Index: openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.tcl =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.tcl,v diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7 --- openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.tcl 10 Jul 2002 14:58:25 -0000 1.6 +++ openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.tcl 10 Jul 2002 22:42:19 -0000 1.7 @@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ namespace eval calendar::outlook { + ad_proc -private adjust_timezone { + {-timestamp:required} + {-server_tz "US/Eastern"} + {-user_tz "US/Eastern"} + {-format "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"} + } { + return [db_string adjust_timezone {}] + } + ad_proc ics_timestamp_format { {-timestamp:required} } { @@ -66,6 +75,10 @@ calendar::item::get -cal_item_id $cal_item_id -array cal_item # If necessary, select recurrence information + # Convert some dates for timezone + set cal_item(full_start_date) [adjust_timezone -timestamp $cal_item(full_start_date) -format $date_format -user_tz "Universal"] + set cal_item(full_end_date) [adjust_timezone -timestamp $cal_item(full_end_date) -format $date_format -user_tz "Universal"] + # Here we have some fields # start_time end_time title description @@ -134,226 +147,4 @@ return $ics_event } - - ad_proc cal_output_outlook_event {} "the proc to deliver outlook formatted calendar events, registered to .ics" { - # grab the event_id - ad_page_contract { - converts data to .ics format for msoutlook - - @param item_id - @param all_occurences_p - @parem client_timezone - @author Walter McGinnis (, Don Baccus ( - @creation-date 2001-06-13 - @cvs-id $Id$ - - } { - item_id:integer - {all_occurences_p:boolean 0} - client_timezone - } - - set logged_in_user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id] - - # determine what the difference between the user's client timezone is - # and gmt - # then set up the math for oracle to do when selecting date_time - # a note on client_timezone: - # it is minutes difference from gmt - # either negative or positive - # east of gmt is negative - # positive values don't return a "+" before them, - # so we only have to look for "-" - # the funny thing is that we want to substract positive values - # and add positive ones - - regexp -- {(-)*([0-9]+)} $client_timezone match dash digits - - # there is an old Mac OS time_date issue - # where the time is offset up to 1440 - # rather than having a neg. value for timezones east of gmt - # if this is the case we reset the variables accordingly as a workaround - - # i think this correct, but it may be the problem - if {$digits >= 720} { - set digits [expr 1440 - $digits] - set dash "-" - } - - set hours [expr $digits / 60] - - # this sets up the sql for creating gmt times for the event's date_times - - # grap applicable data and translate calendar data to outlook format - - ## THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE - db_1row cal_get_outlook_event "select - to_char(i.start_date [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') as dtstart, - to_char(i.end_date [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') as dtend, - to_char(i.start_date + 1 [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD') as dtstart_plus_one, - to_char(trunc(i.start_date) [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') as dtstart_midnight, - to_char(trunc(i.start_date) + 1 [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS') as dtstart_plus_one_midnight, - nvl(to_char(ii.creation_date [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD'), to_char(i.creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD')) as creation_date, - nvl(i.title, ii.title) as title, - nvl(i.related_link_url, ii.related_link_url) as related_link_url, - i.description as child_description, - ii.description as parent_description, - ii.html_p as parent_html_p, - i.html_p as child_html_p, - ii.interval_type, ii.every_nth_interval, ii.days_of_week, - to_char(ii.repeat_until [cal_outlook_gmt_sql $hours $dash], 'YYYYMMDD') as repeat_until - from cal_items i, cal_items ii - where i.item_id = :item_id - and i.parent_id = ii.item_id(+) - " - - # resolve parent and child description, html_p - if {[string equal $parent_html_p "t"] && ![empty_string_p $parent_description]} { - set parent_description [ad_html_to_text $parent_description] - } - - if {[string equal $child_html_p "t"] && ![empty_string_p $child_description]} { - set child_description [ad_html_to_text $child_description] - } - - # make sure that whitespace isn't being mistaken as a non-empty-string - set parent_description [string trim $parent_description] - set child_description [string trim $child_description] - - set description "" - if {![empty_string_p $parent_description] && ![string equal $parent_description $child_description] && ![empty_string_p $child_description]} { - # both are set, just combine them - set description "$parent_description - $child_description" - } elseif {![empty_string_p $parent_description] && [empty_string_p $child_description]} { - set description $parent_description - } else { - set description $child_description - } - - if ![empty_string_p [string trim $related_link_url]] { - set