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For uncompressed sources, forum, and bug reports, go to */ -/* This file is part of version 0.96beta2 released Fri, 20 Mar 2009 11:01:14 +0100 */ -/* The URL of the most recent uncompressed version of this file is */ - /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + /*--------------------------------------:noTabs=true:tabSize=2:indentSize=2:-- -- Xinha (is not htmlArea) - -- -- Use of Xinha is granted by the terms of the htmlArea License (based on -- BSD license) please read license.txt in this package for details. -- - -- Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Xinha Developer Team and contributors + -- Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Xinha Developer Team and contributors -- -- Xinha was originally based on work by Mihai Bazon which is: -- Copyright (c) 2003-2004 -- Copyright (c) 2002-2003, inc. -- This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ + -- + -- Developers - Coding Style: + -- Before you are going to work on Xinha code, please see + -- + -- $HeadURL: $ + -- $LastChangedDate: 2010-05-12 09:40:06 +1200 (Wed, 12 May 2010) $ + -- $LastChangedRevision: 1263 $ + -- $LastChangedBy: gogo $ + --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ +/*jslint regexp: false, rhino: false, browser: true, bitwise: false, forin: true, adsafe: false, evil: true, nomen: false, +glovar: false, debug: false, eqeqeq: false, passfail: false, sidebar: false, laxbreak: false, on: false, cap: true, +white: false, widget: false, undef: true, plusplus: false*/ +/*global Dialog , _editor_css , _editor_icons, _editor_lang , _editor_skin , _editor_url, dumpValues, ActiveXObject, HTMLArea, _editor_lcbackend*/ -Xinha.version={Release:"0.96beta2",Head:"$HeadURL: $".replace(/^[^:]*:\s*(.*)\s*\$$/,"$1"),Date:"$LastChangedDate: 2009-03-19 22:40:09 +0100 (Do, 19. 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b};Xinha.prototype.inwardSpecialReplacements=function(b){for(var a in this.config.specialReplacements){var e=a;var d=this.config.specialReplacements[a];if(typeof e.replace!="function"||typeof d.replace!="function"){continue}var c=new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(e),"g");b=b.replace(c,d.replace(/\$/g,"$$$$"))}return b};Xinha.prototype.fixRelativeLinks=function(g){if(typeof this.config.expandRelativeUrl!="undefined"&&this.config.expandRelativeUrl){if(g==null){return""}var a=g.match(/(src|href)="([^"]*)"/gi);var j=document.location.href;if(a){var d,k,l,m,c;for(var f=0;f not defined!");return false}return a};Xinha.prototype.setHTML=function(a){if(!this.config.fullPage){this._doc.body.innerHTML=a}else{this.setFullHTML(a)}this._textArea.value=a};Xinha.prototype.setDoctype=function(a){this.doctype=a};Xinha._object=null;Array.prototype.isArray=true;RegExp.prototype.isRegExp=true;Xinha.cloneObject=function(obj){if(!obj){return null}var newObj=obj.isArray?[]:{};if(obj.constructor.toString().match(/\s*function Function\(/)||typeof obj=="function"){newObj=obj}else{if(obj.isRegExp){newObj=eval(obj.toString())}else{for(var n in obj){var node=obj[n];if(typeof node=="object"){newObj[n]=Xinha.cloneObject(node)}else{newObj[n]=node}}}}return newObj};Xinha.flushEvents=function(){var a=0;var c=Xinha._eventFlushers.pop();while(c){try{if(c.length==3){Xinha._removeEvent(c[0],c[1],c[2]);a++}else{if(c.length==2){c[0]["on"+c[1]]=null;c[0]._xinha_dom0Events[c[1]]=null;a++}}}catch(b){}c=Xinha._eventFlushers.pop()}};Xinha._eventFlushers=[];if(document.addEventListener){Xinha._addEvent=function(a,c,b){a.addEventListener(c,b,false);Xinha._eventFlushers.push([a,c,b])};Xinha._removeEvent=function(a,c,b){a.removeEventListener(c,b,false)};Xinha._stopEvent=function(a){a.preventDefault();a.stopPropagation()}}else{if(document.attachEvent){Xinha._addEvent=function(a,c,b){a.attachEvent("on"+c,b);Xinha._eventFlushers.push([a,c,b])};Xinha._removeEvent=function(a,c,b){a.detachEvent("on"+c,b)};Xinha._stopEvent=function(b){try{b.cancelBubble=true;b.returnValue=false}catch(a){}}}else{Xinha._addEvent=function(a,c,b){alert("_addEvent is not supported")};Xinha._removeEvent=function(a,c,b){alert("_removeEvent is not supported")};Xinha._stopEvent=function(a){alert("_stopEvent is not supported")}}}Xinha._addEvents=function(c,a,d){for(var b=a.length;--b>=0;){Xinha._addEvent(c,a[b],d)}};Xinha._removeEvents=function(c,a,d){for(var b=a.length;--b>=0;){Xinha._removeEvent(c,a[b],d)}};Xinha.addOnloadHandler=function(b,a){a=a?a:window;var c=function(){if(arguments.callee.done){return}arguments.callee.done=true;if(Xinha.onloadTimer){clearInterval(Xinha.onloadTimer)}b()};if(Xinha.is_ie){document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange",arguments.callee);c()}});if(document.documentElement.doScroll&&typeof window.frameElement==="undefined"){(function(){if(arguments.callee.done){return}try{document.documentElement.doScroll("left")}catch(d){setTimeout(arguments.callee,0);return}c()})()}}else{if(/applewebkit|KHTML/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){Xinha.onloadTimer=a.setInterval(function(){if(/loaded|complete/.test(a.document.readyState)){c()}},10)}else{a.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",c,false)}}Xinha._addEvent(a,"load",c)};Xinha.addDom0Event=function(b,c,a){Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(b,c);b._xinha_dom0Events[c].unshift(a)};Xinha.prependDom0Event=function(b,c,a){Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(b,c);b._xinha_dom0Events[c].push(a)};Xinha.getEvent=function(a){return a||window.event};Xinha._prepareForDom0Events=function(a,b){if(typeof a._xinha_dom0Events=="undefined"){a._xinha_dom0Events={};Xinha.freeLater(a,"_xinha_dom0Events")}if(typeof a._xinha_dom0Events[b]=="undefined"){a._xinha_dom0Events[b]=[];if(typeof a["on"+b]=="function"){a._xinha_dom0Events[b].push(a["on"+b])}a["on"+b]=function(e){var c=a._xinha_dom0Events[b];var f=true;for(var d=c.length;--d>=0;){a._xinha_tempEventHandler=c[d];if(a._xinha_tempEventHandler(e)===false){a._xinha_tempEventHandler=null;f=false;break}a._xinha_tempEventHandler=null}return f};Xinha._eventFlushers.push([a,b])}};Xinha.prototype.notifyOn=function(b,a){if(typeof this._notifyListeners[b]=="undefined"){this._notifyListeners[b]=[];Xinha.freeLater(this,"_notifyListeners")}this._notifyListeners[b].push(a)};Xinha.prototype.notifyOf=function(c,a){if(this._notifyListeners[c]){for(var b=0;b/ig,">");a=a.replace(/\xA0/g," ");a=a.replace(/\x22/g,""");return a};Xinha.prototype.stripBaseURL=function(a){if(this.config.baseHref===null||!this.config.stripBaseHref){return a}var c=this.config.baseHref.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/,"$1");var b=new RegExp(c);return a.replace(b,"")};if(typeof String.prototype.trim!="function"){String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^\s+/,"").replace(/\s+$/,"")}}Xinha._makeColor=function(c){if(typeof c!="number"){return c}var e=c&255;var d=(c>>8)&255;var a=(c>>16)&255;return"rgb("+e+","+d+","+a+")"};Xinha._colorToRgb=function(c){if(!c){return""}var h,f,a;function e(b){return(b<16)?("0"+b.toString(16)):b.toString(16)}if(typeof c=="number"){h=c&255;f=(c>>8)&255;a=(c>>16)&255;return"#"+e(h)+e(f)+e(a)}if(c.substr(0,3)=="rgb"){var d=/rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/;if(c.match(d)){h=parseInt(RegExp.$1,10);f=parseInt(RegExp.$2,10);a=parseInt(RegExp.$3,10);return"#"+e(h)+e(f)+e(a)}return null}if(c.substr(0,1)=="#"){return c}return null};Xinha.prototype._popupDialog=function(a,b,c){Dialog(this.popupURL(a),b,c)};Xinha.prototype.imgURL=function(a,b){if(typeof b=="undefined"){return _editor_url+a}else{return Xinha.getPluginDir(b)+"/img/"+a}};Xinha.prototype.popupURL=function(c){var b="";if(c.match(/^plugin:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/)){var d=RegExp.$1;var a=RegExp.$2;if(!/\.(html?|php)$/.test(a)){a+=".html"}b=Xinha.getPluginDir(d)+"/popups/"+a}else{if(c.match(/^\/.*?/)||c.match(/^https?:\/\//)){b=c}else{b=_editor_url+this.config.popupURL+c}}return b};Xinha.getElementById=function(a,e){var c,b,d=document.getElementsByTagName(a);for(b=d.length;--b>=0&&(c=d[b]);){if({return c}}return null};Xinha.prototype._toggleBorders=function(){var b=this._doc.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");if(b.length!==0){if(!this.borders){this.borders=true}else{this.borders=false}for(var a=0;a/i.test(b)){return b.replace(//i,""+a)}else{if(b){return a+b}else{return a}}};Xinha.prototype.addEditorStylesheet=function(a){var b=this._doc.createElement("link");b.rel="stylesheet";b.type="text/css";b.title="XinhaInternalCSS";b.href=a;this._doc.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(b)};Xinha.stripCoreCSS=function(a){return a.replace(/]+title="XinhaInternalCSS"(.|\n)*?<\/style>/ig,"").replace(/]+title="XinhaInternalCSS"(.|\n)*?>/ig,"")};Xinha._removeClass=function(e,d){if(!(e&&e.className)){return}var a=e.className.split(" ");var b=[];for(var c=a.length;c>0;){if(a[--c]!=d){b[b.length]=a[c]}}e.className=b.join(" ")};Xinha._addClass=function(b,a){Xinha._removeClass(b,a);b.className+=" "+a};Xinha.addClasses=function(f,e){if(f!==null){var b=f.className.trim().split(" ");var d=e.split(" ");for(var a=0;a0;){if(a[--b]==c){return true}}return false};Xinha._postback_send_charset=true;Xinha._postback=function(b,g,h,a){var e=null;e=Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();var d="";if(typeof g=="string"){d=g}else{if(typeof g=="object"){for(var c in g){d+=(d.length?"&":"")+c+"="+encodeURIComponent(g[c])}}}function f(){if(e.readyState==4){if(((e.status/100)==2)||Xinha.isRunLocally&&e.status===0){if(typeof h=="function"){h(e.responseText,e)}}else{if(Xinha._postback_send_charset){Xinha._postback_send_charset=false;Xinha._postback(b,g,h,a)}else{if(typeof a=="function"){a(e)}else{alert("An error has occurred: "+e.statusText+"\nURL: "+b)}}}}}e.onreadystatechange=f;"POST",b,true);e.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"+(Xinha._postback_send_charset?"; charset=UTF-8":""));e.send(d)};Xinha._getback=function(b,e,a){var c=null;c=Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();function d(){if(c.readyState==4){if(((c.status/100)==2)||Xinha.isRunLocally&&c.status===0){e(c.responseText,c)}else{if(typeof a=="function"){a(c)}else{alert("An error has occurred: "+c.statusText+"\nURL: "+b)}}}}c.onreadystatechange=d;"GET",b,true);c.send(null)};,b,a){var d=null;d=Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();function e(){if(d.readyState==4){if(((d.status/100)==2)||Xinha.isRunLocally&&d.status===0){if(b){b(d)}}else{if(a){a(d)}}}}var f=Xinha.is_opera?"GET":"HEAD";d.onreadystatechange=e;,c,true);d.send(null)};Xinha._geturlcontent=function(b,a){var c=null;c=Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject();"GET",b,false);c.send(null);if(((c.status/100)==2)||Xinha.isRunLocally&&c.status===0){return(a)?c.responseXML:c.responseText}else{return""}};if(typeof dumpValues=="undefined"){dumpValues=function(c){var b="";for(var d in c){if(window.console&&typeof window.console.log=="function"){if(typeof console.firebug!="undefined"){console.log(c)}else{console.log(d+" = "+c[d]+"\n")}}else{b+=d+" = "+c[d]+"\n"}}if(b){if(document.getElementById("errors")){document.getElementById("errors").value+=b}else{var"","debugger");a.document.write("
")}}}}if(!Array.prototype.contains){Array.prototype.contains=function(c){var b=this;for(var a=0;a>2;h=((l&3)<<4)|(j>>4);f=((j&15)<<2)|(g>>6);e=g&63;if(isNaN(j)){f=e=64}else{if(isNaN(g)){e=64}}a=a+b.charAt(k)+b.charAt(h)+b.charAt(f)+b.charAt(e)}while(c>4);j=((h&15)<<4)|(f>>2);g=((f&3)<<6)|e;a=a+String.fromCharCode(l);if(f!=64){a=a+String.fromCharCode(j)}if(e!=64){a=a+String.fromCharCode(g)}}while(cb){a=d.document.body.scrollWidth;e=d.document.body.scrollHeight}else{a=d.document.documentElement.scrollWidth;e=d.document.documentElement.scrollHeight}return{x:a,y:e}};Xinha.prototype.scrollPos=function(b){b=(b)?b:window;var a,c;if(typeof b.pageYOffset!="undefined"){a=b.pageXOffset;c=b.pageYOffset}else{if(b.document.documentElement&&typeof document.documentElement.scrollTop!="undefined"){a=b.document.documentElement.scrollLeft;c=b.document.documentElement.scrollTop}else{if(b.document.body){a=b.document.body.scrollLeft;c=b.document.body.scrollTop}}}return{x:a,y:c}};Xinha.getElementTopLeft=function(a){var c=0;var b=0;if(a.offsetParent){c=a.offsetLeft;b=a.offsetTop;while(a=a.offsetParent){c+=a.offsetLeft;b+=a.offsetTop}}return{top:b,left:c}};Xinha.findPosX=function(a){var b=0;if(a.offsetParent){return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(a).left}else{if(a.x){b+=a.x}}return b};Xinha.findPosY=function(b){var a=0;if(b.offsetParent){return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(b).top}else{if(b.y){a+=b.y}}return a};Xinha.createLoadingMessages=function(b){if(Xinha.loadingMessages||!Xinha.isSupportedBrowser){return}Xinha.loadingMessages=[];for(var a=0;a +* +* var html = __xinhas[0].getEditorContent(); // gives you the HTML of the first editor in the page +* +*/ +var __xinhas = []; + +// browser identification +/** Cache the user agent for the following checks + * @type String + * @private + */ +Xinha.agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); +/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_ie = ((Xinha.agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (Xinha.agt.indexOf("opera") == -1)); +/** Version Number, if browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer + * @type Float + */ +Xinha.ie_version= parseFloat(Xinha.agt.substring(Xinha.agt.indexOf("msie")+5)); +/** Browser is Opera + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_opera = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("opera") != -1); +/** Version Number, if browser is Opera + * @type Float + */ +if(Xinha.is_opera && Xinha.agt.match(/opera[\/ ]([0-9.]+)/)) +{ + Xinha.opera_version = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); +} +else +{ + Xinha.opera_version = 0; +} +/** Browserengine is KHTML (Konqueror, Safari) + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_khtml = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("khtml") != -1); +/** Browser is WebKit + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_webkit = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("applewebkit") != -1); +/** Webkit build number + * @type Integer + */ +Xinha.webkit_version = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.replace(/.*?AppleWebKit\/([\d]).*?/,'$1'), 10); + +/** Browser is Safari + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_safari = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("safari") != -1); + +/** Browser is Google Chrome + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_chrome = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("chrome") != -1); + +/** OS is MacOS + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_mac = (Xinha.agt.indexOf("mac") != -1); +/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer Mac + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_mac_ie = (Xinha.is_ie && Xinha.is_mac); +/** Browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer Windows + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_win_ie = (Xinha.is_ie && !Xinha.is_mac); +/** Browser engine is Gecko (Mozilla), applies also to Safari and Opera which work + * largely similar. + *@type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_gecko = (navigator.product == "Gecko") || Xinha.is_opera; +/** Browser engine is really Gecko, i.e. Browser is Firefox (or Netscape, SeaMonkey, Flock, Songbird, Beonex, K-Meleon, Camino, Galeon, Kazehakase, Skipstone, or whatever derivate might exist out there...) + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_real_gecko = (navigator.product == "Gecko" && !Xinha.is_webkit); + +/** Gecko version lower than 1.9 + * @type Boolean + */ +Xinha.is_ff2 = Xinha.is_real_gecko && parseInt(navigator.productSub.substr(0,10), 10) < 20071210; + +/** File is opened locally opened ("file://" protocol) + * @type Boolean + * @private + */ +Xinha.isRunLocally = document.URL.toLowerCase().search(/^file:/) != -1; +/** Editing is enabled by document.designMode (Gecko, Opera), as opposed to contenteditable (IE) + * @type Boolean + * @private + */ +Xinha.is_designMode = (typeof document.designMode != 'undefined' && !Xinha.is_ie); // IE has designMode, but we're not using it + +/** Check if Xinha can run in the used browser, otherwise the textarea will be remain unchanged + * @type Boolean + * @private + */ +Xinha.checkSupportedBrowser = function() +{ + return Xinha.is_real_gecko || (Xinha.is_opera && Xinha.opera_version >= 9.2) || Xinha.ie_version >= 5.5 || Xinha.webkit_version >= 522; +}; +/** Cache result of checking for browser support + * @type Boolean + * @private + */ +Xinha.isSupportedBrowser = Xinha.checkSupportedBrowser(); + +if ( Xinha.isRunLocally && Xinha.isSupportedBrowser) +{ + alert('Xinha *must* be installed on a web server. Locally opened files (those that use the "file://" protocol) cannot properly function. Xinha will try to initialize but may not be correctly loaded.'); +} + +/** Creates a new Xinha object + * @version $Rev: 1263 $ $LastChangedDate: 2010-05-12 09:40:06 +1200 (Wed, 12 May 2010) $ + * @constructor + * @param {String|DomNode} textarea the textarea to replace; can be either only the id or the DOM object as returned by document.getElementById() + * @param {Xinha.Config} config optional if no Xinha.Config object is passed, the default config is used + */ +function Xinha(textarea, config) +{ + if ( !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) + { + return; + } + + if ( !textarea ) + { + throw new Error ("Tried to create Xinha without textarea specified."); + } + + if ( typeof config == "undefined" ) + { + /** The configuration used in the editor + * @type Xinha.Config + */ + this.config = new Xinha.Config(); + } + else + { + this.config = config; + } + + if ( typeof textarea != 'object' ) + { + textarea = Xinha.getElementById('textarea', textarea); + } + /** This property references the original textarea, which is at the same time the editor in text mode + * @type DomNode textarea + */ + this._textArea = textarea; + this._textArea.spellcheck = false; + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_textArea'); + + // + /** Before we modify anything, get the initial textarea size + * @private + * @type Object w,h + */ + this._initial_ta_size = + { + w: ? : ( textarea.offsetWidth ? ( textarea.offsetWidth + 'px' ) : ( textarea.cols + 'em') ), + h: ? : ( textarea.offsetHeight ? ( textarea.offsetHeight + 'px' ) : ( textarea.rows + 'em') ) + }; + + if ( document.getElementById("loading_" + || this.config.showLoading ) + { + if (!document.getElementById("loading_" + + { + Xinha.createLoadingMessage(textarea); + } + this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc("Constructing object")); + } + + /** the current editing mode + * @private + * @type string "wysiwyg"|"text" + */ + this._editMode = "wysiwyg"; + /** this object holds the plugins used in the editor + * @private + * @type Object + */ + this.plugins = {}; + /** periodically updates the toolbar + * @private + * @type timeout + */ + this._timerToolbar = null; + /** periodically takes a snapshot of the current editor content + * @private + * @type timeout + */ + this._timerUndo = null; + /** holds the undo snapshots + * @private + * @type Array + */ + this._undoQueue = [this.config.undoSteps]; + /** the current position in the undo queue + * @private + * @type integer + */ + this._undoPos = -1; + /** use our own undo implementation (true) or the browser's (false) + * @private + * @type Boolean + */ + this._customUndo = true; + /** the document object of the page Xinha is embedded in + * @private + * @type document + */ + this._mdoc = document; // cache the document, we need it in plugins + /** doctype of the edited document (fullpage mode) + * @private + * @type string + */ + this.doctype = ''; + /** running number that identifies the current editor + * @public + * @type integer + */ + this.__htmlarea_id_num = __xinhas.length; + __xinhas[this.__htmlarea_id_num] = this; + + /** holds the events for use with the notifyOn/notifyOf system + * @private + * @type Object + */ + this._notifyListeners = {}; + + // Panels + var panels = + { + right: + { + on: true, + container: document.createElement('td'), + panels: [] + }, + left: + { + on: true, + container: document.createElement('td'), + panels: [] + }, + top: + { + on: true, + container: document.createElement('td'), + panels: [] + }, + bottom: + { + on: true, + container: document.createElement('td'), + panels: [] + } + }; + + for ( var i in panels ) + { + if(!panels[i].container) { continue; } // prevent iterating over wrong type + panels[i].div = panels[i].container; // legacy + panels[i].container.className = 'panels panels_' + i; + Xinha.freeLater(panels[i], 'container'); + Xinha.freeLater(panels[i], 'div'); + } + /** holds the panels + * @private + * @type Array + */ + // finally store the variable + this._panels = panels; + + // Init some properties that are defined later + /** The statusbar container + * @type DomNode statusbar div + */ + this._statusBar = null; + /** The DOM path that is shown in the statusbar in wysiwyg mode + * @private + * @type DomNode + */ + this._statusBarTree = null; + /** The message that is shown in the statusbar in text mode + * @private + * @type DomNode + */ + this._statusBarTextMode = null; + /** Holds the items of the DOM path that is shown in the statusbar in wysiwyg mode + * @private + * @type Array tag names + */ + this._statusBarItems = []; + /** Holds the parts (table cells) of the UI (toolbar, panels, statusbar) + + * @type Object framework parts + */ + this._framework = {}; + /** Them whole thing (table) + * @private + * @type DomNode + */ + this._htmlArea = null; + /** This is the actual editable area.
+ * Technically it's an iframe that's made editable using window.designMode = 'on', respectively document.body.contentEditable = true (IE).
+ * Use this property to get a grip on the iframe's window features
+ * + * @type window + */ + this._iframe = null; + /** The document object of the iframe.
+ * Use this property to perform DOM operations on the edited document + * @type document + */ + this._doc = null; + /** The toolbar + * @private + * @type DomNode + */ + this._toolBar = this._toolbar = null; //._toolbar is for legacy, ._toolBar is better thanks. + /** Holds the botton objects + * @private + * @type Object + */ + this._toolbarObjects = {}; + + //hook in config.Events as as a "plugin" + this.plugins.Events = + { + name: 'Events', + developer : 'The Xinha Core Developer Team', + instance: config.Events + }; +}; +// ray: What is this for? Do we need it? +Xinha.onload = function() { }; +Xinha.init = function() { Xinha.onload(); }; + +// cache some regexps +/** Identifies HTML tag names +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_tagName = /(<\/|<)\s*([^ \t\n>]+)/ig; +/** Exracts DOCTYPE string from HTML +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_doctype = /()\n?/i; +/** Finds head section in HTML +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_head = /((.|\n)*?)<\/head>/i; +/** Finds body section in HTML +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_body = /]*>((.|\n|\r|\t)*?)<\/body>/i; +/** Special characters that need to be escaped when dynamically creating a RegExp from an arbtrary string +* @private +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_Specials = /([\/\^$*+?.()|{}\[\]])/g; +/** When dynamically creating a RegExp from an arbtrary string, some charactes that have special meanings in regular expressions have to be escaped. +* Run any string through this function to escape reserved characters. +* @param {string} string the string to be escaped +* @returns string +*/ +Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp = function (string) +{ + return string.replace(Xinha.RE_Specials, '\\$1'); +}; +/** Identifies email addresses +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_email = /^[_a-z\d\-\.]{3,}@[_a-z\d\-]{2,}(\.[_a-z\d\-]{2,})+$/i; +/** Identifies URLs +* @type RegExp +*/ +Xinha.RE_url = /(https?:\/\/)?(([a-z0-9_]+:[a-z0-9_]+@)?[a-z0-9_\-]{2,}(\.[a-z0-9_\-]{2,}){2,}(:[0-9]+)?(\/\S+)*)/i; + + + +/** + * This class creates an object that can be passed to the Xinha constructor as a parameter. + * Set the object's properties as you need to configure the editor (toolbar etc.) + * @version $Rev: 1263 $ $LastChangedDate: 2010-05-12 09:40:06 +1200 (Wed, 12 May 2010) $ + * @constructor + */ +Xinha.Config = function() +{ + /** The svn revision number + * @type Number + */ + this.version = Xinha.version.Revision; + + /** This property controls the width of the editor.
+ * Allowed values are 'auto', 'toolbar' or a numeric value followed by "px".
+ * auto: let Xinha choose the width to use.
+ * toolbar: compute the width size from the toolbar width.
+ * numeric value: forced width in pixels ('600px').
+ * + * Default: "auto" + * @type String + */ + this.width = "auto"; + /** This property controls the height of the editor.
+ * Allowed values are 'auto' or a numeric value followed by px.
+ * "auto": let Xinha choose the height to use.
+ * numeric value: forced height in pixels ('200px').
+ * Default: "auto" + * @type String + */ + this.height = "auto"; + + /** Specifies whether the toolbar should be included + * in the size, or are extra to it. If false then it's recommended + * to have the size set as explicit pixel sizes (either in Xinha.Config or on your textarea)
+ * + * Default: true + * + * @type Boolean + */ + this.sizeIncludesBars = true; + /** + * Specifies whether the panels should be included + * in the size, or are extra to it. If false then it's recommended + * to have the size set as explicit pixel sizes (either in Xinha.Config or on your textarea)
+ * + * Default: true + * + * @type Boolean + */ + this.sizeIncludesPanels = true; + + /** + * each of the panels has a dimension, for the left/right it's the width + * for the top/bottom it's the height. + * + * WARNING: PANEL DIMENSIONS MUST BE SPECIFIED AS PIXEL WIDTHS
+ *Default values: + *
+  *	  xinha_config.panel_dimensions =
+  *   {
+  *	    left:   '200px', // Width
+  *	    right:  '200px',
+  *	    top:    '100px', // Height
+  *	    bottom: '100px'
+  *	  }
+  *
+ * @type Object + */ + this.panel_dimensions = + { + left: '200px', // Width + right: '200px', + top: '100px', // Height + bottom: '100px' + }; + + /** To make the iframe width narrower than the toolbar width, e.g. to maintain + * the layout when editing a narrow column of text, set the next parameter (in pixels).
+ * + * Default: true + * + * @type Integer|null + */ + this.iframeWidth = null; + + /** Enable creation of the status bar?
+ * + * Default: true + * + * @type Boolean + */ + this.statusBar = true; + + /** Intercept ^V and use the Xinha paste command + * If false, then passes ^V through to browser editor widget, which is the only way it works without problems in Mozilla
