• last updated 19 mins ago
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Give xowiki chat also some kind of nice skin and centralize css retrieval

TODO: something smarter can be done in order to retrieve the proper css, based e.g. on theme, chat skin (to be implemented) etc. To be discussed is some way to resolve resources based on the theme.

    • -0
    • +202
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
New chat_room includelet, behaving as the existing chat one, but plugged with extra chat package's feature (transcript management...)

To avoid package_id to be overridden, we force it always to the one of the current chat

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Move chat machinery from xotcl-core to xowiki

Rationale: this feature makes little sense without the front-end xowiki provides and makes chat implementation harder to understand, as components are scattered in different packages.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Add package_id to the parameters for the already-available chat includelet

Chat Redesign:

+ Add avatars to chat user list.

+ acs-subsite: new default avatar images (x50 and x100)

+ acs-subsite: provide with a default avatar (x50) on portrait-bits.tcl

+ acs-subsite: restrict portrait-bits.tcl to authenticated users

+ xowiki and chat: add blocks and styles for the user picture

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Chat Redesign: 'Full screen' trigger + icon, making the chat use the whole browser window.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Chat Redesign: add LinkRegex global parameter to the chat package, containing the regexp that will look for URLs inside chat messages, so they can be properly formatted as html links.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Chat Redesign:

+ New style classes, opening the door to further graphic redesign.

+ Revamping of the user list.

+ Revamping of the input block.

+ Small changes in the messages block, including floating timestamps to the right.

+ Responsive design: use flexbox for chat layout.

+ Responsive design: make user list horizontally scrollable for 'small' widths.

+ Expose user_id in a hidden div, in the chat adp, so it can be used by the javascript part to check and assign different styles to the chat messages if they belong to the user watching the page.

+ xotcl-core: Pass color and user_id in the message, avoiding the creation of the user link at this level.

+ xotcl-core: Remove user_link proc.

+ xowiki: Avoid autocompletion in input field.

+ xowiki: Adding and relocation of div elements.

+ xowiki: Simple function to transform url-like elements of the messages into links.

+ xowiki: Create user links in chat-common.js.

+ xowiki: Check user_id and assign classes to elements depending on the user watching the page.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
improve comments

remove comma before that

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Chat Redesign:

+ Improve responsiveness placing the user list on top of the chat in smaller screens

+ Use the input placeholder property for the message label

+ Hide the submit button

+ Slightly change the border colors

+ Leave the textbox size for the css

+ Increase the height to a more reasonable value

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Use the new utility to refresh the chat whenever one lands here from the browser history

Specialize the way chat::Chat class retrieves the package_id: use the context_id of the chat room (if this is a valid chat room)

This will allow to embed a chat::Chat instance in a xowiki page pinting to an existing chat room and let it use the chat package specific features to e.g. keep transcripts of a conversation

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
reactivate ad_html_to_text in search renderer

add "style" to the elements to be delete for search

strip potentially confusing content from result of search renderer

Fix variable name (Many thanks to Markus Moser)

Use better idiom to retrieve the xowiki instance (also checking permissions)

Fix string replace to render user link

Use a more scalable idiom to retrieve the first available xowiki instance

Force IE to recover focus on the message field whenever messages are rendered

Chat reform:

- rework xotcl-core chat machinery to return its responses through JSON and include information about active users

- depend on xowiki instead of xotcl-core only

- exploit xowiki "Comet" server push implementation when the browser supports it

- reduce code duplication

- drop plain HTML chat

- reduce hardcoded styling

- minor cleanups

    • -0
    • +63
    • -37
    • +11
  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
improve spelling

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Whitespace changes

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
Fix typos

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Fix variable name preventing validation_errors to be handled in www-save-attributes

Add ':' to formatting to uniform with the render method

Preliminary xowiki chat rework

- update javascript to comply with CSP (setInterval...)

- exploit template resource loading machinery to load javascripts

- remove code duplication

- remove inline styling

Unquote single quote from JSON before appending messages to chat

Remove leftover alert