Author: Pascal Scheffers ( Porting status notes for general-comments General As of June 6, 2001 mostly done. You can add and administer comments. * Delete does not seem to work [related to pg fk_ bug?] * file attachments not yet ported: some BLOB issues in acs-messaging are still pending, need to confer with Tested with Postgresql and Oracle, sofar it seems to work. Notes file:/packages/general-comments/tcl/general-comments-procs.tcl Moved most queries from variables to in-line for the QueryExtractor appended '_deprecated' to query-names in 'ad_proc -deprecated' functions. Left one duplicate Other TODOs In .../sql/[pg and oracle]/gc-drop.sql: Is the explicit deletion of image-attachments still required? A: It seems not, commented out in Postgresql version. Still todo: testing and Oracle Dates are hardcoded to MM-DD-YYYY format, need to move date handling from SQL Tcl