# $Id: Serializer.xotcl,v 1.8 2005/01/07 12:41:26 neumann Exp $ package require XOTcl 1.3 package provide xotcl::serializer 0.7 namespace eval ::xotcl {} set ::xotcl::ns ::xotcl::serializer namespace eval $::xotcl::ns { namespace import ::xotcl::* @ @File { description { This package provides the class Serializer, which can be used to generate a snapshot of the current state of the workspace in the form of XOTcl source code. } authors { Gustaf Neumann, Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at } date { $Date: 2005/01/07 12:41:26 $ } } @ Serializer proc all { ?-ignoreVarsRE RE? "provide regular expression; matching vars are ignored" ?-ignore obj1 obj2 ...? "provide a list of objects to be omitted"} { Description { Serialize all objects and classes that are currently defined (except the specified omissions and the current Serializer object).

Examples:<@br> <@pre class='code'>Serializer all -ignoreVarsRE {::b$} Do not serialize any instance variable named b (of any object).

<@pre class='code'>Serializer all -ignoreVarsRE {^::o1::.*text.*$|^::o2::x$} Do not serialize any variable of c1 whose name contains the string "text" and do not serialze the variable x of o2.

<@pre class='code'>Serializer all -ignore obj1 obj2 ... do not serizalze the specified objects } return "script" } @ Serializer proc deepSerialize { objs "Objects to be serialized" ?-ignoreVarsRE RE? "provide regular expression; matching vars are ignored" ?-ignore obj1 obj2 ...? "provide a list of objects to be omitted" ?-map list? "translate object names in serialized code" } { Description { Serialize object with all child objects (deep operation) except the specified omissions. For the description of <@tt>ignore and <@tt>igonoreVarsRE see <@tt>Serizalizer all. <@tt>map can be used in addition to provide pairs of old-string and new-string (like in the tcl command <@tt>string map). This option can be used to regenerate the serialized object under a different object or under an different name, or to translate relative object names in the serialized code.

Examples: <@pre class='code'>Serializer deepSerialize ::a::b::c -map {::a::b ::x::y} Serialize the object <@tt>c which is a child of <@tt>a::b; the object will be reinitialized as object <@tt>::x::y::c, all references <@tt>::a::b will be replaced by <@tt>::x::y.

<@pre class='code'>Serializer deepSerialize ::a::b::c -map {::a::b [self]} The serizalized object can be reinstantiated under some current object, under which the script is evaluated.

<@pre class='code'>Serializer deepSerialize ::a::b::c -map {::a::b::c ${var}} The serizalized object will be reinstantiated under a name specified by the variable <@tt>var<@tt> in the recreation context. } return "script" } @ Serializer proc methodSerialize { object "object or class" method "name of method" prefix "either empty or 'inst' (latter for instprocs)" } { Description { Serialize the specified method. In order to serialize an instproc, <@tt>prefix should be 'inst'; to serialze procs, it should be empty.

Examples: <@pre class='code'>Serializer methodSerialize Serializer deepSerialize "" This command serializes the proc <@tt>deepSerialize of the Class <@tt>Serializer.

<@pre class='code'>Serializer methodSerialize Serializer serialize inst This command serializes the instproc <@tt>serialize of the Class <@tt>Serializer.

} return {Script, which can be used to recreate the specified method} } @ Serializer proc exportMethods { list "list of methods of the form 'object proc|instproc methodname'" } { Description { This method can be used to specify methods that should be exported in every <@tt>Serializer all<@/tt>. The rationale behind this is that the serializer does not serialize objects from the ::xotcl:: namespace, which is used for XOTcl internals and volatile objects. It is however often useful to define methods on ::xotcl::Class or ::xotcl::Objects, which should be exported.

