Index: openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/www/resources/tinymce/changelog.txt =================================================================== RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/www/resources/tinymce/changelog.txt,v diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3 --- openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/www/resources/tinymce/changelog.txt 12 Jul 2009 01:10:26 -0000 1.2 +++ openacs-4/packages/acs-templating/www/resources/tinymce/changelog.txt 15 Feb 2011 01:05:25 -0000 1.3 @@ -1,3 +1,253 @@ +Version (2010-12-20) + Fixed issue where WebKit wouldn't correctly apply ins/del in xhtmlxtras plugin. + Fixed bug where paste as plaintext on WebKit wouldn't produce br and p elements correctly. + Fixed bug where the confirm dialog texts would be incorrectly placed due to recent IE 9 workarounds in the window.css. + Fixed bug where applying text color would not add spans inside link elements. This is needed due to CSS style inheritance. +Version (2010-09-29) + Fixed bug where placing the caret in IE 9 beta 1 would not work correctly if you clicked out side the document body element. + Fixed bug where IE 9 beta 1 wouldn't resize the editor correctly since the events didn't fire as previous versions did. + Fixed bug where FF would produce an error message when being rendered inside a hidden div element. + Fixed bug where resize logic could produce a cookie with a width/height less than the size of the container. + Fixed bug where content_css wouldn't populate the styles dropdown correctly. +Version (2010-09-23) + Fixed bug where WebKit browsers wouldn't activate the image button when images where selected. + Fixed bug where Opera Presto 10.60 deletes elements when restoring bookmarks. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 doesn't handle regexp replacement values correctly. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 didn't render the inline dialogs correctly due to a bug with CSS clip. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would produce error messages on load since they removed the document.recalc method. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would produce since they haven't implemented document.implementation.createDocument correctly. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would searchreplace doesn't work since their native DOM Range doesn't have a find method. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would render the source view incorrectly due to incorrect viewport size measurements. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would crash when running the basic functionality unit tests. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would wrap elements in blocks correctly due to changes to the selection object. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to insert contents since they havn't implemented the createContextualFragment method in their DOM Range. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to handle image selection since they currently doesn't support control selections in their DOM Range. + Fixed bug where IE9 beta1 would fail to load scripts since they fire the onload event before the scripts are parsed and executed. +Version 3.3.9 (2010-09-08) + Fixed bug where inserting table rows into a table with subtable would produce an incorrect column count. + Fixed bug where the selection of cells in a table with subtables could produce invalid selections. + Fixed bug where the table plugin would produce a script error if you tried to move the caret before a first child table. + Fixed bug where the keep_styles feature on IE would move the caret to an incorrect location at the end of list blocks. + Fixed so attributes from legacy elements such as font gets retained when they get converted to spans. + Fixed minor issue where the select boxes wouldn't be set the not set by default in the table dialog. +Version 3.3.8 (2010-06-30) + Fixed bug where WebKit would not move the caret to a correct position after a paste operation. + Fixed bug where WebKit would produce a div wrapper element when pasting some contents. + Fixed bug where the visual chars and nonbreaking plugin wouldn't show nbsp elements correctly. + Fixed bug where the format states would be enabled even after the format was removed. + Fixed bug where the delete key would move the caret to an incorrect position. + Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to toggle of the current font size/family/style by clicking the title item. + Fixed bug where the abbr element wouldn't get serialized correctly on IE6. + Fixed so that the examples checks if they are executed from the local file system since that might not work properly. +Version 3.3.7 (2010-06-10) + Fixed bug where context menu would produce an error on IE if you right clicked twice and left clicked once. + Fixed bug where resizing of the window on WebKit browsers in fullscreen mode wouldn't position the statusbar correctly. