# handle trackback pings
# we add them as general comments
# the rest of the URL should be the object_id
ad_page_contract {
handle trackback pings
} {
{title ""}
{url ""}
{excerpt ""}
{blog_name ""}
} -validate {
url_not_empty { if { [empty_string_p $url] } {
# return formatted error here
set error_p 1
set error_message "You must specify a URL"
ns_return 200 text/html "
set object_id [ad_conn path_info]
# check for public allowed comments
set party_id [acs_magic_object "the_public"]
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
set permission_p [permission::permission_p -object_id $object_id \
-party_id $user_id \
-privilege general_comments_create]
if { $permission_p } {
# we might want to request the URL to see if they really link to us
# this will eventually be a parameter
set check_url 0
if {[string equal $check_url 1]} {
#how big might this be?
set url_content [util_httpget $url]
# can we add a person for people to keep the email straight? That's an
# interesting idea
set error_p 0
set error_message ""
set is_live [ad_parameter AutoApproveCommentsP {general-comments} {t}]
set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
set comment_id [db_nextval acs_object_id_seq]
set content "$excerpt"
set comment_mime_type text/html
if {[empty_string_p $blog_name]} {
set blog_name $url
if {[empty_string_p $title]} {
set title "Trackback from $blog_name"
trackback::new \
-tb_url $url \
-blog_name $blog_name \
-object_id $object_id \
-comment_id $comment_id \
-user_id "" \
-creation_ip $creation_ip \
-content $content \
-comment_mime_type $comment_mime_type \
-is_live $is_live \
-title $title \
-context_id $object_id
if {[empty_string_p $comment_id]} {
set error_p 1
set error_message "Error creating trackback entry"
} else {
set error_p 1
set error_message "Trackback not accepted for this item"
ns_return 200 text/html "