# -*- Tcl -*- # @package nx # # The <<@glossary nx>> is an object oriented scripting language based # on the Next Scripting Framework (TODO: passende Referenz <<@package # nsf>>). # The Next Scripting Language (NX) is a successor of XOTcl 1 and is # based on 10 years of experience with XOTcl in projects containing # several hundert thousand lines of code. While XOTcl was the first # language designed to provide language support for design patterns, the # focus of the Next Scripting Framework and NX are on combining this # with Language Oriented Programming. In many respects, NX was designed # to ease the learning of the language by novices (by using a more # mainstream terminology, higher orthogonality of the methods, less # predefined methods), to improve maintainability (remove sources of # common errors) and to encourage developer to write better structured # programs (to provide interfaces) especially for large projects, where # many developers are involved. # # NX is implemented as an object-oriented language extension for # <<@Gls tcl>>. The object system model is highly influenced by # <<@glossary clos>>, where classes are certain kind of objects and # objects might have their own properties (variables and methods) not # induced by the classes. The object system of NX is fully dynamic, # all object-class (e.g. instance-of relationship) and class-class # relationships (e.g. superclass relationship) can change at any time # at runtime. This way, object can change classes at runtime, or # objects might obtain different properties, etc. # # The language and object system of NX is implemeted by the package # nx. It defines the basic language entities <<@class ::nx::Object>> # and <<@class ::nx::Class>>, as well as essential language primitives # (in particular, <<@command ::nx::next>> and <<@command # ::nx::current>>). # # @require nsf # @version 1.0.0a # @namespace ::nx ######################################################################## # ::nx::Object ######################################################################## # @class Object # # ::nx::Object is the <<@gls baseclass>> of the object system of the # <<@glossary nx>>. All objects defined in NX are (direct or # indirect) instances of this class. All methods provided by # ::nx::Object are available to all objects (and classes) defined in # NX. ######################################################################## # Attributes of ::nx::Object ######################################################################## # @class.attribute {Object filter} # # Register the specified method(s) as per-object <<@glspl # filter>>. Every filter must be an existing method in the # scope of the object. # @class.attribute {Object mixin} # # Register the specified class(es) as per-object <<@glspl # mixin_class>>. Every mixin must be an existing class. # # @class.attribute {Object noinit} # # Omit object initialization. When this flag is provided, the object # initialization will not call the constructor '''init'''. This is for # example useful when a serialized object is recreated in a previous # state, which would be altered by resetting its variables via # '''init'''. # @class.attribute {Object volatile} # # Create object as volatile. A volatile object is destroyed # automatically, when the current variable scope is left. ######################################################################## # Methods of ::nx::Object ######################################################################## # @class.method {Object alias} # # Define an <<@gls alias>> as per-object method. This method us used # to define a method with the specified name using a pre-existing # implementation, which is provided as the last argument. # # @parameter methodName Name of the new method # @parameter -returns Parameter specification to check the result of # the alias method (e.g. '''integer'''). # @parameter -frame Optional scoping information. If the provided # value is '''object''' then variable references of the # command are created as instance variables. If the value # is '''method''', then a method frame is pushed (the # method can resolve '''self'' or can call '''next'''). # @parameter cmd A reference to an implementation. If the # implementation is a method, the value should be a # <<@gls methodhandle>>, if it is a Tcl command, it should # be a fully qualified name. # @class.method {Object attribute} # # Define a per-object <<@gls attribute>>. For every attribute, a <<@gls # slotobject>> is defined which is per default of the class <<@class # ::nx::Attribute>>. # # @parameter spec Attribute spec. # It can be a list of one or two elements, where the first # element contains the name and optionally parameter options. # If the second element is given, it is the default # for this attribute. # @parameter -class:class,optional The optional class of the attribute, # when the managing slot object should not be of type # '''nx::Attribute'''. # @parameter initblock A Tcl script for the initialization of the # <<@gls slotobject>> of the attribute. # @class.method {Object class} # # Sets or retrieves the <<@gls class>> of an object. When '''class''' # is called without its optional argument, it returns the current # class of the object, otherwise it sets it. An introspective # alternative for obtaining the class of an object is <<@class.method # {Object "info class"}>>. # # @parameter className:optional # @return <<@gls class>> of the object ######################################################################## # ::nx::Class ######################################################################## # @class Class # # ::nx::Class is the <<@gls basemetaclass>> of the object system of # <<@glossary nx>>. All application classes are created as (direct or # indirect) instances of this class using e.g. its '''create''' # method: # # ''' # ::nx::Class create Person { # \# .... # } # ''' # @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::class::nx::Object ######################################################################## # Attributes of ::nx::Class ######################################################################## # @class.attribute {Class filter} # # Register the specified method(s) as per-class <<@glspl # filter>>. Every filter must be an existing method in the # scope of the object. # @class.attribute {Class mixin} # # Register the specified class(es) as per-class <<@glspl # mixin_class>>. Every mixin must be an existing class. # @class.attribute {Class object-filter} # # Register the specified method(s) as per-object <<@glspl # filter>> for the class. # @class.attribute {Class object-mixin} # # Register the specified class(es) as per-object <<@glspl # mixin_class>> for the class. # @class.attribute {Class superclass} # # Set the superclass(es) for this class. The argument might contain a # list of classes to specify multiple inheritance. The order of the # superclasses is significant. ######################################################################## # Methods of ::nx::Class ######################################################################## # @class.hook {Class alloc} # # Creates an uninitialized object. The method '''alloc''' is used by # <<@class.method "::nx::Class create">> to allocate an object and to # invoke <<@class.method "::nx::Object configure">> and '''init''' in # subsequent steps to fully initialize the object. Only in rare # situations, an application developer may consider bypassing the # overall '''create''' mechanism to create uninitialized objects. # # @parameter objectName The designated object identifier assigned to the # object storage to be allocated. # @return The name of the allocated, uninitialized object # @class.method {Class create} # # Provides for creating application-level classes and objects. If # the method receiver is a <<@gls metaclass>>, a <<@gls class>> will be # created. Otherwise, '''create''' yields an object. '''create''' # is responsible a multi-phase object creation scheme. This # creation scheme involves three major steps: # ''' # [Object create anObject] (1) # ---------------. .--------------. # -------------->|Class->create()|-->|Class->alloc()| # `---------------' `--------------' # | | (2) .-------------------. # | .----->|Object->configure()| # | `-------------------' # | (3) .------. # .........>|init()| # `------' # ''' # (1) A call to <<@class.method "::nx::Class alloc">> to create a raw, # uninitalized object. # # (2) The newly allocated object receives a method call upon # <<@class.method "::nx::Object configure">>. This will establish the # object's initial state, by applying <<@gls objparam>> values # provided at object creation time and default values defined at # object definition time. # # (3) Finally, '''create''' emits a call to the initialization method # '''init''', if available. An '''init''' method can be defined by a # class on behalf of its objects, to lay out class-specific # initialisation behaviour. Alternatively, each single object may # define an '''init''' method on its own. # # By overloading the method in a <<@gls metaclass>>, you can refine or # replace this default object creation scheme (e.g., for applying # application-specific naming schemes). # # For creating an object or a class, you must name '''create''' # explicitly, i.e.: # ''' # ::nx::Object create anObject # ::nx::Class create AClass # ::nx::Class AnotherClass; # This fails: "Method 'AnotherClass' unknown for ::nx::Class." # ''' # Note that this method is also invoked internally when executing # <<@class.method {Class new}>>. # # @parameter name The designated identifier on the class or the object to be created. # @parameter args arguments to be passed down to the object creation # procedure used to initialize the object. # @return The name of the created, fully initialized object. # @class.hook {Class dealloc} # # Marks objects for physical deletion in memory. Beware the fact # that calling '''dealloc''' does not necessarily cause the object # to be deleted immediately. Depending on the lifecycle of the the # object's environment (e.g., the '''interp''', the containing # namespace) and on call references down the callstack, the actual # memory freeing operation may occur time-shifted (that is, # later). While '''dealloc''' itself