Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/test/spell-checker-procs.tcl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/test/spell-checker-procs.tcl,v
diff -u
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/tcl/test/spell-checker-procs.tcl 30 Sep 2003 19:46:26 -0000 1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+ad_library {
+ Automated tests for spell-checker
+ @author Ola Hansson (
+ @creation-date 28 September 2003
+ @cvs-id $Id: spell-checker-procs.tcl,v 1.1 2003/09/30 19:46:26 olah Exp $
+aa_register_case spellcheck__get_element_formtext {
+ Test the spell-check proc that does the actual spell-checking.
+} {
+ set base_command [list template::util::spellcheck::get_element_formtext \
+ -var_to_spellcheck var_to_spellcheck \
+ -error_num_ref error_num \
+ -formtext_to_display_ref formtext_to_display \
+ -just_the_errwords_ref just_the_errwords]
+ #####
+ #
+ # Plain text without spelling mistakes
+ #
+ #####
+ set command $base_command
+ lappend command -text "This sentence does not contain any misspelled words. What we have here is plain text."
+ aa_log "--- Correct text --- $command"
+ eval $command
+ aa_true "True statement: Text contains no misspelled words" [expr $error_num == 0]
+ aa_log "Number of miss-spelled words found in text: $error_num"
+ aa_false "False statement: Text contains misspelled word(s)" [expr $error_num > 0]
+ aa_equals "Number of misspelled words found in text" $error_num 0
+ aa_log "Returned string: $formtext_to_display"
+ aa_true "The returned string contains a hidden var named 'var_to_spellcheck.merge_text'" \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.merge_text" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "The returned string contains no hidden var(s) named 'var_to_spellcheck.error_N', where N is the error number." \
+ ![regexp "var_to_spellcheck.error_\[0-9\]*" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "just_the_errwords is empty" [empty_string_p $just_the_errwords]
+ #####
+ #
+ # Plain text with spelling mistakes
+ #
+ #####
+ set command $base_command
+ lappend command -text "I obviosly can't spel very well ..."
+ set errwords {obviosly spel}
+ aa_log "--- Incorrect text --- $command"
+ eval $command
+ aa_true "True statement: Text contains misspelled words" [expr $error_num > 0]
+ aa_log "Number of misspelled words found in text: $error_num"
+ aa_false "False statement: Text contains no misspelled word(s)" [expr $error_num == 0]
+ aa_log "Returned string: $formtext_to_display"
+ aa_true "The returned string contains a hidden var named 'var_to_spellcheck.merge_text'" \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.merge_text" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "The returned string contains $error_num hidden var(s) named 'var_to_spellcheck.error_N', where N is a number between 0 and [expr $error_num - 1]." \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.error_\[0-9\]*" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_equals "The number of misspelled words matches the number of error placeholders in the merge_text" [regexp -all "var_to_spellcheck.error_\[0-9\]*" $formtext_to_display] [regexp -all "\#\[0-9\]*\#" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "just_the_errwords contains the errwords we expected: '[join $errwords ", "]'" [util_sets_equal_p $just_the_errwords $errwords]
+ #####
+ #
+ # HTML without spelling mistakes
+ #
+ #####
+ set command $base_command
+ lappend command -text "This sentence does not contain any misspelled words. What we have here is HTML."
+ lappend command -html
+ aa_log "--- Correctly spelled HTML fragment --- $command"
+ eval $command
+ aa_true "True statement: HTML fragment contains no misspelled words" [expr $error_num == 0]
+ aa_log "Number of miss-spelled words found in HTML fragment: $error_num"
+ aa_false "False statement: HTML fragment contains misspelled word(s)" [expr $error_num > 0]
+ aa_equals "Number of misspelled words found in HTML fragment" $error_num 0
+ aa_log "Returned string: $formtext_to_display"
+ aa_true "The returned string contains a hidden var named 'var_to_spellcheck.merge_text'" \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.merge_text" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "The returned string contains no hidden var(s) named 'var_to_spellcheck.error_N', where N is the error number." \
+ ![regexp "var_to_spellcheck.error_\[0-9\]*" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "just_the_errwords is empty" [empty_string_p $just_the_errwords]
+ #####
+ #
+ # HTML with spelling mistakes
+ #
+ #####
+ set command $base_command
+ lappend command -text "This sentence does contain mispelled worrds. What we have here is HTML."
+ lappend command -html
+ set errwords {mispelled worrds}
+ aa_log "--- Incorrectly spelled HTML fragment --- $command"
+ eval $command
+ aa_true "True statement: HTML fragment contains misspelled words" [expr $error_num > 0]
+ aa_log "Number of miss-spelled words found in HTML fragment: $error_num"
+ aa_false "False statement: HTML fragment contains no misspelled word(s)" [expr $error_num == 0]
+ aa_log "Returned string: $formtext_to_display"
+ aa_true "The returned string contains a hidden var named 'var_to_spellcheck.merge_text'" \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.merge_text" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "The returned string contains hidden var(s) named 'var_to_spellcheck.error_N', where N is the error number." \
+ [regexp "var_to_spellcheck.error_\[0-9\]*" $formtext_to_display]
+ aa_true "just_the_errwords contains the errwords we expected: '[join $errwords ", "]'" [util_sets_equal_p $just_the_errwords $errwords]
+aa_register_case spellcheck__spellcheck_properties {
+ Test the proc that knows if spell-checking is activated, if it should be performed,
+ and whether the radio buttons should default to "Yes" or "No".
+} {
+ array set element {
+ id test_element
+ widget text
+ }
+ set command {template::util::spellcheck::spellcheck_properties -element_ref element}
+ # text
+ aa_log "--- Spell-checking enabled on widget \"$element(widget)\"? --- $command"
+ set spellcheck_properties [eval $command]
+ set spellcheck_p [lindex $spellcheck_properties 0]
+ aa_true "Spell-checking enabled" $spellcheck_p
+ if { $spellcheck_p } {
+ set yes_checked [lindex $spellcheck_properties 1]
+ aa_log "[ad_decode $yes_checked "checked" "'Yes'" "'No'"] is the default"
+ }
+ # textarea
+ set element(widget) textarea
+ aa_log "--- Spell-checking enabled on widget \"$element(widget)\"? --- $command"
+ set spellcheck_properties [eval $command]
+ set spellcheck_p [lindex $spellcheck_properties 0]
+ aa_true "Spell-checking enabled" $spellcheck_p
+ if { $spellcheck_p } {
+ set yes_checked [lindex $spellcheck_properties 1]
+ aa_log "[ad_decode $yes_checked "checked" "'Yes'" "'No'"] is the default"
+ }
+ # richtext
+ set element(widget) richtext
+ aa_log "--- Spell-checking enabled on widget \"$element(widget)\"? --- $command"
+ set spellcheck_properties [eval $command]
+ set spellcheck_p [lindex $spellcheck_properties 0]
+ aa_true "Spell-checking enabled" $spellcheck_p
+ if { $spellcheck_p } {
+ set yes_checked [lindex $spellcheck_properties 1]
+ aa_log "[ad_decode $yes_checked "checked" "'Yes'" "'No'"] is the default"
+ }
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