ($calendar_name)
- }
- set num_hour_rows 7
- set i 0
- set bgcolor_html "bgcolor=DCDCDC"
- set row_html "
- "
- while {$i < $num_hour_rows} {
- set sql "
- select
- to_char(next_day(to_date(:current_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')-7,
- 'SUNDAY')+$i, 'DAY')
- as weekday,
- to_char(next_day(to_date(:current_date,
- 'yyyy-mm-dd')-7, 'SUNDAY')+$i, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
- as pretty_date,
- to_char(next_day(to_date(:current_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')-7,
- 'SUNDAY')+$i, 'J')
- as start_date
- from dual
- "
- db_1row week_data $sql
- append row_html "
- $weekday
- $pretty_date
- |
- "
+ # don't delete the public calendar!
+ if {[calendar_public_p $calendar_id] == "f"} {
- set cal_item_index [ns_set find $set_id $start_date]
+ ns_log notice "aks15 in calendar_portlet remove_self_from_page $calendar_id/$element_id/$g_cal_id"
- if {$cal_item_index == -1} { append row_html " " }
- while {$cal_item_index > -1} {
- append row_html [ns_set value $set_id $cal_item_index]
- ns_set delete $set_id $cal_item_index
- set cal_item_index [ns_set find $set_id $start_date]
+ # delete the personal calendar associated with this element
+ db_exec_plsql delete_calendar {
+ begin
+ calendar.delete(
+ calendar_id => :calendar_id
+ );
+ end;
+ }
- append row_html "
- |
- "
- incr i
+ # get rid of this portal element
+ portal::remove_element $element_id
+ }
- append row_html "
- } elseif { $view == "month" } {
- set set_id [ns_set new month_items]
- db_foreach get_monthly_items "
- select to_char(start_date, 'j') as start_date,
- nvl(, as name,
- nvl(e.description, a.description) as description,
- e.event_id as item_id
- from acs_activities a,
- acs_events e,
- timespans s,
- time_intervals t
- where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id
- and s.interval_id = t.interval_id
- and e.activity_id = a.activity_id
- and e.event_id
- in (
- select cal_item_id
- from cal_items
- where on_which_calendar = :calendar_id
- ) " {
- ns_set put $set_id $start_date \
- "
- $name ($calendar_name)
- }
+ }
- set row_html \
- [dt_widget_month -header_text_size "+0" \
- -calendar_details $set_id -date $date]
- } elseif { $view == "list"} {
- set items ""
+ ad_proc -public make_self_available {
+ page_id
+ } {
+ Wrapper for the portal:: proc
+ @param page_id
+ @author
+ @creation-date Nov 2001
+ } {
+ portal::make_datasource_available \
+ $page_id [portal::get_datasource_id [my_name]]
+ }
- db_foreach get_day_items "
- select to_char(start_date, 'j') as start_date,
- to_char(start_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_start_date,
- to_char(end_date, 'HH24:MI') as pretty_end_date,
- nvl(, as name,
- e.event_id as item_id
- from acs_activities a,
- acs_events e,
- timespans s,
- time_intervals t
- where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id
- and s.interval_id = t.interval_id
- and e.activity_id = a.activity_id
- and start_date between
- to_date(:current_date,:date_format) and
- to_date(:current_date,:date_format) + (24 - 1/3600)/24
- and e.event_id
- in (
- select cal_item_id
- from cal_items
- where on_which_calendar = :calendar_id
- )" {
- ns_set put $set_id $start_date \
- "
- $pretty_start_date - $pretty_end_date $name ($calendar_name)
- append items "
- $pretty_start_date - $pretty_end_date $name ($calendar_name)
- }
- set date [dt_systime]
- set row_html "For $date: $items"
- }
+ ad_proc -public make_self_unavailable {
+ page_id
+ } {
+ Wrapper for the portal:: proc
- if { $config(shaded_p) == "t" } {
- # shaded_p
- set row_html ""
- }
- set template "$row_html"
+ @param page_id
+ @author
+ @creation-date Nov 2001
+ } {
+ portal::make_datasource_unavailable \
+ $page_id [portal::get_datasource_id [my_name]]
+ }
- set code [template::adp_compile -string $template]
- set output [template::adp_eval code]
- return $output
+ ad_proc -public show {
+ cf
+ } {
+ Display the PE
+ @return HTML string
+ @param cf A config array
+ @author
+ @creation-date Sept 2001
+ } {
+ # no return call required with the helper proc
+ portal::show_proc_helper \
+ -package_key [my_package_key] \
+ -config_list $cf
ad_proc -public edit {
@@ -443,70 +208,6 @@
- ad_proc -public remove_self_from_page {
- portal_id
- community_id
- } {
- Removes a calendar PE from the given page
- @param page_id The page to remove self from
- @param community_id
- @author
- @creation-date Sept 2001
- } {
- # get the element IDs (could be more than one!)
- set element_ids [portal::get_element_ids_by_ds $portal_id \
- [my_name]]
- # remove all elements
- db_transaction {
- foreach element_id $element_ids {
- set calendar_id \
- [portal::get_element_param $element_id "calendar_id"]
- # don't delete the public calendar!
- if {[calendar_public_p $calendar_id] == "f"} {
- # delete the personal calendar associated with this element
- db_exec_plsql delete_calendar {
- begin
- calendar.delete(
- calendar_id => :calendar_id
- );
- end;
- }
- }
- # get rid of this portal element
- portal::remove_element $element_id
- }
- }
- }
- ad_proc -public make_self_available {
- page_id
- } {
- Wrapper for the portal:: proc
- @param page_id
- @author
- @creation-date Nov 2001
- } {
- portal::make_datasource_available \
- $page_id [portal::get_datasource_id [my_name]]
- }
- ad_proc -public make_self_unavailable {
- page_id
- } {
- Wrapper for the portal:: proc
- @param page_id
- @author
- @creation-date Nov 2001
- } {
- portal::make_datasource_unavailable \
- $page_id [portal::get_datasource_id [my_name]]
- }