cannot be redefined for # '''::nx::Class''', you may consider refining it in a subclass or # <<@gls mixincls>> for customizing the destruction process. # # @parameter object The name of the object to be scheduled for deletion. # @class.hook {Class recreate} # # This method is called upon recreating an object. Recreation is the # scheme for resolving object naming conflicts in the dynamic and # scripted programming environment of "Next": An object or class is # created while an object or class with an identical object identifier # already exists. The method '''recreate''' performs standard object # initialization, per default, after re-setting the state and # relationships of the object under recreation. # ''' # Object create Bar # \# ... # Object create Bar; # calls Object->recreate(::Bar, ...) # ''' # By refining '''recreate''' in an application-level subclass or mixin # class, you can intercept the recreation process. In the pre-part the # refined '''recreate''' method, the recreated object has its old # state, after calling <<@command ::nx::next>> it is cleaned up. # # If the name conflict occurs between an existing class and a newly # created object (or vice versa), '''recreate''' is not # performed. Rather, a sequence of <<@class.method "::nx::Object # destroy">> and <<@class.method "::nx::Class create">> is triggered: # ''' # Object create Bar # \# ... # Class create Bar; # calls Bar->destroy() + Class->create(::Bar, ...) # ''' # # @syshook # @parameter name The name (identifier) of the object under recreation # @parameter args Arbitrary vector of arguments # @return The name of the recreated object # @class.hook {Object residualargs} # # The implementation of the abstracted '''residualargs''' hook called # from within the '''interp''' when executing <<@class.method {Object # configure}>>. It allows for selectively processing the remainder of # the object argument vector, to be forwarded to the constructor # <<@class.method {Object init}>>. # # @parameter args # @class.method {Object cleanup} # # The <<@acr nx>>-specific implementation of the abstracted # '''cleanup''' hook. The hook implementation is called from within # the '''interp''' upon recreating an Object using <<@class.method # {Class recreate}>>. It effectively resets the object state (e.g., by # clearing the object variables, by deleting the per-object namespace, # etc.) # # @syshook # @class.hook {Object unknown} # # A hook implementation of the abstracted '''unknown''' hook, called # from within the '''interp''' when the method argument could not # be resolved to a callable method receiver on the given object. # # @parameter m Indicates the unresolvable method name # @parameter args Contains the remainder of the original # argument vector of the indirected method # invocation # @command next # # @use ::nsf::next # @command current # # @use ::nsf::current # @class.hook {Object configure} # # This method participates in the object creation process. It is # automatically invoked after having produced a new object by # <<@class.method "::nx::Class create">>. Upon its invocation, the # variable argument vector '''args''' contains a list of parameters # and parameter values passed in from the call site of object # creation. They are matched against an <<@gls objparam>> # definition. This definition, and so the actual method parameter # definition of this method, is assembled from configuration values of # the classes along the precedence order (see also <<@class.method # "::nx::Object objectparameter">>). The method '''configure''' # can be called at arbitrary times to "re-set" an object. # # @parameter args The variable argument vector stores the object # parameters and their values # @class.hook {Object defaultmethod} # # An abstracted hook method which is invoked upon calls to an object # without providing a method name to identify the receiver. In <<@gls # nx>>, the defaultmethod hook implementation returns the object name, # i.e., the result of <<@command self>>. # ''' # Object create ::foo # ::foo defaultmethod; # returns '::foo' # ::foo; # returns '::foo' # ''' # This hook is a versatile extension mechanism to alter the standalone # use of Tcl commands representing objects. # @class.hook {Object init} # # An abstracted hook method which participates in the object creation # process controlled by <<@class.method {Class create}>>. It is # invoked as the last step during object creation upon the newly # created object to provide an intial state. It resembles the notion # of an application-level constructor. The hook is meant to be # provided by application developers for initialising their # application classes and objects. # # @parameter args Contains the remainder arguments from the # argument vector passed to <<@class.method # {Class new}>> or <<@class.method {Class # create}>>. See also <<@class.method {Object # residualargs}>> # @class.method {Object destroy} # # The standard shutdown handler for any object which, finally, # commands the physical destruction of the object. The method # '''destroy''' can be refined by subclasses or <<@glspl mixincls>> to # add additional (class-specific) shutdown