• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Try to program around AOLserver problems: precompute url before producing new blueprint

Update blueprint of the server after successful loading of packages

Use termn "Subsite" consistently als in German (the term "Website" is as well allowed and established in German) and don't use the confusing termn "Unterseite".

beautify link

    • -1
    • +1
fix HTML

    • -1
    • +1
replace broken links

    • -1
    • +1
applying a solution for the minor-version upgrade, not requiring larger refactoring

Setting global var as well in -procs file (debuggin install from repo)

setting global variable in -init proc (actually a last option for upgrades from repository)

We can't source the current setup files, since these perform as well the master loading of OpenACS.

Use "file tail" instead of full path for sourcing tcl file

(re)source top-level tcl-files when copying it

Debug "upgrade from repo strangeness": don't skip loading of acs-tcl files

Remove useless quotes

Use explicit create statements

Add missing refresh to categories portlet definition after http://cvs.openacs.org/changelog/OpenACS?cs=oacs-5-9%3Aantoniop%3A20170609120749 (Many thanks to Thomas Renner)

Don't add per default the contents of .bak directories

bump version numbers to 5.9.1b9 respectively to 2.9.1b9 to prepare for release

  1. … 77 more files in changeset.
commit after merge conflict

remove misleading comment about XHTML

Remove Oracle incompatible code (as pointed out by regression tests)

Remove incompatible idiom from oracle's sql (as pointed out by regression tests)

Prevent errors in between of a release upgrade when system still has not render_widgets proc defined. Users should restart the server asap anyway.

add check before file moving to avoid violation of 'cr_items_unique_name' constraint

Fixed a seemingly 11 years old bug

Fixed message key typo

Adress issue #3327

Remove erroneous leading underscore (leftover from earlier convention)

Simplify code (use NaviServer internal function)

Remove duplicated line