• last updated 25 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- bump version number of OpenACS to 5.9.1b3 and DotLRN to 2.9.1b3

  1. … 65 more files in changeset.
Pass the information that we are installing from the repository (which takes care about installing the packages noted in install.xml)

fix typo in markup

Allow to install dotlrn from repo in one sweep.

Since install-from-repo loads the files noted in install-xml

by itself (obtained from manifest.xml), avoid install attempts

to access these package directories in apm_package_install

(and the private procs apm::process_install_xml apm_invoke_install_proc).

get install recommendation from manifest into repository structure, such such www/install/install-2.tcl can use it

fix drop script

use variable resolver instead of method for better performance

    • -1
    • +1
Make usage of deprecated entry "form_link" a warning, the more general "entry" should used for makeing menu entries

Use hstore_attributes in the method update_item_index instead of the full list of the instance attributes to achieve consistency with ::xowiki::hstore::update_form_instance_item_index

    • -4
    • +3
white space changes: remove tabs, remove trailing spaces and unneeded quotes

Fix bug in code for the validation of signed query variables, when no value was given (and notnull complaint has fired already)

- Don't prevent default on event handler for day cell, so clicking on existing event works

- Fix text for event existance so events are shown

Prevent double loading when the identical version is already loaded (can happen via install.xml files)

    • -2
    • +1
Ease debugging

User simpler variable name

- remove useless warning

Use "ad_abort_script" in dotlrn::do_abort instead of plain tcl error to reduce log-spamming

Add missing upgrade scripts

file upgrade-2.9.1b1-2.9.1b2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

Use "util::trim_leading_zeros" instead of ad-hoc code

add to acs-admin/subsites column "theme" to make it easier to see, which subsite uses which theme

Add foreign key constraints for package_id in dotlrn_community_applets to avoid invalid data

    • -2
    • +2
Get rid of strange construct: [lindex [array get $array $name] 1]

- get rid of annying messages "Format a4 is redefined" caused by broken xls2csv

- add missing subsite_logo

- add missing CSP rules for streaming head

- add missing "subst" calls for nonce-handling in streaming content

Bump version number to 5.9.1b2 (again?)

- when deleting a user permanently (in case this is possible), redirect to the main /users page, since a redirect to the page of the deleted user does not make sense)

Change default for PreferredCSSToolkit from "yui" to "bootstrap" and for PreferredRichtextEditor from "xinha" to "ckeditor4"

    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
    • -3
    • +3
Fix typo