-- -- packages/acs-interfaces/sql/content-revision-sws.sql -- -- @author khy@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2001-01-17 -- @cvs-id $Id: content-revision-sws.sql,v 2001/04/20 20:51:24 donb Exp $ -- create or replace package content_revision__sws is function sws_title ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function sws_url ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function sws_summary ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function sws_req_permission ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function sws_site_node_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; function sws_application_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; procedure sws_index_proc ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, bdata in out nocopy BLOB ); -- function returns the application_id that is one of the owners of privilege function get_application_owner ( revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; function run_get_application ( function_name in varchar2 , revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; end content_revision__sws; / create or replace package body content_revision__sws is function sws_title ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_title varchar2(1000); begin select title into v_title from cr_revisions where revision_id = object_id; return v_title; end; function sws_url ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is url varchar2(3000); v_item_id number; v_package_id number; v_package_key apm_packages.package_key%TYPE; v_node_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; begin v_node_id := content_revision__sws.sws_site_node_id (object_id); if v_node_id is null then return null; end if; v_package_id := content_revision__sws.sws_application_id (object_id); select package_key into v_package_key from apm_packages where package_id = v_package_id; url := site_node.url(v_node_id); url := url || pot_service.get_obj_type_attr_value ( package_key => v_package_key, object_type => 'content_revision', attribute => 'display_page' ); select item_id into v_item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = object_id; return url||to_char(v_item_id); end sws_url; function sws_summary ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_summary varchar2(4000); begin select description into v_summary from cr_revisions where revision_id = object_id; return v_summary; end sws_summary; function sws_req_permission ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is begin return null; end; function sws_site_node_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return site_nodes.node_id%TYPE is v_node_id site_nodes.node_id%TYPE; v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin v_node_id := null; -- get the application v_package_id := content_revision__sws.sws_application_id ( object_id => object_id ); if v_package_id is null then return null; end if; select node_id into v_node_id from site_nodes where object_id = v_package_id; return v_node_id; exception when no_data_found then return null; end; function sws_application_id ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE is v_application_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin v_application_id := content_revision__sws.get_application_owner ( revision_id => object_id ); return v_application_id; end; procedure sws_index_proc ( object_id in acs_objects.object_id%TYPE, bdata in out nocopy BLOB ) is v_bdata BLOB; v_content_length number; begin select content , dbms_lob.getlength(content) into v_bdata, v_content_length from cr_revisions where revision_id = object_id; if v_content_length > 0 then dbms_lob.copy ( dest_lob => bdata , src_lob => v_bdata , amount => v_content_length ); end if; end; function get_application_owner ( revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE is v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin v_package_id := null; for method_row in (select attribute_value from pot_map_attr_values where object_type = 'content_revision' and attribute = 'cr_revision_in_package_id') loop v_package_id := content_revision__sws.run_get_application ( function_name => method_row.attribute_value, revision_id => revision_id ); if v_package_id is not null then return v_package_id; end if; end loop; return v_package_id; end; function run_get_application ( function_name in varchar2, revision_id in cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE ) return apm_packages.package_id%TYPE is v_package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; v_code varchar2(4000); v_cursor integer; v_result integer; begin v_cursor :=dbms_sql.OPEN_CURSOR; v_code := 'select '||function_name||'(:revision_id) from dual'; execute immediate v_code into v_package_id using revision_id; return v_package_id; exception when others then return null; end; end content_revision__sws; / begin acs_interface.assoc_obj_type_with_interface ( interface_name => 'sws_display' , programming_language => 'pl/sql' , object_type => 'content_revision', object_type_imp => 'content_revision__sws' ); acs_interface.assoc_obj_type_with_interface ( interface_name => 'sws_indexing' , programming_language => 'pl/sql' , object_type => 'content_revision', object_type_imp => 'content_revision__sws' ); -- Add to support different applications pot_service.create_attribute ( attribute => 'cr_revision_in_package_id', description => 'Used by content revision object to ask applications whether they are one of the owners of the content revision item. This method takes one parameter, revision_id, and returns the package instance id that "owns" it.' ); sws_service.update_content_obj_type_info ('content_revision'); end; /