Index: openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/products/index.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/products/index.tcl,v diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 --- openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/products/index.tcl 9 Mar 2004 00:59:51 -0000 1.4 +++ openacs-4/packages/ecommerce/www/admin/products/index.tcl 28 Apr 2008 12:54:47 -0000 1.5 @@ -11,57 +11,13 @@ ad_require_permission [ad_conn package_id] admin -doc_body_append "[ad_admin_header "Product Administration"] +set page_title "Product Administration" +set context_bar [template::adp_parse [acs_root_dir]/packages/[ad_conn package_key]/www/contextbar [list context_addition "Product Administration"]] -
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Product Loader - uploads a data file that contains one line per product - in your catalog. Each line has fields corresponding to a subset of the - columns in the ec_products table. The first line of the data file is a - header that defines which fields are being loaded and the order that - they appear in the data file. The remaining lines contain the product - data. -
Product Extras Loader - is similar to the product loader except it - loads data into ec_custom_product_field_values, the table which contains - the values for each product of the custom fields you have added. - The file format resembles the products import data file format. -
Product Category Map Loader By Name-Matching - creates the mappings between products in ec_products table - and categories in ec_categories, ec_subcategories, and ec_subsubcategories tables - by inserting rows into ec_category_product_map and ec_subcategory_product_map.) The - data file you create for uploading should consist of product sku and - category or subcategory names, one per row. This process attempts to be - smart by using the SQL \"LIKE\" function to resolve close matches between - categories listed in the data file and those known in the database. -
Product Category Map Loader By Index Matching - creates the product-categories mappings by finding exact matches to the - category tables' indexes category_id, subcategory_id, subsubcategory_id. -
- Bulk Product Image Loader imports product images for existing - products, and creates thumbnails for them. - Place product images in a set of directories accessible by this server. Then use this utility - to upload a file that maps product sku to the location of the product images - full_imagepathname. -
- Note: Products need to be loaded and their extra fields need to be defined before - loading product extras. -
-- Note: Categories and subcategories need to be created before using - a Product Category Map Loader. -
-- Note: There may be a peak load condition on the server for an extended period - when bulk loading of product images create product thumbnails (optional feature). -
-[ad_admin_footer] -"