Index: openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/doc/index.html
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/doc/index.html,v
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/doc/index.html 29 Sep 2002 09:05:08 -0000 1.2
+++ openacs-4/packages/lars-blogger/www/doc/index.html 6 Feb 2003 08:59:15 -0000 1.3
@@ -48,135 +48,180 @@
- Or from a Tcl page:
+ ... for the non-cached version, and ...
+<%=[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]%>
+ ... for the cached version. There shouldn't be any problems using
+ the cached version, as the cache should be flushed whenever anything
+ changes.
+ From a Tcl page:
set blog_html [template::adp_parse "[acs_package_root_dir "lars-blogger"]/www/blog" [list url "/blog"]]
- If you supply a URL, then the blog that matches that URL is served
- (assuming that a lars-blogger package is mounted at that
- URL). Alternatively, you can supply a package_id
- parameter directly. If nothing is supplied, [ad_conn
- package_id]
is used.
+ ... for the non-cached version, and ...
+[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]
- Alternatively, there's a cached version of the same, which is useful
- if you're including a blog on the front page of a highly trafficked
- site.
+ ... for the cached version.
-[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]
- This takes either a package_id or a url argument, just like the
- others. To include this in an ADP, you can also say:
+ All of these are shown with an argument 'url' here, but they all
+ take a package_id argument instead, if you prefer that and know what
+ the package_id is. If nothing's supplied, the current package is
+ used, which is generally not what you want.
-<%=[lars_blog_get_as_string -url "/blog"]%>
Technical Info
-The package fully supports multiple instances, i.e., you can mount
-several instances in your site map, and they'll stay properly isolated
-from each other.
+ The package fully supports multiple instances, i.e., you can mount
+ several instances in your site map, and they'll stay properly isolated
+ from each other.
-Only supports PostgreSQL (please do port to Oracle if you want to).
+ Contents in your blog entries are assumed to be full-blooded
+ ADP-ified HTML, so don't give people access to post a blog unless
+ you trust them. I guess it should be made configurable whether to
+ allow this or not, but since I'm developing this for my own site
+ primarily, I haven't done so. This also means that if you've added
+ custom ADP tags, those are also available to you in your blog.
-Contents in your blog entries are assumed to be full-blood ADP-ified
-HTML, so don't give people access to post a blog unless you trust
-them. I guess it should be made configurable whether to allow this or
-not, but since I'm developing this for my own site primarily, I
-haven't done so. This also means that if you've added custom ADP tags,
-those are also available to you in your blog.
- update ping
-There are a couple parameters governing this feature. You can turn it
-on or off on a per-package basis. And you can specify which URL you
-want to export to, in case it's not the one the package
-instance is mounted at. This can be useful if you're including the
-blog on other pages, for example your site's front page. Thanks to
-Jerry Asher for the code to do this.
+ There are a couple parameters governing this feature. You can turn it
+ on or off on a per-package basis. And you can specify which URL you
+ want to export to, in case it's not the one the package
+ instance is mounted at. This can be useful if you're including the
+ blog on other pages, for example your site's front page. Thanks to
+ Jerry Asher for the code to do this.
RSS Feed
-The RSS feed is version 1.0 only, and requires the rss-support package
-if you want to use it. I found that getting rss-support to register
-the Report Generation Subscripion (whatever that means) was
-hard. There seemed to be a bug, but the rss-support package was so
-hard for me to figure out that I'm not sure. In the end, I hacked on
-some page scripts and added a channel_title through SQL. Phew! Let me
-know if you try to get this running, so we can either fix the bug(s)
-or write some clear docs on how to.
+ The RSS feed is version 1.0 only, and uses the rss-support
+ package. You should be able to simply visit the admin page of your
+ new blogger instance and click the "Setup RSS" link, and you'll have
+ an RSS feed.