+ * + * Default: false + * + * @type Boolean + */ + this.htmlareaPaste = false; + + /** Gecko only: Let the built-in routine for handling the return key decide if to enter br or p tags, + * or use a custom implementation.
+ * For information about the rules applied by Gecko, see Mozilla website
+ * Possible values are built-in or best
+ * + * Default: "best" + * + * @type String + */ + this.mozParaHandler = 'best'; + + /** This determines the method how the HTML output is generated. + * There are two choices: + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + *
DOMwalkThis is the classic and proven method. It recusively traverses the DOM tree + * and builds the HTML string "from scratch". Tends to be a bit slow, especially in IE.
TransformInnerHTMLThis method uses the JavaScript innerHTML property and relies on Regular Expressions to produce + * clean XHTML output. This method is much faster than the other one.
+ * + * Default: "DOMwalk" + * + * @type String + */ + this.getHtmlMethod = 'DOMwalk'; + + /** Maximum size of the undo queue
+ * Default: 20 + * @type Integer + */ + this.undoSteps = 20; + + /** The time interval at which undo samples are taken
+ * Default: 500 (1/2 sec) + * @type Integer milliseconds + */ + this.undoTimeout = 500; + + /** Set this to true if you want to explicitly right-justify when setting the text direction to right-to-left
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.changeJustifyWithDirection = false; + + /** If true then Xinha will retrieve the full HTML, starting with the <HTML> tag.
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.fullPage = false; + + /** Raw style definitions included in the edited document
+ * When a lot of inline style is used, perhaps it is wiser to use one or more external stylesheets.
+ * To set tags P in red, H1 in blue andn A not underlined, we may do the following + *
+   * xinha_config.pageStyle =
+   *  'p { color:red; }\n' +
+   *  'h1 { color:bleu; }\n' +
+   *  'a {text-decoration:none; }';
+   *
+ * Default: "" (empty) + * @type String + */ + this.pageStyle = ""; + + /** Array of external stylesheets to load. (Reference these absolutely)
+ * Example
+ *
xinha_config.pageStyleSheets = ["/css/myPagesStyleSheet.css","/css/anotherOne.css"];
+ * Default: [] (empty) + * @type Array + */ + this.pageStyleSheets = []; + + // specify a base href for relative links + /** Specify a base href for relative links
+ * ATTENTION: this does not work as expected and needs t be changed, see Ticket #961
+ * Default: null + * @type String|null + */ + this.baseHref = null; + + /** If true, relative URLs (../) will be made absolute. + * When the editor is in different directory depth + * as the edited page relative image sources will break the display of your images. + * this fixes an issue where Mozilla converts the urls of images and links that are on the same server + * to relative ones (../) when dragging them around in the editor (Ticket #448)
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.expandRelativeUrl = true; + + /** We can strip the server part out of URL to make/leave them semi-absolute, reason for this + * is that the browsers will prefix the server to any relative links to make them absolute, + * which isn't what you want most the time.
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.stripBaseHref = true; + + /** We can strip the url of the editor page from named links (eg <a href="#top">...</a>) and links + * that consist only of URL parameters (eg <a href="?parameter=value">...</a>) + * reason for this is that browsers tend to prefixe location.href to any href that + * that don't have a full url
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.stripSelfNamedAnchors = true; + + /** In URLs all characters above ASCII value 127 have to be encoded using % codes
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.only7BitPrintablesInURLs = true; + + + /** If you are putting the HTML written in Xinha into an email you might want it to be 7-bit + * characters only. This config option will convert all characters consuming + * more than 7bits into UNICODE decimal entity references (actually it will convert anything + * below (chr 20) except cr, lf and tab and above (~, chr 7E))
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.sevenBitClean = false; + + + /** Sometimes we want to be able to replace some string in the html coming in and going out + * so that in the editor we use the "internal" string, and outside and in the source view + * we use the "external" string this is useful for say making special codes for + * your absolute links, your external string might be some special code, say "{server_url}" + * an you say that the internal represenattion of that should be http://your.server/
+ * Example: { 'html_string' : 'wysiwyg_string' }
+ * Default: {} (empty) + * @type Object + */ + this.specialReplacements = {}; //{ 'html_string' : 'wysiwyg_string' } + + /** A filter function for the HTML used inside the editor
+ * Default: function (html) { return html } + * + * @param {String} html The whole document's HTML content + * @return {String} The processed HTML + */ + this.inwardHtml = function (html) { return html; }; + + /** A filter function for the generated HTML
+ * Default: function (html) { return html } + * + * @param {String} html The whole document's HTML content + * @return {String} The processed HTML + */ + this.outwardHtml = function (html) { return html; }; + + /** This setting determines whether or not the editor will be automatically activated and focused when the page loads. + * If the page contains only a single editor, autofocus can be set to true to focus it. + * Alternatively, if the page contains multiple editors, autofocus may be set to the ID of the text area of the editor to be focused. + * For example, the following setting would focus the editor attached to the text area whose ID is "myTextArea": + * xinha_config.autofocus = "myTextArea"; + * Default: false + * @type Boolean|String + */ + this.autofocus = false; + + /** Set to true if you want Word code to be cleaned upon Paste. This only works if + * you use the toolbr button to paste, not ^V. This means that due to the restrictions + * regarding pasting, this actually has no real effect in Mozilla
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.killWordOnPaste = true; + + /** Enable the 'Target' field in the Make Link dialog. Note that the target attribute is invalid in (X)HTML strict
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.makeLinkShowsTarget = true; + + /** CharSet of the iframe, default is the charset of the document + * @type String + */ + this.charSet = (typeof document.characterSet != 'undefined') ? document.characterSet : document.charset; + + /** Whether the edited document should be rendered in Quirksmode or Standard Compliant (Strict) Mode.
+ * This is commonly known as the "doctype switch"
+ * for details read here + * + * Possible values:
+ * true : Quirksmode is used
+ * false : Strict mode is used
+ * null (default): the mode of the document Xinha is in is used + * @type Boolean|null + */ + this.browserQuirksMode = null; + + // URL-s + this.imgURL = "images/"; + this.popupURL = "popups/"; + + /** RegExp allowing to remove certain HTML tags when rendering the HTML.
+ * Example: remove span and font tags + * + * xinha_config.htmlRemoveTags = /span|font/; + * + * Default: null + * @type RegExp|null + */ + this.htmlRemoveTags = null; + + /** Turning this on will turn all "linebreak" and "separator" items in your toolbar into soft-breaks, + * this means that if the items between that item and the next linebreak/separator can + * fit on the same line as that which came before then they will, otherwise they will + * float down to the next line. + + * If you put a linebreak and separator next to each other, only the separator will + * take effect, this allows you to have one toolbar that works for both flowToolbars = true and false + * infact the toolbar below has been designed in this way, if flowToolbars is false then it will + * create explictly two lines (plus any others made by plugins) breaking at justifyleft, however if + * flowToolbars is false and your window is narrow enough then it will create more than one line + * even neater, if you resize the window the toolbars will reflow.
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.flowToolbars = true; + + /** Set to center or right to change button alignment in toolbar + * @type String + */ + this.toolbarAlign = "left"; + + /** Set to true to display the font names in the toolbar font select list in their actual font. + * Note that this doesn't work in IE, but doesn't hurt anything either. + * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.showFontStylesInToolbar = false; + + /** Set to true if you want the loading panel to show at startup
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.showLoading = false; + + /** Set to false if you want to allow JavaScript in the content, otherwise <script> tags are stripped out.
+ * This currently only affects the "DOMwalk" getHtmlMethod.
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.stripScripts = true; + + /** See if the text just typed looks like a URL, or email address + * and link it appropriatly + * Note: Setting this option to false only affects Mozilla based browsers. + * In InternetExplorer this is native behaviour and cannot be turned off.
+ * Default: true + * @type Boolean + */ + this.convertUrlsToLinks = true; + + + /** Size of color picker cells
+ * Use number + "px"
+ * Default: "6px" + * @type String + */ + this.colorPickerCellSize = '6px'; + /** Granularity of color picker cells (number per column/row)
+ * Default: 18 + * @type Integer + */ + this.colorPickerGranularity = 18; + /** Position of color picker from toolbar button
+ * Default: "bottom,right" + * @type String + */ + this.colorPickerPosition = 'bottom,right'; + /** Set to true to show only websafe checkbox in picker
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.colorPickerWebSafe = false; + /** Number of recent colors to remember
+ * Default: 20 + * @type Integer + */ + this.colorPickerSaveColors = 20; + + /** Start up the editor in fullscreen mode
+ * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.fullScreen = false; + + /** You can tell the fullscreen mode to leave certain margins on each side.
+ * The value is an array with the values for [top,right,bottom,left] in that order
+ * Default: [0,0,0,0] + * @type Array + */ + this.fullScreenMargins = [0,0,0,0]; + + + /** Specify the method that is being used to calculate the editor's size
+ * when we return from fullscreen mode. + * There are two choices: + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + *
initSizeUse the internal Xinha.initSize() method to calculate the editor's + * dimensions. This is suitable for most usecases.
restoreThe editor's dimensions will be stored before going into fullscreen + * mode and restored when we return to normal mode, taking a possible + * window resize during fullscreen in account.
+ * + * Default: "initSize" + * @type String + */ + this.fullScreenSizeDownMethod = 'initSize'; + + /** This array orders all buttons except plugin buttons in the toolbar. Plugin buttons typically look for one + * a certain button in the toolbar and place themselves next to it. + * Default value: + *
+   *xinha_config.toolbar =
+   * [
+   *   ["popupeditor"],
+   *   ["separator","formatblock","fontname","fontsize","bold","italic","underline","strikethrough"],
+   *   ["separator","forecolor","hilitecolor","textindicator"],
+   *   ["separator","subscript","superscript"],
+   *   ["linebreak","separator","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","justifyfull"],
+   *   ["separator","insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","outdent","indent"],
+   *   ["separator","inserthorizontalrule","createlink","insertimage","inserttable"],
+   *   ["linebreak","separator","undo","redo","selectall","print"], (Xinha.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite","saveas"]),
+   *   ["separator","killword","clearfonts","removeformat","toggleborders","splitblock","lefttoright", "righttoleft"],
+   *   ["separator","htmlmode","showhelp","about"]
+   * ];
+   *
+ * @type Array + */ + this.toolbar = + [ + ["popupeditor"], + ["separator","formatblock","fontname","fontsize","bold","italic","underline","strikethrough"], + ["separator","forecolor","hilitecolor","textindicator"], + ["separator","subscript","superscript"], + ["linebreak","separator","justifyleft","justifycenter","justifyright","justifyfull"], + ["separator","insertorderedlist","insertunorderedlist","outdent","indent"], + ["separator","inserthorizontalrule","createlink","insertimage","inserttable"], + ["linebreak","separator","undo","redo","selectall","print"], (Xinha.is_gecko ? [] : ["cut","copy","paste","overwrite","saveas"]), + ["separator","killword","clearfonts","removeformat","toggleborders","splitblock","lefttoright", "righttoleft"], + ["separator","htmlmode","showhelp","about"] + ]; + + /** The fontnames listed in the fontname dropdown + * Default value: + *
+   *xinha_config.fontname =
+   *{
+   *  "— font —" : '',
+   *  "Arial"                : 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
+   *  "Courier New"          : 'courier new,courier,monospace',
+   *  "Georgia"              : 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
+   *  "Tahoma"               : 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
+   *  "Times New Roman"      : 'times new roman,times,serif',
+   *  "Verdana"              : 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
+   *  "impact"               : 'impact',
+   *  "WingDings"            : 'wingdings'
+   *};
+   *
+ * @type Object + */ + this.fontname = + { + "— font —": "", // — is mdash + "Arial" : 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif', + "Courier New" : 'courier new,courier,monospace', + "Georgia" : 'georgia,times new roman,times,serif', + "Tahoma" : 'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', + "Times New Roman" : 'times new roman,times,serif', + "Verdana" : 'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif', + "impact" : 'impact', + "WingDings" : 'wingdings' + }; + + /** The fontsizes listed in the fontsize dropdown + * Default value: + *
+   *xinha_config.fontsize =
+   *{
+   *  "— size —": "",
+   *  "1 (8 pt)" : "1",
+   *  "2 (10 pt)": "2",
+   *  "3 (12 pt)": "3",
+   *  "4 (14 pt)": "4",
+   *  "5 (18 pt)": "5",
+   *  "6 (24 pt)": "6",
+   *  "7 (36 pt)": "7"
+   *};
+   *
+ * @type Object + */ + this.fontsize = + { + "— size —": "", // — is mdash + "1 (8 pt)" : "1", + "2 (10 pt)": "2", + "3 (12 pt)": "3", + "4 (14 pt)": "4", + "5 (18 pt)": "5", + "6 (24 pt)": "6", + "7 (36 pt)": "7" + }; + /** The tags listed in the formatblock dropdown + * Default value: + *
+   *xinha_config.formatblock =
+   *{
+   *  "— size —": "",
+   *  "1 (8 pt)" : "1",
+   *  "2 (10 pt)": "2",
+   *  "3 (12 pt)": "3",
+   *  "4 (14 pt)": "4",
+   *  "5 (18 pt)": "5",
+   *  "6 (24 pt)": "6",
+   *  "7 (36 pt)": "7"
+   *};
+   *
+ * @type Object + */ + this.formatblock = + { + "— format —": "", // — is mdash + "Heading 1": "h1", + "Heading 2": "h2", + "Heading 3": "h3", + "Heading 4": "h4", + "Heading 5": "h5", + "Heading 6": "h6", + "Normal" : "p", + "Address" : "address", + "Formatted": "pre" + }; + + this.dialogOptions = + { + 'centered' : true, //true: dialog is shown in the center the screen, false dialog is shown near the clicked toolbar button + 'greyout':true, //true: when showing modal dialogs, the page behind the dialoge is greyed-out + 'closeOnEscape':true + }; + /** You can add functions to this object to be executed on specific events + * Example: + *
+   * xinha_config.Events.onKeyPress = function (event)
+   * {
+   *    //do something 
+   *    return false;
+   * }
+   * 
+ * Note that this inside the function refers to the respective Xinha object + * The possible function names are documented at + */ + this.Events = {}; + + /** ?? + * Default: {} + * @type Object + */ + this.customSelects = {}; + + /** Switches on some debugging (only in execCommand() as far as I see at the moment)
+ * + * Default: false + * @type Boolean + */ + this.debug = false; + + this.URIs = + { + "blank": _editor_url + "popups/blank.html", + "link": _editor_url + "modules/CreateLink/link.html", + "insert_image": _editor_url + "modules/InsertImage/insert_image.html", + "insert_table": _editor_url + "modules/InsertTable/insert_table.html", + "select_color": _editor_url + "popups/select_color.html", + "help": _editor_url + "popups/editor_help.html" + }; + + /** The button list conains the definitions of the toolbar button. Normally, there's nothing to change here :) + *
ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS: please read below! + * format of the btnList elements is "ID: [ ToolTip, Icon, Enabled in text mode?, ACTION ]" + * - ID: unique ID for the button. If the button calls document.execCommand + * it's wise to give it the same name as the called command. + * - ACTION: function that gets called when the button is clicked. + * it has the following prototype: + * function(editor, buttonName) + * - editor is the Xinha object that triggered the call + * - buttonName is the ID of the clicked button + * These 2 parameters makes it possible for you to use the same + * handler for more Xinha objects or for more different buttons. + * - ToolTip: tooltip, will be translated below + * - Icon: path to an icon image file for the button + * OR; you can use an 18x18 block of a larger image by supllying an array + * that has three elemtents, the first is the larger image, the second is the column + * the third is the row. The ros and columns numbering starts at 0 but there is + * a header row and header column which have numbering to make life easier. + * See images/buttons_main.gif to see how it's done. + * - Enabled in text mode: if false the button gets disabled for text-only mode; otherwise enabled all the time.
+ * @type Object + */ + this.btnList = + { + bold: [ "Bold", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_bold', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",3,2]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("bold"); } ], + italic: [ "Italic", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_italic', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",2,2]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("italic"); } ], + underline: [ "Underline", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_underline', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",2,0]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("underline"); } ], + strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_strikethrough', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",3,0]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("strikethrough"); } ], + subscript: [ "Subscript", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_subscript', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",3,1]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("subscript"); } ], + superscript: [ "Superscript", Xinha._lc({key: 'button_superscript', string: ["ed_buttons_main.png",2,1]}, 'Xinha'), false, function(e) { e.execCommand("superscript"); } ], + + justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", ["ed_buttons_main.png",0,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyleft"); } ], + justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,1], false, function(e){ e.execCommand("justifycenter"); } ], + justifyright: [ "Justify Right", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyright"); } ], + justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", ["ed_buttons_main.png",0,1], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("justifyfull"); } ], + + orderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.png",0,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertorderedlist"); } ], + unorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist"); } ], + insertorderedlist: [ "Ordered List", ["ed_buttons_main.png",0,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertorderedlist"); } ], + insertunorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist"); } ], + + outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("outdent"); } ], + indent: [ "Increase Indent",["ed_buttons_main.png",0,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("indent"); } ], + forecolor: [ "Font Color", ["ed_buttons_main.png",3,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("forecolor"); } ], + hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", ["ed_buttons_main.png",2,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("hilitecolor"); } ], + + undo: [ "Undoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.png",4,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("undo"); } ], + redo: [ "Redoes your last action", ["ed_buttons_main.png",5,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("redo"); } ], + cut: [ "Cut selection", ["ed_buttons_main.png",5,0], false, function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ], + copy: [ "Copy selection", ["ed_buttons_main.png",4,0], false, function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ], + paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", ["ed_buttons_main.png",4,1], false, function (e, cmd) { e.execCommand(cmd); } ], + selectall: [ "Select all", ["ed_buttons_main.png",3,5], false, function(e) {e.execCommand("selectall");} ], + + inserthorizontalrule: [ "Horizontal Rule", ["ed_buttons_main.png",6,0], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule"); } ], + createlink: [ "Insert Web Link", ["ed_buttons_main.png",6,1], false, function(e) { e._createLink(); } ], + insertimage: [ "Insert/Modify Image", ["ed_buttons_main.png",6,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("insertimage"); } ], + inserttable: [ "Insert Table", ["ed_buttons_main.png",6,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("inserttable"); } ], + + htmlmode: [ "Toggle HTML Source", ["ed_buttons_main.png",7,0], true, function(e) { e.execCommand("htmlmode"); } ], + toggleborders: [ "Toggle Borders", ["ed_buttons_main.png",7,2], false, function(e) { e._toggleBorders(); } ], + print: [ "Print document", ["ed_buttons_main.png",8,1], false, function(e) { if(Xinha.is_gecko) {e._iframe.contentWindow.print(); } else { e.focusEditor(); print(); } } ], + saveas: [ "Save as", ["ed_buttons_main.png",9,1], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("saveas",false,"noname.htm"); } ], + about: [ "About this editor", ["ed_buttons_main.png",8,2], true, function(e) { e.getPluginInstance("AboutBox").show(); } ], + showhelp: [ "Help using editor", ["ed_buttons_main.png",9,2], true, function(e) { e.execCommand("showhelp"); } ], + + splitblock: [ "Split Block", "ed_splitblock.gif", false, function(e) { e._splitBlock(); } ], + lefttoright: [ "Direction left to right", ["ed_buttons_main.png",0,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("lefttoright"); } ], + righttoleft: [ "Direction right to left", ["ed_buttons_main.png",1,2], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("righttoleft"); } ], + overwrite: [ "Insert/Overwrite", "ed_overwrite.gif", false, function(e) { e.execCommand("overwrite"); } ], + + wordclean: [ "MS Word Cleaner", ["ed_buttons_main.png",5,3], false, function(e) { e._wordClean(); } ], + clearfonts: [ "Clear Inline Font Specifications", ["ed_buttons_main.png",5,4], true, function(e) { e._clearFonts(); } ], + removeformat: [ "Remove formatting", ["ed_buttons_main.png",4,4], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("removeformat"); } ], + killword: [ "Clear MSOffice tags", ["ed_buttons_main.png",4,3], false, function(e) { e.execCommand("killword"); } ] + }; + + /** A hash of double click handlers for the given elements, each element may have one or more double click handlers + * called in sequence. The element may contain a class selector ( a.somethingSpecial ) + * + */ + + this.dblclickList = + { + "a": [function(e, target) {e._createLink(target);}], + "img": [function(e, target) {e._insertImage(target);}] + }; + + /** A container for additional icons that may be swapped within one button (like fullscreen) + * @private + */ + this.iconList = + { + dialogCaption : _editor_url + 'images/xinha-small-icon.gif', + wysiwygmode : [_editor_url + 'images/ed_buttons_main.png',7,1] + }; + // initialize tooltips from the I18N module and generate correct image path + for ( var i in this.btnList ) + { + var btn = this.btnList[i]; + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof btn != 'object' ) + { + continue; + } + if ( typeof btn[1] != 'string' ) + { + btn[1][0] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1][0]; + } + else + { + btn[1] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1]; + } + btn[0] = Xinha._lc(btn[0]); //initialize tooltip + } +}; +/** A plugin may require more than one icon for one button, this has to be registered in order to work with the iconsets (see FullScreen) + * + * @param {String} id + * @param {String|Array} icon definition like in registerButton + */ +Xinha.Config.prototype.registerIcon = function (id, icon) +{ + this.iconList[id] = icon; +}; +/** ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS +* --------------------- +* +* +* Example on how to add a custom button when you construct the Xinha: +* +* var editor = new Xinha("your_text_area_id"); +* var cfg = editor.config; // this is the default configuration +* cfg.btnList["my-hilite"] = +* [ "Highlight selection", // tooltip +* "my_hilite.gif", // image +* false // disabled in text mode +* function(editor) { editor.surroundHTML('', ''); }, // action +* ]; +* cfg.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-hilite"]); // add the new button to the toolbar +* +* An alternate (also more convenient and recommended) way to +* accomplish this is to use the registerButton function below. +*/ +/** Helper function: register a new button with the configuration. It can be + * called with all 5 arguments, or with only one (first one). When called with + * only one argument it must be an object with the following properties: id, + * tooltip, image, textMode, action.
+ * + * Examples:
+ *
+ * config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite text", "my-hilite.gif", false, function(editor) {...});
+ * config.registerButton({
+ *      id       : "my-hilite",      // the ID of your button
+ *      tooltip  : "Hilite text",    // the tooltip
+ *      image    : "my-hilite.gif",  // image to be displayed in the toolbar
+ *      textMode : false,            // disabled in text mode
+ *      action   : function(editor) { // called when the button is clicked
+ *                   editor.surroundHTML('', '');
+ *                 },
+ *      context  : "p"               // will be disabled if outside a 

