-- Uninstall content repository tables of the ArsDigita Community -- System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: content-drop.sql,v 1.3 2003/09/30 12:10:01 mohanp Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html set serveroutput on -- unregistering types, deleting the default folders declare v_id integer; begin -- root folder for templates v_id := content_template.get_root_folder; content_folder.unregister_content_type( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_template', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.unregister_content_type( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_symlink', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.unregister_content_type( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_folder', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.del(v_id); -- the root folder for content items v_id := content_item.get_root_folder; content_folder.unregister_content_type( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_symlink', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.unregister_content_type( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_folder', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.unregister_content_type ( folder_id => v_id, content_type => 'content_revision', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.del (v_id); end; / show errors begin content_type.unregister_mime_type( content_type => 'content_revision', mime_type => 'text/html'); content_type.unregister_mime_type( content_type => 'content_revision', mime_type => 'text/plain'); end; / show errors -- drop all extended attribute tables --declare -- cursor type_cur is -- select object_type, table_name -- from acs_object_types -- where table_name <> 'cr_revisions' -- connect by prior object_type = supertype -- start with object_type = 'content_revision' -- order by level desc; --begin -- for type_rec in type_cur loop -- dbms_output.put_line('Dropping ' || type_rec.table_name); -- execute immediate 'drop table ' || type_rec.table_name; -- end loop; --end; --/ --show errors -- dropping pl/sql definitions prompt ** dropping content-image @@ content-image-drop -- doc-package-drop -- content-search-drop begin ctx_ddl.drop_section_group('auto'); end; / show errors begin ctx_ddl.drop_preference('CONTENT_FILTER_PREF'); end; / show errors prompt ** dropping object types @@ types-drop -- packages-drop -- content-package-drop prompt ** dropping lots of tables -- content-xml-drop drop table cr_xml_docs; drop sequence cr_xml_doc_seq; -- content-util drop -- document submission with conversion to html drop index cr_doc_filter_index; drop table cr_doc_filter; --text submission drop table cr_text; -- content keywords drop table cr_item_keyword_map ; drop table cr_keywords ; -- content extlinks drop table cr_extlinks ; -- content symlinks drop table cr_symlinks ; -- content templates drop table cr_item_template_map ; drop table cr_type_template_map ; drop table cr_template_use_contexts ; drop table cr_templates ; -- content folders drop table cr_folder_type_map ; drop table cr_folders cascade constraints; prompt ** dropping more tables -- content publishing drop table cr_scheduled_release_job; drop table cr_scheduled_release_log; drop table cr_release_periods; drop table cr_item_publish_audit; -- content revisions drop table cr_files_to_delete; drop table cr_content_text; drop table cr_revision_attributes; drop table cr_revisions cascade constraints; -- content_items drop table cr_item_rels ; drop table cr_child_rels ; drop table cr_items cascade constraints; -- content types drop table cr_type_relations ; drop table cr_type_children ; -- locales drop table cr_locales ; -- mime types drop table cr_content_mime_type_map ; drop table cr_mime_types ; -- dropping ats datatypes for cms begin delete from acs_datatypes where datatype in ('text'); delete from acs_datatypes where datatype in ('keyword'); delete from acs_datatypes where datatype in ('integer'); commit; end; / show errors