Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk-postgresql.xql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk-postgresql.xql,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk-postgresql.xql 7 Jul 2004 17:27:27 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk-postgresql.xql 30 Jul 2004 22:51:49 -0000 1.3 @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ select et.task_name, et.weight as task_weight, et.task_id from evaluation_tasksi et - where grade_id = :grade_id + where grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and content_revision__is_live(et.task_id) = true $evaluations_orderby @@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ ea.title as answer_title, ea.answer_id from evaluation_grades eg, - evaluation_tasks et2 left outer join evaluation_student_evalsi ese on (ese.task_id = et2.task_id and content_revision__is_live(ese.evaluation_id) = true + evaluation_tasks et2 left outer join evaluation_student_evalsi ese on (ese.task_item_id = et2.task_item_id and content_revision__is_live(ese.evaluation_id) = true and ese.party_id = evaluation__party_id(:user_id,et2.task_id)), - evaluation_tasks et left outer join evaluation_answersi ea on (ea.task_id = et.task_id and content_revision__is_live(ea.answer_id) = true + evaluation_tasks et left outer join evaluation_answersi ea on (ea.task_item_id = et.task_item_id and content_revision__is_live(ea.answer_id) = true and ea.party_id = evaluation__party_id(:user_id,et.task_id)) - where eg.grade_id = :grade_id - and eg.grade_id = et.grade_id + where eg.grade_item_id = :grade_item_id + and eg.grade_item_id = et.grade_item_id and et.task_id = et2.task_id and content_revision__is_live(et.task_id) = true and content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk.tcl,v diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk.tcl 7 Jul 2004 17:27:27 -0000 1.4 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/evaluations-chunk.tcl 30 Jul 2004 22:51:49 -0000 1.5 @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id] set admin_p [permission::permission_p -party_id $user_id -object_id $package_id -privilege admin] -set base_url [ad_conn package_url] +set base_url "[ad_conn package_url][evaluation::package_key]/" db_1row get_grade_info { *SQL* } @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ orderby_asc {task_weight asc} \ orderby_desc {task_weight desc}] set multirow_name grade_tasks_admin - set actions [list "[_ evaluation-portlet.lt_Edit_grades_distribut]" [export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/grades/distribution-edit" { grade_id }]] + set actions [list "[_ evaluation-portlet.lt_Edit_grades_distribut]" [export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/grades/distribution-edit" { grade_id }]] } else { #student lappend elements grade \ @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ if { $admin_p } { #admin db_multirow -extend { task_url } grade_tasks_admin get_tasks_admin { *SQL* } { - set task_url [export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/evaluations/student-list" { task_id grade_id }] + set task_url [export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/evaluations/student-list" { task_id grade_id }] set category_weight [expr $category_weight + $task_weight] set task_weight [format %.2f [lc_numeric $task_weight]] } @@ -107,11 +107,12 @@ set task_weight "[_ evaluation-portlet.Not_available_]" } + ns_log notice "el answer data es ($answer_data ([db_string content_length "select content_length from cr_revisions where revision_id = :answer_id" -default nada])) y el title es -$answer_title-! \n" # working with answer stuff (if it has a file/url attached) if { [empty_string_p $answer_data] } { set answer_url "" set answer "" - } elseif { [empty_string_p [db_string content_length "select content_length from cr_revisions where revision_id = :answer_id"]] } { + } elseif { [string eq $answer_title "link"] } { # there is a bug in the template::list, if the url does not has a http://, ftp://, the url is not absolute, # so we have to deal with this case array set community_info [site_node::get -url "[dotlrn_community::get_community_url [dotlrn_community::get_community_id]][evaluation::package_key]"] @@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.View_my_answer_]" } else { # we assume it's a file - set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/view/$answer_title" { {revision_id $answer_id} }]" + set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}view/$answer_title" { {revision_id $answer_id} }]" set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.View_my_answer_]" } Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk-postgresql.xql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk-postgresql.xql,v diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk-postgresql.xql 14 Jul 2004 17:52:59 -0000 1.4 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk-postgresql.xql 30 Jul 2004 22:51:49 -0000 1.5 @@ -11,16 +11,16 @@ et.online_p, et.late_submit_p, et.item_id, - et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_id, + et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_item_id, cr.content_length, as task_data, cr.title as task_title, et.task_id as revision_id, ets.solution_id as solution_id from cr_revisions cr, - evaluation_tasksi et left outer join evaluation_tasks_solsi ets on (ets.task_id = et.task_id and content_revision__is_live(ets.solution_id) = true) + evaluation_tasksi et left outer join evaluation_tasks_solsi ets on (ets.task_item_id = et.task_item_id and content_revision__is_live(ets.solution_id) = true) where cr.revision_id = et.revision_id - and grade_id = :grade_id + and et.grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and content_revision__is_live(et.task_id) = true $assignments_orderby @@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ et.late_submit_p, et.item_id, et.due_date, - et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_id, + et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_item_id, cr.title as task_title, as task_data, et.task_id as revision_id, cr.content_length, ea.answer_id