+ Then you'll need to set the parameters and say that your
+ rss_file_url is at
+ /where-your-blogger-instnace-sists/rss/rss.xml. If you leave this
+ blank, we won't advertise your RSS feed URL anywhere.
-You can supply your own channel image through the parameters. And you
-can specify which URL we should advertise the RSS fil under. Leave
-blank if you haven't set up an RSS feed for this package.
+ You can also supply your own channel image through the
+ parameters.
Road Map
-- Categorize and full-text-search-index blog entries so the archives are more useful.
- Dave Bauer is implementing this as an ETP application, interesting
-to see where that goes.
- Calendar widget
- Easier to set up RSS support (probably requires mucking with the rss-support package)
- Nicer interface
- Make it safe to use in a not-so-protected environment, e.g.,
-disable <% ... %> ADP notation.
- More thorough documentation and some setup/config pages.
+ Categorize and full-text-search-index blog entries so the archives
+ are more useful.
+ -
+ Use content repository.
+ -
+ Community-maintained blog ... everybody with 'write' can post entries.
+ -
+ Moderation-feature: Entries posted by non-admins must go through a
+ workflow-administered approval process.
+ -
+ Ability to modify templates for each instance individually through
+ the UI.
+ -
+ Nicer interface (MovableType)
+ -
+ Make it safe to use in a not-so-protected environment, e.g.,
+ disable <% ... %> ADP notation.
+ -
+ More thorough documentation and some setup/config pages.
Version History
-- 0.7d Finished port to Oracle. Upgraded PG drop script. Renamed RSS proc which requires running the SQL upgrade script (for PG). Bug-fix to bypass 'draft' and publish directly. -vinodk (August 15, 2002)
- 0.6.4d Added poster information, optional per
-parameter. Added "url" shortcut variable to the blog template. Updated
-documentation. (July 23, 2002)
- 0.6.3d Added drop scripts, and made the create script call rss-register. Fixed minor bugs. (July 22, 2002)
- 0.6.1d Fixed RSS last update bug. (Jun 2, 2002)
- 0.6d Added RSS feed. Woohoo! (June 1, 2002)
- 0.5d Added update ping. (June 1, 2002)
- 0.4d Added Google link, new style. (May 31, 2002)
- 0.3.3d Added Peter Marklund's arrow-box.gif patch. (May 13, 2002)
- 0.3.2d Missing files from the distribution.
- 0.3d Improved admin interface, added documentation. (March 24, 2002)
- 0.2d Allow and show comments on blog. (March 23, 2002)
- 0.1d Initial version. (February 18, 2002)
+ 0.8.4 Oops, getting behind on the version history. In the last
+ few releases, I've rearranged a bunch of templates to make it
+ more consistent and easier to customize; I've fixed the code that
+ sets up the RSS stuff, so you can now simply go to the admin page
+ and say "setup RSS"; I've integrated the new richtext widget which
+ I added to the templating system. (February 6, 2003)
+ -
+ 0.7d Finished port to Oracle. Upgraded PG drop
+ script. Renamed RSS proc which requires running the SQL upgrade
+ script (for PG). Bug-fix to bypass 'draft' and publish
+ directly. -vinodk (August 15, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.6.4d Added poster information, optional per
+ parameter. Added "url" shortcut variable to the blog
+ template. Updated documentation. (July 23, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.6.3d Added drop scripts, and made the create script call
+ rss-register. Fixed minor bugs. (July 22, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.6.1d Fixed RSS last update bug. (Jun 2, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.6d Added RSS feed. Woohoo! (June 1, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.5d Added update ping. (June 1, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.4d Added Google link, new style. (May 31, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.3.3d Added Peter Marklund's arrow-box.gif patch. (May 13,
+ 2002)
+ -
+ 0.3.2d Missing files from the distribution.
+ -
+ 0.3d Improved admin interface, added documentation. (March
+ 24, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.2d Allow and show comments on blog. (March 23, 2002)
+ -
+ 0.1d Initial version. (February 18, 2002)