element + * });

+ */ +Xinha.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context) +{ + if ( typeof id == "string" ) + { + this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ]; + } + else if ( typeof id == "object" ) + { + this.btnList[] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ]; + } + else + { + alert("ERROR [Xinha.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments"); + return false; + } +}; + +Xinha.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object) +{ + if ( !side ) + { + side = 'right'; + } + this.setLoadingMessage('Register ' + side + ' panel '); + var panel = this.addPanel(side); + if ( object ) + { + object.drawPanelIn(panel); + } +}; + +/** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor + * configuration. You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the + * buttons. Call it like this: + * + * FIXME: add example + */ +Xinha.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object) +{ + // check for existing id +// if ( typeof this.customSelects[] != "undefined" ) +// { + // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists."); +// } +// if ( typeof this.btnList[] != "undefined" ) +// { + // alert("WARNING [Xinha.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists."); +// } + this.customSelects[] = object; +}; + +/** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar. + * Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names + * delimited by spaces. Note that the string should also begin with a space + * and end with a space. Example: + * + * config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator "); + * + * It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than + * create a brand new toolbar ;-) + */ +Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove) +{ + var toolbar = this.toolbar; + for ( var i = toolbar.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + var line = toolbar[i]; + for ( var j = line.length; --j >= 0; ) + { + if ( remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0 ) + { + var len = 1; + if ( /separator|space/.test(line[j + 1]) ) + { + len = 2; + } + line.splice(j, len); + } + } + } +}; + +/** Helper Function: add buttons/drop-downs boxes with title or separator to the toolbar + * if the buttons/drop-downs boxes doesn't allready exists. + * id: button or selectbox (as array with separator or title) + * where: button or selectbox (as array if the first is not found take the second and so on) + * position: + * -1 = insert button (id) one position before the button (where) + * 0 = replace button (where) by button (id) + * +1 = insert button (id) one position after button (where) + * + * cfg.addToolbarElement(["T[title]", "button_id", "separator"] , ["first_id","second_id"], -1); +*/ + +Xinha.Config.prototype.addToolbarElement = function(id, where, position) +{ + var toolbar = this.toolbar; + var a, i, j, o, sid; + var idIsArray = false; + var whereIsArray = false; + var whereLength = 0; + var whereJ = 0; + var whereI = 0; + var exists = false; + var found = false; + // check if id and where are arrys + if ( ( id && typeof id == "object" ) && ( id.constructor == Array ) ) + { + idIsArray = true; + } + if ( ( where && typeof where == "object" ) && ( where.constructor == Array ) ) + { + whereIsArray = true; + whereLength = where.length; + } + + if ( idIsArray ) //find the button/select box in input array + { + for ( i = 0; i < id.length; ++i ) + { + if ( ( id[i] != "separator" ) && ( id[i].indexOf("T[") !== 0) ) + { + sid = id[i]; + } + } + } + else + { + sid = id; + } + + for ( i = 0; i < toolbar.length; ++i ) { + a = toolbar[i]; + for ( j = 0; j < a.length; ++j ) { + // check if button/select box exists + if ( a[j] == sid ) { + return; // cancel to add elements if same button already exists + } + } + } + + + for ( i = 0; !found && i < toolbar.length; ++i ) + { + a = toolbar[i]; + for ( j = 0; !found && j < a.length; ++j ) + { + if ( whereIsArray ) + { + for ( o = 0; o < whereLength; ++o ) + { + if ( a[j] == where[o] ) + { + if ( o === 0 ) + { + found = true; + j--; + break; + } + else + { + whereI = i; + whereJ = j; + whereLength = o; + } + } + } + } + else + { + // find the position to insert + if ( a[j] == where ) + { + found = true; + break; + } + } + } + } + + //if check found any other as the first button + if ( !found && whereIsArray ) + { + if ( where.length != whereLength ) + { + j = whereJ; + a = toolbar[whereI]; + found = true; + } + } + if ( found ) + { + // replace the found button + if ( position === 0 ) + { + if ( idIsArray) + { + a[j] = id[id.length-1]; + for ( i = id.length-1; --i >= 0; ) + { + a.splice(j, 0, id[i]); + } + } + else + { + a[j] = id; + } + } + else + { + // insert before/after the found button + if ( position < 0 ) + { + j = j + position + 1; //correct position before + } + else if ( position > 0 ) + { + j = j + position; //correct posion after + } + if ( idIsArray ) + { + for ( i = id.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + a.splice(j, 0, id[i]); + } + } + else + { + a.splice(j, 0, id); + } + } + } + else + { + // no button found + toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, "separator"); + if ( idIsArray) + { + for ( i = id.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, id[i]); + } + } + else + { + toolbar[0].splice(0, 0, id); + } + } +}; +/** Alias of Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons() +* @type Function +*/ +Xinha.Config.prototype.removeToolbarElement = Xinha.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons; + +/** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with Xinha-s. +* @param {Xinha.Config} optional config +*/ +Xinha.replaceAll = function(config) +{ + var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); + // @todo: weird syntax, doesnt help to read the code, doesnt obfuscate it and doesnt make it quicker, better rewrite this part + for ( var i = tas.length; i > 0; new Xinha(tas[--i], config).generate() ) + { + // NOP + } +}; + +/** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with Xinha. +* @param {string} id id of the textarea to replace +* @param {Xinha.Config} optional config +*/ +Xinha.replace = function(id, config) +{ + var ta = Xinha.getElementById("textarea", id); + return ta ? new Xinha(ta, config).generate() : null; +}; + +/** Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea +* @private +* @returns {DomNode} toolbar +*/ +Xinha.prototype._createToolbar = function () +{ + this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Create Toolbar')); + var editor = this; // to access this in nested functions + + var toolbar = document.createElement("div"); + // ._toolbar is for legacy, ._toolBar is better thanks. + this._toolBar = this._toolbar = toolbar; + toolbar.className = "toolbar"; + toolbar.align = this.config.toolbarAlign; + + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_toolBar'); + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_toolbar'); + + var tb_row = null; + var tb_objects = {}; + this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects; + + this._createToolbar1(editor, toolbar, tb_objects); + + // IE8 is totally retarded, if you click on a toolbar element (eg button) + // and it doesn't have unselectable="on", then it defocuses the editor losing the selection + // so nothing works. Particularly prevalent with TableOperations + function noselect(e) + { + if(e.tagName) e.unselectable = "on"; + if(e.childNodes) + { + for(var i = 0; i < e.childNodes.length; i++) if(e.tagName) noselect(e.childNodes(i)); + } + } + if(Xinha.is_ie) noselect(toolbar); + + + this._htmlArea.appendChild(toolbar); + + return toolbar; +}; + +/** FIXME : function never used, can probably be removed from source +* @private +* @deprecated +*/ +Xinha.prototype._setConfig = function(config) +{ + this.config = config; +}; +/** FIXME: How can this be used?? +* @private +*/ +Xinha.prototype._rebuildToolbar = function() +{ + this._createToolbar1(this, this._toolbar, this._toolbarObjects); + + // We only want ONE editor at a time to be active + if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor ) + { + if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor == this ) + { + this.activateEditor(); + } + } + else + { + this.disableToolbar(); + } +}; + +/** + * Create a break element to add in the toolbar + * + * @return {DomNode} HTML element to add + * @private + */ +Xinha._createToolbarBreakingElement = function() +{ + var brk = document.createElement('div'); + = '1px'; + = '1px'; + = '1px'; + = '1px'; + = 'both'; + return brk; +}; + + +/** separate from previous createToolBar to allow dynamic change of toolbar + * @private + * @return {DomNode} toolbar + */ +Xinha.prototype._createToolbar1 = function (editor, toolbar, tb_objects) +{ + // We will clean out any existing toolbar elements. + while (toolbar.lastChild) + { + toolbar.removeChild(toolbar.lastChild); + } + + var tb_row; + // This shouldn't be necessary, but IE seems to float outside of the container + // when we float toolbar sections, so we have to clear:both here as well + // as at the end (which we do have to do). + if ( editor.config.flowToolbars ) + { + toolbar.appendChild(Xinha._createToolbarBreakingElement()); + } + + // creates a new line in the toolbar + function newLine() + { + if ( typeof tb_row != 'undefined' && tb_row.childNodes.length === 0) + { + return; + } + + var table = document.createElement("table"); + table.border = "0px"; + table.cellSpacing = "0px"; + table.cellPadding = "0px"; + if ( editor.config.flowToolbars ) + { + if ( Xinha.is_ie ) + { + = "left"; + } + else + { + = "left"; + } + } + + toolbar.appendChild(table); + // TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything + // in the TABLE. + var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody"); + table.appendChild(tb_body); + tb_row = document.createElement("tr"); + tb_body.appendChild(tb_row); + + table.className = 'toolbarRow'; // meh, kinda. + } // END of function: newLine + + // init first line + newLine(); + + // updates the state of a toolbar element. This function is member of + // a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or + // createSelect functions below). + function setButtonStatus(id, newval) + { + var oldval = this[id]; + var el = this.element; + if ( oldval != newval ) + { + switch (id) + { + case "enabled": + if ( newval ) + { + Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); + el.disabled = false; + } + else + { + Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled"); + el.disabled = true; + } + break; + case "active": + if ( newval ) + { + Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); + } + else + { + Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); + } + break; + } + this[id] = newval; + } + } // END of function: setButtonStatus + + // this function will handle creation of combo boxes. Receives as + // parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config. + // This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt" + // doesn't match a button. + function createSelect(txt) + { + var options = null; + var el = null; + var cmd = null; + var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects; + var context = null; + var tooltip = ""; + switch (txt) + { + case "fontsize": + case "fontname": + case "formatblock": + // the following line retrieves the correct + // configuration option because the variable name + // inside the Config object is named the same as the + // button/select in the toolbar. For instance, if txt + // == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or + // a different way to write it in JS is + // config["formatblock"]. + options = editor.config[txt]; + cmd = txt; + break; + default: + // try to fetch it from the list of registered selects + cmd = txt; + var dropdown = customSelects[cmd]; + if ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" ) + { + options = dropdown.options; + context = dropdown.context; + if ( typeof dropdown.tooltip != "undefined" ) + { + tooltip = dropdown.tooltip; + } + } + else + { + alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition"); + } + break; + } + if ( options ) + { + el = document.createElement("select"); + el.title = tooltip; + = 'auto'; + = txt; + var obj = + { + name : txt, // field name + element : el, // the UI element (SELECT) + enabled : true, // is it enabled? + text : false, // enabled in text mode? + cmd : cmd, // command ID + state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state + context : context + }; + + Xinha.freeLater(obj); + + tb_objects[txt] = obj; + + for ( var i in options ) + { + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof options[i] != 'string' ) + { + continue; + } + var op = document.createElement("option"); + op.innerHTML = Xinha._lc(i); + op.value = options[i]; + if (txt =='fontname' && editor.config.showFontStylesInToolbar) + { + = options[i]; + } + el.appendChild(op); + } + Xinha._addEvent(el, "change", function () { editor._comboSelected(el, txt); } ); + } + return el; + } // END of function: createSelect + + // appends a new button to toolbar + function createButton(txt) + { + // the element that will be created + var el, btn, obj = null; + switch (txt) + { + case "separator": + if ( editor.config.flowToolbars ) + { + newLine(); + } + el = document.createElement("div"); + el.className = "separator"; + break; + case "space": + el = document.createElement("div"); + el.className = "space"; + break; + case "linebreak": + newLine(); + return false; + case "textindicator": + el = document.createElement("div"); + el.appendChild(document.createTextNode("A")); + el.className = "indicator"; + el.title = Xinha._lc("Current style"); + obj = + { + name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') + element : el, // the UI element (DIV) + enabled : true, // is it enabled? + active : false, // is it pressed? + text : false, // enabled in text mode? + cmd : "textindicator", // the command ID + state : setButtonStatus // for changing state + }; + + Xinha.freeLater(obj); + + tb_objects[txt] = obj; + break; + default: + btn = editor.config.btnList[txt]; + } + if ( !el && btn ) + { + el = document.createElement("a"); + = 'block'; + el.href = 'javascript:void(0)'; + = 'none'; + el.title = btn[0]; + el.className = "button"; + = "ltr"; + // let's just pretend we have a button object, and + // assign all the needed information to it. + obj = + { + name : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold') + element : el, // the UI element (DIV) + enabled : true, // is it enabled? + active : false, // is it pressed? + text : btn[2], // enabled in text mode? + cmd : btn[3], // the command ID + state : setButtonStatus, // for changing state + context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context? + }; + Xinha.freeLater(el); + Xinha.freeLater(obj); + + tb_objects[txt] = obj; + + // prevent drag&drop of the icon to content area + el.ondrag = function() { return false; }; + + // handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons + Xinha._addEvent( + el, + "mouseout", + function(ev) + { + if ( obj.enabled ) + { + //Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); + Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); + if ( ) + { + Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonPressed"); + } + } + } + ); + + Xinha._addEvent( + el, + "mousedown", + function(ev) + { + if ( obj.enabled ) + { + Xinha._addClass(el, "buttonActive"); + Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed"); + Xinha._stopEvent(Xinha.is_ie ? window.event : ev); + } + } + ); + + // when clicked, do the following: + Xinha._addEvent( + el, + "click", + function(ev) + { + ev = ev || window.event; + editor.btnClickEvent = {clientX : ev.clientX, clientY : ev.clientY}; + if ( obj.enabled ) + { + Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonActive"); + //Xinha._removeClass(el, "buttonHover"); + if ( Xinha.is_gecko ) + { + editor.activateEditor(); + } + // We pass the event to the action so they can can use it to + // enhance the UI (e.g. respond to shift or ctrl-click) + obj.cmd(editor,, obj, ev); + Xinha._stopEvent(ev); + } + } + ); + + var i_contain = Xinha.makeBtnImg(btn[1]); + var img = i_contain.firstChild; + Xinha.freeLater(i_contain); + Xinha.freeLater(img); + + el.appendChild(i_contain); + + obj.imgel = img; + obj.swapImage = function(newimg) + { + if ( typeof newimg != 'string' ) + { + img.src = newimg[0]; + = 'relative'; + = newimg[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; + = newimg[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (newimg[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; + } + else + { + obj.imgel.src = newimg; + = '0px'; + = '0px'; + } + }; + + } + else if( !el ) + { + el = createSelect(txt); + } + + return el; + } + + var first = true; + for ( var i = 0; i < this.config.toolbar.length; ++i ) + { + if ( !first ) + { + // createButton("linebreak"); + } + else + { + first = false; + } + if ( this.config.toolbar[i] === null ) + { + this.config.toolbar[i] = ['separator']; + } + var group = this.config.toolbar[i]; + + for ( var j = 0; j < group.length; ++j ) + { + var code = group[j]; + var tb_cell; + if ( /^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code) ) + { + // special case, create text label + var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized? + var label = RegExp.$2; + if ( l7ed ) + { + label = Xinha._lc(label); + } + tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); + tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); + tb_cell.className = "label"; + tb_cell.innerHTML = label; + } + else if ( typeof code != 'function' ) + { + var tb_element = createButton(code); + if ( tb_element ) + { + tb_cell = document.createElement("td"); + tb_cell.className = 'toolbarElement'; + tb_row.appendChild(tb_cell); + tb_cell.appendChild(tb_element); + } + else if ( tb_element === null ) + { + alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + code); + } + } + } + } + + if ( editor.config.flowToolbars ) + { + toolbar.appendChild(Xinha._createToolbarBreakingElement()); + } + + return toolbar; +}; + +/** creates a button (i.e. container element + image) + * @private + * @return {DomNode} conteainer element + */ +Xinha.makeBtnImg = function(imgDef, doc) +{ + if ( !doc ) + { + doc = document; + } + + if ( !doc._xinhaImgCache ) + { + doc._xinhaImgCache = {}; + Xinha.freeLater(doc._xinhaImgCache); + } + + var i_contain = null; + if ( Xinha.is_ie && ( ( !doc.compatMode ) || ( doc.compatMode && doc.compatMode == "BackCompat" ) ) ) + { + i_contain = doc.createElement('span'); + } + else + { + i_contain = doc.createElement('div'); + = 'relative'; + } + + = 'hidden'; + = "18px"; + = "18px"; + i_contain.className = 'buttonImageContainer'; + + var img = null; + if ( typeof imgDef == 'string' ) + { + if ( doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef] ) + { + img = doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef].cloneNode(); + } + else + { + if (Xinha.ie_version < 7 && /\.png$/.test(imgDef[0])) + { + img = doc.createElement("span"); + + = 'block'; + = '18px'; + = '18px'; + = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="'+imgDef+'")'; + img.unselectable = 'on'; + } + else + { + img = doc.createElement("img"); + img.src = imgDef; + } + } + } + else + { + if ( doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef[0]] ) + { + img = doc._xinhaImgCache[imgDef[0]].cloneNode(); + } + else + { + if (Xinha.ie_version < 7 && /\.png$/.test(imgDef[0])) + { + img = doc.createElement("span"); + = 'block'; + = '18px'; + = '18px'; + = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="'+imgDef[0]+'")'; + img.unselectable = 'on'; + } + else + { + img = doc.createElement("img"); + img.src = imgDef[0]; + } + = 'relative'; + } + // @todo: Using 18 dont let us use a theme with its own icon toolbar height + // and width. Probably better to calculate this value 18 + // var sizeIcon = img.width / nb_elements_per_image; + = imgDef[2] ? ('-' + (18 * (imgDef[2] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; + = imgDef[1] ? ('-' + (18 * (imgDef[1] + 1)) + 'px') : '-18px'; + } + i_contain.appendChild(img); + return i_contain; +}; +/** creates the status bar + * @private + * @return {DomNode} status bar + */ +Xinha.prototype._createStatusBar = function() +{ + // TODO: Move styling into separate stylesheet + this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Create Statusbar')); + var statusBar = document.createElement("div"); + = "relative"; + statusBar.className = "statusBar"; + = "100%"; + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBar'); + + var widgetContainer = document.createElement("div"); + widgetContainer.className = "statusBarWidgetContainer"; + = "absolute"; + = "0"; + = "0"; + = "3px 3px 3px 10px"; + statusBar.appendChild(widgetContainer); + + // statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Xinha._lc("Path") + ": ")); + // creates a holder for the path view + var statusBarTree = document.createElement("span"); + statusBarTree.className = "statusBarTree"; + statusBarTree.innerHTML = Xinha._lc("Path") + ": "; + + this._statusBarTree = statusBarTree; + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBarTree'); + statusBar.appendChild(statusBarTree); + var statusBarTextMode = document.createElement("span"); + statusBarTextMode.innerHTML = Xinha.htmlEncode(Xinha._lc("You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWYG.")); + = "none"; + + this._statusBarTextMode = statusBarTextMode; + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_statusBarTextMode'); + statusBar.appendChild(statusBarTextMode); + + = "nowrap"; + + var self = this; + this.notifyOn("before_resize", function(evt, size) { + = null; + }); + this.notifyOn("resize", function(evt, size) { + // HACK! IE6 doesn't update the width properly when resizing if it's + // given in pixels, but does hide the overflow content correctly when + // using 100% as the width. (FF, Safari and IE7 all require fixed + // pixel widths to do the overflow hiding correctly.) + if (Xinha.is_ie && Xinha.ie_version == 6) + { + = "100%"; + } + else + { + var width = size['width']; + = width + "px"; + } + }); + + this.notifyOn("modechange", function(evt, mode) { + // Loop through all registered status bar items + // and show them only if they're turned on for + // the new mode. + for (var i in self._statusWidgets) + { + var widget = self._statusWidgets[i]; + for (var index=0; index= 0; ) + { + for ( var j = toolbar[i].length; --j >= 0; ) + { + switch (toolbar[i][j]) + { + case "popupeditor": + if (!this.plugins.FullScreen) + { + editor.registerPlugin('FullScreen'); + } + break; + case "insertimage": + url = _editor_url + 'modules/InsertImage/insert_image.js'; + if ( typeof Xinha.prototype._insertImage == 'undefined' && !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"InsertImage",url:url}], callback ) ) + { + return false; + } + else if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor('InsertImage') != 'undefined' && !this.plugins.InsertImage) + { + editor.registerPlugin('InsertImage'); + } + break; + case "createlink": + url = _editor_url + 'modules/CreateLink/link.js'; + if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor('Linker') == 'undefined' && !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"CreateLink",url:url}], callback )) + { + return false; + } + else if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor('CreateLink') != 'undefined' && !this.plugins.CreateLink) + { + editor.registerPlugin('CreateLink'); + } + break; + case "inserttable": + url = _editor_url + 'modules/InsertTable/insert_table.js'; + if ( !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"InsertTable",url:url}], callback ) ) + { + return false; + } + else if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor('InsertTable') != 'undefined' && !this.plugins.InsertTable) + { + editor.registerPlugin('InsertTable'); + } + break; + case "about": + url = _editor_url + 'modules/AboutBox/AboutBox.js'; + if ( !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"AboutBox",url:url}], callback ) ) + { + return false; + } + else if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor('AboutBox') != 'undefined' && !this.plugins.AboutBox) + { + editor.registerPlugin('AboutBox'); + } + break; + } + } + } + + // If this is gecko, set up the paragraph handling now + if ( Xinha.is_gecko && editor.config.mozParaHandler != 'built-in' ) + { + if ( !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"EnterParagraphs",url: _editor_url + 'modules/Gecko/paraHandlerBest.js'}], callback ) ) + { + return false; + } + if (!this.plugins.EnterParagraphs) + { + editor.registerPlugin('EnterParagraphs'); + } + } + var getHtmlMethodPlugin = this.config.getHtmlMethod == 'TransformInnerHTML' ? _editor_url + 'modules/GetHtml/TransformInnerHTML.js' : _editor_url + 'modules/GetHtml/DOMwalk.js'; + + if ( !Xinha.loadPlugins([{plugin:"GetHtmlImplementation",url:getHtmlMethodPlugin}], callback)) + { + return false; + } + else if (!this.plugins.GetHtmlImplementation) + { + editor.registerPlugin('GetHtmlImplementation'); + } + function getTextContent(node) + { + return node.textContent || node.text; + } + if (_editor_skin) + { + this.skinInfo = {}; + var skinXML = Xinha._geturlcontent(_editor_url + 'skins/' + _editor_skin + '/skin.xml', true); + if (skinXML) + { + var meta = skinXML.getElementsByTagName('meta'); + for (i=0;i = the width is an explicit size (any CSS measurement, eg 100em should be fine) + * + * config.height + * auto = the height is inherited from the original textarea + * = an explicit size measurement (again, CSS measurements) + * + * config.sizeIncludesBars + * true = the tool & status bars will appear inside the width & height confines + * false = the tool & status bars will appear outside the width & height confines + * + * @private + */ + +Xinha.prototype.initSize = function() +{ + this.setLoadingMessage(Xinha._lc('Init editor size')); + var editor = this; + var width = null; + var height = null; + + switch ( this.config.width ) + { + case 'auto': + width = this._initial_ta_size.w; + break; + + case 'toolbar': + width = this._toolBar.offsetWidth + 'px'; + break; + + default : + // @todo: check if this is better : + // width = (parseInt(this.config.width, 10) == this.config.width)? this.config.width + 'px' : this.config.width; + width = /[^0-9]/.test(this.config.width) ? this.config.width : this.config.width + 'px'; + break; + } + // @todo: check if this is better : + // height = (parseInt(this.config.height, 10) == this.config.height)? this.config.height + 'px' : this.config.height; + height = this.config.height == 'auto' ? this._initial_ta_size.h : /[^0-9]/.test(this.config.height) ? this.config.height : this.config.height + 'px'; + + this.sizeEditor(width, height, this.config.sizeIncludesBars, this.config.sizeIncludesPanels); + + // why can't we use the following line instead ? +// this.notifyOn('panel_change',this.sizeEditor); + this.notifyOn('panel_change',function() { editor.sizeEditor(); }); +}; + +/** + * Size the editor to a specific size, or just refresh the size (when window resizes for example) + * @param {string} width optional width (CSS specification) + * @param {string} height optional height (CSS specification) + * @param {Boolean} includingBars optional to indicate if the size should include or exclude tool & status bars + * @param {Boolean} includingPanels optional to indicate if the size should include or exclude panels + */ +Xinha.prototype.sizeEditor = function(width, height, includingBars, includingPanels) +{ + if (this._risizing) + { + return; + } + this._risizing = true; + + var framework = this._framework; + + this.notifyOf('before_resize', {width:width, height:height}); + this.firePluginEvent('onBeforeResize', width, height); + // We need to set the iframe & textarea to 100% height so that the htmlarea + // isn't "pushed out" when we get it's height, so we can change them later. + = '100%'; + //here 100% can lead to an effect that the editor is considerably higher in text mode + = '1px'; + + = '0px'; + = '0px'; + + if ( includingBars !== null ) + { + this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesToolbars = includingBars; + } + if ( includingPanels !