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if the editor was empty and you where undoing to that initial level. + Fixed bug where setting the table background on gecko would produce \" entities inside the url style property. + Fixed bug where the button states wouldn't be updated correctly on IE if you placed the caret inside the new element. + Fixed bug where undo levels wasn't properly added after applying styles or font sizes. + Fixed bug where IE would throw an error if you used "select all" on empty elements and applied formatting to that. + Fixed bug where IE could select one extra character when you did a bookmark call on a caret location. + Fixed bug where IE could produce a script error on delete since it would sometimes produce an invalid DOM. + Fixed bug where IE would return the wrong start element if the whole element was selected. + Fixed bug where formatting states wasn't updated on IE if you pressed enter at the end of a block with formatting. + Fixed bug where submenus for the context menu wasn't removed correctly when the editor was destroyed. + Fixed bug where Gecko could select the wrong element after applying format to multiple elements. + Fixed bug where Gecko would delete parts of the previous element if the selection range was a element selection. + Fixed bug where Gecko would not merge paragraph elements correctly if they contained br elements. + Fixed bug where the cleanup button could produce span artifacts if you pressed it twice in a row. + Fixed bug where the fullpage plugin header/footer would be have it's header reseted to it's initial state on undo. + Fixed bug where an empty paragraph would be collapsed if you performed a cleanup while having the caret inside it. + Fixed a few memory leaks on IE especially with drop menus in listboxes and the spellchecker. + Fixed so formats applied to the current caret gets merged to reduce the number of output elements. + Added the latest version of Sizzle for the CSS selector logic to fix a compatibility issue with prototype. +Version 3.3.6 (2010-05-20) + Fixed bug where a editor.focus call could produce errors on IE in very specific scenarios. + Fixed bug where Gecko would produce an error if you unformatted text inside an empty element. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if the caret was placed before a table and you used the align buttons. + Fixed bug where the font size drop down didn't display the a preview correctly. + Fixed bug where the paste plugin wouldn't include all contents some times on WebKit browsers. + Fixed bug where the plain text mode toggle wouldn't work properly on WebKit. + Fixed bug where the editors statusbar would become invisible when you resized the window in fullscreen mode. +Version (2010-05-07) + Fixed a critical bug with the fullscreen plugin. Produced error messages when the state was toggled on/off. +Version 3.3.5 (2010-05-06) + Added new merge_with_parents option to formats, enables the control of removal of elements with similar parents. + Fixed so the default behavior for applying classes isn't a toggle state but the old behavior from before the 3.3 release. + Fixed bug where selecting contents using double click on Gecko would produce errors when using removing format. + Fixed bug where the IE DOM could get messed up when non valid contents was pasted into the editor. + Fixed bug where merging selected table cells using the context menu didn't work as expected. + Fixed bug where some nestled formatting would be applied incorrectly. + Fixed bug with enter in list items when using the force_br_newlines mode on WebKit patch contributed by Ryan Koopmans. + Fixed bug where undo/redo could produce js errors on some specific operations. + Fixed bug where the theme_advanced_font_sizes didn't work as before 3.3 when complex settings where used. + Fixed bug where the table plugin would copy cell/row id attributes when making new rows/cells. +Version 3.3.4 (2010-04-27) + Fixed bug where fullscreen plugin would add two editor instances to EditorManager collection. + Fixed bug where it was difficult to enter text on non western languages such as Japanese on IE. + Fixed bug where removing contents from nodes could result in an exception when using undo/redo. + Fixed bug with selection of images inside layers or other resizable containers on IE. + Fixed so editors isn't initialized on iPhone/iPad devices since they don't have caret support. +Version 3.3.3 (2010-04-19) + Added new script_loaded callback function setting for the jQuery plugin. + Added various fixes and new rpc methods for the spellchecker plugin. Patch contributed by Michael Peters. + Removed some unnecessary inline style information from some of the dialogs. + Fixed some issues with the chaining for the TinyMCE jQuery plugin. + Fixed so any extra arguments passed to patched jQuery functions gets passed through. Patch contributed by Lee Henson. + Fixed so spellchecking/contextmenu can be toggled on/off if the browser has native spellchecker support. + Fixed bug where some texts in the new paste plugin wasn't placed in language pack. