-- Profile Provider interface definition
-- ported to PG by Ben.
-- @author <a href="mailto:yon@openforce.net">yon@openforce.net</a>
-- @version $Id: profile-provider-contract-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/03/29 16:53:02 ben Exp $

    -- create the interface
    select acs_sc_contract__new(
        'profile provider interface definition'

    -- create the methods of this interface

    -- name method
    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_operation__new(
        'return the name of the profile provider',

    -- prettyName method
    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_operation__new(
        'return the pretty name of the profile provider',

    -- render method
    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_msg_type__new(

    select acs_sc_operation__new(
        'output the HTML from this profile provider',