== null ) + { + this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels = includingPanels; + } + + if ( width ) + { + = width; + if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels ) + { + // Need to add some for l & r panels + var rPanel = this._panels.right; + if ( rPanel.on && rPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(rPanel.div) ) + { + = (this._htmlArea.offsetWidth + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right, 10)) + 'px'; + } + + var lPanel = this._panels.left; + if ( lPanel.on && lPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(lPanel.div) ) + { + = (this._htmlArea.offsetWidth + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left, 10)) + 'px'; + } + } + } + + if ( height ) + { + = height; + if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesToolbars ) + { + // Need to add some for toolbars + = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + this._toolbar.offsetHeight + this._statusBar.offsetHeight) + 'px'; + } + + if ( !this._htmlArea.sizeIncludesPanels ) + { + // Need to add some for t & b panels + var tPanel =; + if ( tPanel.on && tPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(tPanel.div) ) + { + = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + parseInt(, 10)) + 'px'; + } + + var bPanel = this._panels.bottom; + if ( bPanel.on && bPanel.panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(bPanel.div) ) + { + = (this._htmlArea.offsetHeight + parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom, 10)) + 'px'; + } + } + } + + // At this point we have & + // which are the size for the OUTER editor area, including toolbars and panels + // now we size the INNER area and position stuff in the right places. + width = this._htmlArea.offsetWidth; + height = this._htmlArea.offsetHeight; + + // Set colspan for toolbar, and statusbar, rowspan for left & right panels, and insert panels to be displayed + // into thier rows + var panels = this._panels; + var editor = this; + var col_span = 1; + + function panel_is_alive(pan) + { + if ( panels[pan].on && panels[pan].panels.length && Xinha.hasDisplayedChildren(panels[pan].container) ) + { + panels[pan] = ''; + return true; + } + // Otherwise make sure it's been removed from the framework + else + { + panels[pan]'none'; + return false; + } + } + + if ( panel_is_alive('left') ) + { + col_span += 1; + } + +// if ( panel_is_alive('top') ) +// { + // NOP +// } + + if ( panel_is_alive('right') ) + { + col_span += 1; + } + +// if ( panel_is_alive('bottom') ) +// { + // NOP +// } + + framework.tb_cell.colSpan = col_span; + framework.tp_cell.colSpan = col_span; + framework.bp_cell.colSpan = col_span; + framework.sb_cell.colSpan = col_span; + + // Put in the panel rows, top panel goes above editor row + if ( !framework.tp_row.childNodes.length ) + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(framework.tp_row); + } + else + { + if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(framework.tp_row) ) + { + framework.tbody.insertBefore(framework.tp_row, framework.ler_row); + } + } + + // bp goes after the editor + if ( !framework.bp_row.childNodes.length ) + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(framework.bp_row); + } + else + { + if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(framework.bp_row) ) + { + framework.tbody.insertBefore(framework.bp_row, framework.ler_row.nextSibling); + } + } + + // finally if the statusbar is on, insert it + if ( !this.config.statusBar ) + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(framework.sb_row); + } + else + { + if ( !Xinha.hasParentNode(framework.sb_row) ) + { + framework.table.appendChild(framework.sb_row); + } + } + + // Size and set colspans, link up the framework + = this.config.panel_dimensions.left; + = this.config.panel_dimensions.right; + =; + = this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom; + = this._toolBar.offsetHeight + 'px'; + = this._statusBar.offsetHeight + 'px'; + + var edcellheight = height - this._toolBar.offsetHeight - this._statusBar.offsetHeight; + if ( panel_is_alive('top') ) + { + edcellheight -= parseInt(, 10); + } + if ( panel_is_alive('bottom') ) + { + edcellheight -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.bottom, 10); + } + = edcellheight + 'px'; + + var edcellwidth = width; + if ( panel_is_alive('left') ) + { + edcellwidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.left, 10); + } + if ( panel_is_alive('right') ) + { + edcellwidth -= parseInt(this.config.panel_dimensions.right, 10); + } + var iframeWidth = this.config.iframeWidth ? parseInt(this.config.iframeWidth,10) : null; + = (iframeWidth && iframeWidth < edcellwidth) ? iframeWidth + "px": edcellwidth + "px"; + + =; + =; + + this.notifyOf('resize', {width:this._htmlArea.offsetWidth, height:this._htmlArea.offsetHeight}); + this.firePluginEvent('onResize',this._htmlArea.offsetWidth, this._htmlArea.offsetWidth); + this._risizing = false; +}; +/** FIXME: Never used, what is this for? +* @param {string} side +* @param {Object} +*/ +Xinha.prototype.registerPanel = function(side, object) +{ + if ( !side ) + { + side = 'right'; + } + this.setLoadingMessage('Register ' + side + ' panel '); + var panel = this.addPanel(side); + if ( object ) + { + object.drawPanelIn(panel); + } +}; +/** Creates a panel in the panel container on the specified side +* @param {String} side the panel container to which the new panel will be added
+* Possible values are: "right","left","top","bottom" +* @returns {DomNode} Panel div +*/ +Xinha.prototype.addPanel = function(side) +{ + var div = document.createElement('div'); + div.side = side; + if ( side == 'left' || side == 'right' ) + { + = this.config.panel_dimensions[side]; + if (this._iframe) + { + =; + } + } + Xinha.addClasses(div, 'panel'); + this._panels[side].panels.push(div); + this._panels[side].div.appendChild(div); + + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'add','panel':div}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','add',div); + return div; +}; +/** Removes a panel +* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel() +*/ +Xinha.prototype.removePanel = function(panel) +{ + this._panels[panel.side].div.removeChild(panel); + var clean = []; + for ( var i = 0; i < this._panels[panel.side].panels.length; i++ ) + { + if ( this._panels[panel.side].panels[i] != panel ) + { + clean.push(this._panels[panel.side].panels[i]); + } + } + this._panels[panel.side].panels = clean; + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'remove','panel':panel}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','remove',panel); +}; +/** Hides a panel +* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel() +*/ +Xinha.prototype.hidePanel = function(panel) +{ + if ( panel && != 'none' ) + { + try { var pos = this.scrollPos(this._iframe.contentWindow); } catch(e) { } + = 'none'; + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'hide','panel':panel}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','hide',panel); + try { this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(pos.x,pos.y); } catch(e) { } + } +}; +/** Shows a panel +* @param {DomNode} panel object as returned by Xinha.prototype.addPanel() +*/ +Xinha.prototype.showPanel = function(panel) +{ + if ( panel && == 'none' ) + { + try { var pos = this.scrollPos(this._iframe.contentWindow); } catch(e) {} + = ''; + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'show','panel':panel}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','show',panel); + try { this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(pos.x,pos.y); } catch(e) { } + } +}; +/** Hides the panel(s) on one or more sides +* @param {Array} sides the sides on which the panels shall be hidden +*/ +Xinha.prototype.hidePanels = function(sides) +{ + if ( typeof sides == 'undefined' ) + { + sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; + } + + var reShow = []; + for ( var i = 0; i < sides.length;i++ ) + { + if ( this._panels[sides[i]].on ) + { + reShow.push(sides[i]); + this._panels[sides[i]].on = false; + } + } + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_hide','sides':sides}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','multi_hide',sides); +}; +/** Shows the panel(s) on one or more sides +* @param {Array} sides the sides on which the panels shall be hidden +*/ +Xinha.prototype.showPanels = function(sides) +{ + if ( typeof sides == 'undefined' ) + { + sides = ['left','right','top','bottom']; + } + + var reHide = []; + for ( var i = 0; i < sides.length; i++ ) + { + if ( !this._panels[sides[i]].on ) + { + reHide.push(sides[i]); + this._panels[sides[i]].on = true; + } + } + this.notifyOf('panel_change', {'action':'multi_show','sides':sides}); + this.firePluginEvent('onPanelChange','multi_show',sides); +}; +/** Returns an array containig all properties that are set in an object +* @param {Object} obj +* @returns {Array} +*/ +Xinha.objectProperties = function(obj) +{ + var props = []; + for ( var x in obj ) + { + props[props.length] = x; + } + return props; +}; + +/** Checks if editor is active + *
+ * when a page has multiple Xinha editors, ONLY ONE should be activated at any time (this is mostly to + * work around a bug in Mozilla, but also makes some sense). No editor should be activated or focused + * automatically until at least one editor has been activated through user action (by mouse-clicking in + * the editor). + * @private + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.prototype.editorIsActivated = function() +{ + try + { + return Xinha.is_designMode ? this._doc.designMode == 'on' : this._doc.body.contentEditable; + } + catch (ex) + { + return false; + } +}; +/** We need to know that at least one editor on the page has been activated +* this is because we will not focus any editor until an editor has been activated +* @private +* @type {Boolean} +*/ +Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated = false; +/** Stores a reference to the currently active editor +* @private +* @type {Xinha} +*/ +Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor = null; +/** Enables one editor for editing, e.g. by a click in the editing area or after it has been + * deactivated programmatically before + * @private + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.prototype.activateEditor = function() +{ + if (this.currentModal) + { + return; + } + // We only want ONE editor at a time to be active + if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor ) + { + if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor == this ) + { + return true; + } + Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor.deactivateEditor(); + } + + if ( Xinha.is_designMode && this._doc.designMode != 'on' ) + { + try + { + // cannot set design mode if no display + if ( == 'none' ) + { + = ''; + this._doc.designMode = 'on'; + = 'none'; + } + else + { + this._doc.designMode = 'on'; + } + + // Opera loses some of it's event listeners when the designMode is set to on. + // the true just shortcuts the method to only set some listeners. + if(Xinha.is_opera) this.setEditorEvents(true); + + } catch (ex) {} + } + else if ( Xinha.is_ie&& this._doc.body.contentEditable !== true ) + { + this._doc.body.contentEditable = true; + } + + Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated = true; + Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor = this; + + var editor = this; + this.enableToolbar(); +}; +/** Disables the editor + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.deactivateEditor = function() +{ + // If the editor isn't active then the user shouldn't use the toolbar + this.disableToolbar(); + + if ( Xinha.is_designMode && this._doc.designMode != 'off' ) + { + try + { + this._doc.designMode = 'off'; + } catch (ex) {} + } + else if ( !Xinha.is_designMode && this._doc.body.contentEditable !== false ) + { + this._doc.body.contentEditable = false; + } + + if ( Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor != this ) + { + // We just deactivated an editor that wasn't marked as the currentlyActiveEditor + + return; // I think this should really be an error, there shouldn't be a situation where + // an editor is deactivated without first being activated. but it probably won't + // hurt anything. + } + + Xinha._currentlyActiveEditor = false; +}; +/** Creates the iframe (editable area) + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.initIframe = function() +{ + this.disableToolbar(); + var doc = null; + var editor = this; + try + { + if ( editor._iframe.contentDocument ) + { + this._doc = editor._iframe.contentDocument; + } + else + { + this._doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document; + } + doc = this._doc; + // try later + if ( !doc ) + { + if ( Xinha.is_gecko ) + { + setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe(); }, 50); + return false; + } + else + { + alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized."); + } + } + } + catch(ex) + { // try later + setTimeout(function() { editor.initIframe(); }, 50); + return false; + } + + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_doc'); + +"text/html","replace"); + var html = '', doctype; + if ( editor.config.browserQuirksMode === false ) + { + doctype = ''; + } + else if ( editor.config.browserQuirksMode === true ) + { + doctype = ''; + } + else + { + doctype = Xinha.getDoctype(document); + } + + if ( !editor.config.fullPage ) + { + html += doctype + "\n"; + html += "\n"; + html += "\n"; + html += "\n"; + if ( typeof editor.config.baseHref != 'undefined' && editor.config.baseHref !== null ) + { + html += "\n"; + } + + html += Xinha.addCoreCSS(); + + if ( typeof editor.config.pageStyleSheets !== 'undefined' ) + { + for ( var i = 0; i < editor.config.pageStyleSheets.length; i++ ) + { + if ( editor.config.pageStyleSheets[i].length > 0 ) + { + html += ""; + //html += "\n"; + } + } + } + + if ( editor.config.pageStyle ) + { + html += ""; + } + + html += "\n"; + html += "\n"; + html += editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value); + html += "\n"; + html += ""; + } + else + { + html = editor.inwardHtml(editor._textArea.value); + if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_doctype) ) + { + editor.setDoctype(RegExp.$1); + //html = html.replace(Xinha.RE_doctype, ""); + } + + //Fix Firefox problem with link elements not in right place (just before head) + var match = html.match(//gi); + html = html.replace(/\s*/gi, ''); + if (match) + { + html = html.replace(/<\/head>/i, match.join('\n') + "\n"); + } + } + doc.write(html); + doc.close(); + if ( this.config.fullScreen ) + { + this._fullScreen(); + } + this.setEditorEvents(); + + + // If this IFRAME had been configured for autofocus, we'll focus it now, + // since everything needed to do so is now fully loaded. + if ((typeof editor.config.autofocus != "undefined") && editor.config.autofocus !== false && + ((editor.config.autofocus == || editor.config.autofocus == true)) + { + editor.activateEditor(); + editor.focusEditor(); + } +}; + +/** + * Delay a function until the document is ready for operations. + * See ticket:547 + * @public + * @param {Function} f The function to call once the document is ready + */ +Xinha.prototype.whenDocReady = function(f) +{ + var e = this; + if ( this._doc && this._doc.body ) + { + f(); + } + else + { + setTimeout(function() { e.whenDocReady(f); }, 50); + } +}; + + +/** Switches editor mode between wysiwyg and text (HTML) + * @param {String} mode optional "textmode" or "wysiwyg", if omitted, toggles between modes. + */ +Xinha.prototype.setMode = function(mode) +{ + var html; + if ( typeof mode == "undefined" ) + { + mode = this._editMode == "textmode" ? "wysiwyg" : "textmode"; + } + switch ( mode ) + { + case "textmode": + this.firePluginEvent('onBeforeMode', 'textmode'); + this._toolbarObjects.htmlmode.swapImage(this.config.iconList.wysiwygmode); + this.setCC("iframe"); + html = this.outwardHtml(this.getHTML()); + this.setHTML(html); + + // Hide the iframe + this.deactivateEditor(); + = 'none'; + = ''; + + if ( this.config.statusBar ) + { + = "none"; + = ""; + } + this.findCC("textarea"); + this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'text'}); + this.firePluginEvent('onMode', 'textmode'); + break; + + case "wysiwyg": + this.firePluginEvent('onBeforeMode', 'wysiwyg'); + this._toolbarObjects.htmlmode.swapImage([this.imgURL('images/ed_buttons_main.png'),7,0]); + this.setCC("textarea"); + html = this.inwardHtml(this.getHTML()); + this.deactivateEditor(); + this.setHTML(html); + = ''; + = "none"; + this.activateEditor(); + if ( this.config.statusBar ) + { + = ""; + = "none"; + } + this.findCC("iframe"); + this.notifyOf('modechange', {'mode':'wysiwyg'}); + this.firePluginEvent('onMode', 'wysiwyg'); + + break; + + default: + alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!"); + return false; + } + this._editMode = mode; +}; +/** Sets the HTML in fullpage mode. Actually the whole iframe document is rewritten. + * @private + * @param {String} html + */ +Xinha.prototype.setFullHTML = function(html) +{ + var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline; + RegExp.multiline = true; + if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_doctype) ) + { + this.setDoctype(RegExp.$1); + // html = html.replace(Xinha.RE_doctype, ""); + } + RegExp.multiline = save_multiline; + // disabled to save body attributes see #459 + if ( 0 ) + { + if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_head) ) + { + this._doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1; + } + if ( html.match(Xinha.RE_body) ) + { + this._doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1; + } + } + else + { + // FIXME - can we do this without rewriting the entire document + // does the above not work for IE? + var reac = this.editorIsActivated(); + if ( reac ) + { + this.deactivateEditor(); + } + var html_re = /((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/i; + html = html.replace(html_re, "$1"); +"text/html","replace"); + this._doc.write(html); + this._doc.close(); + if ( reac ) + { + this.activateEditor(); + } + this.setEditorEvents(); + return true; + } +}; +/** Initialize some event handlers + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.setEditorEvents = function(resetting_events_for_opera) +{ + var editor=this; + var doc = this._doc; + + editor.whenDocReady( + function() + { + if(!resetting_events_for_opera) { + // if we have multiple editors some bug in Mozilla makes some lose editing ability + Xinha._addEvents( + doc, + ["mousedown"], + function() + { + editor.activateEditor(); + return true; + } + ); + if (Xinha.is_ie) + { // #1019 Cusor not jumping to editable part of window when clicked in IE, see also #1039 + Xinha._addEvent( + editor._doc.getElementsByTagName("html")[0], + "click", + function() + { + if (editor._iframe.contentWindow.event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'html') // if clicked below the text (=body), the text cursor does not appear, see #1019 + { + var r = editor._doc.body.createTextRange(); + r.collapse(); +; + //setTimeout (function () { r.collapse();;},100); // won't do without timeout, dunno why + } + return true; + } + ); + } + } + + // intercept some events; for updating the toolbar & keyboard handlers + Xinha._addEvents( + doc, + ["keydown", "keypress", "mousedown", "mouseup", "drag"], + function (event) + { + return editor._editorEvent(Xinha.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event); + } + ); + + Xinha._addEvents( + doc, + ["dblclick"], + function (event) + { + return editor._onDoubleClick(Xinha.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event); + } + ); + + if(resetting_events_for_opera) return; + + // FIXME - this needs to be cleaned up and use editor.firePluginEvent + // I don't like both onGenerate and onGenerateOnce, we should only + // have onGenerate and it should only be called when the editor is + // generated (once and only once) + // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers + for ( var i in editor.plugins ) + { + var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance; + Xinha.refreshPlugin(plugin); + } + + // specific editor initialization + if ( typeof editor._onGenerate == "function" ) + { + editor._onGenerate(); + } + //ticket #1407 IE8 fires two resize events on one actual resize, seemingly causing an infinite loop (but not when Xinha is in an frame/iframe) + Xinha.addDom0Event(window, 'resize', function(e) + { + if (Xinha.ie_version > 7 && !window.parent) + { + if (editor.execResize) + { + editor.sizeEditor(); + editor.execResize = false; + } + else + { + editor.execResize = true; + } + } + else + { + editor.sizeEditor(); + } + }); + editor.removeLoadingMessage(); + } + ); +}; + +/*************************************************** + * Category: PLUGINS + ***************************************************/ +/** Plugins may either reside in the golbal scope (not recommended) or in Xinha.plugins. + * This function looks in both locations and is used to check the loading status and finally retrieve the plugin's constructor + * @private + * @type {Function|undefined} + * @param {String} pluginName + */ +Xinha.getPluginConstructor = function(pluginName) +{ + return Xinha.plugins[pluginName] || window[pluginName]; +}; + +/** Create the specified plugin and register it with this Xinha + * return the plugin created to allow refresh when necessary.
+ * This is only useful if Xinha is generated without using Xinha.makeEditors() + */ +Xinha.prototype.registerPlugin = function() +{ + if (!Xinha.isSupportedBrowser) + { + return; + } + var plugin = arguments[0]; + + // We can only register plugins that have been succesfully loaded + if ( plugin === null || typeof plugin == 'undefined' || (typeof plugin == 'string' && Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin) == 'undefined') ) + { + return false; + } + var args = []; + for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i ) + { + args.push(arguments[i]); + } + return this.registerPlugin2(plugin, args); +}; +/** This is the variant of the function above where the plugin arguments are + * already packed in an array. Externally, it should be only used in the + * full-screen editor code, in order to initialize plugins with the same + * parameters as in the opener window. + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.registerPlugin2 = function(plugin, args) +{ + if ( typeof plugin == "string" && typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin) == 'function' ) + { + var pluginName = plugin; + plugin = Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin); + } + if ( typeof plugin == "undefined" ) + { + /* FIXME: This should never happen. But why does it do? */ + return false; + } + if (!plugin._pluginInfo) + { + plugin._pluginInfo = + { + name: pluginName + }; + } + var obj = new plugin(this, args); + if ( obj ) + { + var clone = {}; + var info = plugin._pluginInfo; + for ( var i in info ) + { + clone[i] = info[i]; + } + clone.instance = obj; + clone.args = args; + this.plugins[] = clone; + return obj; + } + else + { + Xinha.debugMsg("Can't register plugin " + plugin.toString() + ".", 'warn'); + } +}; + + +/** Dynamically returns the directory from which the plugins are loaded
+ * This could be overridden to change the dir
+ * @TODO: Wouldn't this be better as a config option? + * @private + * @param {String} pluginName + * @param {Boolean} return the directory for an unsupported plugin + * @returns {String} path to plugin + */ +Xinha.getPluginDir = function(plugin, forceUnsupported) +{ + if (Xinha.externalPlugins[plugin]) + { + return Xinha.externalPlugins[plugin][0]; + } + if (forceUnsupported || + // If the plugin is fully loaded, it's supported status is already set. + (Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin) && (typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin).supported != 'undefined') && !Xinha.getPluginConstructor(plugin).supported)) + { + return _editor_url + "unsupported_plugins/" + plugin ; + } + return _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin ; +}; +/** Static function that loads the given plugin + * @param {String} pluginName + * @param {Function} callback function to be called when file is loaded + * @param {String} plugin_file URL of the file to load + * @returns {Boolean} true if plugin loaded, false otherwise + */ +Xinha.loadPlugin = function(pluginName, callback, url) +{ + if (!Xinha.isSupportedBrowser) + { + return; + } + Xinha.setLoadingMessage (Xinha._lc("Loading plugin $plugin="+pluginName+"$")); + + // Might already be loaded + if ( typeof Xinha.getPluginConstructor(pluginName) != 'undefined' ) + { + if ( callback ) + { + callback(pluginName); + } + return true; + } + Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[pluginName] = 'loading'; + + // This function will try to load a plugin in multiple passes. It tries to + // load the plugin from either the plugin or unsupported directory, using + // both naming schemes in this order: + // 1. /plugins -> CurrentNamingScheme + // 2. /plugins -> old-naming-scheme + // 3. /unsupported -> CurrentNamingScheme + // 4. /unsupported -> old-naming-scheme + + function multiStageLoader(stage,pluginName) + { + var nextstage, dir, file, success_message; + switch (stage) + { + case 'start': + nextstage = 'old_naming'; + dir = Xinha.getPluginDir(pluginName); + file = pluginName + ".js"; + break; + case 'old_naming': + nextstage = 'unsupported'; + dir = Xinha.getPluginDir(pluginName); + file = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, function (str, l1, l2, l3) { return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3; }).toLowerCase() + ".js"; + success_message = 'You are using an obsolete naming scheme for the Xinha plugin '+pluginName+'. Please rename '+file+' to '+pluginName+'.js'; + break; + case 'unsupported': + nextstage = 'unsupported_old_name'; + dir = Xinha.getPluginDir(pluginName, true); + file = pluginName + ".js"; + success_message = 'You are using the unsupported Xinha plugin '+pluginName+'. If you wish continued support, please see'; + break; + case 'unsupported_old_name': + nextstage = ''; + dir = Xinha.getPluginDir(pluginName, true); + file = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, function (str, l1, l2, l3) { return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3; }).toLowerCase() + ".js"; + success_message = 'You are using the unsupported Xinha plugin '+pluginName+'. If you wish continued support, please see'; + break; + default: + Xinha._pluginLoadStatus[pluginName] = 'failed'; + Xinha.debugMsg('Xinha was not able to find the plugin '+pluginName+'. Please make sure the plugin exists.', 'warn'); + return; + } + var url = dir + "/" + file; + + // This is a callback wrapper that allows us to set the plugin's status + // once it loads. + function statusCallback(pluginName) + { + Xinha.getPluginConstructor(pluginName).supported = stage.indexOf('unsupported') !== 0; + callback(pluginName); + } + + // To speed things up, we start loading the script file before pinging it. + // If the load fails, we'll just clean up afterwards. + Xinha._loadback(url, statusCallback, this, pluginName); + +, + // On success, we'll display a success message if there is one. + function() + { + if (success_message) + { + Xinha.debugMsg(success_message); + } + }, + // On failure, we'll clean up the failed load and try the next stage + function() + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(document.getElementById(url)); + multiStageLoader(nextstage, pluginName); + }); + } + + if(!url) + { + if (Xinha.externalPlugins[pluginName]) + { + Xinha._loadback(Xinha.externalPlugins[pluginName][0]+Xinha.externalPlugins[pluginName][1], callback, this, pluginName); + } + else + { + var editor = this; + multiStageLoader('start',pluginName); + } + } + else + { + Xinha._loadback(url, callback, this, pluginName); + } + + return false; +}; +/** Stores a status for each loading plugin that may be one of "loading","ready", or "failed" + * @private + * @type {Object} + */ +Xinha._pluginLoadStatus = {}; +/** Stores the paths to plugins that are not in the default location + * @private + * @type {Object} + */ +Xinha.externalPlugins = {}; +/** The namespace for plugins + * @private + * @type {Object} + */ +Xinha.plugins = {}; + +/** Static function that loads the plugins (see xinha_plugins in NewbieGuide) + * @param {Array} plugins + * @param {Function} callbackIfNotReady function that is called repeatedly until all files are + * @param {String} optional url URL of the plugin file; obviously plugins should contain only one item if url is given + * @returns {Boolean} true if all plugins are loaded, false otherwise + */ +Xinha.loadPlugins = function(plugins, callbackIfNotReady,url) +{ + if (!Xinha.isSupportedBrowser) + { + return; + } + //Xinha.setLoadingMessage (Xinha._lc("Loading plugins")); + var m,i; + for (i=0;i
+ * + * Example: editor.firePluginEvent('onExecCommand', 'paste')
+ * The plugin would then define a method
+ * PluginName.prototype.onExecCommand = function (cmdID, UI, param) {do something...}