behaviour. Note that, in # most cases, the class-specific '''destroy''' methods are expected to # call <<@command ::nx::next>> to ascertain the the physical # destruction is requested. # ''' # nx::Class create Foo { # :method destroy {} { # puts "destroying [self]" # next # } # } # Foo create f1 # f1 destroy # ''' # Technical details: The method <<@class.method "::nx::Object destroy">> # delegates the actual destruction to <<@class.method "::nx::Class # dealloc">> which clears the memory object storage. Essentially, the # behaviour could be scripted as: # ''' # Object method destroy {} { # [:info class] dealloc [self] # } # ''' # Note, however, that '''destroy''' is protected against # application-level redefinition. You must refine it in a subclass # or a <<@gls mixin_class>>. # @class.method {Object uplevel} # # This helper allows you to evaluate a script in the context of # another callstack level (i.e., callstack frame). # # @parameter level:optional The starting callstack level (defaults to the # value of '''[current callinglevel]''') # @parameter script:list The script to be evaluated in the targeted # callstack level # @class.method {Object upvar} # # This helper allows you to bind a local variable to a variable # residing at a different callstack level (frame). # # @parameter level:optional The starting callstack level (defaults to the # value of '''[current callinglevel]''') # # @parameter sourceVar A variable which should be linked to a ... # @parameter targetVar ... which is a local variable in a method scope # @see ... # @class.method {Object volatile} # # By calling on this method, the object is bound in its lifetime to # the one of the active call site (e.g., the given <<@acr tcl>> proc or method # scope): # ''' # proc foo {} { # info vars; # shows "" # set x [Object create Bar -volatile] # info vars; # shows "x Bar" # } # ''' # Behind the scenes, '''volatile''' registers a C-level variable trace # ('''Tcl_TraceVar()''') on the hiddenly created local variable (e.g., # '''Bar'''), firing upon unset events and deleting the referenced # object ('''Bar'''). That is, once the callframe context of '''foo''' # is left, the local variable '''Bar''' is unset and so the bound # object destruction is triggered. # @class.method {Class new} # # A convenience method to create auto-named objects and <<@glspl # class>>. It is a front-end to <<@class.method "::nx::Class # create">>. For instance: # ''' # set obj [Object new] # set cls [Class new] # ''' # This will provide object identifiers of the form # e.g. '''::nsf::__#0'''. The uniqueness of auto-generated identifiers # is guaranteed for the scope of the current '''interp'''. # # @parameter -childof If provided, the new object is created as a child of # the specified object. # @parameter args The variable arguments passed down to <<@class.method # "::nx::Class create">>. # @class.method {Class method} # # Defines a per-class method, similarly to <<@acr tcl>> specifying # '''procs'''. Optionally, <<@glspl assert>> may be specified by two # additional arguments. Therefore, to specify only post-assertions an # empty pre-assertion list must be given. All assertions are a list of # ordinary <<@Gls tcl>> '''expr''' statements. When '''method''' is called # with an empty argument list and an empty body, the specified method, # if existing, is deleted. # ''' # Class create AClass { # :method foo args {;} # } # # AClass create anInstance # anInstance foo; # invokes "foo" # # AClass method foo {} {}; # deletes "foo" # ''' # # @parameter name The method name # @parameter arguments:list A list specifying non-positional and # positional parameters # @parameter body The script which forms the method body # @parameter preAssertion Optional assertions that must hold before # the proc executes # @parameter postAssertion Optional assertions that must hold after # the proc executes # @class.method {Object method} # # Defines a per-object method, similarly to creating <<@tcl tcl>> # '''procs'''. Optionally, <<@glspl assert>> may be specified by two # additional arguments. Therefore, to specify only post-assertions # an empty pre-assertion list must be given. All assertions are a # list of ordinary <<@acr tcl>> '''expr''' statements. When '''method''' is # called with an empty argument list and an empty body, the # specified method is deleted. # ''' # Object create anObject { # :method foo args {;} # } # anObject foo; # invokes "foo" # # anObject method foo {} {}; # deletes "foo" # ''' # # @parameter name The method name # @parameter arguments:list A list specifying non-positional and # positional parameters # @parameter body The script which forms the method body # @parameter preAssertion Optional assertions that must hold before # the proc executes # @parameter postAssertion Optional assertions that must hold after # the proc executes # @class.method {Object forward} # # Register a special-purpose per-object method (similar to a # '''proc'''), referred to as a <<@gls forwarder>>, for # forward-delegating calls to a callee (a <<@acr tcl>> command, a method owned # by another object). When the <<@gls forwarder>> method is