on 20 Jul 21
check_expired_certificates: automated certificate nenewal for letsencrypt

This change reduce maintenance effort by automating certificate
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check_expired_certificates: automated certificate nenewal for letsencrypt

This change reduce maintenance effort by automating certificate

renewal. When the NaviServer letsencrypt module is installed and

configured, the background operation check_expired_certificates will

automatically update the certificates when these expire soon (as

defined by the "ExpireCertificateWarningPeriod" parameter of

acs-admin).  When a recent version of NaviServer is used that supports

certificate refetch on SIGHUP, the new certificates are automatically

updated without a server restart.


- Recent version of letsencrypt NaviServer module installed (0.6)

 and configured

- Recent version of NaviServer (currently Bitbucket tip) for automated

 certificate reloading

When the recent letsencrypt module is not installed,

check_expired_certificates sends expiration warnings as usual.

Therefore, it is also useful for sites using certificates from

different sources.

This new functionality was used for latest certificate renewal on

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