as answer_id from cr_revisions cr, - evaluation_tasksi et left outer join evaluation_answersi ea on (ea.task_id = et.task_id and content_revision__is_live(ea.answer_id) = true + evaluation_tasksi et left outer join evaluation_answersi ea on (ea.task_item_id = et.task_item_id and content_revision__is_live(ea.answer_id) = true and ea.party_id = evaluation__party_id(:user_id,et.task_id)) where cr.revision_id = et.revision_id - and grade_id = :grade_id + and grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and content_revision__is_live(et.task_id) = true $assignments_orderby @@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ - select grade_name, grade_plural_name from evaluation_grades where grade_id = :grade_id + select grade_name, grade_plural_name + from evaluation_grades + where grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and content_revision__is_live(grade_id) = true Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk.tcl,v diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk.tcl 7 Jul 2004 17:27:27 -0000 1.4 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/lib/tasks-chunk.tcl 30 Jul 2004 22:51:49 -0000 1.5 @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ set admin_p [permission::permission_p -party_id $user_id -object_id $package_id -privilege admin] db_1row grade_names { *SQL* } -set base_url [ad_conn package_url] +set base_url "[ad_conn package_url][evaluation::package_key]/" set mode display -set return_url "[ad_conn url]?[export_vars { grade_id }]" +set return_url "[ad_conn url]?[ns_conn query]&[export_vars { grade_id }]" set elements [list task_name \ [list label "[_ evaluation-portlet.Name_]" \ @@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ [list label "" \ sub_class narrow \ display_template {} \ - link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url mode }]} \ + link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { grade_id task_id mode return_url }]} \ link_html { title "[_ evaluation-portlet.View_task_]" }] lappend elements edit \ [list label "" \ sub_class narrow \ display_template {} \ - link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { return_url item_id grade_id task_id }]} \ + link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { grade_id return_url item_id task_id }]} \ link_html { title "[_ evaluation-portlet.Edit_task_]" }] lappend elements delete \ [list label "" \ sub_class narrow \ display_template {} \ - link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/task-delete" { grade_id task_id return_url }]} \ + link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/task-delete" { grade_id task_id return_url }]} \ link_html { title "[_ evaluation-portlet.Delete_task_]" }] set multirow_name tasks_admin - set actions [list "[_ evaluation-portlet.Add_grade_name_]" [export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { return_url grade_id }] ] + set actions [list "[_ evaluation-portlet.Add_grade_name_]" [export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/task-add-edit" { return_url grade_id }] ] } else { #student lappend elements answer \ @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ [list label "" \ sub_class narrow \ display_template {} \ - link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]} \ + link_url_eval {[export_vars -base "${base_url}task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]} \ link_html { title "[_ evaluation-portlet.View_task_]" }] set multirow_name tasks set actions "" @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ -multirow $multirow_name \ -actions $actions \ -key task_id \ - -pass_properties { return_url mode base_url } \ + -pass_properties { return_url mode base_url grade_id } \ -filters { grade_id {} } \ -orderby_name assignments_orderby \ -elements $elements \ @@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ set due_date_pretty [lc_time_fmt $due_date_ansi "%q"] # working with task stuff (if it has a file/url attached) if { [empty_string_p $task_data] } { - set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]" + set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]" set task_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.task_name_No_data_]" - } elseif { [empty_string_p $content_length] } { + } elseif { [string eq $task_title "link"] } { # there is a bug in the template::list, if the url does not has a http://, ftp://, the url is not absolute, # so we have to deal with this case @@ -115,25 +115,25 @@ } else { # we assume it's a file - set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/view/$task_title" { revision_id }]" + set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}view/$task_title" { revision_id }]" set task_name "$task_name ([format %.0f [lc_numeric [expr ($content_length/1024)]]] Kb)" } if { ![empty_string_p $solution_id] } { set solution_mode display - set solution_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id solution_id return_url solution_mode }]" + set solution_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id solution_id return_url solution_mode }]" set solution "[_ evaluation-portlet.ViewEdit_Solution_]" } else { set solution_mode edit - set solution_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url solution_mode }]" + set solution_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url solution_mode }]" set solution "[_ evaluation-portlet.Upload_Solution_]" } - set audit_info_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/evaluations/audit-info" { grade_id task_id }]" + set audit_info_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/evaluations/audit-info" { grade_id task_id }]" set audit_info "[_ evaluation-portlet.Audit_Info_]" if { ![string eq $number_of_members 1] } { - set groups_admin_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/groups/one-task" { grade_id task_id }]" + set groups_admin_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/groups/one-task" { grade_id task_id }]" set groups_admin "[_ evaluation-portlet.Groups_Admin_]" } @@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ set answer_mode display set