• last updated 8 hours ago
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adding -- to all ad_html_to_text calls

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
Merged 4.6.4d1 (unreleased) to HEAD. This marks the end of the life of the oacs-4-6 branch.

  1. … 816 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 183 more files in changeset.
- Adds table cr_extension_mime_type_map,

- Adds function cr_filename_to_mime_type [-create] filename

- Adds function cr_create_mime_type -extension -mime_type -description

- Removes *_maybe_create_new_mime_type

- Updates acs-content-repository to 4.6.3. Ugrade scripts provided.

- Updates dependency information for several packages.

- Adds most mime types plus comprehensive list of extension to mime-typemappings.

- Maps .c .h .c++ .pl etc to text/plain

  1. … 20 more files in changeset.

1. Changed a lot of package info files to fix problems ...

2. Added Vinod's bboard patch

3. Rationalized party e-mail checking by putting a "before insert or update"

trigger on the table that lower-cases email (this was already done by the

party.new() func but at least one update missed this). Got rid of all

"lower(email) = " and "upper(email) = " checks and just made all use the

db email column directly and lower-cased Tcl vars. In this way the index

on the email column is always and consistently used without needing to

define functional indexes on the column (an EE feature for Oracle).

4. Rationalized naming of a couple of workflows and fixed a glossary PG bug

where apparently its workflow got overwritten by one from the CMS at some

point in time.

5. Made the .cmp/.dat/.frm filters in the template code usable though not

very beautiful nor exactly correct. But with practice you can use them

to debug pages in the packages/* hierarchy. I also turned these off by

default as there's no need to run these filters on a production site!

6. Performed minor surgery on templating, including adding a new

"ad_return_exception_template" that allows you to return a templated

error page and aborts the script.

7. ??? probably but I think this covers most stuff.

  1. … 74 more files in changeset.

1. Replaced more "tree_sortkey like" with "tree_sortkey between" expressions

2. Fixed a bad port of an Oracle query in site-nodes-procs.tcl and removed

a needless outer join from both versions in the process.

  1. … 11 more files in changeset.

Check the comments in postgresql.sql - my previous commit didn't quite work

as expected.

I also removed an ugly assumption made in the PG port in bboard-procs.tcl.

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.

1. Added a new Tcl procedure to the content repository's library, named

cr_write_content, which properly writes content to the connection

regardless of RDBMS and storage type. This simplified a bunch of stuff

(which explains the removed files).

2. Fixed a lot of general comments issues regarding HTML vs. Plain/Text,

attachments, etc.

3. Partially ported glossary.

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.
Don't use db_dml when calling stored procs. Use db_exec_plsql instead.

Fix for message-edit-3 blowing up. Tested on both PG and Oracle. Thanks

go out to Louis. - Arjun

"In digging into the code I found that there is a call to

bboard_message_clear_categories which in turn calls db_dml to call a

stored proc. This doesn't seem to work, but changing the db_dml call

to db_exec_plsql seems to have resolved the issue." -- Louis Zirkel

Added patch form Luke Pond that updates bboard_garbage_collect_postgresql

so that general_comments are prevented from being garbage collected.

inital changes for openacs port

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.

Forgot to define binary files before importing, so .gifs were messed up.

  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

    • -0
    • +1010
  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.