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an incorrect information message when cutting. + Fixed bug where removing items using the xhtmlxtras plugin wouldn't work correctly. + Fixed bug where setting table background images would add extra quotes on Gecko. + Fixed bug where shortcut for bold/italic/underline wouldn't work properly on WebKit. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an error message if only contents was an image tag and bold was used. + Fixed bug where the caret would move if alignment was applied to empty block elements. + Fixed bug where some shortcut key commands wouldn't apply formatting correctly. +Version 3.3.2 (2010-03-25) + Fixed bug where it was possible to scale the editor iframe smaller than the editor UI. + Fixed bug where some of the resizing option didn't work with the new live resize. + Fixed bug where the format listbox didn't show nestled formats correctly. + Fixed bug where the native listboxes didn't work correctly. + Fixed bug where font size selection in using the legacyoutput plugin would produce errors. + Fixed so block and blockquote formats remove their matching element regardless of it's attributes. +Version 3.3.1 (2010-03-18) + Added new live resize feature, the editor contents is now visible while resizing. + Fixed bug where some valid_element patterns would produce an unknown property error. + Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to toggle off blockquotes. + Fixed bug where an undo level wasn't produced when applying formatting using the styles dropdown. + Fixed bug where IE 6/7 wouldn't perform caret formatting due to a focus/event bug in IE. + Fixed bug where undo/redo wasn't restoring the previous selection correctly. + Fixed bug where the caret would become invisible if you resized the editor in latest Gecko. + Fixed bug where the class attribute wasn't completely removed in IE 6/7 when the removeClass function was used. + Fixed so the matchNode method of the Formatter class returns the matched format rule. + Fixed so it's possible to apply formatting to both blocks and as inline elements. +Version 3.3 (2010-03-10) + Fixed bug where backspace on a table on IE would produce an empty tbody and some JS exceptions. + Fixed bug where some redundant children wasn't removed properly when applying inline styles to them. + Fixed bug where Chrome would produce incorect dialog sizes if the inlinepopups plugin wasn't used. + Fixed bug where spans with different classes would get merged if they where siblings to each other. + Fixed bug where IE 8 would crash if you used the spellchecker. + Fixed bug where Input Method for non western languages didn't work correctly. + Fixed bug where the UI would render incorrectly in FF 3.6 on Mac due to a bug n their rendering engine. + Fixed bug where WebKit wouldn't scroll down correctly if Shift+Enter was used. Patch contributed by Thomas Andersen. +Version 3.3rc1 (2010-02-23) + Fixed bug with new legacyoutput plugin not working correctly on it's own. + Fixed bug some performance issues with removing text formats. + Fixed bug where TinyMCE specific attributes wasn't removed properly by remove format. + Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to align images within inline elements. + Fixed bug where Ctrl+Delete/Backspace would produce an invalid argument exception on IE. + Fixed bug where the search/replace logic could produce an infinite loop on IE for reverse searches. + Fixed bug where cloning formats in cells didn't work properly on IE. + Fixed bug where IE6 would produce a horizontal scroll bar. + Fixed so remove jQuery method removes the TinyMCE instance as well as the specified textarea. + Fixed so selected rows and cells gets updated using the row/cell properties dialogs. +Version 3.3b2 (2010-02-04) + Fixed bug where sometimes img elements would be removed by split method in DOMUtils. + Fixed bug where merging of span elements could occur on bookmark nodes. + Fixed bug where classes wasn't properly removed when removeformat was used on IE 6. + Fixed bug where multiple calls to an tinyMCE.init with mode set to exact could produce the same unique ID. + Fixed bug with the IE selection implementation when it was feeded an document range. + Fixed bug where block elements formatting wasn't properly removed by removeformat on all browsers. + Fixed bug where selection location was lost if you performed a manual cleanup. + Fixed bug where removeformat wouldn't remove span elements within styled block elements. + Fixed bug where an error would be thrown if you clicked on the separator lines in menus. + Fixed bug with the jQuery plugin adding always adding a querystring value to other resources. