Bumped news-aggregator version to 0.8d:- Support for item-level author and pubDate- Data model support for title and show_description_p fields to subscriptions table
- There's no consistent use of upper/lower case in the locale and language columns of the ad_locales table so we need to do case insensitive searches.- ad_locales defines the language column as char(3). Searches for 2-letter language codes fail because (at least on PG) all 2-letter entries have a trailing space in the database.
- improving ui- replacing class_id with package_id- fixing apm-callbacks- integrating grades reports with dotnlrn (communities)- removing unused procs- adding javascript when uploading a group assignment
Added the following fields to the news-aggregator data model:- author, comment_page and pub_date to na_items- source_title and show_description_p to na_subscriptions