-- -- packages/acs-subsite/sql/user-profiles-create.sql -- -- @author oumi@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2000-02-02 -- @cvs-id $Id: user-profiles-create.sql,v 2003/12/30 05:13:52 tracya Exp $ -- ------------------------------- -- APPLICATION USER PROFILES -- ------------------------------- begin -- the 'user' role should already exist from the portraits stuff. -- acs_rel_type.create_role('user', -- 'Registered User', 'Registered Users'); acs_rel_type.create_role('application', 'Application Group', 'Application Group'); acs_rel_type.create_type( rel_type => 'user_profile', pretty_name => 'User Profile', pretty_plural => 'User Profiles', supertype => 'membership_rel', table_name => 'user_profiles', id_column => 'profile_id', package_name => 'user_profile', abstract_p => 'f', object_type_one => 'application_group', role_one => 'application', min_n_rels_one => 0, max_n_rels_one => null, object_type_two => 'user', role_two => 'user', min_n_rels_two => 0, max_n_rels_two => null ); end; / show errors create table user_profiles ( profile_id constraint user_profiles_profile_id_fk references membership_rels (rel_id) constraint user_profiles_profile_id_pk primary key ); create or replace package user_profile as function new ( profile_id in user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'user_profile', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, member_state in membership_rels.member_state%TYPE default null, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE; procedure del ( profile_id in user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE ); end user_profile; / show errors create or replace package body user_profile as function new ( profile_id in user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE default null, rel_type in acs_rels.rel_type%TYPE default 'user_profile', object_id_one in acs_rels.object_id_one%TYPE, object_id_two in acs_rels.object_id_two%TYPE, member_state in membership_rels.member_state%TYPE default null, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE is v_profile_id integer; begin v_profile_id := membership_rel.new ( rel_id => profile_id, rel_type => rel_type, object_id_one => object_id_one, object_id_two => object_id_two, member_state => member_state, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip ); insert into user_profiles (profile_id) values (v_profile_id); return v_profile_id; end new; procedure del ( profile_id in user_profiles.profile_id%TYPE ) is begin membership_rel.del(profile_id); end del; end user_profile; / show errors insert into group_type_rels (group_rel_type_id, group_type, rel_type) values (acs_object_id_seq.nextval, 'application_group', 'user_profile'); -- This view is extremely fast, but for some reason its not so blaxing fast -- when used in the registered_users_of_package_id view below. create or replace view application_users as select ag.package_id, gem.element_id as user_id from user_profiles up, group_element_map gem, application_groups ag where ag.group_id = gem.group_id and gem.rel_id = up.profile_id; -- create the generalized versions of the registered_users and cc_users views: create or replace view registered_users_of_package_id as select u.*, au.package_id from application_users au, registered_users u where au.user_id = u.user_id; create or replace view cc_users_of_package_id as select u.*, au.package_id from application_users au, cc_users u where au.user_id = u.user_id;