• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
whitespace changes

since test case ids are only significant per package_key, record such pairs in procdoc data structure

make feedback from testruns nicer (remove redundant messages)

- use information from acs_testing in api-browser: provide link for

test cases.

- new function: api_add_to_proc_doc for updating apidoc information

from other packages

- bump version of acs-automated testing to 5.10.0d4 and

acs-api-browser to 5.10.0d2

- toc includelet:

* new flag: "-renderer" (default "")

specify an explicit renderer. This is an alternative to the

classic "rendering by style", where there style determines the renderer.

* new flag: "-include_in_foldertree" (default true)

it is now possible to avoid inclusion of all folder-tree element

in the standard folder tree. Default set for backwards


  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
Add missing doc in public api as pointed out by automated test

use address from driver_info

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Prefer individual 'set' operations over 'lassign' in these particular cases

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
whitespace changes

add interface for processing html files via xpath interface

Rework variable assignment (set -> lassign) + Whitespace changes

  1. … 17 more files in changeset.
fix typos

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
add prefix to aa_http logging output to ease keeping track of multiple similar requests

group XPath specific commands via namespace aa_xpath

add aa_test::xpath_non_empty and aa_test::xpath_equals

rename aa_test::xml_get_text to aa_test::xpath_get_text

aa_http: add verbose flag

Fix typos

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
- aa_http: allow headers to be passed in

- reduce verbosity

Support different HTTP methods in aa_http

Add XPAth helper to aa_testing utilitiy functions

Whitespace cleanup

- Add a new api function for visualizing backslashes and crlf

conventions aa_test::visualize_control_chars

- Add a new API function for running requests against the current

server: aa_http

- Bump version number to 5.10.0d2

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Reduce divergence between postgres and oracle codebase

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
merged changes from the oacs-5-9 branch and resolved conflicts

  1. … 7834 more files in changeset.
Standardize spellings of names

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
Fix spelling errors

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
- use "info procs" rather than "info proc"

.xql-file reform of acs-automated-testing

- remove sql statements from the code, where these are provided via .xql

- prefer empty sql statements over various forms of *SQL*

- remove unneeded sql queries (postgres and oracle)



  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
- remove trailing .html from doc references (to allow e.g. .adp as well)

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
- remove globals for errorInfo/errorCode and use namespace qualifiers instead

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

ad_proc reform:

- use nsf::proc for defining ad_procs, when nsf::proc is available

- nsf::proc is part of the environment of XOTcl2 and provides

an efficient, C-implemented argument parser that can replace

the scripted *__arg_parser of OpenACS.

- The benefits are performance and reduced memory consumption.

* Simple functions (where the calling overhead was a large

part of the execution times can become several times faster

(e.g. db_name is 3x faster, cookie handling is 2x faster),

for functions with much db-activities the percentage will

be less.

* The memory consumption (RSS) of a site like OpenACS.org

is reduced by about 15%.

NEW (with nsf::proc)

::ad_get_cookie x: 10.93 microseconds per iteration

::ad_get_cookie ad_session_id: 21.95 microseconds per iteration

::dt_systime: 24.89 microseconds per iteration

::db_name: 8.70 microseconds per iteration

::db_string dbqd.null.g "select version() from dual": 316.66 microseconds per iteration

::ad_convert_to_html "hello world": 102.29 microseconds per iteration

OLD (without nsf::proc)

::ad_get_cookie x: 19.42 microseconds per iteration

::ad_get_cookie ad_session_id: 30.10 microseconds per iteration

::dt_systime: 27.55 microseconds per iteration

::db_name: 32.28 microseconds per iteration

::db_string dbqd.null.g "select version() from dual": 366.69 microseconds per iteration

::ad_convert_to_html "hello world": 160.51 microseconds per iteration


proc mtime cmd {set c 5000

set t [time [list time $cmd $c]];

regexp {^(-?[0-9]+) +} $t _ mS1;

set ms [expr {$mS1*1.0/$c}];

return "[format %6.2f $ms] microseconds per iteration"


set tests {

{::ad_get_cookie x} {::ad_get_cookie ad_session_id} {::dt_systime}

{::db_name} {::db_string dbqd.null.g "select version() from dual"}

{::ad_convert_to_html "hello world"}


foreach t $tests {append ::_ $t ": " [mtime $t] \n}

set ::_


  1. … 9 more files in changeset.