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an error message if you had an empty editor instance. + Fixed bug where Shift+Enter didn't produce br elements on WebKit browsers. + Fixed bug where a temporary marker element wasn't removed by the paste plugin. + Fixed bug where inserting a table would produce two undo levels instead of one. +Version 3.3b1 (2010-01-25) + Added new text formatting engine. Fixes a lot of browser quirks and adds new possibilities. + Added new advlist plugin that enables you to set the formats of list elements. + Added new paste plugin logic that enables you to retain style information from Office. + Added new autosave plugin logic that automatically saves contents in local storage. + Added new valid_styles option. Adds the possibility to restrict styles and their order. + Added new theme_advanced_runtime_fontsize option to display the runtime font size in font size select box. + Added new jquery plugin version that handles the gzip compressor amongst other things. Contributed by Speednet. + Added new $ function to tinymce namespace and editor instances for the jQuery build. + Added the possibility to get editors by index as well as name in the tinyMCE.editors collection. + Fixed so the contents inside the editor renders in standards mode by default. + Fixed bug where it wasn't possible to move the caret on short documents running in standards mode on IE. + Fixed bug where the decode method of the DOMUtils class could end up in an endless loop. + Fixed bug where it was possible to bypass the paste cleanup on non IE browsers if you clicked while pasting. + Fixed bug where some attributes wasn't serialized correctly on IE if wildcard attribute patters where used. + Fixed bug where entity decoding was performed on strings that didn't have any valid entities in them. + Fixed bugs with the insertNode method of the IE DOMRange implementation. Patch contributed by Scott McNaught. + Rewrote the getBookmark/moveToBookmark selection logic to boost performance on larger documents. + Rewrote the table plugin to include new cell selection logic and fixed various bugs and issues. + Merged the tinyMCE, tinymce and tinymce.EditorManager into the same instance makes more sense. + Removed browser setting since the browser support for TinyMCE is not far better than it was when that setting was introduced. + Changed the mce_ attribute prefix to the more standard _mce_ prefix. This is similar to browser vendors prefixes. + Optimized performance with named entities on Gecko. Regexp replace was executing very slowly probably due to a Gecko bug. + Optimized performance of the IE specific selection/range implementation. + Removed the safari plugin since we now replaced all text formatting logic to custom code. +Version 3.2.7 (2009-09-22) + Fixed bug where uppercase paragraphs could still produce an invalid DOM tree on IE. + Fixed bug where split command didn't work on WebKit since the node serializer needs a real document to work with. + Fixed bug where it was impossible in Gecko to place the caret before a table if it was the first one. + Fixed bug where linking to urls like ../../ would produce an extra traling slash ../..//. + Fixed bug where the template cdate functionality was using an old 2.x API call. Patch contributed by vectorjohn. + Fixed bug where urls to the same site but different protocol would be converted when relative_urls where set to false. Patch contributed by Ted Rust. + Fixed bug where the paste plugin would remove mceItem prefixed classes. + Fixed bug where the paste plugin would sometimes add items in a reverse order on WebKit. + Fixed bug where the paste buttons would present an error message on Gecko even if you changed user.js. Patch contributed by Todd (teeaykay). + Fixed bug where Opera would crash if you had tables incorrectly placed inside paragraphs. + Fixed bug where styles elements wasn't properly processed if you had bad input HTML. + Fixed bug where style attributes wasn't properly forced into a specific format. + Fixed bug and issues with boolean attributes like checked, nowrap etc. + Fixed bug where input elements could override attributes on form elements. + Fixed bug where script or style elements could get modified by the DOMUtils processHTML method. + Fixed bug where the selected attribute could get lost when force root blocks logic got executed on IE. Patch contributed by Attila Mezei-Horvati. + Fixed bug where getAttribs method didn't handle boolean attributes correctly on IE. + Fixed so the paste from word dialog is presented if you paste content on an IE with to restrictive security settings. + Fixed so the paste_strip_class_attributes option is set to none by default in the paste plugin. + Removed default border=0 on tables for the default value of valid_elements. +Version 3.2.6 (2009-08-19) + Added new wordcount