• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fix plsql procs to handle correct datatype for pretty_id column of survey_sections and survey_questions

Added functionality to detach a report template from a lab.

Added functionality to map a report template to a lab.

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
adding showCalendarWithDefault javascript proc so that a default date can be set when the calendar first pops up

changing textdate showCalendar javascript proc to showCalendarWithDefault and setting the default date the calendar should go to

localizing validation errors for date and textdate widgets

adding textdate ams widget - which is dependent on the textdate code i just added to acs-templating

    • -4
    • +104
adding textdate widget and associated transform, validate and util procs

Bugfix on currency create

Replaced "Purchase for Individual" and "Purchase for Group" with just "Purchase" coz the the admin needs to select a purchase first

I take the code back in so someone else can deal with it as I will be upgrading to 5.2 and dave advised me to not remove code but try and fix the bug, which, taken that i will upgrade anyway, wont happen.

Revert as it seems to be working on other sites

validate block crashes the server, so taken out. The return URL was missing the entry_id

Allow purging of options for administrators

    • -9
    • +8
Added new message keys. Added ordering of lists

    • -2
    • +4
Mass commit. Made sure that role_two and object_id_two work with the new relationship adding. Made sure the callback for relationships contains the package_id, I18N groupnames

    • -4
    • +11
fixing switching between revisions in page history

    • -1
    • +2
Changed the behaviour of the name due to the fact that all clients expect if they search for a name and click on it that the realtionship is generated

apply fixes to get the mini calendar dhtml popup to work

removed blank

added switch to get employee date from cache

Changed a couple of notices to debug, added I18N

removing portlet from user portal until it is properly implemented

replacing all _ with blank spaces in the course name taken from the uploaded file_name


    • -2
    • +2
    • -4
    • +7
    • -4
    • +4
    • -4
    • +4
prettyfying the course name taken from the uploaded file_name

Fixing dependencies. Raise version number. Capability to use ajax or java client. UI improvements

Fixed return_pdf_p problem

Broadcast messages from HTML clients only to applets (thks Peter)

Adding check to see if the message exists before looking up the help text message, this eliminates message key errors from showing up in the log

    • -5
    • +8