+ * The following methodNames are currently available:
+ * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + *
onExecCommand cmdID, UI, param

+ * + * The browser specific plugin (if any) is called last. The result of each call is + * treated as boolean. A true return means that the event will stop, no further plugins + * will get the event, a false return means the event will continue to fire. + * + * @param {String} methodName + * @param {mixed} arguments to pass to the method, optional [2..n] + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + +Xinha.prototype.firePluginEvent = function(methodName) +{ + // arguments is not a real array so we can't just .shift() it unfortunatly. + var argsArray = [ ]; + for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) + { + argsArray[i-1] = arguments[i]; + } + + for ( i in this.plugins ) + { + var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance; + + // Skip the browser specific plugin + if (plugin == this._browserSpecificPlugin) + { + continue; + } + if ( plugin && typeof plugin[methodName] == "function" ) + { + var thisArg = (i == 'Events') ? this : plugin; + if ( plugin[methodName].apply(thisArg, argsArray) ) + { + return true; + } + } + } + + // Now the browser speific + plugin = this._browserSpecificPlugin; + if ( plugin && typeof plugin[methodName] == "function" ) + { + if ( plugin[methodName].apply(plugin, argsArray) ) + { + return true; + } + } + return false; +}; +/** Adds a stylesheet to the document + * @param {String} style name of the stylesheet file + * @param {String} plugin optional name of a plugin; if passed this function looks for the stylesheet file in the plugin directory + * @param {String} id optional a unique id for identifiing the created link element, e.g. for avoiding double loading + * or later removing it again + */ +Xinha.loadStyle = function(style, plugin, id,prepend) +{ + var url = _editor_url || ''; + if ( plugin ) + { + url = Xinha.getPluginDir( plugin ) + "/"; + } + url += style; + // @todo: would not it be better to check the first character instead of a regex ? + // if ( typeof style == 'string' && style.charAt(0) == '/' ) + // { + // url = style; + // } + if ( /^\//.test(style) ) + { + url = style; + } + var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; + var link = document.createElement("link"); + link.rel = "stylesheet"; + link.href = url; + link.type = "text/css"; + if (id) + { + = id; + } + if (prepend && head.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]) + { + head.insertBefore(link,head.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]); + } + else + { + head.appendChild(link); + } + +}; + +/** Adds a script to the document + * + * Warning: Browsers may cause the script to load asynchronously. + * + * @param {String} style name of the javascript file + * @param {String} plugin optional name of a plugin; if passed this function looks for the stylesheet file in the plugin directory + * + */ +Xinha.loadScript = function(script, plugin, callback) +{ + var url = _editor_url || ''; + if ( plugin ) + { + url = Xinha.getPluginDir( plugin ) + "/"; + } + url += script; + // @todo: would not it be better to check the first character instead of a regex ? + // if ( typeof style == 'string' && style.charAt(0) == '/' ) + // { + // url = style; + // } + if ( /^\//.test(script) ) + { + url = script; + } + + Xinha._loadback(url, callback); + +}; + +/** Load one or more assets, sequentially, where an asset is a CSS file, or a javascript file. + * + * Example Usage: + * + * Xinha.includeAssets( 'foo.css', 'bar.js', [ 'foo.css', 'MyPlugin' ], { type: 'text/css', url: 'foo.php', plugin: 'MyPlugin } ); + * + * Alternative usage, use Xinha.includeAssets() to make a loader, then use loadScript, loadStyle and whenReady methods + * on your loader object as and when you wish, you can chain the calls if you like. + * + * You may add any number of callbacks using .whenReady() multiple times. + * + * var myAssetLoader = Xinha.includeAssets(); + * myAssetLoader.loadScript('foo.js', 'MyPlugin') + * .loadStyle('foo.css', 'MyPlugin'); + * + */ + +Xinha.includeAssets = function() +{ + var assetLoader = { pendingAssets: [ ], loaderRunning: false, loadedScripts: [ ] }; + + assetLoader.callbacks = [ ]; + + assetLoader.loadNext = function() + { + var self = this; + this.loaderRunning = true; + + if(this.pendingAssets.length) + { + var nxt = this.pendingAssets[0]; + this.pendingAssets.splice(0,1); // Remove 1 element + switch(nxt.type) + { + case 'text/css': + Xinha.loadStyle(nxt.url, nxt.plugin); + return this.loadNext(); + + case 'text/javascript': + Xinha.loadScript(nxt.url, nxt.plugin, function() { self.loadNext(); }); + } + } + else + { + this.loaderRunning = false; + this.runCallback(); + } + }; + + assetLoader.loadScript = function(url, plugin) + { + var self = this; + + this.pendingAssets.push({ 'type': 'text/javascript', 'url': url, 'plugin': plugin }); + if(!this.loaderRunning) this.loadNext(); + + return this; + }; + + assetLoader.loadScriptOnce = function(url, plugin) + { + for(var i = 0; i < this.loadedScripts.length; i++) + { + if(this.loadedScripts[i].url == url && this.loadedScripts[i].plugin == plugin) + return this; // Already done (or in process) + } + + return this.loadScript(url, plugin); + } + + assetLoader.loadStyle = function(url, plugin) + { + var self = this; + + this.pendingAssets.push({ 'type': 'text/css', 'url': url, 'plugin': plugin }); + if(!this.loaderRunning) this.loadNext(); + + return this; + }; + + assetLoader.whenReady = function(callback) + { + this.callbacks.push(callback); + if(!this.loaderRunning) this.loadNext(); + + return this; + }; + + assetLoader.runCallback = function() + { + while(this.callbacks.length) + { + var _callback = this.callbacks.splice(0,1); + _callback[0](); + _callback = null; + } + return this; + } + + for(var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length; i++) + { + if(typeof arguments[i] == 'string') + { + if(arguments[i].match(/\.css$/i)) + { + assetLoader.loadStyle(arguments[i]); + } + else + { + assetLoader.loadScript(arguments[i]); + } + } + else if(arguments[i].type) + { + if(arguments[i].type.match(/text\/css/i)) + { + assetLoader.loadStyle(arguments[i].url, arguments[i].plugin); + } + else if(arguments[i].type.match(/text\/javascript/i)) + { + assetLoader.loadScript(arguments[i].url, arguments[i].plugin); + } + } + else if(arguments[i].length >= 1) + { + if(arguments[i][0].match(/\.css$/i)) + { + assetLoader.loadStyle(arguments[i][0], arguments[i][1]); + } + else + { + assetLoader.loadScript(arguments[i][0], arguments[i][1]); + } + } + } + + return assetLoader; +} + +/*************************************************** + * Category: EDITOR UTILITIES + ***************************************************/ +/** Utility function: Outputs the structure of the edited document */ +Xinha.prototype.debugTree = function() +{ + var ta = document.createElement("textarea"); + = "100%"; + = "20em"; + ta.value = ""; + function debug(indent, str) + { + for ( ; --indent >= 0; ) + { + ta.value += " "; + } + ta.value += str + "\n"; + } + function _dt(root, level) + { + var tag = root.tagName.toLowerCase(), i; + var ns = Xinha.is_ie ? root.scopeName : root.prefix; + debug(level, "- " + tag + " [" + ns + "]"); + for ( i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling ) + { + if ( i.nodeType == 1 ) + { + _dt(i, level + 2); + } + } + } + _dt(this._doc.body, 0); + document.body.appendChild(ta); +}; +/** Extracts the textual content of a given node + * @param {DomNode} el + */ + +Xinha.getInnerText = function(el) +{ + var txt = '', i; + for ( i = el.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling ) + { + if ( i.nodeType == 3 ) + { + txt +=; + } + else if ( i.nodeType == 1 ) + { + txt += Xinha.getInnerText(i); + } + } + return txt; +}; +/** Cleans dirty HTML from MS word; always cleans the whole editor content + * @TODO: move this in a separate file + * @TODO: turn this into a static function that cleans a given string + */ +Xinha.prototype._wordClean = function() +{ + var editor = this; + var stats = + { + empty_tags : 0, + cond_comm : 0, + mso_elmts : 0, + mso_class : 0, + mso_style : 0, + mso_xmlel : 0, + orig_len : this._doc.body.innerHTML.length, + T : new Date().getTime() + }; + var stats_txt = + { + empty_tags : "Empty tags removed: ", + cond_comm : "Conditional comments removed", + mso_elmts : "MSO invalid elements removed", + mso_class : "MSO class names removed: ", + mso_style : "MSO inline style removed: ", + mso_xmlel : "MSO XML elements stripped: " + }; + + function showStats() + { + var txt = "Xinha word cleaner stats: \n\n"; + for ( var i in stats ) + { + if ( stats_txt[i] ) + { + txt += stats_txt[i] + stats[i] + "\n"; + } + } + txt += "\nInitial document length: " + stats.orig_len + "\n"; + txt += "Final document length: " + editor._doc.body.innerHTML.length + "\n"; + txt += "Clean-up took " + ((new Date().getTime() - stats.T) / 1000) + " seconds"; + alert(txt); + } + + function clearClass(node) + { + var newc = node.className.replace(/(^|\s)mso.*?(\s|$)/ig, ' '); + if ( newc != node.className ) + { + node.className = newc; + if ( !/\S/.test(node.className)) + { + node.removeAttribute("className"); + ++stats.mso_class; + } + } + } + + function clearStyle(node) + { + var declarations =\s*;\s*/); + for ( var i = declarations.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + if ( /^mso|^tab-stops/i.test(declarations[i]) || /^margin\s*:\s*0..\s+0..\s+0../i.test(declarations[i]) ) + { + ++stats.mso_style; + declarations.splice(i, 1); + } + } + = declarations.join("; "); + } + + function removeElements(el) + { + if (('link' == el.tagName.toLowerCase() && + (el.attributes && /File-List|Edit-Time-Data|themeData|colorSchemeMapping/.test(el.attributes.rel.nodeValue))) || + /^(style|meta)$/i.test(el.tagName)) + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(el); + ++stats.mso_elmts; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function checkEmpty(el) + { + // @todo : check if this is quicker + // if (!['A','SPAN','B','STRONG','I','EM','FONT'].contains(el.tagName) && !el.firstChild) + if ( /^(a|span|b|strong|i|em|font|div|p)$/i.test(el.tagName) && !el.firstChild) + { + Xinha.removeFromParent(el); + ++stats.empty_tags; + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function parseTree(root) + { + clearClass(root); + clearStyle(root); + var next; + for (var i = root.firstChild; i; i = next ) + { + next = i.nextSibling; + if ( i.nodeType == 1 && parseTree(i) ) + { + if ((Xinha.is_ie && root.scopeName != 'HTML') || (!Xinha.is_ie && /:/.test(i.tagName))) + { + // Nowadays, Word spits out tags like ''. Since the + // document being cleaned might be HTML4 and not XHTML, this tag is + // interpreted as ''. For HTML tags without + // closing elements (e.g. IMG) these two forms are equivalent. Since + // HTML does not recognize these tags, however, they end up as + // parents of elements that should be their siblings. We reparent + // the children and remove them from the document. + for (var index=i.childNodes && i.childNodes.length-1; i.childNodes && i.childNodes.length && i.childNodes[index]; --index) + { + if (i.nextSibling) + { + i.parentNode.insertBefore(i.childNodes[index],i.nextSibling); + } + else + { + i.parentNode.appendChild(i.childNodes[index]); + } + } + Xinha.removeFromParent(i); + continue; + } + if (checkEmpty(i)) + { + continue; + } + if (removeElements(i)) + { + continue; + } + } + else if (i.nodeType == 8) + { + // 8 is a comment node, and can contain conditional comments, which + // will be interpreted by IE as if they were not comments. + if (/(\s*\[\s*if\s*(([gl]te?|!)\s*)?(IE|mso)\s*(\d+(\.\d+)?\s*)?\]>)/.test(i.nodeValue)) + { + // We strip all conditional comments directly from the tree. + Xinha.removeFromParent(i); + ++stats.cond_comm; + } + } + } + return true; + } + parseTree(this._doc.body); + // showStats(); + // this.debugTree(); + // this.setHTML(this.getHTML()); + // this.setHTML(this.getInnerHTML()); + // this.forceRedraw(); + this.updateToolbar(); +}; + +/** Removes <font> tags; always cleans the whole editor content + * @TODO: move this in a separate file + * @TODO: turn this into a static function that cleans a given string + */ +Xinha.prototype._clearFonts = function() +{ + var D = this.getInnerHTML(); + + if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font typefaces?")) ) + { + D = D.replace(/face="[^"]*"/gi, ''); + D = D.replace(/font-family:[^;}"']+;?/gi, ''); + } + + if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font sizes?")) ) + { + D = D.replace(/size="[^"]*"/gi, ''); + D = D.replace(/font-size:[^;}"']+;?/gi, ''); + } + + if ( confirm(Xinha._lc("Would you like to clear font colours?")) ) + { + D = D.replace(/color="[^"]*"/gi, ''); + D = D.replace(/([^\-])color:[^;}"']+;?/gi, '$1'); + } + + D = D.replace(/(style|class)="\s*"/gi, ''); + D = D.replace(/<(font|span)\s*>/gi, ''); + this.setHTML(D); + this.updateToolbar(); +}; + +Xinha.prototype._splitBlock = function() +{ + this._doc.execCommand('formatblock', false, 'div'); +}; + +/** Sometimes the display has to be refreshed to make DOM changes visible (?) (Gecko bug?) */ +Xinha.prototype.forceRedraw = function() +{ + = "hidden"; + = ""; + // this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML(); +}; + +/** Focuses the iframe window. + * @returns {document} a reference to the editor document + */ +Xinha.prototype.focusEditor = function() +{ + switch (this._editMode) + { + // notice the try { ... } catch block to avoid some rare exceptions in FireFox + // (perhaps also in other Gecko browsers). Manual focus by user is required in + // case of an error. Somebody has an idea? + case "wysiwyg" : + try + { + // We don't want to focus the field unless at least one field has been activated. + if ( Xinha._someEditorHasBeenActivated ) + { + this.activateEditor(); // Ensure *this* editor is activated + this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); // and focus it + } + } catch (ex) {} + break; + case "textmode": + try + { + this._textArea.focus(); + } catch (e) {} + break; + default: + alert("ERROR: mode " + this._editMode + " is not defined"); + } + return this._doc; +}; + +/** Takes a snapshot of the current text (for undo) + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype._undoTakeSnapshot = function() +{ + ++this._undoPos; + if ( this._undoPos >= this.config.undoSteps ) + { + // remove the first element + this._undoQueue.shift(); + --this._undoPos; + } + // use the fasted method (getInnerHTML); + var take = true; + var txt = this.getInnerHTML(); + if ( this._undoPos > 0 ) + { + take = (this._undoQueue[this._undoPos - 1] != txt); + } + if ( take ) + { + this._undoQueue[this._undoPos] = txt; + } + else + { + this._undoPos--; + } +}; +/** Custom implementation of undo functionality + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.undo = function() +{ + if ( this._undoPos > 0 ) + { + var txt = this._undoQueue[--this._undoPos]; + if ( txt ) + { + this.setHTML(txt); + } + else + { + ++this._undoPos; + } + } +}; +/** Custom implementation of redo functionality + * @private + */ +Xinha.prototype.redo = function() +{ + if ( this._undoPos < this._undoQueue.length - 1 ) + { + var txt = this._undoQueue[++this._undoPos]; + if ( txt ) + { + this.setHTML(txt); + } + else + { + --this._undoPos; + } + } +}; +/** Disables (greys out) the buttons of the toolbar + * @param {Array} except this array contains ids of toolbar objects that will not be disabled + */ +Xinha.prototype.disableToolbar = function(except) +{ + if ( this._timerToolbar ) + { + clearTimeout(this._timerToolbar); + } + if ( typeof except == 'undefined' ) + { + except = [ ]; + } + else if ( typeof except != 'object' ) + { + except = [except]; + } + + for ( var i in this._toolbarObjects ) + { + var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i]; + if ( except.contains(i) ) + { + continue; + } + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof btn.state != 'function' ) + { + continue; + } + btn.state("enabled", false); + } +}; +/** Enables the toolbar again when disabled by disableToolbar() */ +Xinha.prototype.enableToolbar = function() +{ + this.updateToolbar(); +}; + +/** Updates enabled/disable/active state of the toolbar elements, the statusbar and other things + * This function is called on every key stroke as well as by a timer on a regular basis.
+ * Plugins have the opportunity to implement a prototype.onUpdateToolbar() method, which will also + * be called by this function. + * @param {Boolean} noStatus private use Exempt updating of statusbar + */ +// FIXME : this function needs to be splitted in more functions. +// It is actually to heavy to be understable and very scary to manipulate +Xinha.prototype.updateToolbar = function(noStatus) +{ + if (this.suspendUpdateToolbar) + { + return; + } + var doc = this._doc; + var text = (this._editMode == "textmode"); + var ancestors = null; + if ( !text ) + { + ancestors = this.getAllAncestors(); + if ( this.config.statusBar && !noStatus ) + { + while ( this._statusBarItems.length ) + { + var item = this._statusBarItems.pop(); + item.el = null; + item.editor = null; + item.onclick = null; + item.oncontextmenu = null; + = null; + item._xinha_dom0Events.contextmenu = null; + item = null; + } + + this._statusBarTree.innerHTML = ' '; + this._statusBarTree.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Xinha._lc("Path") + ": ")); + for ( var i = ancestors.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + var el = ancestors[i]; + if ( !el ) + { + // hell knows why we get here; this + // could be a classic example of why + // it's good to check for conditions + // that are impossible to happen ;-) + continue; + } + var a = document.createElement("a"); + a.href = "javascript:void(0);"; + a.el = el; + a.editor = this; + this._statusBarItems.push(a); + Xinha.addDom0Event( + a, + 'click', + function() { + this.blur(); + this.editor.selectNodeContents(this.el); + this.editor.updateToolbar(true); + return false; + } + ); + Xinha.addDom0Event( + a, + 'contextmenu', + function() + { + // TODO: add context menu here + this.blur(); + var info = "Inline style:\n\n"; + info +=;\s*/).join(";\n"); + alert(info); + return false; + } + ); + var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); + switch (txt) + { + case 'b': + txt = 'strong'; + break; + case 'i': + txt = 'em'; + break; + case 'strike': + txt = 'del'; + break; + } + if (typeof != 'undefined') + { + a.title =; + } + if ( ) + { + txt += "#" +; + } + if ( el.className ) + { + txt += "." + el.className; + } + a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); + this._statusBarTree.appendChild(a); + if ( i !== 0 ) + { + this._statusBarTree.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(0xbb))); + } + Xinha.freeLater(a); + } + } + } + + for ( var cmd in this._toolbarObjects ) + { + var btn = this._toolbarObjects[cmd]; + var inContext = true; + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof btn.state != 'function' ) + { + continue; + } + if ( btn.context && !text ) + { + inContext = false; + var context = btn.context; + var attrs = []; + if ( /(.*)\[(.*?)\]/.test(context) ) + { + context = RegExp.$1; + attrs = RegExp.$2.split(","); + } + context = context.toLowerCase(); + var match = (context == "*"); + for ( var k = 0; k < ancestors.length; ++k ) + { + if ( !ancestors[k] ) + { + // the impossible really happens. + continue; + } + if ( match || ( ancestors[k].tagName.toLowerCase() == context ) ) + { + inContext = true; + var contextSplit = null; + var att = null; + var comp = null; + var attVal = null; + for ( var ka = 0; ka < attrs.length; ++ka ) + { + contextSplit = attrs[ka].match(/(.*)(==|!=|===|!==|>|>=|<|<=)(.*)/); + att = contextSplit[1]; + comp = contextSplit[2]; + attVal = contextSplit[3]; + + if (!eval(ancestors[k][att] + comp + attVal)) + { + inContext = false; + break; + } + } + if ( inContext ) + { + break; + } + } + } + } + btn.state("enabled", (!text || btn.text) && inContext); + if ( typeof cmd == "function" ) + { + continue; + } + // look-it-up in the custom dropdown boxes + var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[cmd]; + if ( ( !text || btn.text ) && ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" ) ) + { + dropdown.refresh(this); + continue; + } + switch (cmd) + { + case "fontname": + case "fontsize": + if ( !text ) + { + try + { + var value = ("" + doc.queryCommandValue(cmd)).toLowerCase(); + if ( !value ) + { + btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; + break; + } + + // HACK -- retrieve the config option for this + // combo box. We rely on the fact that the + // variable in config has the same name as + // button name in the toolbar. + var options = this.config[cmd]; + var sIndex = 0; + for ( var j in options ) + { + // FIXME: the following line is scary. + if ( ( j.toLowerCase() == value ) || ( options[j].substr(0, value.length).toLowerCase() == value ) ) + { + btn.element.selectedIndex = sIndex; + throw "ok"; + } + ++sIndex; + } + btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; + } catch(ex) {} + } + break; + + // It's better to search for the format block by tag name from the + // current selection upwards, because IE has a tendancy to return + // things like 'heading 1' for 'h1', which breaks things if you want + // to call your heading blocks 'header 1'. Stupid MS. + case "formatblock": + var blocks = []; + for ( var indexBlock in this.config.formatblock ) + { + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof this.config.formatblock[indexBlock] == 'string' ) + { + blocks[blocks.length] = this.config.formatblock[indexBlock]; + } + } + + var deepestAncestor = this._getFirstAncestor(this.getSelection(), blocks); + if ( deepestAncestor ) + { + for ( var x = 0; x < blocks.length; x++ ) + { + if ( blocks[x].toLowerCase() == deepestAncestor.tagName.toLowerCase() ) + { + btn.element.selectedIndex = x; + } + } + } + else + { + btn.element.selectedIndex = 0; + } + break; + + case "textindicator": + if ( !text ) + { + try + { + var style =; + style.backgroundColor = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue(Xinha.is_ie ? "backcolor" : "hilitecolor")); + if ( /transparent/i.test(style.backgroundColor) ) + { + // Mozilla + style.backgroundColor = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor")); + } + style.color = Xinha._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor")); + style.fontFamily = doc.queryCommandValue("fontname"); + style.fontWeight = doc.queryCommandState("bold") ? "bold" : "normal"; + style.fontStyle = doc.queryCommandState("italic") ? "italic" : "normal"; + } catch (ex) { + // alert(e + "\n\n" + cmd); + } + } + break; + + case "htmlmode": + btn.state("active", text); + break; + + case "lefttoright": + case "righttoleft": + var eltBlock = this.getParentElement(); + while ( eltBlock && !Xinha.isBlockElement(eltBlock) ) + { + eltBlock = eltBlock.parentNode; + } + if ( eltBlock ) + { + btn.state("active", ( == ((cmd == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr"))); + } + break; + + default: + cmd = cmd.replace(/(un)?orderedlist/i, "insert$1orderedlist"); + try + { + btn.state("active", (!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd))); + } catch (ex) {} + break; + } + } + // take undo snapshots + if ( this._customUndo && !this._timerUndo ) + { + this._undoTakeSnapshot(); + var editor = this; + this._timerUndo = setTimeout(function() { editor._timerUndo = null; }, this.config.undoTimeout); + } + this.firePluginEvent('onUpdateToolbar'); +}; + +/** Returns a editor object referenced by the id or name of the textarea or the textarea node itself + * For example to retrieve the HTML of an editor made out of the textarea with the id "myTextArea" you would do
+ * + * var editor = Xinha.getEditor("myTextArea"); + * var html = editor.getEditorContent(); + * + * @returns {Xinha|null} + * @param {String|DomNode} ref id or name of the textarea or the textarea node itself + */ +Xinha.getEditor = function(ref) +{ + for ( var i = __xinhas.length; i--; ) + { + var editor = __xinhas[i]; + if ( editor && ( == ref || == ref || editor._textArea == ref ) ) + { + return editor; + } + } + return null; +}; +/** Sometimes one wants to call a plugin method directly, e.g. from outside the editor. + * This function returns the respective editor's instance of a plugin. + * For example you might want to have a button to trigger SaveSubmit's save() method:
+ * + * <button type="button" onclick="Xinha.getEditor('myTextArea').getPluginInstance('SaveSubmit').save();return false;">Save</button> + * + * @returns {PluginObject|null} + * @param {String} plugin name of the plugin + */ +Xinha.prototype.getPluginInstance = function (plugin) +{ + if (this.plugins[plugin]) + { + return this.plugins[plugin].instance; + } + else + { + return null; + } +}; +/** Returns an array with all the ancestor nodes of the selection or current cursor position. +* @returns {Array} +*/ +Xinha.prototype.getAllAncestors = function() +{ + var p = this.getParentElement(); + var a = []; + while ( p && (p.nodeType == 1) && ( p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body' ) ) + { + a.push(p); + p = p.parentNode; + } + a.push(this._doc.body); + return a; +}; + +/** Traverses the DOM upwards and returns the first element that is of one of the specified types + * @param {Selection} sel Selection object as returned by getSelection + * @param {Array} types Array of matching criteria. Each criteria is either a string containing the tag name, or a callback used to select the element. + * @returns {DomNode|null} + */ +Xinha.prototype._getFirstAncestor = function(sel, types) +{ + var prnt = this.activeElement(sel); + if ( prnt === null ) + { + // Hmm, I think Xinha.getParentElement() would do the job better?? - James + try + { + prnt = (Xinha.is_ie ? this.createRange(sel).parentElement() : this.createRange(sel).commonAncestorContainer); + } + catch(ex) + { + return null; + } + } + + if ( typeof types == 'string' ) + { + types = [types]; + } + + while ( prnt ) + { + if ( prnt.nodeType == 1 ) + { + if ( types === null ) + { + return prnt; + } + for (var index=0; index) if no parameter is passed + if ( !value ) + { + this.updateToolbar(); + break; + } + if( !Xinha.is_gecko || value !== 'blockquote' ) + { + value = "<" + value + ">"; + } + this.execCommand(txt, false, value); + break; + default: + // try to look it up in the registered dropdowns + var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[txt]; + if ( typeof dropdown != "undefined" ) + { + dropdown.action(this, value, el, txt); + } + else + { + alert("FIXME: combo box " + txt + " not implemented"); + } + break; + } +}; + +/** Open a popup to select the hilitecolor or forecolor + * @private + * @param {String} cmdID The commande ID (hilitecolor or forecolor) + */ +Xinha.prototype._colorSelector = function(cmdID) +{ + var editor = this; // for nested functions + + // backcolor only works with useCSS/styleWithCSS (see mozilla bug #279330 & Midas doc) + // and its also nicer as + if ( Xinha.is_gecko ) + { + try + { + editor._doc.execCommand('useCSS', false, false); // useCSS deprecated & replaced by styleWithCSS + editor._doc.execCommand('styleWithCSS', false, true); + + } catch (ex) {} + } + + var btn = editor._toolbarObjects[cmdID].element; + var initcolor; + if ( cmdID == 'hilitecolor' ) + { + if ( Xinha.is_ie ) + { + cmdID = 'backcolor'; + initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor")); + } + else + { + initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("hilitecolor")); + } + } + else + { + initcolor = Xinha._colorToRgb(editor._doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor")); + } + var cback = function(color) { editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, color); }; + if ( Xinha.is_ie ) + { + var range = editor.createRange(editor.getSelection()); + cback = function(color) + { +; + editor._doc.execCommand(cmdID, false, color); + }; + } + var picker = new Xinha.colorPicker( + { + cellsize:editor.config.colorPickerCellSize, + callback:cback, + granularity:editor.config.colorPickerGranularity, + websafe:editor.config.colorPickerWebSafe, + savecolors:editor.config.colorPickerSaveColors + }); +, btn, initcolor); +}; + +/** This is a wrapper for the browser's execCommand function that handles things like + * formatting, inserting elements, etc.
+ * It intercepts some commands and replaces them with our own implementation.
+ * It provides a hook for the "firePluginEvent" system ("onExecCommand").

