• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
The return URL is already site-absolute and does not need manipulation

Deprecate export_ns_set_vars and extend export_vars to be able to export also a custom ns_set, which was the real added value provided by this api

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Bring files on oacs-5-10 in sync with HEAD

  1. … 162 more files in changeset.
Prefer 'person::name' to 'acs_user::get_element ... -name'

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
UI improvements and fix

- make sql portable

- bring all sql inline

- reduce query duplication

- simplify if idioms

- fix UI by unclobbering revision_id variable and allowing to select revision correctly

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Fix boolean expressions in -adp files, make termination after connection closing commands explicit

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
- improve checking of return_urls in page_contracts

  1. … 29 more files in changeset.
- add editor hints to keep spaces/tabs in the future more consistent

  1. … 350 more files in changeset.
Merging back to HEAD branch oacs-5-8 (using tag vg-merge-oacs-5-8-from-20141027).

  1. … 2547 more files in changeset.
- check ids in page contract

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- new style string expressions

- brace expressions to allow for tcl compilation

- bump version number

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
- replace deprecated "ad_parameter" by "parameter::get"

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
- replace deprecated "ad_require_permission" by "permission::require_permission"

  1. … 68 more files in changeset.
- replace deprecated ad_permission_p with permission::permission_p

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
If the comment has a file attached, the comment content was being displayed

using the attachement's mime type. Well, the script tried to, typically

it would cause the script to bomb.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
1. Merge 2.4.1 to HEAD other than assessment, imsld, lorsm, and views.

2. Bump version numbers to 2.5.0d1.

  1. … 379 more files in changeset.
HTML Strict cleanup

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
some more l10n for timestamps

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
I18N: converting general-comments package to using the message catalog. Kudos to Steffen Tiedemann who did the job as a volunteer

  1. … 29 more files in changeset.
propigate context list to master

  1. … 26 more files in changeset.

1. Changed a lot of package info files to fix problems ...

2. Added Vinod's bboard patch

3. Rationalized party e-mail checking by putting a "before insert or update"

trigger on the table that lower-cases email (this was already done by the

party.new() func but at least one update missed this). Got rid of all

"lower(email) = " and "upper(email) = " checks and just made all use the

db email column directly and lower-cased Tcl vars. In this way the index

on the email column is always and consistently used without needing to

define functional indexes on the column (an EE feature for Oracle).

4. Rationalized naming of a couple of workflows and fixed a glossary PG bug

where apparently its workflow got overwritten by one from the CMS at some

point in time.

5. Made the .cmp/.dat/.frm filters in the template code usable though not

very beautiful nor exactly correct. But with practice you can use them

to debug pages in the packages/* hierarchy. I also turned these off by

default as there's no need to run these filters on a production site!

6. Performed minor surgery on templating, including adding a new

"ad_return_exception_template" that allows you to return a templated

error page and aborts the script.

7. ??? probably but I think this covers most stuff.

  1. … 74 more files in changeset.

1. Added a new Tcl procedure to the content repository's library, named

cr_write_content, which properly writes content to the connection

regardless of RDBMS and storage type. This simplified a bunch of stuff

(which explains the removed files).

2. Fixed a lot of general comments issues regarding HTML vs. Plain/Text,

attachments, etc.

3. Partially ported glossary.

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.
Initial port

  1. … 59 more files in changeset.

Forgot to define binary files before importing, so .gifs were messed up.

  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

    • -0
    • +143
  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.