due_date_pretty [lc_time_fmt $due_date_ansi "%q"] # working with task stuff (if it has a file/url attached) - if { [empty_string_p $task_data] } { - set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]" + if { [string eq $task_title "link"] } { + set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}task-view" { grade_id task_id return_url }]" set task_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.task_name_No_data_]" - } elseif { [empty_string_p $content_length] } { + } elseif { [string eq $task_title "link"] } { # there is a bug in the template::list, if the url does not has a http://, ftp://, the url is not absolute, # so we have to deal with this case @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ } else { # we assume it's a file - set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/view/$task_title" { revision_id }]" + set task_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}view/$task_title" { revision_id }]" set task_name "$task_name ([format %.0f [lc_numeric [expr ($content_length/1024)]]] Kb)" } @@ -169,21 +169,21 @@ if { [empty_string_p $answer_id] } { set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.submit_answer_]" set answer_mode edit - set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url answer_mode }]" + set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url answer_mode }]" } else { set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.submit_answer_again_]" set answer_mode display - set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id answer_id return_url answer_mode }]" + set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id answer_id return_url answer_mode }]" } } elseif { [string eq $turn_in_late_p "t"] } { if { [empty_string_p $answer_id] } { set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.lt_submit_answer_style_f]" set answer_mode edit - set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url answer_mode }]" + set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}answer-add-edit" { grade_id task_id return_url answer_mode }]" } else { set answer "[_ evaluation-portlet.lt_submit_answer_style_f_1]" set answer_mode display - set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}evaluation/admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id answer_id return_url solution_mode }]" + set answer_url "[export_vars -base "${base_url}admin/tasks/solution-add-edit" { grade_id task_id answer_id return_url solution_mode }]" } } if { $number_of_members > 1 && [string eq [db_string get_group_id { *SQL* }] 0] } { Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet-postgresql.xql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet-postgresql.xql,v diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet-postgresql.xql 31 May 2004 23:43:10 -0000 1.1 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet-postgresql.xql 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.2 @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ select eg.grade_plural_name, - eg.grade_id + eg.grade_id, + eg.grade_item_id from evaluation_gradesx eg, acs_objects ao where content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true and eg.item_id = ao.object_id Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.adp =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.adp,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.adp 10 Jun 2004 22:00:23 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.adp 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.3 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  • @grades.grade_plural_name@
    - +
  • Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.tcl,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.tcl 10 Jun 2004 22:00:23 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-assignments-portlet.tcl 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.3 @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ } set notification_chunk [notification::display::request_widget \ - -type one_assignment_notif \ - -object_id $package_id \ - -pretty_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.Assignments_]" \ - -url [ad_conn url] \ - ] + -type one_assignment_notif \ + -object_id $package_id \ + -pretty_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.Assignments_]" \ + -url "[ad_conn url]?[ns_conn query]" \ + ] Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet-postgresql.xql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet-postgresql.xql,v diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet-postgresql.xql 7 Jul 2004 17:27:27 -0000 1.3 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet-postgresql.xql 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.4 @@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ select eg.grade_plural_name, - eg.grade_id + eg.grade_id, + eg.grade_item_id from evaluation_gradesx eg, acs_objects ao where content_revision__is_live(eg.grade_id) = true and eg.item_id = ao.object_id Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.adp =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.adp,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.adp 10 Jun 2004 22:00:23 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.adp 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.3 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
  • @grades.grade_plural_name@
    - +
  • Index: openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.tcl,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.tcl 10 Jun 2004 22:00:23 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/evaluation-portlet/www/evaluation-evaluations-portlet.tcl 30 Jul 2004 22:51:50 -0000 1.3 @@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ set notification_chunk [notification::display::request_widget \ - -type one_evaluation_notif \ - -object_id $package_id \ - -pretty_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.Evaluations_]" \ - -url [ad_conn url] \ - ] + -type one_evaluation_notif \ + -object_id $package_id \ + -pretty_name "[_ evaluation-portlet.Evaluations_]" \ + -url "[ad_conn url]?[ns_conn query]" \ + ]