• last updated 36 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Implement a checksum + cache mechanism to check whether user is sending the same file multiple times:

this is needed to address the problem of timeouts, where the server might process a request even when the client has given up and rescheduled the upload. We now store the latest checksum that has been received and compare it with the new picture.

file proctoring-support-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

Whitespace changes + Editor hints

Replace deprecated API

Update spanish message keys

Update spanish message keys

    • -0
    • +4
Improve fix: do not even fetch the context_id for revisions, so we do not touch it when saving

Make sure that the context_id of a CRItem is always fetched from that of the item, rather than the revision, otherwise we could break object_id = context_id constraint on saving

write mutual overwrites to the system log

improve spelling

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
improve listing of covered methods

added support for pagination buttons, visited buttons and flagged buttons

    • -12
    • +32
added support for avoiding quoting of labels (e.g. in buttons)

    • -2
    • +2
make question manager configurable

fix regression test which was broken due to last change (move of links to answer panel)

    • -2
    • +2
whitespace changes (remove tabs)

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
moved answer status into answer_panel (similar to downstream),

made sensitivity of inspect links automatically updating (like downstream)

made templating easier and refactored code

    • -20
    • +27
make template::adp_puts private again. removed some of the weirdness in calendar attachments

Some changes to allow including the UI in pages that need query parameters (e.g. the 'm' method)

Make proctoring-display provide a master, according to a parameter

Improve doc, bring param in the contract

Plug the proctoring-display include to the inclass-exam via a web-callable method

    • -0
    • +17
Port of the downstream proctoring-display user interface, minus the WU-specific stuff, that we will maintain locally

file proctoring-display.adp was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file proctoring-display.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

whitespace changes

fix output in summary line

improve listing of procs covered by regression test

whitespace change

list called api procs