called, # the actual arguments of the invocation are appended to the specified # arguments. Certain manipulations can be applied on the # forward-passed argument vector: # # '''%proc''' substituted by name of the forwarder method # # '''%self''' substitute by name of the object # # '''%1''' substitute by first argument of the invocation # # ''' {%@POS value} ''' substitute the specified value in the # argument list on position POS, where POS can be a positive or # negative integer or end. Positive integers specify the position # from the begin of the list, while negative integer specify the # position from the end. # # ''' {%argclindex LIST} ''' take the nth argument of the specified # list as substitution value, where n is the number of arguments # from the invocation. # # '''%%''' a single percent. # # '''%Tcl-command''' The command to be executed; the result of the # command evaluation is substituted for the placeholding statement. # # Additionally, each argument can be prefixed by the positional prefix # %@POS (note the delimiting space at the end) that can be used to # specify an explicit position. POS can be a positive or negative # integer or the word end. The positional arguments are evaluated from # left to right and should be used in ascending order. # # @parameter name The name of the delegating or forwarder method # @parameter -objscope:optional Causes the target to be evaluated in # the scope of the object. # @parameter -methodprefix Prepends the specified prefix to the second # argument of the invocation. # @parameter -default Is used for default method names (only in # connection with %1) # @parameter -earlybinding Look up the function pointer of the called <<@acr tcl>> # command at definition time of the forwarder rather than at invocation # time. This option should only be used for calling C-implemented # commands, e.g., a <<@Gls cim>>, not scripted ones. # @parameter -verbose Print the substituted command to stderr before # executing # @parameter callee # @parameter args # @class.method {Object move} # # Effectively renames an object. First, the source object is copied # using <<@class.method {Object copy}>>. Second, the source object is # destroyed by invoking <<@class.method {Object destroy}>> on it. This # method is also called when '''rename''' is used on a Tcl command # representing an object. # # @parameter newName The name of the target object # @class.method {Class forward} # # @use class.method {Object forward} # @class.class-object-method {Class __unknown} # # This method is an abstracted hook method which is invoked from # within the language runtime upon resolving unknown classes. A class # is considered "unknown" when no so-named Tcl command is registered # with the current '''interp'''. The method can be replaced by # application-level implementations to realise application-specific # class name resolution and class acquisition schemes. # # @parameter name # @syshook # @class.hook {Class __unknown} # # This method is an abstracted hook method which is invoked from # within the language runtime upon resolving unknown classes. A class # is considered "unknown" when no so-named Tcl command is registered # with the current '''interp'''. The method can be replaced by # application-level implementations to realise application-specific # class name resolution and class acquisition schemes. # # @parameter name # @class.method {Object info} # # Provides introspection on objects. A variety of introspection # options exists. '''info''' is implemented as an <<@gls # ensemble>>. Hence, the introspection options turn into proper # submethods. # # @sub-method callable # @sub-method has # @sub-method filter # @sub-method is Binds all introspection facilities offered by # '''::nsf::is''' to the object, i.e., # the object is automatically folded in # as the first argument passed # to '''::nsf::is''' # @sub-method mixin # @class.method {Object "info callable method"} # # Verifies whether there is a method under a given name available for # invocation upon the object. In case, the introspective call returns # the corresponding <<@gls methodhandle>>. If there is no so-named # method available, an empty string is returned. # @class.method {Object "info callable filter"} # # Search for a method which is currently registered as a filter (in # the invocation scope of the given object). If found, the # corresponding <<@gls methodhandle>> is returned. # @class.method {Object "info children"} # # Computes the list of aggregated (or nested) objects. The resulting # list reports the fully qualified object names. If a <<@gls # namepattern>> was specified, all matching child objects are # returned. Otherwise, all children are reported. # @class.method {Object "info class"} # # Gives the name of the class of the current object. # @class.method {Object "info filter guard"} # # Returns the guards for filter identified by a <<@gls filter>> name # @class.method {Object "info filter methods"} # # Returns a list of methods registered as <<@glspl filter>>. # @class.method {Object "info forward"} # # Provides you with the list of <<@glspl forwarder>> defined for the