<property name="context">{/doc/acs-content-repository/ {ACS Content Repository}} {Content Repository: Installation}</property> <property name="doc(title)">Content Repository: Installation</property> <master> <style> div.sect2 > div.itemizedlist > ul.itemizedlist > li.listitem {margin-top: 16px;} div.sect3 > div.itemizedlist > ul.itemizedlist > li.listitem {margin-top: 6px;} </style> <h2>Installing the Content Repository</h2> <strong><a href="index">Content Repository</a></strong> <p>The content repository is a part of the core data model of ACS 4.0 and greater, and is loaded automatically as part of the ACS installation process.</p> <p>If you wish to install the content repository in a database schema outside the context of ACS, the following instructions apply.</p> <p>First install the data model and PL/SQL API:</p> <ol> <li>Obtain the latest distribution of ACS.</li><li>Run the SQL script <kbd>packages/acs-kernel/sql/acs-kernel-create.sql</kbd> to load the core ACS Objects data model.</li><li>Run the SQL script <kbd>packages/acs-workflow/sql/acs-workflow-create.sql</kbd> to load the workflow package.</li><li>Run the SQL script <kbd>packages/acs-workflow/sql/acs-content-repository-create.sql</kbd> to load the content repository itself.</li> </ol> <h3>Java</h3> <p>In additional to SQL and PL/SQL, the content repository implements a limited set of key methods in Java. The XML import and export methods are dependent on Oracle's XML Parser for Java v2, available from the Oracle Technology Network:</p> <a href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database-features/xmldb/xdk-java-082884.html">http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database-features/xmldb/xdk-java-082884.html</a> <p>To load the XML parser, download and untar the distribution. Load the class package <kbd>lib/xmlparserv2.jar</kbd> into Oracle from a shell prompt:</p> <pre>$ loadjava -user user/password xmlparserv2.jar</pre> <p>Finally, load the SQLJ files in <kbd>packages/acs-content-repository/java</kbd>:</p> <pre>$ loadjava -user user/password -resolve *.sqlj</pre> <p>Installation of the data model and API should now be complete.</p> <h3>Intermedia</h3> <p>The content repository relies on an Intermedia with the INSO filtering option to search text within a wide variety of file formats, including PDF and Microsoft Word. When the index on the <kbd>content</kbd> column of <kbd>cr_revisions</kbd> is built, the INSO filter automatically detects the file type of each entry and extracts all available text for indexing.</p> <p>If your searches are not returning any results even after rebuilding the index, INSO filtering may be silently failing. You can verifying this by checking for entries in the <kbd>ctx_user_index_errors</kbd> view following an <kbd>alter index</kbd> statement.</p> <p>If you experience errors on a UNIX system, check the following:</p> <li>The operating system user running the Oracle database must have execute permission on the files <kbd>$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib/*.flt</kbd>. <ul> <li>The directory <kbd>$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib</kbd> must be in the <kbd>$PATH</kbd> environment variable of the operating system user running the Oracle database.</li><li>The directory <kbd>$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib</kbd> must be in the <kbd>$LD_LIBRARY_PATH</kbd> of the operating system user running the Oracle database.</li><li>The <kbd>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</kbd> environment variable must be specified in the entry for <kbd>PLSExtProc</kbd> in the <kbd>$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora.</kbd> For example: <pre> (SID_DESC = (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc) (ORACLE_HOME = /ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6) (ENVS = LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/lib:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/ctx/lib) (PROGRAM = extproc) ) </pre><p>If your searches are still failing even after following these instructions, try a simple <a href="intermedia">test case</a> to determine whether the problem has something to do with the content repository data model itself.</p><hr><a href="mailto:karlg\@arsdigita.com">karlg\@arsdigita.com</a><br> Last revised: $‌Id: install.html,v 1.2 2017/08/07 23:47:47 gustafn Exp $</li> </ul> </li>