# -*- Tcl -*- package provide xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::trace 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::actiweb::invoker 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::actiweb::webObject 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::comm::httpd 1.1 package require -exact xotcl::scriptCreation::scriptCreator 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::store::persistence 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::pattern::singleton 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::registry::registry 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::actiweb::agentManagement 1.0 package require -exact xotcl::rdf::tripleRecreator 1.0 package require XOTcl 1 namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace { namespace import ::xotcl::* Singleton Place -superclass Invoker -parameter { {exportedObjs ""} {startingObj ""} {startCommand ""} {root $::env(HOME)/public_html} {port 8086} {redirect [list]} {logdir $::xotcl::logdir} {host localhost} {allowImmigrationHosts ""} persistenceFile persistenceDir bccFile bccDir dbPackage {startHTTPServer 1} } # Giving a bccFile (and possibly bccDir) as optional parameter means # that an identical copy database will be created in that # location (e.g. for creating a backup on a second hard drive. Place instproc exportObjs args { foreach obj $args { my lappend exportedObjs [string trimleft $obj :] puts stderr "*** exporting $obj, self=[self], objs=[my set exportedObjs]" } } Place instproc isExportedObj obj { expr {[lsearch [my exportedObjs] [string trimleft $obj :]] != -1} } Place instproc default {} { [self] } Place instproc init args { if {[my set startHTTPServer]} { Httpd [self]::httpd \ -port [my port] \ -root [my root] \ -redirect [my redirect] \ -logdir [my logdir] \ -httpdWrk Place::HttpdWrk } # # PersistenceMgr object for web entities # ##### so ist das nicht toll ... init args sollten anders konfigurierbar sein PersistenceMgr [self]::agentPersistenceMgr -dbPackage multi if {[my exists dbPackage]} { set dbp [my set dbPackage] } else { set dbp "" } if {![my exists persistenceDir]} { my persistenceDir [string trimleft [self] :] } if {![my exists persistenceFile]} { my persistenceFile persistentObjs-[my port] } [self]::agentPersistenceMgr store add $dbp \ -dirName [my persistenceDir] \ -fileName [my persistenceFile] if {[my exists bccDir] || [my exists bccFile]} { if {![my exists bccDir]} { my bccDir [my set persistenceDir] } if {![my exists bccFile]} { my bccFile [my persistenceFile] } [self]::agentPersistenceMgr store add $dbp \ -dirName [my bccDir] \ -fileName [my bccFile] } AgentMgr create [self]::agentMgr RDFCreator create [self]::rdfCreator # # minimal obj for default behavior of the place -> calls go # to web entities default (customize through a redirecting proc # as in HtmlPlace or changing startingObj) # WebObject create [self]::start my startingObj [self]::start Registry [self]::registry ErrorMgr [self]::error ScriptCreator [self]::scriptCreator -dependencyChecking 0 my exportObjs [self]::start [self]::agentMgr [self]::registry next } Place instproc startEventLoop args { if {[llength $args] > 0} { set startCommand [lindex $args 0] ::eval $startCommand } vwait forever ;# if we are in xotclsh call the event loop... } ### ### Mixin-Classes for Http/Wrk that restricts the usable HTTP methods ### Class RestrictHTTPMethods -parameter { {allowedHTTPMethods "GET PUT HEAD POST CGI"} } RestrictHTTPMethods instproc init args { next my lappend workerMixins RestrictHTTPMethods::Wrk } Class RestrictHTTPMethods::Wrk RestrictHTTPMethods::Wrk instproc respond {} { my instvar method [my info parent] instvar allowedHTTPMethods if {[lsearch $allowedHTTPMethods $method] != -1} { return [next] } else { my log Error "Restricted Method $method called" my replyCode 405 my replyErrorMsg } } Class Place::HttpdWrk -superclass Httpd::Wrk Place::HttpdWrk instproc init args { my set place [Place getInstance] next #puts "New Http-Worker: [self class]->[self] on [my set place]" } Place::HttpdWrk instproc parseParams {o m a call} { upvar [self callinglevel] $o obj $m method $a args ### set decodedCall [url decodeItem $call] #my showMsg decodedCall=$decodedCall if {[regexp {^([^ ]*) ?([^ ]*) ?(.*)$} $decodedCall _ \ obj method args]} { #foreach a [my set formData] {lappend args [$a set content]} #puts stderr "Parsed -- Obj: $obj, Method: $method, Args: $args" return 1 } else { puts stderr "could not parse <$decodedCall>" return 0 } } Place::HttpdWrk instproc respond-HEAD {} { my respond-GET; ### sendMsg inhibits content for method HEAD } Place::HttpdWrk instproc respond-GET {} { my instvar fileName resourceName place if {$resourceName eq ""} { my sendMsg [$place default] text/html ;# kind of index.html } elseif {[my parseParams obj method arguments $resourceName]} { if {![my isobject $obj] && [file readable $fileName]} { next ;# let Httpd handle this } else { # # tell the object the query from the URL # $obj set query [my set query] # # If there are no arguments available through the # interface, pass the URL-query parameters (raw) # if {$arguments eq ""} {set arguments [my set query]} # # now invoke the method # set response [$place invokeCall obj status $method $arguments] #puts stderr "RESPONSE: $response" # # let the object's sending strategy mixin choose # the appropriate sending mode # # $obj showClass if {[info exists status] && $status >= 300} { my replyCode $status my replyErrorMsg $response } else { #my lappend replyHeaderFields Cache-Control maxage=0 my lappend replyHeaderFields Pragma no-cache $obj send [self] $response } } } else { my set version 1.0 my replyCode 400 my replyErrorMsg [my callError "Could not parse: " $resourceName] } } Place::HttpdWrk instproc respond-POST {} { my instvar resourceName place my respond-GET } Place::HttpdWrk instproc respond-PUT {} { my instvar resourceName place data #my showCall if {$resourceName ne ""} { if {[my parseParams obj m a $resourceName]} { set obj [string trimleft $obj :] set AMgr ${place}::agentMgr if {[info commands $obj] eq "" && ![$AMgr info agents $obj]} { #puts stderr "Receiving to put --------------------------------$obj $data" set AI [$AMgr parseData $obj $data] #puts stderr "parray --${AI}::agentData------------------------" #parray ${AI}::agentData #puts stderr "parray --${AI}::agentData----------------DONE--------" #$AI showVars #puts stderr "----[$AI exists agentData(agent:script)]----" if {[$AI exists agentData(agent:script)]} { set immigrateResult [$AMgr immigrate $AI] #puts stderr "immigrateResult=<$immigrateResult>" my replyCode 200 my sendMsg $immigrateResult text/plain } else { my set version 1.0 my replyCode 400 my replyErrorMsg "Migration failed" } } else { my set version 1.0 my replyCode 400 my replyErrorMsg "Migration: object name already in use." } } else { my set version 1.0 my replyCode 400 my replyErrorMsg "Migration call must provide object name" } } else { # return the own place name -> any client can call the place via # placename::start ! my sendMsg $place text/plain } } namespace export RestrictHTTPMethods Place namespace eval RestrictHTTPMethods { namespace export Wrk } namespace eval Place { namespace export HttpdWrk } } namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace::* namespace eval RestrictHTTPMethods { namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace::RestrictHTTPMethods::* } namespace eval Place { namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace::Place::* }