+ * For reference see:
+ * Mozilla implementation
+ * MS implementation + * + * @see Xinha#firePluginEvent + * @param {String} cmdID command to be executed as defined in the browsers implemantations or Xinha custom + * @param {Boolean} UI for compatibility with the execCommand syntax; false in most (all) cases + * @param {Mixed} param Some commands require parameters + * @returns {Boolean} always false + */ +Xinha.prototype.execCommand = function(cmdID, UI, param) +{ + var editor = this; // for nested functions + this.focusEditor(); + cmdID = cmdID.toLowerCase(); + + // See if any plugins want to do something special + if(this.firePluginEvent('onExecCommand', cmdID, UI, param)) + { + this.updateToolbar(); + return false; + } + + switch (cmdID) + { + case "htmlmode": + this.setMode(); + break; + + case "hilitecolor": + case "forecolor": + this._colorSelector(cmdID); + break; + + case "createlink": + this._createLink(); + break; + + case "undo": + case "redo": + if (this._customUndo) + { + this[cmdID](); + } + else + { + this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); + } + break; + + case "inserttable": + this._insertTable(); + break; + + case "insertimage": + this._insertImage(); + break; + + case "showhelp": + this._popupDialog(, null, this); + break; + + case "killword": + this._wordClean(); + break; + + case "cut": + case "copy": + case "paste": + this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); + if ( this.config.killWordOnPaste ) + { + this._wordClean(); + } + break; + case "lefttoright": + case "righttoleft": + if (this.config.changeJustifyWithDirection) + { + this._doc.execCommand((cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "justifyright" : "justifyleft", UI, param); + } + var dir = (cmdID == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr"; + var el = this.getParentElement(); + while ( el && !Xinha.isBlockElement(el) ) + { + el = el.parentNode; + } + if ( el ) + { + if ( == dir ) + { + = ""; + } + else + { + = dir; + } + } + break; + + case 'justifyleft' : + case 'justifyright' : + cmdID.match(/^justify(.*)$/); + var ae = this.activeElement(this.getSelection()); + if(ae && ae.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'img') + { + ae.align = ae.align == RegExp.$1 ? '' : RegExp.$1; + } + else + { + this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); + } + break; + + default: + try + { + this._doc.execCommand(cmdID, UI, param); + } + catch(ex) + { + if ( this.config.debug ) + { + alert(ex + "\n\nby execCommand(" + cmdID + ");"); + } + } + break; + } + + this.updateToolbar(); + return false; +}; + +/** A generic event handler for things that happen in the IFRAME's document.
+ * It provides two hooks for the "firePluginEvent" system:
+ * "onKeyPress"
+ * "onMouseDown" + * @see Xinha#firePluginEvent + * @param {Event} ev + */ +Xinha.prototype._editorEvent = function(ev) +{ + var editor = this; + + //call events of textarea + if ( typeof editor._textArea['on'+ev.type] == "function" ) + { + editor._textArea['on'+ev.type](ev); + } + + if ( this.isKeyEvent(ev) ) + { + // Run the ordinary plugins first + if(editor.firePluginEvent('onKeyPress', ev)) + { + return false; + } + + // Handle the core shortcuts + if ( this.isShortCut( ev ) ) + { + this._shortCuts(ev); + } + } + + if ( ev.type == 'mousedown' ) + { + if(editor.firePluginEvent('onMouseDown', ev)) + { + return false; + } + } + + // update the toolbar state after some time + if ( editor._timerToolbar ) + { + clearTimeout(editor._timerToolbar); + } + if (!this.suspendUpdateToolbar) + { + editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout( + function() + { + editor.updateToolbar(); + editor._timerToolbar = null; + }, + 250); + } +}; + +/** Handle double click events. + * See dblclickList in the config. + */ + +Xinha.prototype._onDoubleClick = function(ev) +{ + var editor=this; + var target = Xinha.is_ie ? ev.srcElement :; + var tag = target.tagName; + var className = target.className; + if (tag) { + tag = tag.toLowerCase(); + if (className && (this.config.dblclickList[tag+"."+className] != undefined)) + this.config.dblclickList[tag+"."+className][0](editor, target); + else if (this.config.dblclickList[tag] != undefined) + this.config.dblclickList[tag][0](editor, target); + }; +}; + +/** Handles ctrl + key shortcuts + * @TODO: make this mor flexible + * @private + * @param {Event} ev + */ +Xinha.prototype._shortCuts = function (ev) +{ + var key = this.getKey(ev).toLowerCase(); + var cmd = null; + var value = null; + switch (key) + { + // simple key commands follow + + case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break; + case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break; + case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break; + case 's': cmd = "strikethrough"; break; + case 'l': cmd = "justifyleft"; break; + case 'e': cmd = "justifycenter"; break; + case 'r': cmd = "justifyright"; break; + case 'j': cmd = "justifyfull"; break; + case 'z': cmd = "undo"; break; + case 'y': cmd = "redo"; break; + case 'v': cmd = "paste"; break; + case 'n': + cmd = "formatblock"; + value = "p"; + break; + + case '0': cmd = "killword"; break; + + // headings + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + cmd = "formatblock"; + value = "h" + key; + break; + } + if ( cmd ) + { + // execute simple command + this.execCommand(cmd, false, value); + Xinha._stopEvent(ev); + } +}; +/** Changes the type of a given node + * @param {DomNode} el The element to convert + * @param {String} newTagName The type the element will be converted to + * @returns {DomNode} A reference to the new element + */ +Xinha.prototype.convertNode = function(el, newTagName) +{ + var newel = this._doc.createElement(newTagName); + while ( el.firstChild ) + { + newel.appendChild(el.firstChild); + } + return newel; +}; + +/** Scrolls the editor iframe to a given element or to the cursor + * @param {DomNode} e optional The element to scroll to; if ommitted, element the element the cursor is in + */ +Xinha.prototype.scrollToElement = function(e) +{ + if(!e) + { + e = this.getParentElement(); + if(!e) + { + return; + } + } + + // This was at one time limited to Gecko only, but I see no reason for it to be. - James + var position = Xinha.getElementTopLeft(e); + this._iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(position.left,; +}; + +/** Get the edited HTML + * + * @public + * @returns {String} HTML content + */ +Xinha.prototype.getEditorContent = function() +{ + return this.outwardHtml(this.getHTML()); +}; + +/** Completely change the HTML inside the editor + * + * @public + * @param {String} html new content + */ +Xinha.prototype.setEditorContent = function(html) +{ + this.setHTML(this.inwardHtml(html)); +}; +/** Saves the contents of all Xinhas to their respective textareas + * @public + */ +Xinha.updateTextareas = function() +{ + var e; + for (var i=0;i<__xinhas.length;i++) + { + e = __xinhas[i]; + e._textArea.value = e.getEditorContent(); + } +} +/** Get the raw edited HTML, should not be used without Xinha.prototype.outwardHtml() + * + * @private + * @returns {String} HTML content + */ +Xinha.prototype.getHTML = function() +{ + var html = ''; + switch ( this._editMode ) + { + case "wysiwyg": + if ( !this.config.fullPage ) + { + html = Xinha.getHTML(this._doc.body, false, this).trim(); + } + else + { + html = this.doctype + "\n" + Xinha.getHTML(this._doc.documentElement, true, this); + } + break; + case "textmode": + html = this._textArea.value; + break; + default: + alert("Mode <" + this._editMode + "> not defined!"); + return false; + } + return html; +}; + +/** Performs various transformations of the HTML used internally, complement to Xinha.prototype.inwardHtml() + * Plugins can provide their own, additional transformations by defining a plugin.prototype.outwardHtml() implematation, + * which is called by this function + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#inwardHtml + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} HTML content + */ +Xinha.prototype.outwardHtml = function(html) +{ + for ( var i in this.plugins ) + { + var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance; + if ( plugin && typeof plugin.outwardHtml == "function" ) + { + html = plugin.outwardHtml(html); + } + } + + html = html.replace(/<(\/?)b(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1strong$2"); + html = html.replace(/<(\/?)i(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1em$2"); + html = html.replace(/<(\/?)strike(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1del$2"); + + // remove disabling of inline event handle inside Xinha iframe + html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*on(click|mouse(over|out|up|down))=['"])if\(window\.parent && window\.parent\.Xinha\)\{return false\}/gi,'$1'); + + // Figure out what our server name is, and how it's referenced + var serverBase = location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/'; + + // IE puts this in can't figure out why + // leaving this in the core instead of InternetExplorer + // because it might be something we are doing so could present itself + // in other browsers - James + html = html.replace(/https?:\/\/null\//g, serverBase); + + // Make semi-absolute links to be truely absolute + // we do this just to standardize so that special replacements knows what + // to expect + html = html.replace(/((href|src|background)=[\'\"])\/+/ig, '$1' + serverBase); + + html = this.outwardSpecialReplacements(html); + + html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html); + + if ( this.config.sevenBitClean ) + { + html = html.replace(/[^ -~\r\n\t]/g, function(c) { return (c != ? '&#'+c.charCodeAt(0)+';' : c; }); + } + + //prevent execution of JavaScript (Ticket #685) + html = html.replace(/(]*((type=[\"\']text\/)|(language=[\"\'])))(freezescript)/gi,"$1javascript"); + + // If in fullPage mode, strip the coreCSS + if(this.config.fullPage) + { + html = Xinha.stripCoreCSS(html); + } + + if (typeof this.config.outwardHtml == 'function' ) + { + html = this.config.outwardHtml(html); + } + + return html; +}; + +/** Performs various transformations of the HTML to be edited + * Plugins can provide their own, additional transformations by defining a plugin.prototype.inwardHtml() implematation, + * which is called by this function + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#outwardHtml + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} transformed HTML + */ +Xinha.prototype.inwardHtml = function(html) +{ + for ( var i in this.plugins ) + { + var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance; + if ( plugin && typeof plugin.inwardHtml == "function" ) + { + html = plugin.inwardHtml(html); + } + } + + // Both IE and Gecko use strike instead of del (#523) + html = html.replace(/<(\/?)del(\s|>|\/)/ig, "<$1strike$2"); + + // disable inline event handle inside Xinha iframe + html = html.replace(/(<[^>]*on(click|mouse(over|out|up|down))=["'])/gi,'$1if(window.parent && window.parent.Xinha){return false}'); + + html = this.inwardSpecialReplacements(html); + + html = html.replace(/(]*((type=[\"\']text\/)|(language=[\"\'])))(javascript)/gi,"$1freezescript"); + + // For IE's sake, make any URLs that are semi-absolute (="/....") to be + // truely absolute + var nullRE = new RegExp('((href|src|background)=[\'"])/+', 'gi'); + html = html.replace(nullRE, '$1' + location.href.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\/]*)\/.*/, '$1') + '/'); + + html = this.fixRelativeLinks(html); + + // If in fullPage mode, add the coreCSS + if(this.config.fullPage) + { + html = Xinha.addCoreCSS(html); + } + + if (typeof this.config.inwardHtml == 'function' ) + { + html = this.config.inwardHtml(html); + } + + return html; +}; +/** Apply the replacements defined in Xinha.Config.specialReplacements + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#inwardSpecialReplacements + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} transformed HTML + */ +Xinha.prototype.outwardSpecialReplacements = function(html) +{ + for ( var i in this.config.specialReplacements ) + { + var from = this.config.specialReplacements[i]; + var to = i; // why are declaring a new variable here ? Seems to be better to just do : for (var to in config) + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof from.replace != 'function' || typeof to.replace != 'function' ) + { + continue; + } + // alert('out : ' + from + '=>' + to); + var reg = new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(from), 'g'); + html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); + //html = html.replace(from, to); + } + return html; +}; +/** Apply the replacements defined in Xinha.Config.specialReplacements + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#outwardSpecialReplacements + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} transformed HTML + */ +Xinha.prototype.inwardSpecialReplacements = function(html) +{ + // alert("inward"); + for ( var i in this.config.specialReplacements ) + { + var from = i; // why are declaring a new variable here ? Seems to be better to just do : for (var from in config) + var to = this.config.specialReplacements[i]; + // prevent iterating over wrong type + if ( typeof from.replace != 'function' || typeof to.replace != 'function' ) + { + continue; + } + // alert('in : ' + from + '=>' + to); + // + // html = html.replace(reg, to); + // html = html.replace(from, to); + var reg = new RegExp(Xinha.escapeStringForRegExp(from), 'g'); + html = html.replace(reg, to.replace(/\$/g, '$$$$')); // IE uses doubled dollar signs to escape backrefs, also beware that IE also implements $& $_ and $' like perl. + } + return html; +}; +/** Transforms the paths in src & href attributes + * + * @private + * @see Xinha.Config#expandRelativeUrl + * @see Xinha.Config#stripSelfNamedAnchors + * @see Xinha.Config#stripBaseHref + * @see Xinha.Config#baseHref + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} transformed HTML + */ +Xinha.prototype.fixRelativeLinks = function(html) +{ + if ( typeof this.config.expandRelativeUrl != 'undefined' && this.config.expandRelativeUrl ) + { + if (html == null) + { + return ""; + } + var src = html.match(/(src|href)="([^"]*)"/gi); + var b = document.location.href; + if ( src ) + { + var url,url_m,relPath,base_m,absPath; + for ( var i=0;i not defined!"); + return false; + } + + return html; +}; + +/** Completely change the HTML inside + * + * @private + * @param {String} html new content, should have been run through inwardHtml() first + */ +Xinha.prototype.setHTML = function(html) +{ + if ( !this.config.fullPage ) + { + this._doc.body.innerHTML = html; + } + else + { + this.setFullHTML(html); + } + this._textArea.value = html; +}; + +/** sets the given doctype (useful only when config.fullPage is true) + * + * @private + * @param {String} doctype + */ +Xinha.prototype.setDoctype = function(doctype) +{ + this.doctype = doctype; +}; + +/*************************************************** + * Category: UTILITY FUNCTIONS + ***************************************************/ + +/** Variable used to pass the object to the popup editor window. + * @FIXME: Is this in use? + * @deprecated + * @private + * @type {Object} + */ +Xinha._object = null; + +/** Arrays are identified as "object" in typeof calls. Adding this tag to the Array prototype allows to distinguish between the two + */ +Array.prototype.isArray = true; +/** RegExps are identified as "object" in typeof calls. Adding this tag to the RegExp prototype allows to distinguish between the two + */ +RegExp.prototype.isRegExp = true; +/** function that returns a clone of the given object + * + * @private + * @param {Object} obj + * @returns {Object} cloned object + */ +Xinha.cloneObject = function(obj) +{ + if ( !obj ) + { + return null; + } + var newObj = obj.isArray ? [] : {}; + + // check for function and RegExp objects (as usual, IE is fucked up) + if ( obj.constructor.toString().match( /\s*function Function\(/ ) || typeof obj == 'function' ) + { + newObj = obj; // just copy reference to it + } + else if ( obj.isRegExp ) + { + newObj = eval( obj.toString() ); //see no way without eval + } + else + { + for ( var n in obj ) + { + var node = obj[n]; + if ( typeof node == 'object' ) + { + newObj[n] = Xinha.cloneObject(node); + } + else + { + newObj[n] = node; + } + } + } + + return newObj; +}; + + +/** Extend one class from another, that is, make a sub class. + * This manner of doing it was probably first devised by Kevin Lindsey + * + * + * + * It has subsequently been used in one form or another by various toolkits + * such as the YUI. + * + * I make no claim as to understanding it really, but it works. + * + * Example Usage: + * {{{ + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + // ========= MAKING THE INITIAL SUPER CLASS =========== + + document.write("

