
Clone Tools
  • last updated 5 hours ago
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- Simplified the render()/include() mechanism: I provide for some context-aware auto-completion of template specifics (name, format, theme). This avoids declaring template specifics redundantly. - For this purpose, renamed some of the templates to reflect their doc entity names: @object -> @object.html.asciidoc|yuidoc. - Theme-specific assets are now stored in a subdir of doc-assets/, named after the theme: doc-assets/yuidoc, doc-assets/asciidoc. - Adding the asciidoc assets subdir, including the asciidoc css - Renamed the theme "tmpl" to "yuidoc": This required to change the corresponding template extensions (*.tmpl -> *.yuidoc) and the include()/render() statements throughout the templates. - Removed the unneeded source.html.tmpl

  1. … 52 more files in changeset.
- doc-tools: added "-where" to !get - doc-tools: title to internal links, provided css class, added nicer label - updated reference doc

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
- Changed parametersyntax visualisation to show variable/replacable elements in italics. - Rewrote the method template for attribute accessors/mutators - Revised and refactored the resolution helper of member entities along an inheritance path to reflect member overloading - Reduced verbosity

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- Fixed some naming confusion around @class-object-method - Completed statusmark support down to the @param level - method parameter definitions are now pre-processed during tracing; see ::nx::doc::paraminfo - Continued the pinfo/pdata-based refactoring

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Accomplishments: - Completed a first version of the sandboxed (partial) evaluation of Tcl source artifacts (packages, script files, C extensions) based on a dedicated child/slave interp environment: see ::nx::doc::Sandbox; the test suite and the test documentation builts run on it. - Based on this infrastructure, we can now generate a snapshot of a program's structure to be documented (and contrast it to the explicitly documented structure). - Added simplistic css sprites for visualising the doc entity status (extra, missing, mismatch, complete); see also library/lib/doc-assets/status.svg and library/lib/doc-assets/status.png - The entity status is printed optionally along with the print name of an entity - Added switch-like parts to represent properties of doc entities: @deprecated, @stashed, @c-implemented, @syshook. The implementation and use of ::nx::doc::SwitchAttribute should be reviewed after having figured out how to proceed using "switching" objparams. - I provide a multi-property dispatcher as doc-syntactic sugar and for mere convenience: @property


- Corrected some div-boxing mess in the templates

- Added a filtered helper to process entity collections

- Made the mixin layer infrastructure more symmetric (a revoke operation).

- Added tracers for ::nsf::method and ::nsf::alias (remains to be completed)

- Renamed ::nx::doc to ::nx::processor and turned it into another

mixin layer to trace the doc entity creation in e.g. readin()

- Companion (*.nxd) files: Revised the handling of companion

files. Temporarily moved generic/nsf.nxd in the top-level

directory. We need to find a permanent place as its location is

currently derived from the location of the shared extension. A

candidate is doc/ but this is not linked to the shared extension

location at all.

- processor.readin() now returns a collection of entities created

during its execution.

- Improved robustedness and orthogonality: destroy hooks; the

tag-dispatcher can now handle empty comment lines; when placing NSF

object tracer, we now use the freshly added introspection of an

object system's method aliases.

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
- Major refactoring based on a minimal Mixin Layer facility to modularise optional features (such as templating, documentation verification etc.) in layers of mixins to be applied to the entire entity hierarchy. - Rewrote the html templating machinery in terms of a mixin layer: NxDocRenderer - Used the new modularisation granularity to add @glossary-specific link rendering (following ideas from http://www.alistapart.com/articles/hattrick/) - Completed glossary support and added acronym handling - Added back references and ref counting for @glossary entries (to be displayed with the glossary lists) - I added the short-cut lists for selected part types of @class entities, namely @class-method and @class-attribute. - Fixed the rendering of methods and attributes for ascending alphabetical order.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- Started separating the documentation into four documentation projects, each with its own documentation artifact: nsf (predefined.tcl), nsl/nx (nx.tcl), xotcl (xotcl2.tcl), libraries (several?). - Removed documentation blocks from gentclAPI.decls - Added default namespace resolution for documentation entities. @project and @package can now specify a default namespace which is applied to all relative (not fully qualified) entity names. This avoids the redundant writing of longish qualified entity names. As a @project may contain several @packages, multiple default namespaces can be specified. - Added a distinct @class entity family. - @project and @package can now trace the creation of specified part entities (@class, @object, @command) to be structurally linked to them. - Fixed search box support for @command views - Excluded template files from output directories

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
- Added a placeholder logo image, to replace the YUI one for the time being - Provided for giving some version information at either the project or package level

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- Added a first set of documentation templates, based on the the TemplateData engine and the YUI doc styles available from http://yuilibrary.com/downloads/ (see library/lib/doc-assets/*.tmpl.html) - Added a @project entity class, which will become the root concept in a documentation hierarchy. For now, it only serves for some auxiliary purposes when processing the doc templates. - Continued documenting the next::doc package for testing purposes.

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.