given # object. # @class.method {Object "info has mixin"} # # Verifies in a boolean test whether the object has the given <<@gls class>> # registered as a <<@gls mixin_class>>. # @class.method {Object "info has namespace"} # # Tells you whether the object has a companion, per-object <<@acr tcl>> # namespace. Note that the results do not necessarily correspond to # those yielded by '''[namespace exists /obj/]'''. # @class.method {Object "info has type"} # # Tests whether the class passed as the argument is a type of the # object, i.e., whether the object is an instance of the given class # or of one of the class's superclasses. # # @parameter class hallo # @parameter class2 helo # @class.method {Object "info methods"} # # Allows you to query the methods (of various kinds) defined on the # object. # @class.method {Object "info mixin guard"} # # Retrieves the <<@glspl guard>> applied to the mixin class # idenitified by the mixin class name # @class.method {Object "info mixin classes"} # # The list of per-object <<@glspl mixin_class>> currently registered for the # object is returned. # @class.method {Object "info parent"} # # Resolves the fully qualified name of the parent object (or "::" if # there is no parent object). # @class.method {Object "info precedence"} # # Presents to you the list of classes the object is inheriting # attributes and methods, ordered according to their <<@gls # precedence>>. # @class.method {Object "info slotobjects"} # # Assembles the list of slot objects which apply the given # object. They are resolved by following the <<@gls class>> <<@gls # precedence>> upward and coercing the lists of slots provided by # these <<@glspl class>>. # @class.method {Object "info vars"} # # Yields a list of variable names created and defined on the object. # @class Slot # # A <<@gls slot>> is a meta-object that manages property changes of # objects. A property is either an attribute or a role taken by an # object in an inter-object relation (e.g., in system slots). The # predefined system slots are '''class''', '''superclass''', # '''mixin''', and '''filter'''. These slots appear as methods of # <<@class ::nx::Object>> or <<@class ::nx::Class>>. The slots # provide a common getter and setter interface. Every multivalued # slot provides e.g. a method '''add''' to append a value to the # list of values, and a method '''delete''' which removes it. # # @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::class::nx::Object # @class ObjectParameterSlot # # ... # # @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::class::nx::Slot # @class.attribute {Slot name:string} # # Name of the <<@gls slot>> which can be used to access the <<@gls # slot>> data from an object # @class.attribute {Slot multivalued} # # Boolean value for specifying single or multiple values (lists) # @class.attribute {Slot required} # # Denotes whether a value must be provided # @class.attribute {Slot default} # # Allows you to define a default value (to be set upon object creation) # @class.attribute {Slot type} # # You may specify a type constraint on the value range to managed by # the <<@gls slot>> # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot name} # # Name of the <<@gls slot>> which can be used to access the <<@gls # slot>> data of an object. It defaults to unqualified name of an # instance. # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot methodname} # # The name of the accessor methods to be registed on behalf of the # <<@gls slot>> object with its domains can vary from the slot name. # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot domain} # # The domain (object or class) of a <<@gls slot>> on which it can be used # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot defaultmethods} # # A list of two elements for specifying which methods are called per # default, when no slot method is explicitly specified in a call. # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot manager} # # The manager object of the <<@gls slot>> (per default, the slot object takes # this role, i.e. '''[self]''') # @class.attribute {ObjectParameterSlot per-object} # # If set to '''true''', the accessor methods are registered with the # domain object scope only. It defaults to '''false'''. # @class.hook {Object objectparameter} # # An abstracted hook method which is primarily used from within the # object creation process, that is, the object configuration step # performed by <<@class.method {Object configure}>>. The actual # implementation of this hook is called to generate the object # parameter definition and so specifies the object parameter # processing for a given object under construction. For instance, the # <<@gls initcmd>> feature in <<@Gls nx>> is implemented this # way. By providing custom hook implementations (by overloading), # developers can define their own object parametrisation scheme. # # @parameter lastparameter Denotes the object parameter to be appended # to the overall object parameter # specification (i.e., at the last # position). # @class.method {Object mixin} # # As a setter, '''mixin''' specifies a list of <<@glspl mixin_class>> to # set. Every