plugin, this will display the number of typed words as you write. Contributed by Andrew Ozz. + Added new getNext and getPrev methods to DOM utils. These will return the first matching sibling. + Fixed bug where it was impossible to place the caret after a table on Gecko. It will now add a paragraph after tables. + Fixed bug where inline dialogs would fail if used in a window opened using a showModalDialog. Patch contributed by Derek Britt. + Fixed bug where IE could sometimes render a unknown runtime error on invalid input HTML. + Fixed bug where some incorrectly placed tables wouldn't be moved outside the paragraphs on IE. + Fixed bug where uppercase script/style element wouldn't be handled correctly and converted to valid lowercase. + Fixed bug where some WebKit versions on Mac OS X would produce issues with hidden select fields. + Fixed bug where the media plugin would fail on WebKit since the node wasn't properly imported to the right document. + Fixed bug where absolute URLs for the TinyMCE script using a base href element would cause loading problems in IE 6/7. + Fixed bug where pasting using the paste plugin wasn't possible on IE with to restrictive security settings. + Fixed bug where pasting of whitespace was impossible using the new custom paste method. + Fixed bug where pasting on some WebKit browsers would not work if you pasted specific contents due to a WebKit bug. + Fixed bug where doctypes with multiple lines would not be parsed correctly by the fullpage plugin. Patch contributed by Colin. + Fixed bug where the autoresize plugin would break the fullscreen functionality. + Fixed bug where tables would be chopped up running on IE using invalid contents and pasting paragraphs into a cell. + Fixed bug where the each method of jQuery build didn't iterate styleSheets. We now use the TinyMCE API one instead. + Fixed bug where auto switching to paragraphs after headers some times failed in Gecko. + Fixed so all editor options gets passed to the Serializer class. Patch contributed by Jasper Mattsson. + Fixed so script/style blocks isn't wrapped in paragraphs as other inline elements. + Fixed so the XHR requests sends the X-Requested-With HTTP header. + Fixed so the data url scheme is handled in the tinymce.util.URI class. + Changed inline documentation to use moxiedoc style comments. + Removed the compat2x plugin people should have upgraded to the 3.x API by now. 3.0 was released more then a year ago. + Re-added Gecko specific message for users who doesn't understand the security concept regarding paste. +Version 3.2.5 (2009-06-29) + Added new jQuery plugin for the jQuery specific package. This enables you to more easily load and use TinyMCE. + Added new autoresize plugin contributed by Peter Dekkers. This plugin will auto resize the editor to the size of the contents. + Fixed so all packages have the same directory structure. Previous releases had a different structure for the production package. + Fixed so the paste from word dialog forces the contents to be processed as word contents even if it's not. + Fixed so the jQuery build adapter build works. It's currently only excluding Sizzle. + Fixed so noscript element contents is retained during the editing process. + Fixed bug where the getBookmark method would need a "simple" string input when the documented way is a boolean. + Fixed bug where invalid contents could break the fix_table_elements logic. + Fixed bug where Sizzle specific attributes would be serialized if the valid_elements was set to *[*]. + Fixed bug where IE would produce an error if you specified a relative content_css and opened the paste dialog. + Fixed bug where pasting images on IE would produce broken images if they came from an external site. + Fixed bug where memory was leaked if you add/remove controls dynamically. Some event handlers wasn't removed properly. + Fixed bug where domain relaxing wasn't treated correctly if you added it after the TinyMCE script element. + Fixed bug where the activeEditor wasn't set to null if the last editor instance was removed. + Fixed bug where IE was leaking memory on the onbeforeunload event due to some recently introduced logic. Patch contributed by Options. + Fixed bug where inserting tables in Safari 4 didn't work due to a new WebKit bug where some element names are reserved. + Fixed bug where URLs having a :// value in the query string would make it absolute regardless of URL settings. + Fixed the WebKit specific bug where DOM Ranges would fail if the node wasn't attached to something in a different way. + Removed the auto_resize option and the resizeToContent method from the tinymce.Editor class. Use the new autoresize plugin instead. Version (2009-05-25) Fixed bug where Gecko browsers would produce an extra space after for example strong when loaded from sub domains. Fixed bug where script elements would be removed if they where placed inside a paragraph element.