Example: <@pre class='code'> Serializer exportMethods { ::xotcl::Object instproc __split_arguments ::xotcl::Object instproc __make_doc ::xotcl::Object instproc ad_proc ::xotcl::Class instproc ad_instproc }<@/pre> } } @ Serializer instproc serialize {entity "Object or Class"} { Description { Serialize the specified object or class. } return {Object or Class with all currently defined methods, variables, invariants, filters and mixins} } ######################################################################################## Class Serializer -parameter {ignoreVarsRE map} namespace export Serializer Serializer proc ignore args { my set skip $args } Serializer instproc ignore args { foreach i $args { my set skip($i) 1 } } Serializer instproc init {} { my ignore [self] if {[[self class] exists skip]} { eval my ignore [[self class] set skip] } } Serializer instproc method-serialize {o m prefix} { my pcmd [my unescaped-method-serialize $o $m $prefix] } Serializer instproc unescaped-method-serialize {o m prefix} { set arglist [list] foreach v [$o info ${prefix}args $m] { if {[$o info ${prefix}default $m $v x]} { lappend arglist [list $v $x] } {lappend arglist $v} } lappend r ${prefix}proc $m \ [concat [$o info ${prefix}nonposargs $m] $arglist] \ [$o info ${prefix}body $m] foreach p {pre post} { if {[$o info ${prefix}$p $m]!=""} {lappend r [$o info ${prefix}$p $m]} } return $r } Serializer instproc pcmd list { foreach a $list { if {[regexp -- {^-[[:alpha:]]} $a]} { set mustEscape 1 break } } if {[info exists mustEscape]} { return "\[list -$list\]" } else { return -$list } } Serializer instproc Object-serialize o { append cmd [list [$o info class] create [$o self] -noinit] " \\\n" foreach i [$o info procs] { append cmd " " [my method-serialize $o $i ""] " \\\n" } foreach i [$o info forward] { set fwd [concat [list forward $i] [$o info forward -definition $i]] append cmd \t [my pcmd $fwd] " \\\n" } set vset {} set nrVars 0 foreach v [$o info vars] { set setcmd [list] if {![my exists ignoreVarsRE] || ![regexp [my set ignoreVarsRE] ${o}::$v]} { if {[$o array exists $v]} { lappend setcmd array set $v [$o array get $v] } else { lappend setcmd set $v [$o set $v] } incr nrVars append cmd \t [my pcmd $setcmd] " \\\n" } } foreach x {mixin invar} { set v [$o info $x] if {[string compare "" $v]} {append cmd [my pcmd [list $x $v]] " \\\n"} } set v [$o info filter -guards] if {[string compare "" $v]} {append cmd [my pcmd [list filter $v]] " \\\n"} return $cmd } Serializer instproc Class-serialize o { set cmd [my Object-serialize $o] set p [$o info parameter] if {[string compare "" $p]} { append cmd " " [my pcmd [list parameter $p]] " \\\n" } foreach i [$o info instprocs] { append cmd " " [my method-serialize $o $i inst] " \\\n" } foreach i [$o info instforward] { set fwd [concat [list instforward $i] [$o info instforward -definition $i]] append cmd \t [my pcmd $fwd] " \\\n" } foreach x {superclass instmixin instinvar} { set v [$o info $x] if {[string compare "" $v] && [string compare "::xotcl::Object" $v]} { append cmd " " [my pcmd [list $x $v]] " \\\n" } } set v [$o info instfilter -guards] if {[string compare "" $v]} {append cmd [my pcmd [list instfilter $v]] " \\\n"} return $cmd\n } Serializer instproc args {o prefix m} { foreach v [$o info ${prefix}args $m] { if {[$o info ${prefix}default $m $v x]} { lappend arglist [list $v $x] } { lappend arglist $v } } return $arglist } Serializer instproc category c { if {[$c istype ::xotcl::Class]} {return Class} {return Object} } Serializer instproc allChildren o { set set $o foreach c [$o info children] { eval lappend set [my allChildren $c] } return $set } Serializer instproc allInstances C { set set [$C info instances] foreach sc [$C info subclass] { eval lappend set [my allInstances $sc] } return $set } Serializer instproc topoSort {set} { if {[my array exists s]} {my array unset s} if {[my array exists level]} {my array unset level} foreach c $set { if {[string match ::xotcl::* $c] && ![[self class] exists exportObjects($c)]} continue if {[my exists skip($c)]} continue my set s($c) 1 } set stratum 0 while {1} { set set [my array names s] if {[llength $set] == 0} break incr stratum #puts "$stratum set=$set" my set level($stratum) {} foreach c $set { if {[my [my category $c]-needsNothing $c]} { my lappend level($stratum) $c } } if {[string equal "" [my set level($stratum)]]} { my set level($stratum) $set my warn "Cyclic dependency in $set" } foreach i [my set level($stratum)] {my unset s($i)} } } Serializer instproc warn msg { if {[string compare "" [info command ns_log]]} { ns_log Notice $msg } else { puts stderr "!!! Warning: $msg" } } Serializer instproc Class-needsNothing x { if {![my Object-needsNothing $x]} {return 0} if {[my needsOneOf [$x info superclass]]} {return 0} if {[my needsOneOf [$x info instmixin ]]} {return 0} return 1 } Serializer instproc Object-needsNothing x { set p [$x info parent] if {[string compare $p "::"] && [my needsOneOf $p]} {return 0} if {[my needsOneOf [$x info class]]} {return 0} if {[my needsOneOf [$x info mixin ]]} {return 0} return 1 } Serializer instproc needsOneOf list { foreach e $list {if {[my exists s($e)]} {return 1}} return 0 } Serializer instproc serialize {objectOrClass} { string trimright [my [my category $objectOrClass]-serialize $objectOrClass] "\\\n" } Serializer instproc serializeList {list} { my topoSort $list #foreach i [lsort [my array names level]] {puts "$i: [my set level($i)]"} set result "" foreach l [lsort [my array names level]] { foreach i [my set level($l)] { append result [my serialize $i] \n } } foreach e $list { if {[namespace exists $e]} { set namespace($e) 1 set namespace([namespace parent $e]) 1 } } set exports "" set nsdefines "" # delete ::xotcl from the namespace list, if it exists... catch {unset namespace(::xotcl)} foreach ns [array name namespace] { if {![my isobject $ns]} { append nsdefines "namespace eval $ns {}\n" } elseif {[string compare $ns [namespace origin $ns]]} { append nsdefines "namespace eval $ns {}\n" } set exp [namespace eval $ns {namespace export}] if {[string compare "" $exp]} { append exports "namespace eval $ns {namespace export $exp}" \n } } return $nsdefines$result$exports } Serializer instproc deepSerialize o { # assumes $o to be fully qualified my serializeList [my allChildren $o] } Serializer proc exportMethods list { foreach {o p m} $list {my set exportMethods($o,$p,$m) 1} } Serializer proc exportObjects list { foreach o $list {my set exportObjects($o) 1} } Serializer proc all {args} { set s [eval my new -childof [self] -volatile $args] set r [$s serializeList [$s allInstances ::xotcl::Object]] my exportMethods [list ::xotcl::Object proc __exitHandler] foreach k [my array names exportMethods] { foreach {o p m} [split $k ,] break switch $p { proc {set prefix ""} instproc {set prefix inst} } if {[string compare "" [$o info ${prefix}procs $m]]} { if {![info exists methods($o)]} {set methods($o) ""} append methods($o) [$s method-serialize $o $m $prefix] " \\\n " } } foreach o [array names methods] { append r \n "$o configure \\\n " [string trimright $methods($o) "\\\n "] } return $r } Serializer proc methodSerialize {object method prefix} { set s [my new -childof [self] -volatile] concat $object [$s unescaped-method-serialize $object $method $prefix] } Serializer proc deepSerialize args { set s [my new -childof [self] -volatile] set nr [eval $s configure $args] foreach o [lrange $args 0 [incr nr -1]] { append r [$s deepSerialize [$o]] } if {[$s exists map]} {return [string map [$s map] $r]} return $r } } namespace import ${::xotcl::ns}::* Serializer exportObjects ${::xotcl::ns}::Serializer