mixin must be an existing class. In getter mode, you can # retrieve the list of <<@glspl mixin_class>> active for the given object. As for # introspecting <<@glspl mixin_class>>, consider <<@class.method {Object "info # mixin classes"}>> # # @return :list If called as a getter (without arguments), # '''mixin''' returns the list of current <<@glspl mixin_class>> registered # with the object # @class.method {Object filter} # # In its setter mode, '''filter''' allows you to register methods as # per-object <<@glspl filter>>. Every <<@gls filter>> must be an # existing method in the scope of the object. When acting as a getter, # you can retrieve the list of filter methods active for the given # object. See also <<@class.method {Object "info filter methods"}>>. # # @return :list If called as a getter (without arguments), # '''filter''' returns the list of current filters # registered with the object # @class.method {Class mixin} # # As a setter, '''mixin''' specifies a list of <<@glspl mixin_class>> to # set for the class. Every <<@gls mixin_class>> must be an existing # class. In getter mode, you can retrieve the list of <<@glspl # mixin_class>> active for the given class. # # @return :list If called as a getter (without arguments), '''mixin''' # returns the list of current <<@glspl mixin_class>> registered with the class # @class.method {Class filter} # # In its setter mode, '''filter''' allows you to register methods # as per-class <<@glspl filter>>. Every filter must be an existing method # in the scope of the class. When acting as a getter, you can # retrieve the list of <<@gls filter>> methods active for the given class. # # @return :list If called as a getter (without arguments), # '''filter''' returns the list of current filters # registered with the class # @class Attribute # # Attribute <<@glspl slot>> are used to manage the access, mutation, # and querying of instance variables. One defines attribute slots for # objects and classes usually via the helper method <<@class.method # "::nx::Object attribute">> The following example defines a class # with three attribute slots. The attribute '''salary''' has a default # of '''0''', the attribute '''projects''' has the empty list as # default and is defined as multivalued. # ''' # Class create Person { # :attribute name # :attribute {salary:integer 0} # :attribute {projects:multivalued ""} { # set :incremental true # } # } # ''' # # @parameter incremental A boolean value, only useful for multivalued # slots. When set, one can add/delete incrementally values to the # multivalued set (e.g., through an incremental '''add''') # @parameter valuecmd A <<@acr tcl>> command to be executed whenever the managed # object variable is read # @parameter valuechangedcmd A <<@acr tcl>> command to be executed whenever the # value of the managed object variable changes # @parameter arg # @superclass ::nx::doc::entities::class::nx::ObjectParameterSlot # @glossary tcl # # @acronym Tcl # @pretty_name Tool Command Language # @glossary clos # # @pretty_name Common Lisp Object System # @acronym CLOS # @glossary flavors # # @pretty_name Flavors # @glossary nx # # The Next Scripting Language (NX) is one of the languages hosted by # and implemented on top of the Next Scripting Framework (NSF). # # @pretty_name Next Scripting Language # @acronym NX # @glossary objtype # # The type of an object is given by its signature interface. While <<@acr tcl>> # and so NSF object systems are mono-typed (i.e., everything has a # string representation to the interpreter), object-types are lately # checked and verified (e.g., upon method lookup). # # @pretty_name Object-type # @pretty_plural Object-types # @glossary objparam # # @pretty_name Object parameter # @pretty_plural Object parameters # @glossary ensemble # # An ensemble is an auxiliary object which acts as a single method of # another object. The ensemble's per-object methods (the so-called # ensemble methods), however, so appear as submethods of this # top-level method. This ressembles the ideas of subcommands and # namespace ensembles in <<@acr tcl>>. When sending a message to an # object, methods are identified as message receivers by name. This # name can be simple (i.e., a single <<@acr tcl>> word) or composite # (i.e., multiple <<@acr tcl>> words) in the case of # submethods. Submethods are identified by their composite method # names. # # @pretty_name Ensemble # @pretty_plural Ensembles # @glossary namepattern # # @pretty_name Name pattern # @pretty_plural Name patterns # @glossary guard # # A guard acts as ... # # @pretty_name Guard # @pretty_plural Guards # @glossary precedence # # ... # # @pretty_name Precedence order # @pretty_plural Precedence orders # @glossary slot # # ... # # @pretty_name Slot # @pretty_plural Slots # @glossary cim # # In Tcl/XOTcl/NSF, methods can either be scripted or implemented as a # C language extension ... # # @acronym CIM # @pretty_name C-implemented method # @pretty_plural C-implemented methods # @glossary initcmd # # ... # # @acronym initcmd # @pretty_name object initialisation script # @pretty_plural object initialisation scripts # @object configure