Superclass Creation And Test

"); + + function Vehicle(name, sound) + { + = name; + this.sound = sound + } + + Vehicle.prototype.pressHorn = function() + { + document.write( + ': ' + this.sound + '
'); + } + + var Bedford = new Vehicle('Bedford Van', 'Honk Honk'); + Bedford.pressHorn(); // Vehicle::pressHorn() is defined + + + // ========= MAKING A SUBCLASS OF A SUPER CLASS ========= + + document.write("

Subclass Creation And Test

"); + + // Make the sub class constructor first + Car = function(name) + { + // This is how we call the parent's constructor, note that + // we are using Car.parent.... not "this", we can't use this. +, name, 'Toot Toot'); + } + + // Remember the subclass comes first, then the base class, you are extending + // Car with the methods and properties of Vehicle. + Xinha.extend(Car, Vehicle); + + var MazdaMx5 = new Car('Mazda MX5'); + MazdaMx5.pressHorn(); // Car::pressHorn() is inherited from Vehicle::pressHorn() + + // ========= ADDING METHODS TO THE SUB CLASS =========== + + document.write("

Add Method to Sub Class And Test

"); + + Car.prototype.isACar = function() + { + document.write( + ": Car::isACar() is implemented, this is a car!
"); + this.pressHorn(); + } + + MazdaMx5.isACar(); // Car::isACar() is defined as above + try { Bedford.isACar(); } // Vehicle::isACar() is not defined, will throw this exception + catch(e) { document.write("Bedford: Vehicle::onGettingCutOff() not implemented, this is not a car!
"); } + + // ========= EXTENDING A METHOD (CALLING MASKED PARENT METHODS) =========== + + document.write("

Extend/Override Inherited Method in Sub Class And Test

"); + + Car.prototype.pressHorn = function() + { + document.write( + ': I am going to press the horn...
'); +; + } + MazdaMx5.pressHorn(); // Car::pressHorn() + Bedford.pressHorn(); // Vehicle::pressHorn() + + // ========= MODIFYING THE SUPERCLASS AFTER SUBCLASSING =========== + + document.write("