DESCRIPTION "$description - $related_link_url" - } else { - set DESCRIPTION $description - } - - # format date_times - - if { [empty_string_p $dtend] } { - - #DRB: If it's a recurring event we need to kludge around the fact - #that we're not generating full timezone information by passing the - #a DATETIME to Outlook for "no time specified" events. OpenACS 4 - #should fix this, read RFC2445 for information. With proper timezone - #information, the DATE form should be used. This current hack, done - #for Sloan, only works for folks who are in the same timezone as the - #server. - - if { $all_occurences_p && ![empty_string_p $interval_type] } { - set DTSTART ":[cal_ics_date_time_format $dtstart_midnight]" - set DTEND ":[cal_ics_date_time_format $dtstart_plus_one_midnight]" - } else { - set DTSTART ";VALUE=DATE:[string range $dtstart 0 7]" - set DTEND ";VALUE=DATE:[string range $dtstart_plus_one 0 7]" - } - } else { - set DTSTART ":[cal_ics_date_time_format $dtstart]" - set DTEND ":[cal_ics_date_time_format $dtend]" - } - - # making the CLASS=Public for now, but perhaps it should default to private - # this is ugly, but it might help get this working - - # DRB: removed the ORGANIZER:MAILTO: line as Outlook would complain when - # importing a file containing the line if it weren't already open. When open - # Outlook would import the file just fine - presumably there are two separate - # paths within Outlook to handle the two cases. - - set ics_event " - BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nPRODID:-//ArsDigita//ACES 3.4 MIMEDIR//EN\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nMETHOD:PUBLISH\r\nBEGIN:VEVENT\r\nDTSTART$DTSTART\r\n" - - if { [info exists DTEND] } { - append ics_event "DTEND$DTEND\r\n" - } - - if { $all_occurences_p && ![empty_string_p $interval_type] } { - - set recur_rule "RRULE:FREQ=" - - switch -glob $interval_type { - day { append recur_rule "DAILY" } - week { append recur_rule "WEEKLY" } - *month* { append recur_rule "MONTHLY"} - year { append recur_rule "YEARLY"} - } - - if { $interval_type == "week" && ![empty_string_p $days_of_week] } { - - #DRB: Standard indicates ordinal week days are OK, but Outlook - #only takes two-letter abbreviation form. - - append recur_rule ";BYDAY=" - set week_list [list "SU" "MO" "TU" "WE" "TH" "FR" "SA" "SU"] - set sep "" - set day_list [split $days_of_week " "] - foreach day $day_list { - append recur_rule "$sep[lindex $week_list $day]" - set sep "," - } - } - - if { ![empty_string_p $every_nth_interval] } { - append recur_rule ";INTERVAL=$every_nth_interval" - } - - if { ![empty_string_p $repeat_until] } { - #DRB: this should work with a DATE: type but doesn't with Outlook at least. - append recur_rule ";UNTIL=$repeat_until" - append recur_rule "T000000Z" - } - - append ics_event "$recur_rule\r\n" - } - - append ics_event "LOCATION:Not Listed\r\nTRANSP:OPAQUE\r\nSEQUENCE:0\r\nUID:$item_id\r\nDTSTAMP:$creation_date\r\nDESCRIPTION:$DESCRIPTION\r\nSUMMARY:$title\r\nPRIORITY:5\r\nCLASS:PUBLIC\r\n" - - db_foreach cal_item_db_row_map_fs_select " - select /*+ RULE */ c.on_what_id as file_id, - fs.file_title as file_title, - fs.parent_id as parent_id, - fs2.file_title as parent_title, - fsvl.version_id as version_id, - fsvl.client_file_name, - fsvl.n_bytes, - fsvl.url, - lower(fsvl.file_type) as file_type - from cal_item_db_row_map c, fs_files fs, - fs_versions_latest fsvl, fs_files fs2 - where fs2.file_id(+) = fs.parent_id - and fs2.deleted_p = 'f' - and c.item_id=:item_id - and c.on_what_id=fs.file_id - and fs.file_id=fsvl.file_id - and c.on_which_table='FS_FILES' - and (ad_general_permissions.user_has_row_permission_p ( :logged_in_user_id, 'read', fsvl.version_id, 'FS_VERSIONS' ) = 't' - or fs.owner_id = :logged_in_user_id) - and fs.deleted_p='f' - " { - if { [empty_string_p $n_bytes] } { - append ics_event "ATTACH:$url\r\n" - } else { - regsub -all {[^-_.0-9a-zA-Z]+} $client_file_name "_" pretty_file_name - append ics_event "ATTACH:[ad_url]/file-storage/download/$version_id/$pretty_file_name\r\n" - } - } - - #append ics_event "LOCATION:Not Listed\r\nTRANSP:OPAQUE\r\nSEQUENCE:0\r\nUID:040000008200E00074C5B7101A82E00800000000502D2C0B6B82C0010000000000000000100 00000C738CA6EDDB4DD46850DE477678FF368\r\nDTSTAMP:$creation_date\r\nDESCRIPTION:$DESCRIPTION\r\nSUMMARY:$title\r\nPRIORITY:5\r\nCLASS:PUBLIC\r\nEND:VEVENT\r\nEND:VCALENDAR\r\n" - append ics_event "END:VEVENT\r\nEND:VCALENDAR\r\n" - ns_return 200 application/x-msoutlook $ics_event - } - - # ad_register_proc GET /*.ics cal_output_outlook_event - # ad_register_proc POST /*.ics cal_output_outlook_event - } Index: openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.xql =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.xql,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.xql 10 Jul 2002 14:58:25 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/calendar/tcl/calendar-outlook-procs.xql 10 Jul 2002 22:42:19 -0000 1.3 @@ -1,6 +1,16 @@ + + +select to_char(timezone.utc_to_local(tz_id, utc_time), :format) +from timezones, +(select timezone.local_to_utc(tz_id, to_date(:timestamp,:format)) as utc_time +from timezones where tz= :server_tz) +where tz= :user_tz + + + select