Add New Method to Superclass And Test In Subclass

"); + + Vehicle.prototype.startUp = function() { document.write( + ": Vroooom
"); } + MazdaMx5.startUp(); // Cars get the prototype'd startUp() also. + + * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + * }}} + * + * @param subclass_constructor (optional) Constructor function for the subclass + * @param superclass Constructor function for the superclass + */ + +Xinha.extend = function(subClass, baseClass) { + function inheritance() {} + inheritance.prototype = baseClass.prototype; + + subClass.prototype = new inheritance(); + subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; + subClass.parentConstructor = baseClass; + subClass.superClass = baseClass.prototype; +} + +/** Event Flushing + * To try and work around memory leaks in the rather broken + * garbage collector in IE, Xinha.flushEvents can be called + * onunload, it will remove any event listeners (that were added + * through _addEvent(s)) and clear any DOM-0 events. + * @private + * + */ +Xinha.flushEvents = function() +{ + var x = 0; + // @todo : check if Array.prototype.pop exists for every supported browsers + var e = Xinha._eventFlushers.pop(); + while ( e ) + { + try + { + if ( e.length == 3 ) + { + Xinha._removeEvent(e[0], e[1], e[2]); + x++; + } + else if ( e.length == 2 ) + { + e[0]['on' + e[1]] = null; + e[0]._xinha_dom0Events[e[1]] = null; + x++; + } + } + catch(ex) + { + // Do Nothing + } + e = Xinha._eventFlushers.pop(); + } + + /* + // This code is very agressive, and incredibly slow in IE, so I've disabled it. + + if(document.all) + { + for(var i = 0; i < document.all.length; i++) + { + for(var j in document.all[i]) + { + if(/^on/.test(j) && typeof document.all[i][j] == 'function') + { + document.all[i][j] = null; + x++; + } + } + } + } + */ + + // alert('Flushed ' + x + ' events.'); +}; + /** Holds the events to be flushed + * @type Array + */ +Xinha._eventFlushers = []; + +if ( document.addEventListener ) +{ + /** adds an event listener for the specified element and event type + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_addEvents + * @see Xinha#addDom0Event + * @see Xinha#prependDom0Event + * @param {DomNode} el the DOM element the event should be attached to + * @param {String} evname the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on") + * @param {function} func the function to be called when the event is fired + */ + Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + el.addEventListener(evname, func, false); + Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, evname, func]); + }; + + /** removes an event listener previously added + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_removeEvents + * @param {DomNode} el the DOM element the event should be removed from + * @param {String} evname the name of the event the listener should be removed from (without leading "on") + * @param {function} func the function to be removed + */ + Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + el.removeEventListener(evname, func, false); + }; + + /** stops bubbling of the event, if no further listeners should be triggered + * + * @public + * @param {event} ev the event to be stopped + */ + Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev) + { + ev.preventDefault(); + ev.stopPropagation(); + }; +} + /** same as above, for IE + * + */ +else if ( document.attachEvent ) +{ + Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + el.attachEvent("on" + evname, func); + Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, evname, func]); + }; + Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + el.detachEvent("on" + evname, func); + }; + Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev) + { + try + { + ev.cancelBubble = true; + ev.returnValue = false; + } + catch (ex) + { + // Perhaps we could try here to stop the window.event + // window.event.cancelBubble = true; + // window.event.returnValue = false; + } + }; +} +else +{ + Xinha._addEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + alert('_addEvent is not supported'); + }; + Xinha._removeEvent = function(el, evname, func) + { + alert('_removeEvent is not supported'); + }; + Xinha._stopEvent = function(ev) + { + alert('_stopEvent is not supported'); + }; +} + /** add several events at once to one element + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_addEvent + * @param {DomNode} el the DOM element the event should be attached to + * @param {Array} evs the names of the event to listen for (without leading "on") + * @param {function} func the function to be called when the event is fired + */ +Xinha._addEvents = function(el, evs, func) +{ + for ( var i = evs.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + Xinha._addEvent(el, evs[i], func); + } +}; + /** remove several events at once to from element + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_removeEvent + * @param {DomNode} el the DOM element the events should be remove from + * @param {Array} evs the names of the events the listener should be removed from (without leading "on") + * @param {function} func the function to be removed + */ +Xinha._removeEvents = function(el, evs, func) +{ + for ( var i = evs.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + Xinha._removeEvent(el, evs[i], func); + } +}; + +/** Adds a function that is executed in the moment the DOM is ready, but as opposed to window.onload before images etc. have been loaded +* +* IE part from jQuery +* @public +* @author Dean Edwards/Matthias Miller/ John Resig / Diego Perini +* @param {Function} func the function to be executed +* @param {Window} scope the window that is listened to +*/ +Xinha.addOnloadHandler = function (func, scope) +{ + scope = scope ? scope : window; + + var init = function () + { + // quit if this function has already been called + if (arguments.callee.done) + { + return; + } + // flag this function so we don't do the same thing twice + arguments.callee.done = true; + // kill the timer + if (Xinha.onloadTimer) + { + clearInterval(Xinha.onloadTimer); + } + + func(); + }; + if (Xinha.is_ie) + { + // ensure firing before onload, + // maybe late but safe also for iframes + document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){ + if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) { + document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", arguments.callee ); + init(); + } + }); + if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && typeof window.frameElement === "undefined" ) (function(){ + if (arguments.callee.done) return; + try { + // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini + // + document.documentElement.doScroll("left"); + } catch( error ) { + setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 ); + return; + } + // and execute any waiting functions + init(); + })(); + } + else if (/applewebkit|KHTML/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) /* Safari/WebKit/KHTML */ + { + Xinha.onloadTimer = scope.setInterval(function() + { + if (/loaded|complete/.test(scope.document.readyState)) + { + init(); // call the onload handler + } + }, 10); + } + else /* for Mozilla/Opera9 */ + { + scope.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false); + + } + Xinha._addEvent(scope, 'load', init); // incase anything went wrong +}; + +/** + * Adds a standard "DOM-0" event listener to an element. + * The DOM-0 events are those applied directly as attributes to + * an element - eg element.onclick = stuff; + * + * By using this function instead of simply overwriting any existing + * DOM-0 event by the same name on the element it will trigger as well + * as the existing ones. Handlers are triggered one after the other + * in the order they are added. + * + * Remember to return true/false from your handler, this will determine + * whether subsequent handlers will be triggered (ie that the event will + * continue or be canceled). + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_addEvent + * @see Xinha#prependDom0Event + * @param {DomNode} el the DOM element the event should be attached to + * @param {String} ev the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on") + * @param {function} fn the function to be called when the event is fired + */ + +Xinha.addDom0Event = function(el, ev, fn) +{ + Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(el, ev); + el._xinha_dom0Events[ev].unshift(fn); +}; + + +/** See addDom0Event, the difference is that handlers registered using + * prependDom0Event will be triggered before existing DOM-0 events of the + * same name on the same element. + * + * @public + * @see Xinha#_addEvent + * @see Xinha#addDom0Event + * @param {DomNode} the DOM element the event should be attached to + * @param {String} the name of the event to listen for (without leading "on") + * @param {function} the function to be called when the event is fired + */ + +Xinha.prependDom0Event = function(el, ev, fn) +{ + Xinha._prepareForDom0Events(el, ev); + el._xinha_dom0Events[ev].push(fn); +}; + +Xinha.getEvent = function(ev) +{ + return ev || window.event; +}; +/** + * Prepares an element to receive more than one DOM-0 event handler + * when handlers are added via addDom0Event and prependDom0Event. + * + * @private + */ +Xinha._prepareForDom0Events = function(el, ev) +{ + // Create a structure to hold our lists of event handlers + if ( typeof el._xinha_dom0Events == 'undefined' ) + { + el._xinha_dom0Events = {}; + Xinha.freeLater(el, '_xinha_dom0Events'); + } + + // Create a list of handlers for this event type + if ( typeof el._xinha_dom0Events[ev] == 'undefined' ) + { + el._xinha_dom0Events[ev] = [ ]; + if ( typeof el['on'+ev] == 'function' ) + { + el._xinha_dom0Events[ev].push(el['on'+ev]); + } + + // Make the actual event handler, which runs through + // each of the handlers in the list and executes them + // in the correct context. + el['on'+ev] = function(event) + { + var a = el._xinha_dom0Events[ev]; + // call previous submit methods if they were there. + var allOK = true; + for ( var i = a.length; --i >= 0; ) + { + // We want the handler to be a member of the form, not the array, so that "this" will work correctly + el._xinha_tempEventHandler = a[i]; + if ( el._xinha_tempEventHandler(event) === false ) + { + el._xinha_tempEventHandler = null; + allOK = false; + break; + } + el._xinha_tempEventHandler = null; + } + return allOK; + }; + + Xinha._eventFlushers.push([el, ev]); + } +}; + +Xinha.prototype.notifyOn = function(ev, fn) +{ + if ( typeof this._notifyListeners[ev] == 'undefined' ) + { + this._notifyListeners[ev] = []; + Xinha.freeLater(this, '_notifyListeners'); + } + this._notifyListeners[ev].push(fn); +}; + +Xinha.prototype.notifyOf = function(ev, args) +{ + if ( this._notifyListeners[ev] ) + { + for ( var i = 0; i < this._notifyListeners[ev].length; i++ ) + { + this._notifyListeners[ev][i](ev, args); + } + } +}; + +/** List of tag names that are defined as block level elements in HTML + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#isBlockElement + * @type {String} + */ +Xinha._blockTags = " body form textarea fieldset ul ol dl li div " + +"p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 quote pre table thead " + +"tbody tfoot tr td th iframe address blockquote title meta link style head "; + +/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements that are defined as block level elements in HTML + * + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element to check + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.isBlockElement = function(el) +{ + return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._blockTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); +}; +/** List of tag names that are allowed to contain a paragraph + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#isParaContainer + * @type {String} + */ +Xinha._paraContainerTags = " body td th caption fieldset div "; +/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements that are allowed to contain a paragraph in HTML + * + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element to check + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.isParaContainer = function(el) +{ + return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._paraContainerTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); +}; + + +/** These are all the tags for which the end tag is not optional or forbidden, taken from the list at: + * http: + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#needsClosingTag + * @type String + */ +Xinha._closingTags = " a abbr acronym address applet b bdo big blockquote button caption center cite code del dfn dir div dl em fieldset font form frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 i iframe ins kbd label legend map menu noframes noscript object ol optgroup pre q s samp script select small span strike strong style sub sup table textarea title tt u ul var "; + +/** Checks if one element is in the list of elements for which the end tag is not optional or forbidden in HTML + * + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element to check + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.needsClosingTag = function(el) +{ + return el && el.nodeType == 1 && (Xinha._closingTags.indexOf(" " + el.tagName.toLowerCase() + " ") != -1); +}; + +/** Performs HTML encoding of some given string (converts HTML special characters to entities) + * + * @param {String} str The unencoded input + * @returns {String} The encoded output + */ +Xinha.htmlEncode = function(str) +{ + if (!str) + { + return ''; + } if ( typeof str.replace == 'undefined' ) + { + str = str.toString(); + } + // we don't need regexp for that, but.. so be it for now. + str = str.replace(/&/ig, "&"); + str = str.replace(//ig, ">"); + str = str.replace(/\xA0/g, " "); // Decimal 160, non-breaking-space + str = str.replace(/\x22/g, """); + // \x22 means '"' -- we use hex reprezentation so that we don't disturb + // JS compressors (well, at least mine fails.. ;) + return str; +}; + +/** Strips host-part of URL which is added by browsers to links relative to server root + * + * @param {String} string + * @returns {String} + */ +Xinha.prototype.stripBaseURL = function(string) +{ + if ( this.config.baseHref === null || !this.config.stripBaseHref ) + { + return string; + } + var baseurl = this.config.baseHref.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^\/]+)(.*)$/, '$1'); + var basere = new RegExp(baseurl); + return string.replace(basere, ""); +}; + +if (typeof String.prototype.trim != 'function') +{ + /** Removes whitespace from beginning and end of a string. Custom implementation for JS engines that don't support it natively + * + * @returns {String} + */ + String.prototype.trim = function() + { + return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); + }; +} + +/** Creates a rgb-style rgb(r,g,b) color from a (24bit) number + * + * @param {Integer} + * @returns {String} rgb(r,g,b) color definition + */ +Xinha._makeColor = function(v) +{ + if ( typeof v != "number" ) + { + // already in rgb (hopefully); IE doesn't get here. + return v; + } + // IE sends number; convert to rgb. + var r = v & 0xFF; + var g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF; + var b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF; + return "rgb(" + r + "," + g + "," + b + ")"; +}; + +/** Returns hexadecimal color representation from a number or a rgb-style color. + * + * @param {String|Integer} v rgb(r,g,b) or 24bit color definition + * @returns {String} #RRGGBB color definition + */ +Xinha._colorToRgb = function(v) +{ + if ( !v ) + { + return ''; + } + var r,g,b; + // @todo: why declaring this function here ? This needs to be a public methode of the object Xinha._colorToRgb + // returns the hex representation of one byte (2 digits) + function hex(d) + { + return (d < 16) ? ("0" + d.toString(16)) : d.toString(16); + } + + if ( typeof v == "number" ) + { + // we're talking to IE here + r = v & 0xFF; + g = (v >> 8) & 0xFF; + b = (v >> 16) & 0xFF; + return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); + } + + if ( v.substr(0, 3) == "rgb" ) + { + // in rgb(...) form -- Mozilla + var re = /rgb\s*\(\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*\)/; + if ( v.match(re) ) + { + r = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10); + g = parseInt(RegExp.$2, 10); + b = parseInt(RegExp.$3, 10); + return "#" + hex(r) + hex(g) + hex(b); + } + // doesn't match RE?! maybe uses percentages or float numbers + // -- FIXME: not yet implemented. + return null; + } + + if ( v.substr(0, 1) == "#" ) + { + // already hex rgb (hopefully :D ) + return v; + } + + // if everything else fails ;) + return null; +}; + +/** Modal popup dialogs + * + * @param {String} url URL to the popup dialog + * @param {Function} action A function that receives one value; this function will get called + * after the dialog is closed, with the return value of the dialog. + * @param {Mixed} init A variable that is passed to the popup window to pass arbitrary data + */ +Xinha.prototype._popupDialog = function(url, action, init) +{ + Dialog(this.popupURL(url), action, init); +}; + +/** Creates a path in the form _editor_url + "plugins/" + plugin + "/img/" + file + * + * @deprecated + * @param {String} file Name of the image + * @param {String} plugin optional If omitted, simply _editor_url + file is returned + * @returns {String} + */ +Xinha.prototype.imgURL = function(file, plugin) +{ + if ( typeof plugin == "undefined" ) + { + return _editor_url + file; + } + else + { + return Xinha.getPluginDir(plugin) + "/img/" + file; + } +}; +/** Creates a path + * + * @deprecated + * @param {String} file Name of the popup + * @returns {String} + */ +Xinha.prototype.popupURL = function(file) +{ + var url = ""; + if ( file.match(/^plugin:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*)/) ) + { + var plugin = RegExp.$1; + var popup = RegExp.$2; + if ( !/\.(html?|php)$/.test(popup) ) + { + popup += ".html"; + } + url = Xinha.getPluginDir(plugin) + "/popups/" + popup; + } + else if ( file.match(/^\/.*?/) || file.match(/^https?:\/\//)) + { + url = file; + } + else + { + url = _editor_url + this.config.popupURL + file; + } + return url; +}; + + + +/** FIX: Internet Explorer returns an item having the _name_ equal to the given + * id, even if it's not having any id. This way it can return a different form + * field, even if it's not a textarea. This workarounds the problem by + * specifically looking to search only elements having a certain tag name. + * @param {String} tag The tag name to limit the return to + * @param {String} id + * @returns {DomNode} + */ +Xinha.getElementById = function(tag, id) +{ + var el, i, objs = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); + for ( i = objs.length; --i >= 0 && (el = objs[i]); ) + { + if ( == id ) + { + return el; + } + } + return null; +}; + + +/** Use some CSS trickery to toggle borders on tables + * @returns {Boolean} always true + */ + +Xinha.prototype._toggleBorders = function() +{ + var tables = this._doc.getElementsByTagName('TABLE'); + if ( tables.length !== 0 ) + { + if ( !this.borders ) + { + this.borders = true; + } + else + { + this.borders = false; + } + + for ( var i=0; i < tables.length; i++ ) + { + if ( this.borders ) + { + Xinha._addClass(tables[i], 'htmtableborders'); + } + else + { + Xinha._removeClass(tables[i], 'htmtableborders'); + } + } + } + return true; +}; +/** Adds the styles for table borders to the iframe during generation + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#stripCoreCSS + * @param {String} html optional + * @returns {String} html HTML with added styles or only styles if html omitted + */ +Xinha.addCoreCSS = function(html) +{ + var coreCSS = "\n"; + + if( html && //i.test(html)) + { + return html.replace(//i, '' + coreCSS); + } + else if ( html) + { + return coreCSS + html; + } + else + { + return coreCSS; + } +}; +/** Allows plugins to add a stylesheet for internal use to the edited document that won't appear in the HTML output + * + * @see Xinha#stripCoreCSS + * @param {String} stylesheet URL of the styleshett to be added + */ +Xinha.prototype.addEditorStylesheet = function (stylesheet) +{ + var style = this._doc.createElement("link"); + style.rel = 'stylesheet'; + style.type = 'text/css'; + style.title = 'XinhaInternalCSS'; + style.href = stylesheet; + this._doc.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0].appendChild(style); +}; +/** Remove internal styles + * + * @private + * @see Xinha#addCoreCSS + * @param {String} html + * @returns {String} + */ +Xinha.stripCoreCSS = function(html) +{ + return html.replace(/]+title="XinhaInternalCSS"(.|\n)*?<\/style>/ig, '').replace(/]+title="XinhaInternalCSS"(.|\n)*?>/ig, ''); +}; +/** Removes one CSS class (that is one of possible more parts + * separated by spaces) from a given element + * + * @see Xinha#_removeClasses + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element the class will be removed from + * @param {String} className The class to be removed + */ +Xinha._removeClass = function(el, className) +{ + if ( ! ( el && el.className ) ) + { + return; + } + var cls = el.className.split(" "); + var ar = []; + for ( var i = cls.length; i > 0; ) + { + if ( cls[--i] != className ) + { + ar[ar.length] = cls[i]; + } + } + el.className = ar.join(" "); +}; +/** Adds one CSS class to a given element (that is, it expands its className property by the given string, + * separated by a space) + * + * @see Xinha#addClasses + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element the class will be added to + * @param {String} className The class to be added + */ +Xinha._addClass = function(el, className) +{ + // remove the class first, if already there + Xinha._removeClass(el, className); + el.className += " " + className; +}; + +/** Adds CSS classes to a given element (that is, it expands its className property by the given string, + * separated by a space, thereby checking that no class is doubly added) + * + * @see Xinha#addClass + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element the classes will be added to + * @param {String} classes The classes to be added + */ +Xinha.addClasses = function(el, classes) +{ + if ( el !== null ) + { + var thiers = el.className.trim().split(' '); + var ours = classes.split(' '); + for ( var x = 0; x < ours.length; x++ ) + { + var exists = false; + for ( var i = 0; exists === false && i < thiers.length; i++ ) + { + if ( thiers[i] == ours[x] ) + { + exists = true; + } + } + if ( exists === false ) + { + thiers[thiers.length] = ours[x]; + } + } + el.className = thiers.join(' ').trim(); + } +}; + +/** Removes CSS classes (that is one or more of possibly several parts + * separated by spaces) from a given element + * + * @see Xinha#_removeClasses + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element the class will be removed from + * @param {String} className The class to be removed + */ +Xinha.removeClasses = function(el, classes) +{ + var existing = el.className.trim().split(); + var new_classes = []; + var remove = classes.trim().split(); + + for ( var i = 0; i < existing.length; i++ ) + { + var found = false; + for ( var x = 0; x < remove.length && !found; x++ ) + { + if ( existing[i] == remove[x] ) + { + found = true; + } + } + if ( !found ) + { + new_classes[new_classes.length] = existing[i]; + } + } + return new_classes.join(' '); +}; + +/** Alias of Xinha._addClass() + * @see Xinha#_addClass + */ +Xinha.addClass = Xinha._addClass; +/** Alias of Xinha.Xinha._removeClass() + * @see Xinha#_removeClass + */ +Xinha.removeClass = Xinha._removeClass; +/** Alias of Xinha.addClasses() + * @see Xinha#addClasses + */ +Xinha._addClasses = Xinha.addClasses; +/** Alias of Xinha.removeClasses() + * @see Xinha#removeClasses + */ +Xinha._removeClasses = Xinha.removeClasses; + +/** Checks if one element has set the given className + * + * @param {DomNode} el The DOM element to check + * @param {String} className The class to be looked for + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha._hasClass = function(el, className) +{ + if ( ! ( el && el.className ) ) + { + return false; + } + var cls = el.className.split(" "); + for ( var i = cls.length; i > 0; ) + { + if ( cls[--i] == className ) + { + return true; + } + } + return false; +}; + +/** + * Use XMLHTTPRequest to post some data back to the server and do something + * with the response (asyncronously!), this is used by such things as the tidy + * functions + * @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest + * @param {Object} data The data to be passed to the server like {name:"value"} + * @param {Function} success A function that is called when an answer is + * received from the server with the responseText as argument. + * @param {Function} failure A function that is called when we fail to receive + * an answer from the server. We pass it the request object. + */ + +/** mod_security (an apache module which scans incoming requests for potential hack attempts) + * has a rule which triggers when it gets an incoming Content-Type with a charset + * see ticket:1028 to try and work around this, if we get a failure in a postback + * then Xinha._postback_send_charset will be set to false and the request tried again (once) + * @type Boolean + * @private + */ +// +// +// +Xinha._postback_send_charset = true; +/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to send some some data to the server and do something + * with the getback (asyncronously!) + * @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest + * @param {Function} success A function that is called when an answer is + * received from the server with the responseText as argument. + * @param {Function} failure A function that is called when we fail to receive + * an answer from the server. We pass it the request object. + */ +Xinha._postback = function(url, data, success, failure) +{ + var req = null; + req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject(); + + var content = ''; + if (typeof data == 'string') + { + content = data; + } + else if(typeof data == "object") + { + for ( var i in data ) + { + content += (content.length ? '&' : '') + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[i]); + } + } + + function callBack() + { + if ( req.readyState == 4 ) + { + if ( ((req.status / 100) == 2) || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status === 0 ) + { + if ( typeof success == 'function' ) + { + success(req.responseText, req); + } + } + else if(Xinha._postback_send_charset) + { + Xinha._postback_send_charset = false; + Xinha._postback(url,data,success, failure); + } + else if (typeof failure == 'function') + { + failure(req); + } + else + { + alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText + '\nURL: ' + url); + } + } + } + + req.onreadystatechange = callBack; + +'POST', url, true); + req.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'+(Xinha._postback_send_charset ? '; charset=UTF-8' : '')); + + req.send(content); +}; + +/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to receive some data from the server and do something + * with the it (asyncronously!) + * @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest + * @param {Function} success A function that is called when an answer is + * received from the server with the responseText as argument. + * @param {Function} failure A function that is called when we fail to receive + * an answer from the server. We pass it the request object. + */ +Xinha._getback = function(url, success, failure) +{ + var req = null; + req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject(); + + function callBack() + { + if ( req.readyState == 4 ) + { + if ( ((req.status / 100) == 2) || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status === 0 ) + { + success(req.responseText, req); + } + else if (typeof failure == 'function') + { + failure(req); + } + else + { + alert('An error has occurred: ' + req.statusText + '\nURL: ' + url); + } + } + } + + req.onreadystatechange = callBack; +'GET', url, true); + req.send(null); +}; + = function(url, successHandler, failHandler) +{ + var req = null; + req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject(); + + function callBack() + { + if ( req.readyState == 4 ) + { + if ( ((req.status / 100) == 2) || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status === 0 ) + { + if (successHandler) + { + successHandler(req); + } + } + else + { + if (failHandler) + { + failHandler(req); + } + } + } + } + + // Opera seems to have some problems mixing HEAD requests with GET requests. + // The GET is slower, so it's a net slowdown for Opera, but it keeps things + // from breaking. + var method = 'GET'; + req.onreadystatechange = callBack; +, url, true); + req.send(null); +}; + +/** Use XMLHTTPRequest to receive some data from the server syncronously + * @param {String} url The address for the HTTPRequest + */ +Xinha._geturlcontent = function(url, returnXML) +{ + var req = null; + req = Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject(); + + // Synchronous! +'GET', url, false); + req.send(null); + if ( ((req.status / 100) == 2) || Xinha.isRunLocally && req.status === 0 ) + { + return (returnXML) ? req.responseXML : req.responseText; + } + else + { + return ''; + } +}; + +// Unless somebody already has, make a little function to debug things + +if (typeof dumpValues == 'undefined') +{ + dumpValues = function(o) + { + var s = ''; + for (var prop in o) + { + if (window.console && typeof window.console.log == 'function') + { + if (typeof console.firebug != 'undefined') + { + console.log(o); + } + else + { + console.log(prop + ' = ' + o[prop] + '\n'); + } + } + else + { + s += prop + ' = ' + o[prop] + '\n'; + } + } + if (s) + { + if (document.getElementById('errors')) + { + document.getElementById('errors').value += s; + } + else + { + var x ="", "debugger"); + x.document.write('
' + s + '
'); + } + + } + }; +} +if ( !Array.prototype.contains ) +{ + /** Walks through an array and checks if the specified item exists in it + * @param {String} needle The string to search for + * @returns {Boolean} True if item found, false otherwise + */ + Array.prototype.contains = function(needle) + { + var haystack = this; + for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++ ) + { + if ( needle == haystack[i] ) + { + return true; + } + } + return false; + }; +} + +if ( !Array.prototype.indexOf ) +{ + /** Walks through an array and, if the specified item exists in it, returns the position + * @param {String} needle The string to search for + * @returns {Integer|null} Index position if item found, null otherwise + */ + Array.prototype.indexOf = function(needle) + { + var haystack = this; + for ( var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++ ) + { + if ( needle == haystack[i] ) + { + return i; + } + } + return null; + }; +} +if ( !Array.prototype.append ) +{ + /** Adds an item to an array + * @param {Mixed} a Item to add + * @returns {Array} The array including the newly added item + */ + Array.prototype.append = function(a) + { + for ( var i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ) + { + this.push(a[i]); + } + return this; + }; +} +/** Executes a provided function once per array element. + * Custom implementation for JS engines that don't support it natively + * @source + * @param {Function} fn Function to execute for each element + * @param {Object} thisObject Object to use as this when executing callback. + */ +if (!Array.prototype.forEach) +{ + Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn /*, thisObject*/) + { + var len = this.length; + if (typeof fn != "function") + { + throw new TypeError(); + } + + var thisObject = arguments[1]; + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + if (i in this) + { +, this[i], i, this); + } + } + }; +} +/** Returns all elements within a given class name inside an element + * @type Array + * @param {DomNode|document} el wherein to search + * @param {Object} className + */ +Xinha.getElementsByClassName = function(el,className) +{ + if (el.getElementsByClassName) + { + return; + } + else + { + var els = el.getElementsByTagName('*'); + var result = []; + var classNames; + for (var i=0;ia2 are also contained in a1 (at least I think this is what it does) +* @param {Array} a1 +* @param {Array} a2 +* @returns {Boolean} +*/ +Xinha.arrayContainsArray = function(a1, a2) +{ + var all_found = true; + for ( var x = 0; x < a2.length; x++ ) + { + var found = false; + for ( var i = 0; i < a1.length; i++ ) + { + if ( a1[i] == a2[x] ) + { + found = true; + break; + } + } + if ( !found ) + { + all_found = false; + break; + } + } + return all_found; +}; +/** Walks through an array and applies a filter function to each item +* @param {Array} a1 The array to filter +* @param {Function} filterfn If this function returns true, the item is added to the new array +* @returns {Array} Filtered array +*/ +Xinha.arrayFilter = function(a1, filterfn) +{ + var new_a = [ ]; + for ( var x = 0; x < a1.length; x++ ) + { + if ( filterfn(a1[x]) ) + { + new_a[new_a.length] = a1[x]; + } + } + return new_a; +}; +/** Converts a Collection object to an array +* @param {Collection} collection The array to filter +* @returns {Array} Array containing the item of collection +*/ +Xinha.collectionToArray = function(collection) +{ + try + { + return collection.length ? : []; //Collection to Array + } + catch(e) + { + // In certain implementations (*cough* IE), you can't call slice on a + // collection. We'll fallback to using the simple, non-native iterative + // approach. + } + + var array = [ ]; + for ( var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++ ) + { + array.push(collection.item(i)); + } + return array; +}; + +/** Index for Xinha.uniq function +* @private +*/ +Xinha.uniq_count = 0; +/** Returns a string that is unique on the page +* @param {String} prefix This string is prefixed to a running number +* @returns {String} +*/ +Xinha.uniq = function(prefix) +{ + return prefix + Xinha.uniq_count++; +}; + +// New language handling functions + +/** Load a language file. + * This function should not be used directly, Xinha._lc will use it when necessary. + * @private + * @param {String} context Case sensitive context name, eg 'Xinha', 'TableOperations', ... + * @returns {Object} + */ +Xinha._loadlang = function(context,url) +{ + var lang; + + if ( typeof _editor_lcbackend == "string" ) + { + //use backend + url = _editor_lcbackend; + url = url.replace(/%lang%/, _editor_lang); + url = url.replace(/%context%/, context); + } + else if (!url) + { + //use internal files + if ( context != 'Xinha') + { + url = Xinha.getPluginDir(context)+"/lang/"+_editor_lang+".js"; + } + else + { + Xinha.setLoadingMessage("Loading language"); + url = _editor_url+"lang/"+_editor_lang+".js"; + } + } + + var langData = Xinha._geturlcontent(url); + if ( langData !== "" ) + { + try + { + eval('lang = ' + langData); + } + catch(ex) + { + alert('Error reading Language-File ('+url+'):\n'+Error.toString()); + lang = {}; + } + } + else + { + lang = {}; + } + + return lang; +}; + +/** Return a localised string. + * @param {String} string English language string. It can also contain variables in the form "Some text with $variable=replaced text$". + * This replaces $variable in "Some text with $variable" with "replaced text" + * @param {String} context Case sensitive context name, eg 'Xinha' (default), 'TableOperations'... + * @param {Object} replace Replace $variables in String, eg {foo: 'replaceText'} ($foo in string will be replaced by replaceText) + */ +Xinha._lc = function(string, context, replace) +{ + var url,ret; + if (typeof context == 'object' && context.url && context.context) + { + url = context.url + _editor_lang + ".js"; + context = context.context; + } + + var m = null; + if (typeof string == 'string') + { + m = string.match(/\$(.*?)=(.*?)\$/g); + } + if (m) + { + if (!replace) + { + replace = {}; + } + for (var i = 0;i> 2; + enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); + enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); + enc4 = chr3 & 63; + + if ( isNaN(chr2) ) + { + enc3 = enc4 = 64; + } + else if ( isNaN(chr3) ) + { + enc4 = 64; + } + + output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4); + } while ( i < input.length ); + + return output; +}; + +/** Utility function to base64_decode some arbitrary data, uses the builtin atob() if it exists (Moz) + * @param {String} input + * @returns {String} + */ +Xinha.base64_decode = function(input) +{ + var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; + var output = ""; + var chr1, chr2, chr3; + var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; + var i = 0; + + // remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or = + input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, ""); + + do + { + enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); + enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); + enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); + enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++)); + + chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4); + chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2); + chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4; + + output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1); + + if ( enc3 != 64 ) + { + output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2); + } + if ( enc4 != 64 ) + { + output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3); + } + } while ( i < input.length ); + + return output; +}; +/** Removes a node from the DOM + * @param {DomNode} el The element to be removed + * @returns {DomNode} The removed element + */ +Xinha.removeFromParent = function(el) +{ + if ( !el.parentNode ) + { + return; + } + var pN = el.parentNode; + return pN.removeChild(el); +}; +/** Checks if some element has a parent node + * @param {DomNode} el + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.hasParentNode = function(el) +{ + if ( el.parentNode ) + { + // When you remove an element from the parent in IE it makes the parent + // of the element a document fragment. Moz doesn't. + if ( el.parentNode.nodeType == 11 ) + { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + return false; +}; + +/** Detect the size of visible area + * @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup + * @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y + */ +Xinha.viewportSize = function(scope) +{ + scope = (scope) ? scope : window; + var x,y; + if (scope.innerHeight) // all except Explorer + { + x = scope.innerWidth; + y = scope.innerHeight; + } + else if (scope.document.documentElement && scope.document.documentElement.clientHeight) + // Explorer 6 Strict Mode + { + x = scope.document.documentElement.clientWidth; + y = scope.document.documentElement.clientHeight; + } + else if (scope.document.body) // other Explorers + { + x = scope.document.body.clientWidth; + y = scope.document.body.clientHeight; + } + return {'x':x,'y':y}; +}; +/** Detect the size of the whole document + * @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup + * @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y + */ +Xinha.pageSize = function(scope) +{ + scope = (scope) ? scope : window; + var x,y; + + var test1 = scope.document.body.scrollHeight; //IE Quirks + var test2 = scope.document.documentElement.scrollHeight; // IE Standard + Moz Here errs! + + if (test1 > test2) + { + x = scope.document.body.scrollWidth; + y = scope.document.body.scrollHeight; + } + else + { + x = scope.document.documentElement.scrollWidth; + y = scope.document.documentElement.scrollHeight; + } + return {'x':x,'y':y}; +}; +/** Detect the current scroll position + * @param {Window} scope optional When calling from a popup window, pass its window object to get the values of the popup + * @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties x and y + */ +Xinha.prototype.scrollPos = function(scope) +{ + scope = (scope) ? scope : window; + var x,y; + if (typeof scope.pageYOffset != 'undefined') // all except Explorer + { + x = scope.pageXOffset; + y = scope.pageYOffset; + } + else if (scope.document.documentElement && typeof document.documentElement.scrollTop != 'undefined') + // Explorer 6 Strict + { + x = scope.document.documentElement.scrollLeft; + y = scope.document.documentElement.scrollTop; + } + else if (scope.document.body) // all other Explorers + { + x = scope.document.body.scrollLeft; + y = scope.document.body.scrollTop; + } + return {'x':x,'y':y}; +}; + +/** Calculate the top and left pixel position of an element in the DOM. + * @param {DomNode} element HTML Element + * @returns {Object} Object with Integer properties top and left + */ + +Xinha.getElementTopLeft = function(element) +{ + var curleft = 0; + var curtop = 0; + if (element.offsetParent) + { + curleft = element.offsetLeft; + curtop = element.offsetTop; + while (element = element.offsetParent) + { + curleft += element.offsetLeft; + curtop += element.offsetTop; + } + } + return { top:curtop, left:curleft }; +}; +/** Find left pixel position of an element in the DOM. + * @param {DomNode} element HTML Element + * @returns {Integer} + */ +Xinha.findPosX = function(obj) +{ + var curleft = 0; + if ( obj.offsetParent ) + { + return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(obj).left; + } + else if ( obj.x ) + { + curleft += obj.x; + } + return curleft; +}; +/** Find top pixel position of an element in the DOM. + * @param {DomNode} element HTML Element + * @returns {Integer} + */ +Xinha.findPosY = function(obj) +{ + var curtop = 0; + if ( obj.offsetParent ) + { + return Xinha.getElementTopLeft(obj).top; + } + else if ( obj.y ) + { + curtop += obj.y; + } + return curtop; +}; + +Xinha.createLoadingMessages = function(xinha_editors) +{ + if ( Xinha.loadingMessages || !Xinha.isSupportedBrowser ) + { + return; + } + Xinha.loadingMessages = []; + + for (var i=0;i, + * which for Xinha is a shortcut. Note that CTRL-ALT- is not a shortcut. + * + * @param {Event} keyEvent + * @returns {Boolean} + */ + +Xinha.prototype.isShortCut = function(keyEvent) +{ + if(keyEvent.ctrlKey && !keyEvent.altKey) + { + return true; + } + + return false; +}; + +/** Return the character (as a string) of a keyEvent - ie, press the 'a' key and + * this method will return 'a', press SHIFT-a and it will return 'A'. + * + * @param {Event} keyEvent + * @returns {String} + */ + +Xinha.prototype.getKey = function(keyEvent) { Xinha.notImplemented("getKey"); }; + +/** Return the HTML string of the given Element, including the Element. + * + * @param {DomNode} element HTML Element + * @returns {String} + */ + +Xinha.getOuterHTML = function(element) { Xinha.notImplemented("getOuterHTML"); }; + +/** Get a new XMLHTTPRequest Object ready to be used. + * + * @returns {XMLHTTPRequest} + */ + +Xinha.getXMLHTTPRequestObject = function() +{ + try + { + if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined" && typeof XMLHttpRequest.constructor == 'function' ) // Safari's XMLHttpRequest is typeof object + { + return new XMLHttpRequest(); + } + else if (typeof ActiveXObject == "function") + { + return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); + } + } + catch(e) + { + Xinha.notImplemented('getXMLHTTPRequestObject'); + } +}; + +// Compatability - all these names are deprecated and will be removed in a future version +/** Alias of activeElement() + * @see Xinha#activeElement + * @deprecated + * @returns {DomNode|null} + */ +Xinha.prototype._activeElement = function(sel) { return this.activeElement(sel); }; +/** Alias of selectionEmpty() + * @see Xinha#selectionEmpty + * @deprecated + * @param {Selection} sel Selection object as returned by getSelection + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +Xinha.prototype._selectionEmpty = function(sel) { return this.selectionEmpty(sel); }; +/** Alias of getSelection() + * @see Xinha#getSelection + * @deprecated + * @returns {Selection} + */ +Xinha.prototype._getSelection = function() { return this.getSelection(); }; +/** Alias of createRange() + * @see Xinha#createRange + * @deprecated + * @param {Selection} sel Selection object + * @returns {Range} + */ +Xinha.prototype._createRange = function(sel) { return this.createRange(sel); }; +HTMLArea = Xinha; + +//what is this for? Do we need it? +Xinha.init(); + +if ( Xinha.ie_version < 8 ) +{ + Xinha.addDom0Event(window,'unload',Xinha.collectGarbageForIE); +} +/** Print some message to Firebug, Webkit, Opera, or IE8 console + * + * @param {String} text + * @param {String} level one of 'warn', 'info', or empty + */ +Xinha.debugMsg = function(text, level) +{ + if (typeof console != 'undefined' && typeof console.log == 'function') + { + if (level && level == 'warn' && typeof console.warn == 'function') + { + console.warn(text); + } + else + if (level && level == 'info' && typeof == 'function') + { +; + } + else + { + console.log(text); + } + } + else if (typeof opera != 'undefined' && typeof opera.postError == 'function') + { + opera.postError(text); + } +}; +Xinha.notImplemented = function(methodName) +{ + throw new Error("Method Not Implemented", "Part of Xinha has tried to call the " + methodName + " method which has not been implemented."); +};